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Kleidung, Was ist das? - Task Cards
Kleidung, Was ist das? - Task Cards
22 task cards with clothing-related words: das Hemd, die Boots, die Stiefel, die Handschuhe, die Mütze, der Schal, der Regenschirm, der Pullover, die Turnschuhe , die Sportschuhe, die Socken, die Tasche, die Armbanduhr, der Rock, der Rucksack, die Jogginghose, die Halskette, der Mantel, die Jeans, die Ohrringe, die Jacke, die Brille, das Sweatshirt.
*DAZ, DAF, Deutsch, German, task cards, fun, activity, printable, Kleidung, clothing, clothes, game, Spiel.
Berufe, Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel
Berufe, Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel
34 cards with professions-related pictures: Sänger/in, das Mannequin/der Dressman, Maler/in, Bildhauer/in, Keramiker/in, Ingenieur/in, Polizist/in, Arzt/Ärztin, Krankenpfleger/Krankenschwester, Saxofonist/in, Pilot/in, Flugbegleiter/in, Koch/Köchin, Kontrabassist/in, Pilates-Trainer/in, Schneider/in, Tierarzt/Tierärztin, Tennisspieler/in, Kameramann/-frau, Handwerker/in, Lehrer/in, Chemiker/in, Tänzer/in, Gitarrist/in, Geiger/in, Harfenist/in, Dirigent/in, Sekretär/in, Floristin, Apotheker/in, Obst- und Gemüsehändler/in, Metzger/in, Kassierer/in, Fischhändler/in, Kellner/in.
*DAF, DAZ, Deutsch, German, Berufe, professions, occupations, vocabulary, I have who has, Ich habe wer hat, Spiel, game, Wortschatz, activity, fun, printable.
Was Were Task Cards
Was Were Task Cards with Answer Sheets
40 task cards
blank task cards for students to create their own cards
answer sheets
a copy in worksheet format
answer key
DAZ/DAF Die Tiere Task Cards (32 cards)
Die Tiere Task Cards
32 task cards with multiple-choice questions with animal names in German
blank cards for students to create their own cards
4 task cards on each page
Adjectives vs Adverbs Task Cards
Adjectives and Adverbs Task Cards
30 task cards
blank task cards for students to create their own cards
answer sheets
a copy in worksheet format
answer key
Professions Flashcards (48 cards)
Professions Flashcards
48 flashcards:
singer, model, photographer, painter, sculptor, potter, engineer, police officer, surgeon, nurse, doctor, pediatrician, saxophonist, makeup artist, pilot, flight attendant, cook, journalist, double bass player, fashion designer, Pilates instructor, tailor, veterinarian, tennis player, nanny, cameraman, politician, repairman, teacher, chemist, dancer, modern dancer, banjo player, guitarist, violinist, harpist, conductor, secretary, florist, pharmacist, greengrocer, butcher, cashier, fisherman, receptionist, bellboy, waiter, waitress
Spring Vocabulary Taboo Cards (36 Cards)
Spring Vocabulary Taboo Cards
36 taboo cards
blank cards to create more Spring taboo cards (You can print them and let your students create their own Spring taboo cards.)
The words used in the taboo cards are:
Spring, Easter, kite, rain, bike, butterfly, grass, bunny, umbrella, rainbow, March, April, May, season, bee, sun, sunny, flower, bloom, blossom, warm, tree, sunshine, raincoat, picnic, park, Spring break, bird, Mother’s Day, green, tulip, daffodil, duck, garden, hiking, April Fool’s Day
Summer Vocabulary Taboo Cards (48 cards)
Summer Vocabulary Taboo Cards
48 taboo cards
blank cards to create more Summer taboo cards (You can print them and let your students create their own Summer taboo cards.)
The words used in the taboo cards are:
Summer, swim, sea, sun, sunny, beach, sand, sandcastle, picnic, barbecue, vacation, outdoors, June, July, August, Father’s Day, sandals, flip-flops, ice cream, popsicle, camping, sunglasses, watermelon, hot, Frisbee, sunburn, seaside, sunscreen, sunbathe, suntan, humid, shorts, swimsuit, bikini, hat, swimming pool, lemonade, sunflower, Independence Day, strawberry, hammock, daisy, park, kite, bike, peach, fishing, hike.
