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Summer Vocabulary Don't Say It! Game
Summer Vocabulary, Don’t Say It! Game Cards (Hard Version)
50 game cards
blank cards to create more game cards (You can print them and let your students create their own game cards.)
The words used in the game cards are:
summer, swim, sea, sun, sunny, beach, sand, sandcastle, picnic, barbecue, vacation, outdoors, June, July, August, Father’s Day, sandals, flip-flops, ice cream, popsicle, camping, sunglasses, watermelon, hot, Frisbee, sunburn, seaside, sunscreen, sunbathe, suntan, humid, shorts, swimsuit, bikini, hat, swimming pool, lemonade, sunflower, strawberry, hammock, daisy, park, kite, bike, peach, fishing, air conditioner, beach volleyball.
You may also be interested in : Summer Vocabulary Taboo Cards (48 cards)
*summer, Taboo, Don’t Say It!, game, cards, fun activities.

Read and Color! Summer Outdoor Activities
Read and Color! Summer Outdoor Activities
A great resource that encourages students to practice their reading skills while having fun coloring the pictures. The descriptions are written in simple language, making it easy for students to understand.
The material offers a range of summer outdoor activities, including swimming, playing volleyball, riding a scooter, sliding on a waterslide, spinning a hula hoop, and more.
-6 pages, 11 outdoor activities-

Summer Outdoor Activities, Multiple-Choice Vocabulary Worksheet
Summer Outdoor Activities, Multiple-Choice Vocabulary Worksheet
Outdoor activities used in the worksheet are:
to swim
to play tennis
to play volleyball
to jump on a trampoline
to skateboard
to go fishing
to ride on a swing
to fly a kite
to slide on a waterslide
to ride a scooter
to spin a hula hoop

Summer Outdoor Activities Flashcards (11 Cards)
Summer Outdoor Activities Flashcards
11 activities:
to swim
to play tennis
to play volleyball
to jump on a trampoline
to skateboard
to go fishing
to ride on a swing
to fly a kite
to slide on a waterslide
to ride a scooter
to spin a hula hoop

Christmas Word Scramble Puzzle
Christmas Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle with the answer key
The words used in the puzzle are:
Christmas, present, candle, pine tree, candy cane, bell, snowflake, gingerbread, ornament, Santa Claus, winter, eggnog, December, mistletoe, treat, decoration, reindeer, sleigh, turkey, stocking.

Christmas Word Search Puzzle
Christmas Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle
43 Christmas-related words to search!
Words used in the puzzle:
angel, bells, candles, candy cane, celebration, chimney, Christmas, cold, cookies, custom, December, decorations, eggnog, elf, family, fireplace, fruitcake, gathering, gift, gingerbread, hat, holiday, holly, Jesus, lights, ornaments, peppermint, pine tree, present, snow, tinsel, reindeer, snowflake, tradition, ribbon, snowman, treats, Santa Claus, star, turkey, sleigh, stockings, winter.

Halloween Word Search Puzzle
Halloween Word Search Puzzle with the answer key
Words and phrases used in the puzzle are:
afraid, autumn, bat, black cat, broom, broomstick, candies, candy corn, cemetery, costume, costume party, creepy, eerie, fangs, fear, fun, ghost, goblin, Halloween, haunted house, lantern, mask, masquerade, monster, mummy, night, October, owl, prank, pumpkin, scarecrow, scary, skeleton, skull, spell, spooky, vampire, werewolf, witch, wizard, zombie.

Ostern Wortsuchrätsel
Ostern Wortsuchrätsel mit dem Lösungsschlüssel
Die Wörter im Rätsel sind:
Auferstehung, Fastenzeit, feiern, Feiertag, Fest, Frühling, Kinder, Ostereier, Osterhase, Ostern, Sonntag, Süßigkeiten, Tradition, Vollmond.

Easter Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle
Easter Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle with the answer key
The words used in the puzzle are:
bunnies, candies, celebrate, decorate, Easter, egg hunt, eggs, festival, flowers, holiday, resurrection, spring, Sunday, tradition.

Das ist meine Familie, Leseverstehen (German / Deutsch)
Das ist meine Familie, Leseverstehen
Ein Lesetext mit Aktivitäten, Familienmitglieder zu üben (mit dem Lösungsschlüssel)
*Familie, Familienmitglieder, DaZ, DaF, Deutsch, German, Wortschatz, Lesen.

Present Simple Daily Routines Worksheet
Present Simple Daily Routines Worksheet
4-page daily routines worksheet with the answer key

Father's Day Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle
Father’s Day Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle with the answer key
The words used in the puzzle are:
advice, brave, dad, daughter, family, father, fatherhood, forgiving, gift, grandfather, guide, hero, jokes, June, knowledgeable, love, loving, motivating, protective, selfless, son, strong, Sunday, supportive, unique, wise.
*ESL, EFL, English, puzzle, word search, vocabulary, fun activity, printable.

