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Shamster's Maths Shop

Average Rating4.78
(based on 219 reviews)

Quality Maths Resources at a Great Price ALL THE TIME. You do not have to wait for a sale.




Quality Maths Resources at a Great Price ALL THE TIME. You do not have to wait for a sale.
Negative Numbers (2 Lessons)

Negative Numbers (2 Lessons)

A 39 slide interactive and engaging PowerPoint Presentation, lots of questions, presenting negative numbers from a real life prospective. Questions to assess understanding, misconception and application. 2 Worksheets on Weather and Negative Number Pyramid. Very Visual and Interactive PowerPoint. Enough for minimum of 2 Lessons about 100 Minutes worth of resources.
Multiplication - Chinese Multiplication

Multiplication - Chinese Multiplication

Explores Traditional Multiplication Methods. Then explores Chinese Multiplication / Gelosia Methods. 2 Power Points: Power Point 1 Concentrates on various methods. Power Point 2 Concentrates on Chinese Multiplication Method / Gelosia. With Questions and Answers, Power Point Animation used to show how answers are worked out and for students to understand the order of steps.
Box Plot Bundle

Box Plot Bundle

3 Resources
The ALL Box Plot Bundle. Great for whole lesson or quick fire revision. Contains FANTASTIC ANIMATED TOOLS. Box Plot TOOLS and Animations showing students how to draw and then compare Box Plots. Includes Box plots from Stem and Leaf and Cumulative Frequency Diagrams. Worksheets with answers included.
Indices Fun Maths Activities Bundle

Indices Fun Maths Activities Bundle

3 Resources
This Great bundles foci is to give you different, great ways to teach , consolidate Simplifying Expressions, Laws of Indices, Sequences and Nth Term. All comes with answers. 1) Expressions Magic Square - a different way to teach simplifying expressions. 2) Hexagon Puzzle - A puzzle for simplifying indices, a different type of a starter. 3) Nth Term Word Search - nth term finding the sequence - again a different way approach.


Fantastic resource for KS2 Maths SATS Preparation. Arithmetic Paper 1. Great for Revision. This resource contains one paper that can be printed and be sat by students (36 Questions, 40 marks). Questions are similar to 2016 Paper and Sample Paper from 2015. The resource also has an organised power point presentation with all 36 questions and ANSWERS included. This will allow you to go through answers after they sit the paper. The BEST part about this resource is that there is an EDITABLE presentation which you can edit and create your own paper by changing the questions. Please leave a review and if popular, I will produce a Paper 2 and 3 for Reasoning.


3 Resources
This Bundle Contains: 1) BIDMAS & Indices (7 Lessons) - 2 Smart Notebook Files on BIDMAS & Indices. 2) BIDMAS (3 Lessons) - 4 Power Points and 2 Worksheets. 3) Powers of 10 and Standard Form (3 Lessons) - 2 Power Points and 2 Worksheets. For in depth details please see the Individual Item by clicking on each resource. THIS IS A COMBINED BUNDLE AND IS A BARGAIN WHAT EVER YOU PREFER - Smart Notebook OR Microsoft PowerPoint.
Division (2 Lessons)

Division (2 Lessons)

Very engaging and interactive lessons. This contains 1 PowerPoint. PowerPoint 1 - Lesson on Place Values. 40 colourful interactive slides. Lots of questions to assess understanding and check for misconception. Discussion points to make students understand and master the topic. Links made to real life. Check’s if students actually understand the meaning of Division. Math or Maths or Mathematics Tasks included in the PowerPoint which can be printed. Worksheets - 2 Worksheets based on problem solving and division. Differentiated so one worksheet looks at dividing by single digit and the other by 2 digits. Enough for minimum of 2 Lesson about 100 Minutes worth of resources
Multiplication and Division Word Problems (2 Lessons)

Multiplication and Division Word Problems (2 Lessons)

Multiplication and Division Word Problems (2 Lessons) Using Bar Modelling. This contains 1 PowerPoint. PowerPoint 1 - Lesson on Multiplication and Division Problems. 40 colourful interactive slides. Lots of questions to assess understanding and check for misconception. Discussion points to make students understand and master the topic. Links made to real life. Concentrating on Bar Modelling Method. Tasks included in the PowerPoint which can be printed. Worksheets - 3 Worksheets based on Step by Step Bar Modelling, Igbo Starter, Multiplication Word Problems. Enough for minimum of 2 Lesson about 100 Minutes worth of resources
Number System - Ancient Number Systems (2 Lessons)

Number System - Ancient Number Systems (2 Lessons)

This contains 1 PowerPoint. PowerPoint 1 - Lesson on Ancient Number Systems. 29 colourful interactive slides. Lots of questions to assess understanding and check for misconception. Discussion points to make students understand and master the topic. Links made to real life. Tasks included in the PowerPoint which can be printed. Worksheets - 1 Worksheet based on Egyptian Number System. Enough for minimum of 2 Lesson about 100 Minutes worth of resources
Numbers (Place Value, Decimal, Negative Number) Bundle (8 Lessons)

Numbers (Place Value, Decimal, Negative Number) Bundle (8 Lessons)

