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Sonríe in Spanish

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A variety of original MFL resources for all ages and levels You can find full lessons, single activities, games, plenaries, etc. Find us on Instagram!




A variety of original MFL resources for all ages and levels You can find full lessons, single activities, games, plenaries, etc. Find us on Instagram!
¿Cuántas personas hay en tu familia? Family, age and verb tener. Spanish KS3. Answers included

¿Cuántas personas hay en tu familia? Family, age and verb tener. Spanish KS3. Answers included

A worksheet based around Unit 1 ‘¿Cuántas personas hay en tu familia?’ from Viva 1’s Module 4 ‘Mi familia y mis amigos’. A worksheet designed to teach or reinforce the vocabulary on extended familiy members, numbers up to 100 and the verb ‘tener’ to express age. With this resource students will practise translation and reading as well as numeracy skills. Answers are provided which makes this material perfect for independent learning and self-correction both in school and at home. Una ficha diseñada para enseñar o reforzar el vocabulario sobre la familia, los números hasta el 100 y el verbo “tener” para hablar sobre la edad. Con este recurso los estudiantes practicarán la traducción y la lectura. Las soluciones están incluidas, lo que hace que este material sea perfecto para el autoaprendizaje, tanto en casa como en el centro de enseñanza.
Ciudades: destino vacaciones. Three tenses. Spanish GCSE local area. Worksheet + answers

Ciudades: destino vacaciones. Three tenses. Spanish GCSE local area. Worksheet + answers

A worksheet based on Viva GCSE’s unit 5 (Destino Arequipa) from module 5 ‘Ciudades’. Students will learn/review how to form the past, present and future tenses for the ‘I’ form. It also includes key impersonal verbs like ‘haber’ in those tenses. They will develop their grammatical and lexical understanding through reading, translation and writing. Since answers are included too, this material is great for independent work both at home and at school. Esta ficha incluye un abanico de actividades para introducir/consolidar vocabulario y gramática para que tus alumnos puedan hablar sobre las vacaciones en el pasado, presente y futuro. También incluye verbos impersonales como ‘haber’ en esos tiempos verbales. Los estudiantes pondrán en práctica sus competencias gramatical y léxica a través de la lectura, la traducción y la escritura. Puesto que las soluciones están incluidas, este material es genial para trabajar de forma independiente, tanto en casa como en el centro de enseñanza.
A Level Spanish El orgullo Festivals and traditions LGTBQIA+ Campaña del ministerio de Igualdad

A Level Spanish El orgullo Festivals and traditions LGTBQIA+ Campaña del ministerio de Igualdad

A double sided worksheet to create a debated around the current political climate and situation of the LGTBIQA+ community in Spain. Based on a video from El Ministerio de Igualdad. It includes a range of tasks to practise audiovisual comprehension, translation and speaking. There are sentence starters for the speaking part and vocabulary banks for the translations, as well as a timeline with key dates for the LGTBIQA+ community in Spain. Answers included for translation and reading.
Mi vida en el insti. Punto de partida: las instalaciones. Verb 'haber'. Worksheet with answers

Mi vida en el insti. Punto de partida: las instalaciones. Verb 'haber'. Worksheet with answers

A worksheet to learn/reinforce the use of the verb ‘haber’ in different tenses and key vocabulary to talk about school facilities. This worksheet includes a range of tasks to develop pupil’s confidence when describing their school’s facitilies whilst using ‘lo’ clauses. There is also a series of challenges for more able pupils. The content follows Viva’s Module 2 ‘Mi vida en el insti’ Punto de partida. Since the worksheet includes answers, it is the perfect resource for independent work to be done either at home or in a cover lesson. Con esta ficha tus alumnos pueden aprender/reforzar el uso del verbo “haber” en varios tiempos verbales y el vocabulario para hablar sobre las instalaciones de su instituto. El material incluye una abanico de actividades para que tus alumnos se sientan más seguros a la hora de describir su instituto mientras usan opiniones con “lo”. También hay retos para los alumnos que acaben antes. El recurso incluye las soluciones, lo que hace que sea un material perfecto para el aprendizaje autodidacta o para trabajarse en clase de forma independiente.
Hacia un mundo mejor: El deporte nos une. Eventos internacionales. Spanish GCSE. Pluperfect. Answers

Hacia un mundo mejor: El deporte nos une. Eventos internacionales. Spanish GCSE. Pluperfect. Answers