Präsens Kartenspiel (UNO Präsens)
Präsens Kartenspiel (German “Präsens” Card Game)
Uno inspired card game, a good activity to improve students’ knowledge of the conjugation of regular verbs in German-Präsens
112 cards:
10x8=80 verb cards: 8 cards for each verb - 2 blue (ich) cards, 2 yellow (wir - sie/Sie) cards, 2 green (du) cards and 2 red (er/sie/es - ihr) cards
(10 verbs: fragen, spielen, malen, heißen, warten, finden, hören, reisen, tanzen, wohnen)
8 skip cards – two cards of each color
8 reverse cards – two cards of each color
8 draw 2 cards – two cards of each color
4 draw 4 cards
4 change colour cards
card game, Uno, German, Deutsch, DAZ, DAF, printable, Präsens, Verben, fun activity.

Schulsachen, Was ist das? / Task Cards
Schulsachen, Was ist das? / Task Cards
15 cards and 15 words: die Farbpalette, die Schere, das Heft, der Spitzer, der Bleistift, die Schultasche, das Buch, der Radiergummi, die Büroklammer, der Pinsel, der Marker, der Globus, das Lineal, der Hefter, das Mäppchen.
*DAZ, DAF, Deutsch, German, Schulsachen, Wortschatz, vocabulary, school supplies, school objects, game, fun activity, ich habe wer hat, printable.

Zahlen (0-100), Ich habe / Wer hat Spiel
Zahlen (0-100), Ich habe / Wer hat Spiel
German numbers game
30 cards with numbers between 0-100
*DAF, DAZ, Deutsch, German, Zahlen, numbers, vocabulary, I have who has, Ich habe wer hat, Spiel, game, Wortschatz, activity, fun, printable.

Kleidung, Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel
Kleidung, Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel
21 cards with 21 clothing-related words: das Hemd, die Boots / die Stiefel, die Handschuhe, die Mütze, der Schal, der Regenschirm, der Pullover, die Turnschuhe / die Sportschuhe, die Socken, die Tasche, die Armbanduhr, der Rock, der Rucksack, die Jogginghose, die Halskette, der Mantel, die Jeans, die Ohrringe, die Jacke, die Brille, das Sweatshirt.
*DAF, DAZ, Deutsch, German, Kleidung, clothing, clothes, vocabulary, I have who has, Ich habe wer hat, Spiel, game, Wortschatz, activity, fun, printable.

Kleidung, Was ist das? - Task Cards
Kleidung, Was ist das? - Task Cards
22 task cards with clothing-related words: das Hemd, die Boots, die Stiefel, die Handschuhe, die Mütze, der Schal, der Regenschirm, der Pullover, die Turnschuhe , die Sportschuhe, die Socken, die Tasche, die Armbanduhr, der Rock, der Rucksack, die Jogginghose, die Halskette, der Mantel, die Jeans, die Ohrringe, die Jacke, die Brille, das Sweatshirt.
*DAZ, DAF, Deutsch, German, task cards, fun, activity, printable, Kleidung, clothing, clothes, game, Spiel.

Berufe, Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel
Berufe, Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel
34 cards with professions-related pictures: Sänger/in, das Mannequin/der Dressman, Maler/in, Bildhauer/in, Keramiker/in, Ingenieur/in, Polizist/in, Arzt/Ärztin, Krankenpfleger/Krankenschwester, Saxofonist/in, Pilot/in, Flugbegleiter/in, Koch/Köchin, Kontrabassist/in, Pilates-Trainer/in, Schneider/in, Tierarzt/Tierärztin, Tennisspieler/in, Kameramann/-frau, Handwerker/in, Lehrer/in, Chemiker/in, Tänzer/in, Gitarrist/in, Geiger/in, Harfenist/in, Dirigent/in, Sekretär/in, Floristin, Apotheker/in, Obst- und Gemüsehändler/in, Metzger/in, Kassierer/in, Fischhändler/in, Kellner/in.
*DAF, DAZ, Deutsch, German, Berufe, professions, occupations, vocabulary, I have who has, Ich habe wer hat, Spiel, game, Wortschatz, activity, fun, printable.

Essen und Trinken, Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel
Essen und Trinken, Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel
26 cards with pictures of food-related vocabulary: der Kaffee, die Pizza, das Ei, die Kirschen, die Birne, der Hamburger, das Croissant, die Trauben, das Brot, die Tomaten, die Brezel, die Milch, der Kopfsalat, der Pilz, die Karotten, die Erbsen, die Ananas, der Apfel, das Eis, der Käse, die Butter, die Zwiebel, die Aubergine, der Kürbis, die Zitrone, die Bananen.
*DAF, DAZ, Deutsch, essen, trinken, Frühstück, Obst, Gemüse, German, vocabulary, food, Spiel, game, printable, activity.

Schulsachen Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel
Schulsachen Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel
15 cards and 15 words: die Farbpalette, die Schere, das Heft, der Spitzer, der Bleistift, die Schultasche, das Buch, der Radiergummi, die Büroklammer, der Pinsel, der Marker, der Globus, das Lineal, der Hefter, das Mäppchen.
*DAZ, DAF, Deutsch, German, Schulsachen, Wortschatz, vocabulary, school supplies, school objects, game, fun activity, ich habe wer hat, printable.