3 Resources
Special Price LIMITED TIME OFFER ONLY. This Bundle Contains: Ancient Number System (2 Lessons) - 1 Power Point and 1 Worksheet. Decimal Places and Place Values (4 Lessons) - 2 Power Points and 3 Worksheets. Negative Numbers (2 Lessons) - 1 Power Point and 2 Worksheets. For in depth details please see the Individual Item by clicking on each resource. Guaranteed you will not be disappointed. Great for revision or whole lessons.
Compound Shapes Bundle

Compound Shapes Bundle

3 Resources
This Bundle Includes Basic Introduction to Area and then differentiated lessons on Compound Shapes. For more details please check individually. I guarantee you will not be disappointed with the resources. Tried and tested, written by an Outstanding Practitioner who is a specialist in Mathematical Mastery Programmes.
Number (Add, Subtract, Divide and Multiply) Bundle (10 Lessons)

Number (Add, Subtract, Divide and Multiply) Bundle (10 Lessons)

5 Resources
SPECIAL PRICE.LIMITED TIME OFFER ONLY. This Bundle Contains: Add and Subtract (2 Lessons) - 4 Power Points. Addition and Subtraction word Problems (2 Lessons) - 1 Power Point and 2 Worksheets. Division (2 Lessons) - 1 Power Point and 2 Worksheets. Multiplication (2 Lessons) - 1 Power Point. Multiplication and Division Word Problems (2 Lessons) - 1 Power Point and 3 Worksheets. For in depth details please see the Individual Item by clicking on each resource. Great for Revision or Whole Lessons lots of questions with answers.
Addition Subtraction Bundle (6 Lessons)

Addition Subtraction Bundle (6 Lessons)

4 Resources
£20 worth of resources for a bargain price. LIMITED TIME OFFER ONLY. Very engaging and interactive lessons. This bundle contains 6 lessons on Addition and Subtraction. Word Problems included. Each resource contains a PowerPoint filled with questions and answers testing for understanding and misconceptions. Colourful interactive slides. Differentiated Questions Included. PLEASE look at the resource individually to preview what is exactly included. You will not be disappointed, I guarantee you. 6 Lessons worth of resources, 300 minutes. Plus Bonus 2 Lessons on Ancient Number Systems. Great for revision or whole lessons.
Addition Subtraction (2 Lessons)

Addition Subtraction (2 Lessons)

Very interactive and engaging lesson on addition and subtraction. 4 Power Points aimed at Addition and Subtraction. 1 is aimed at the relatively more able. 1 is aimed at the middle tier. 2 PowerPoints are aimed at the lower end, broken down a more for better accessibility. Very Visual Tasks to be completed, can be printed from the power point if need be. Mini White board Assessment Questions. Looking at Roman Numerals. Looking at Adding and Subtracting using other number systems from around the world. 2 Lessons worth of resources, about 100 minutes.
Statistics Bundle

Statistics Bundle

9 Resources
Limited time only this special price for over £30 pounds worth of resources a SPECIAL PRICE. The Great ALL Statistics Bundle filled with worksheets and answers, lesson presentation engaging and interactive. Great for whole lesson or quick fire revision. 11 Resources, Over 15 Lessons worth of resources. Contains GREAT Animated Graphics / tools to make that teaching easier. Ideal for revision or for whole lessons, very well planned and in detail so ideal for either mode. Data Handling Lessons. Enjoy! Ideal for GCSE 9-1 exam practice Ideal for GCSE revision
Trigonometry Pythagoras Bundle

Trigonometry Pythagoras Bundle

2 Resources
The ALL Pythagoras and Trigonometry Revision. This amazing resource contains Pythagoras and Trigonometry Resources. Great for whole lesson or quick fire revision lots of questions with in depth solutions. - Pythagoras Tools including 3D Pythagoras. - Trigonometry SOH CAH, in depth explanation with questions and answers. - Advanced Trigonometry. Math or Maths or Mathematics
Shape Space Bundle

Shape Space Bundle

4 Resources
Over £25 pounds resources at a crazy price. SPECIAL PRICE TODAY ONLY! This contains 12 resources, the resources are mainly some of best animated graphics you would have seen for these topics. The animations allow you to take control and ensure students understand. Example the Pythagoras tool has a 3D Pythagoras animation which shows where the right angle triangle is located using colour. These at the moment are at a special discounted price, they will not remain at this price for very long. 1. Pythagoras Great Animation TOOL to assist you teaching Pythagoras. 2. Plans and Elevation Animation TOOL to assist you teaching Plans and Elevation. 3. Surface Area Animation Tool to assist you teaching Surface Area. 4. Reading the Clock Digital and Analogue TOOL. 5. Trigonometry 6. Advanced Trigonometry 7. Construction Tools 8. Symmetry Tools Ideal for GCSE 9-1 exam practice Ideal for GCSE revision


Ratio Exam Questions 20 Exam Questions on Ratio. Contains answers for each question. Perfect for the more demanding curriculum. Great for whole lesson or quick fire revision as it well planned and in detail. The Lesson has been written by an Outstanding Teacher/Leader from Outstanding School, specialist in Mathematical Mastery. Ideal for GCSE 9-1 exam practice Ideal for GCSE revision