A worksheet to complement Viva GCSE’s unit 4 ‘¡El deporte nos une!’ from module 8 ‘Hacia un mundo mejor’. It includes a range of activities for students to learn/secure their understanding of vocabulary and infinitive phrases about the advantages of international sports events. The grammar section offers an explanation on how to form the pluperfect together with reading and translation practice. There are both extensions and support to cater for all abilities. Since answers are included too, this material is great for independent work both at home and at school. Esta ficha incluye un abanico de actividades para introducir/consolidar el vocabulario para hablar sobre las ventajas de los eventos internacionales. La sección de gramática aborda cómo formar el pretérito pluscuamperfecto. Los alumnos pueden poner todo en práctica a través de actividades de lectura y traducción. Hay cajitas con apoyo y retos para apoyar a cada alumno, independientemente de su nivel. Puesto que las soluciones están incluidas, este material es genial para trabajar de forma independiente, tanto en casa como en el centro de enseñanza.
Hacia un mundo mejor: vivir a tope: las drogas y el alcohol. Spanish GCSE 3 tenses. With answers

Hacia un mundo mejor: vivir a tope: las drogas y el alcohol. Spanish GCSE 3 tenses. With answers

This worksheet is based on Viva GCSE’s unit 3 ‘¡Vivir a tope!’ from module 8 ‘Hacia un mundo mejor’. It includes a range of activities for students to learn/secure their understanding of vocabulary about drug usage and its implications through reading and translation tasks. They will also learn/review how to form the ‘I’ form in the past (preterite and imperfect), present and future (near and simple futures) tenses. Support and challenges are provided to cater for all abilities. Since answers are included too, this material is great for independent work both at home and at school. Esta ficha incluye un abanico de actividades para introducir/consolidar vocabulario para hablar sobre el tema de las drogas y sus implicaciones a través de actividades de lectura y traducción. Con este recurso también aprenderán cómo formar la primera persona del singular en el pasado (pretérito e imperfecto), el presente y el futuro (inmediato y simple). Hay cajitas con apoyo y retos para apoyar a cada alumno, independientemente de su nivel. Puesto que las soluciones están incluidas, este material es genial para trabajar de forma independiente, tanto en casa como en el centro de enseñanza.
Prefiero las comedias Viva 2 Comparatives Free time KS3 Spanish. Answers included

Prefiero las comedias Viva 2 Comparatives Free time KS3 Spanish. Answers included

A worksheet based around Unit 3 ‘Prefiero las comedias’ from Viva 2’s Module 2 ‘Todo sobre mi vida’. A worksheet designed to teach or reinforce the vocabulary on types of TV shows by using comparative structures. With this resource students will practise reading, translation and writing. There are extensions for more able students or early finishers. Answers are provided which makes this material perfect for independent learning and self-correction both in school and at home. Una ficha diseñada para enseñar o reforzar el vocabulario sobre los tipos de programas televisivos mientras usan estructuras comparativas. Con este recurso los estudiantes practicarán la lectura, la traducción y la escritura. Hay extensiones para los alumnos que terminen antes o que quieran practicar más. Las soluciones están incluidas, lo que hace que este material sea perfecto para el autoaprendizaje, tanto en casa como en el centro de enseñanza.
Form of the month 11 Posters September to July. Form time.

Form of the month 11 Posters September to July. Form time.

A set of 11 posters going from September to July to display the form of the month. Perfect to boost engagement with all year groups. Un pack de 11 pósteres que van desde septiembre hasta julio para mostrar el grupo de tutoría del mes. Perfecto para motivar a los grupos de tutoría de cualquier curso.
Fiesta del Orgullo Gay en España-Pride festival in Spain. Understanding the Spanish speaking world

Fiesta del Orgullo Gay en España-Pride festival in Spain. Understanding the Spanish speaking world

Lesson about the **Orgullo **festival in Spain. It is aimed at A Level Spanish to find out more about Spanish culture and festivals!🎉 Also suitable for high ability GCSE classes. It includes a worksheet📝 + the PowerPoint with answers✅ and covers all skills. Also, cultural references are made to the Franco’s regime and its represion towards homosexuals as well as to current views of Spaniards.
Festivals in Spain, the booklet with answers! Los festivales en España, ¡cuadernillo con soluciones!

Festivals in Spain, the booklet with answers! Los festivales en España, ¡cuadernillo con soluciones!

Bring the culture into your Spanish class and get them ready for their GCSE exam! This booklet covers 14 different Spanish festivals. It combines a variety of activities both in English and Spanish to increase the cultural awareness of your pupils in** KS3 and KS4.** It is also suitable for Spanish A Level students who want to have an overview of the main festivals in Spain. Solutions are provided so that pupils can complete it at home or as cover work. It also includes a glossary of key words following the main GCSE Spanish examination boards.
Worksheet cine español y las películas Los Goya - Cinema and TV, film and TV. Answers included.

Worksheet cine español y las películas Los Goya - Cinema and TV, film and TV. Answers included.

