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Booklet with written information and parts for students to complete.
16 pages covering the whole topic
Changing family patterns
Lesson PowerPoints, worksheets, activities, exam practice, homework and a booklet for students to complete which covers the whole topic
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A-Level Sociology Lesson PowerPoints, worksheets, exam practice, progress check questions and a booklet to cover the whole topic
If you would like to buy individual lessons or worksheets, please contact me
(Leave a review for a free model answer to an essay question)
Lessons PowerPoints, work-sheets, exam questions, progress check questions and booklet for the whole topic
If you would like to buy individual lessons or worksheets, please contact me
Model answers for GCSE criminal psychology
(OCR)- some answers have more detail than needed-feel free to cut out
Outline the social learning theory (4 marks)
Evaluate the social learning theory (2 marks)
Outline Cooper and Mackie’s study (4 marks)
Evaluate Cooper and Mackie’s study (2 marks)
Outline Eysenck’s theory of personality and criminal behaviour (4 marks)
Evaluate Eysenck’s theory of personality and criminal behaviour (2 marks)
Outline Heaven’s study (4 marks)
Evaluate Heaven’s study (2 marks)