Personal, social and health education
Black History Month - origins, hidden figures and reflection
3 presentations for tutor times, with some activities aimed at prompting discussions and reflexion. One is focused on the origins and the importance of Black History Month and the other one on the forgotten figures in the professional field. The last one is a reflective activity on why we need to celebrate BHM with a video from the UK Parliament and thinking activities.
Black History Month
Lessons (can be used for either full lessons or tutor time activities) on the topic of Black History Month, exploring different angles such as racism in football, how it feels being part of a minority, hidden figures in our history and work, origins of the celebrations.
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Black History Month
Range of resources for full lessons or tutor time to reflect on the issues brought up during Black History Month with a series of interactive resources such as questions for debate, videos and real stories to have students debate around a variety of topics.
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LGBT History Month - Assembly
LGBT History Month assembly. Focus on LGBT history in the 20th and 21st century and the importance of having symbols to gather around such as the rainbow flag or even the pink triangle. It also deals with current challenges in some countries such as Russia or the Chechen Republic.
LGBT History Month 2021 - lesson/assembly
Content designed for PSHE lessons or whole-school assembly. It focuses on why we celebrate LGBT History Month, terminology, the History of LGBT in the UK, Biden’s first act for the LGBT community and Spain’s first LGBT retirement home (first in the world)
World Earth Day assembly/lesson
Introduction to World Earth Day and conversation prompted by The Guardian’s article: Avoiding meat and dairy is ‘single biggest way’ to reduce your impact on Earth.
Holocaust Memorial Day 2023 - January 27th
On 27 January 2023, Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) is observed in 46 countries, including the UK. I have put together the following resource for PSHE - it can take 30 to 60 minutes. Be mindful that the main video is 21 minutes long. I have added other tasks including extension tasks.
For reference, most resources are taken from THE HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY TRUST’s website that works with the UK Parliament.