Welcome to my shop!!
I have taught in an inner London school for 6 years and been Head of Department for the last 3.
I not only produce science specific resources but also cross-curricular projects and science literacy resources.
I hope you find something useful and your students enjoy the activities!
Welcome to my shop!!
I have taught in an inner London school for 6 years and been Head of Department for the last 3.
I not only produce science specific resources but also cross-curricular projects and science literacy resources.
I hope you find something useful and your students enjoy the activities!
A 57 mark assessment covering rates, orders and equilibrium from module 5 (OCR A level Chemistry)
The self assessment sheet breaks down each question by topic so students can quickly see which topics they are confident in and which topics require further work.
I use the self-assessments in a similar way to PLCs and ask the students to keep them in their notes to refer to as a starting point for revision
A quick activity that could start revision or be used from the start of the year to allow students to quickly monitor their progress.
I set students different topics as part of their independent work and have reference copies of the mark schemes in my lab for them to use once they have completed the questions
It is a good way to monitor and motivate independent work as well as remind students of the volume of content they need to know for their final exams.
A challenging 71 mark assessment covering the first part of module 5
The self assessment sheet breaks down each question by topic so students can quickly see which topics they are confident in and which topics require further work.
I use the self-assessments in a similar way to PLCs and ask the students to keep them in their notes to refer to as a starting point for revision
A lesson teaching students an exam technique using different coloured pens to help them build their confidence when answering long questions in exams.
Starter - Quick MCQs to get their brains in gear with a self-assessment
Main - A selection of long answer questions across the spec and an accompanying PP to explain the technique - this can be peer of self-assessed
Extension - application questions - I photocopied the extension questions from the Oxford textbook (there are loads of great questions in there)
Plenary - sharing their application question to help other students make links within the content (support for the unified paper)
3 activities to help students consolidate their understanding of chemical bonding (full instructions given within resource)
Activity 1: Command word activity
Activity 2: Literacy task
Activity 3: Summary and application task
Extension/higher: Students can extend their understanding to inter molecular forces and properties of each type of bonding
A great way to get the key points into students notes whilst also demanding explanations using their understanding.
Suitable for KS3, KS4 (new spec GCSE combined science and Chemistry)
Also suitable for a revision activity at the start of A Level Chemistry
A selection of activities covering the first chapter of the new AQA GCSE Chemistry/Combined science - Atomic structure and the periodic table
Activity 1: Quiz
Activity 2: Card sorts x 4
Activity 3: Treasure hunt questions x 4
Designed to revise the topic.
Detailed instructions give variations for each activity to allow them to be done in different formats and differentiate to suit your class
An A4 page covering the main maths skills required for GCSE Chemistry/Combined science (Chemistry)
Print out in colour/b&w and laminate to use in class or provide each student with a copy to stick in the front of their books for reference
25 key terms and definitions included in a printer friendly crossword
Covers key terms from the new GCSE specification
Answers included
Great for a plenary/ homework or revision activity
Science in the News
Suitable for all ages including high level primary students
Dictionaries may be needed to support students
Aims of resource:
• To encourage more non-fiction reading
• To extend vocabulary
• To be more confident in using scientific terminology in everyday life
• To learn about current affairs
• To encourage discussion
An activity that could be used regularly or as a stand alone lesson.
A selection of activities using word banks to increase students vocabulary and confidence in using scientific terms.
The word banks are great for creative writing and sentence structure. They can also be used as part of a forest school activity in an outdoor classroom or as a homework to encourage students to go outside and discover nature and science around them.
The terms range in difficulty to allow the resource to be used for all ages and abilities
The resource can be used in class or at home and can be used for short snappy activities e.g. spelling tests or for more extensive projects
The activity is aimed at GCSE and A level students but could be used to extend KS3 students with high reading ages.
High level science involves learning an additional language as well as understanding the concepts and a lot of the words are very similar due to the root of their formation. This activity helps students to understand where the words come from so when they come across new terms, they may be able to use this knowledge to understand part or all of the term.
It is a technique used in university study to help students, in particular medics to help them remember all the new terminology
Provide each student with a hard copy of the morpheme table or display it on your WB.
Students use the table to try and determine the meaning of the scientific words
Go through the words in turn and students can mark their work/peer assess ensuring that they write the correct definition in their table if they were unable to work it out.
I have included answers - they are not necessarily formal definitions as I wanted to try and keep the link to the morphemes.
Can be used at the start of the year as a lesson in the library or as a homework to encourage students and parents to use their local library.
The activity is made up of a series of questions which the students can find the answers to all over the library or from the librarian. It should encourage them to explore the facilities available and allow them to feel confident using the library.
The task is independent and students can keep the booklet once complete for reference
Both files have the same content, the only difference is that the booklet should print as a booklet if you select double sided when printing.
A Power Point with instructions for a poster competition based on science and our community/nation
Could be used as a whole school activity or just for your class
Encourages cross curricular links and creativity
A fun way to end the term or to accompany your science week plans
Transform your Science department into Hogwarts for a week and have lessons full of wizarding fun and excitement whilst also extending students scientific understanding.
Resources include:
1 - Poster - To advertise your week
2 - Vision and plan - An overview of how we organised our week with suggested activities and ways to involve all year groups
3 - Letter of acceptance - We gave one to each tutor group in preparation for the week and also printed loads out to come flying out of our homemade chimney (see photos)
4 - Schedule template - The schedule shows how we organised the weeks and also has the jobs for people to volunteer for in order to prepare resources and decorations for the week
5 - Instructions for elephants toothpaste (part of potions)
6 - Assignments - Print out double sided and hand out to students as part of a week long quiz, we put together certificates for students who completed each quiz and the aim was to complete all the quizzes by the end of the week and earn a certificate in each wizarding discipline (herbology, potions, transfiguration, charms and divination) - a good literacy activity to add tot he week
7 - Instructions for flame tests (part of potions)
8 - A selection of photos from our week for inspiration
In addition our entire department dressed up as characters from the books for the whole week
We had Harry Potter themed awards for budding scientists and for those who really stood out we organised a trip with the English department to The Harry Potter Experience to learn about the making of the films.
All in all it is a great week and a lot of fun, plus everybody loves Harry Potter!
A quick quiz for tutor time or a homework.
Could also be used at the start of the school year to get students brains thinking about science after the holidays
Suitable for KS3 and KS4
Students learn about why penguins huddle together and then design an investigation to see the effect of huddling on energy loss
Skills covered:
method writing
Risk assessment
Graphical skills
Great fun for KS3 and Ks4
A double lesson covering centre of mass with lots of fun interactive activities and a more detailed investigation.
Group activities, individual challenges, class investigation and application opportunities
There are so many ways to investigate centre of mass, this resource puts some of these ideas in one place and provides instruction and worksheets to support lesson
Additional resources are needed and some preparation time will be required for some activities, however feel free to leave these out as others are more straight forward
A method for making sherbet in the classroom
There is opportunity for design and creativity to design packaging and a name for their sherbet which could be used as a cross curricular opportunity with the DT/Art department or as part of your schools STEM development.
I have included a small section of food hygiene but please ensure all equipment is clean (I borrow equipment from the food tech department)
A bit of fun but also a link to Chemistry in real life and encourages students to think about the reactions happening around them.
Can be used for all ages
To be used at the start of the year or whenever you feel your class need a reminder about how to behave in your classroom.
The resource provides some ideas on classroom rules but essentially encourages the students to come up with their own rules with you in order to share the responsibility.
I use it when I start working with a new class, at the start of each term and refer back to it at any point I feel the students need reminding. Keeping a uniform Power Point keeps consistency.