A worksheet (with answers included) to teach/ reinforce the vocabulary around the topic of cinema together with opinions and justifications. Perfect to raise cultural awareness as it is based around the Goya awards and some of the winning films over the years. Suitable for both KS3 and KS4. Great for a cover lesson too! Ficha (con soluciones incluidas) para aprender o repasar vocabulario sobre el tema del cine, opiniones y justificaciones. Está basada en los premios Goya y algunas de las películas ganadoras de los últimos años. Es perfecta para promover el conocimiento e interés por la cultura española.
De compras, el Viernes Negro. Spanish shopping, Black Friday. Worksheet with answers

De compras, el Viernes Negro. Spanish shopping, Black Friday. Worksheet with answers

Worksheet on the topic of shopping. Perfect to introduce or reinforce the topic of clothes, prices in euros, opinions and connectives. Suitable for both KS3 and KS4. It includes vocabulary practice and reading and writing activities. Answers are provided so that it can be used in a cover lesson or/and students can check their answers. Ficha sobre las compras. Perfecta para introducir o repasar el tema de la ropa y los precios en euros. Repaso de opiniones y conectores. Incluye actividades para practicar vocabulario, lectura y escritura. Las soluciones están incluidas también.
La casa, Cluedo. Parts and objects in a house- Cluedo game- Home and town. Home and local area.

La casa, Cluedo. Parts and objects in a house- Cluedo game- Home and town. Home and local area.

A whole lesson covering parts of the house and objects you can find in it following the main GCSE boards. Pupils need to apply collaborative skills to solve the mystery of a murder in the house as if they were playing Cluedo. The tasks include vocabulary recognition, dictionary skills, reading, listening (audio included) and translation. The perfect way to introduce or revise this part of the GCSE curriculum in a fun way!
Local area, holiday and travel (holidays)  Sentence building blocks Spanish GCSE - Las vacaciones

Local area, holiday and travel (holidays) Sentence building blocks Spanish GCSE - Las vacaciones

Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-spanish-speaking-booklet-edexcel-and-aqa-roleplay-photo-card-general-conversation-practise-12069685) and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE. Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum. The questions included in this document are as follow: ¿Adónde vas de vacaciones normalmente? ¿Cómo sueles viajar? ¿Cuánto tiempo pasas allí? ¿Dónde te alojas normalmente? ¿Qué te gusta hacer durante las vacaciones, por ejemplo durante el día? ¿Adónde fuiste de vacaciones el año pasado? ¿Cómo viajaste? ¿Cuánto tiempo pasaste allí? ¿Qué tiempo hacía? ¿Qué hiciste durante las vacaciones? ¿Cómo era el hotel / el pueblo / la ciudad? ¿Qué planes tienes para este verano? 6. ¿Por qué veranea tanta gente en el extranjero? 7. ¿Es importante aprender sobre otros países y otras culturas?
Identity and culture (friends, family, technology)  Sentence building blocks Spanish GCSE - Familia

Identity and culture (friends, family, technology) Sentence building blocks Spanish GCSE - Familia

Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-spanish-speaking-booklet-edexcel-and-aqa-roleplay-photo-card-general-conversation-practise-12069685) and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE. Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum. The questions included in this document are as follow: Describe a un buen amigo tuyo / una buena amiga tuya. ¿Te llevas bien con tu familia? ¿Por qué (no)? Describe a una persona de tu familia. ¿Quiénes son más importantes, tus amigos o tus padres? ¿Por qué? ¿Cómo es un buen amigo / una buena amiga? ¿Qué planes tienes (con tus amigos) este fin de semana? ¿Qué aplicaciones usas para estar en contacto con tus amigos y con tu familia? ¿Estás enganchada a tu móvil? ¿Qué piensas de las redes sociales? ¿Qué te gusta leer? ¿Por qué?
Identity and culture (free time) Sentence building blocks Spanish GCSE - Tiempo libre, aficiones

Identity and culture (free time) Sentence building blocks Spanish GCSE - Tiempo libre, aficiones

Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-spanish-speaking-booklet-edexcel-and-aqa-roleplay-photo-card-general-conversation-practise-12069685) and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE. Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum. The questions included in this document are as follow: ¿Qué sueles hacer en tus ratos libres? ¿Eres teleadicto/a? ¿Prefieres ver películas en casa o en el cine? ¿Por qué? ¿Te gusta la música/leer? ¿Por qué sí/no? ¿Tus padres te dan dinero? ¿Qué haces con la paga? ¿Qué planes tienes para este fin de semana? ¿Qué hiciste la semana pasada? ¿Eres muy deportista? ¿Por qué (no)? ¿Quién es tu modelo a seguir?