Christmas Taboo Cards (44 Cards)
Christmas Taboo Cards
44 Christmas-related Taboo cards
Blank cards to create more Christmas Taboo cards (You can print them and let your students create their own Christmas Taboo cards.)
Words and phrases used in Taboo cards: Christmas, Santa Claus, Christmas Tree, winter, ornament, present, carol, stocking, eggnog, sleigh, tradition, reindeer, elf, turkey, snow, snowman, Christmas card, chimney, wrap, decoration, tinsel, wreath, peppermint, treats, gingerbread, star, holiday, candle, angel, cookies, dinner, family, bell, holly, snowflake, fireplace, gathering, December, toys, candy cane, Ho Ho Ho, ribbon, pine, mistletoe.
30 Task Cards: Present Simple or Present Continuous
Present Simple or Present Continuous Task Cards
30 task cards
blank task cards for students to create their own cards
answer sheets
a copy in worksheet format
answer key
DAZ/DAF Berufe Bildkarten, 44 Berufe (Professions Flashcards)
Berufe Bildkarten - Professions Flashcards
44 flashcards: Sänger/in, das Mannequin/der Dressman, Fotograf/in, Maler/in, Bildhauer/in, Keramiker/in, Ingenieur/in, Polizist/in, Chirurg/in, Arzt/Ärztin, Krankenpfleger/Krankenschwester, Kinderarzt/Kinderärztin, Saxofonist/in, Pilot/in, Maskenbildner/in, Flugbegleiter/in, Koch/Köchin, Journalist/in, Kontrabassist/in, Modedesigner/in, Pilates-Trainer/in, Schneider/in, Tierarzt/Tierärztin, Tennisspieler/in, Babysitter/in, Kameramann/-frau, Politiker/in, Handwerker/in, Lehrer/in, Chemiker/in, Architekt/in, Tänzer/in, Gitarrist/in, Geiger/in, Harfenist/in, Dirigent/in, Sekretär/in, Floristin, Apotheker/in, Obst- und Gemüsehändler/in, Metzger/in, Kassierer/in, Fischhändler/in, Kellner/in.
*DAZ, DAF, Deutsch, German, Vocabulary, Wortschatz, Berufe, Professions
Detective Stories Vocabulary Activities
Detective Stories Vocabulary Activities
3 pages activities + 3 pages answer key
word-definition matching
word search puzzle
unscrambling letters to form the verbs, gap-filling, matching synonyms
38 words used in the activities are:
alibi, clue, conclusion, cover-up, deduction, detective, hunch, mystery, red herring, sleuth, suspect, undercover, unsolved, witness, analyze, crime, criminal, curiosity, detective, fiction, disappearance, evidence, illegal, interrogate, interview, intuition, investigation, literary, solve, suspicious, disappear, conclude, deduce, intuit, investigate, proof, vanish, enigmatic.
*ESL, EFL, English, activities, printables, worksheet, vocabulary, puzzle, activity, A2+, B1, B2.
Die Tiere, Nominativ, Akkusativ Arbeitsblätter
Die Tiere, Nominativ, Akkusativ Arbeitsblätter (mit dem Lösungsschlüssel)
12 Tiere: der Hund, der Hase, die Katze, die Maus, der Vogel, die Schildkröte, das Pferd, die Kuh, der Elefant, der Löwe, der Eisbär, der Fisch
Mein Körper, Arbeitsblätter
Mein Körper, Arbeitsblätter mit dem Lösungsschlüssel
Die Körperteile: das Bein, der Arm, die Hand, das Knie, die Haare, die Schulter, der Hals, der Kopf, der Bauch, der Finger, die Brust, der Fuß, das Gesicht, die Nase, das Auge, die Augenbraue, der Mund, das Ohr, das Kinn, die Stirn, der Körper.
Halloween Taboo Cards (36 cards)
Halloween Taboo Cards
36 Halloween-related Taboo cards
Blank cards to create more Halloween Taboo cards (You can print them and let your students create their own Halloween Taboo cards.)
Words and phrases used in Taboo Cards: Halloween, pumpkin, October, monster, vampire, ghost, witch, werewolf, skeleton, mummy, scarecrow, spider, candy, zombie, black cat, Trick or Treat, broom, moon, Fall, bat, haunted house, costume, cobweb, tombstone, skull, wizard, wand, fear, mask, Jack O’Lantern, spooky, spell, scary, dead, night, owl.
Das ist meine Familie, Leseverstehen (German / Deutsch)
Das ist meine Familie, Leseverstehen
Ein Lesetext mit Aktivitäten, Familienmitglieder zu üben (mit dem Lösungsschlüssel)
*Familie, Familienmitglieder, DaZ, DaF, Deutsch, German, Wortschatz, Lesen.
Sommer-Wortschatz, Sag es nicht! Spiel
Sommer-Wortschatz, Sag es nicht! Spielkarten
50 Spielkarten
Leere Karten, um weitere Spielkarten zu erstellen (Sie können sie ausdrucken und Ihre Schüler ihre eigenen Spielkarten erstellen lassen.)
Die Wörter, die auf den Spielkarten verwendet werden, sind:
Angeln, August, Badeanzug, Badehose, Beachvolleyball, Bikini, bräunen, Camping, Drachen, Eiscreme, Erdbeere, Fahrrad fahren, feucht, Flip-Flops, Gänseblümchen, Grillparty, Hängematte, heiß, Hut, Juli, Juni, Kirsche, Klimaanlage, Koffer, kurze Hose, Liegestuhl, Limonade, Meer, Pfirsich, Picknick, Reise, Sand, Sandalen, Sandburg, Schwimmbad, schwimmen, Sommer, Sonne, sonnenbaden, Sonnenblume, Sonnenbrand, Sonnenbrille, Sonnencreme, sonnig, Strand, Strandtuch, Urlaub, Vatertag, Wassermelone, Wasserrutsche.
Summer Vocabulary Don't Say It! Game
Summer Vocabulary, Don’t Say It! Game Cards (Hard Version)
50 game cards
blank cards to create more game cards (You can print them and let your students create their own game cards.)
The words used in the game cards are:
summer, swim, sea, sun, sunny, beach, sand, sandcastle, picnic, barbecue, vacation, outdoors, June, July, August, Father’s Day, sandals, flip-flops, ice cream, popsicle, camping, sunglasses, watermelon, hot, Frisbee, sunburn, seaside, sunscreen, sunbathe, suntan, humid, shorts, swimsuit, bikini, hat, swimming pool, lemonade, sunflower, strawberry, hammock, daisy, park, kite, bike, peach, fishing, air conditioner, beach volleyball.
You may also be interested in : Summer Vocabulary Taboo Cards (48 cards)
*summer, Taboo, Don’t Say It!, game, cards, fun activities.
Die Tiere (Stations and Lesson Plan)
Die Tiere (Stations and Lesson Plan)
Target group: students aged 7-9*
(*This lesson plan is suitable for students aged 7-9 who have no prior knowledge of animal names in German.)
Learning Outcomes: Students can recognize and write the 6 animal names.
The animal names are “der Hund, die Katze, die Maus, der Hase, der Vogel, der Fisch.”
The lesson is student-oriented, the students have to be active. The teacher only gives instructions and helps when needed.
Students work in groups. The groups consist of 4 students. Each group completes the 1st station first and then conducts all activities up to the 6th station respectively.
The materials needed for each station should be prepared before class and the classroom should be made suitable for group work at the beginning of class. And each material should be prepared as much as the number of groups to complete the stations.
*DAZ, DAF, Deutsch, german, Tiere, animals, activities, stations, group work.
120 Tenses Task Cards (Alice in Wonderland,2010-Movie)
Tenses Task Cards (Alice in Wonderland,2010-Movie)
120 task cards to review tenses.
All the sentences on the task cards are from the movie Alice in Wonderland (2010).
Present Simple (29 task cards)
Present Continuous (23 task cards)
Present Perfect (27 task cards)
Present Perfect Continuous (5 task cards)
Past Simple (31 task cards)
Past Continuous (3 task cards)
Past Perfect (2 task cards)