The perfect material to support the teaching of unit 1 ‘La cultura en la calle’ from Edexcel ActiveHub’s Module 2, Viajes.
Talking about festivals in the Spanish speaking world
Using the superlative
Forming ‘if’ clauses in the present tense
GCSE skills and exam-style activities
It includes the following:
A range of activities with answers to practise and develop the various skills required for the new GCSE.
Vocabulary aligned with the new GCSE specification for Edexcel.
Listening tasks. A folder with the audio files/audio file for the listening tasks is also included.
Grammar explanations, exam-style tasks, and tips for success.
Matching worksheets for students to complete during the lesson.
The presentation is available in PPT and PDF formats and is editable to suit the needs of each individual class.
The perfect material to support the teaching of unit 1 ‘En ruta’ from Edexcel ActiveHub’s Module 2, Viajes.
Talking about holiday activities with ‘se puede’
Means of transportation
Making comparisons
GCSE skills and exam-style activities
It includes the following:
A range of activities with answers to practise and develop the various skills required for the new GCSE.
Vocabulary aligned with the new GCSE specification for Edexcel.
Listening tasks. A folder with the audio files/audio file for the listening tasks is also included.
Grammar and phonics explanations, exam-style tasks, and tips for success.
Matching worksheets for students to complete during the lesson.
The presentation is available in PPT and PDF formats and is editable to suit the needs of each individual class.
A bundle covering all units from the module ‘Diviértete’ in ActiveHub Pearson Edexcel. For each unit, it includes:
Editable presentations for each unit in PPT and PDF format
A set of printable worksheets for each unit
A variety of activities to practise the skills for the new exam, with answer keys
Audio files with transcripts
The perfect material to support the teaching of unit 5 ‘Un día fatal’ from Edexcel ActiveHub’s Module 1, Diviértete.
Free time activities
Direct Object Pronouns
Using three tenses
GCSE skills and exam-style activities
It includes the following:
A range of activities with answers to practise and develop the various skills required for the new GCSE.
Vocabulary aligned with the new GCSE specification for Edexcel.
Listening tasks. A folder with the audio files/audio file for the listening tasks is also included.
Grammar and phonics explanations, exam-style tasks, and tips for success.
Matching worksheets for students to complete during the lesson.
The presentation is available in PPT and PDF formats and is editable to suit the needs of each individual class.
The perfect material to support the teaching of unit 4 ‘El fin de semana pasado’ from Edexcel ActiveHub’s Module 1, Diviértete.
Free time activities
Preterite tense
Time phrases for the past
GCSE skills and exam-style activities
It includes the following:
A range of activities with answers to practise and develop the various skills required for the new GCSE.
Vocabulary aligned with the new GCSE specification for Edexcel.
Listening tasks. A folder with the audio files/audio file for the listening tasks is also included.
Grammar and phonics explanations, exam-style tasks, and tips for success.
Matching worksheets for students to complete during the lesson.
The presentation is available in PPT and PDF formats and is editable to suit the needs of each individual class.
The perfect material to support the teaching of unit 3 ‘Nos juntamos’ from Edexcel ActiveHub’s Module 1, Diviértete.
Free time activities
Near future
Stem-changing verbs
GCSE skills and exam-style activities
It includes the following:
A range of activities with answers to practise and develop the various skills required for the new GCSE.
Vocabulary aligned with the new GCSE specification for Edexcel.
Listening tasks. A folder with the audio files/audio file for the listening tasks is also included.
Grammar and phonics explanations, exam-style tasks, and tips for success.
Matching worksheets for students to complete during the lesson.
The presentation is available in PPT and PDF formats and is editable to suit the needs of each individual class.
The perfect material to support the teaching of unit 2 ‘Disfrutamos al máximo’ from Edexcel ActiveHub’s Module 1, Diviértete.
Sports and free time activities
Opinions verbs, pronouns and expressions
Irregular verbs in the present tense
GCSE skills and exam-style activities
It includes the following:
A range of activities with answers to practise and develop the various skills required for the new GCSE.
Vocabulary aligned with the new GCSE specification for Edexcel.
Listening tasks. A folder with the audio files/audio file for the listening tasks is also included.
Grammar and phonics explanations, exam-style tasks, and tips for success.
Matching worksheets for students to complete during the lesson.
The presentation is available in PPT and PDF formats and is editable to suit the needs of each individual class.
The perfect material to support the teaching of unit 1 ‘Mi vida digital’ from Edexcel ActiveHub’s Module 1, Diviértete.
Expressions of frequency
Present tense: regular and stem-changing verbs
Vocabulary: life online
It includes the following:
A range of activities with answers to practise and develop the various skills required for the new GCSE.
Vocabulary aligned with the new GCSE specification for Edexcel.
Listening tasks. A folder with the audio files for the listening tasks is also included.
Grammar and phonics explanations, exam-style tasks, and tips for success.
Matching worksheets for students to complete during the lesson.
The presentation is available in PPT and PDF formats and is editable to suit the needs of each individual class.
The perfect material to support the teaching of the section ‘Zona Cultura: el mundo hispanohablante’ from Edexcel ActiveHub’s Module 1, Diviértete.
It includes the following:
A range of activities with answers to practise and develop the various skills required for the new GCSE.
Vocabulary aligned with the new GCSE specification for Edexcel.
Listening tasks. A folder with the audio files for the listening tasks is also included.
Grammar and phonics explanations, exam-style tasks, and tips for success.
Matching worksheets for students to complete during the lesson.
The presentation is available in PPT and PDF formats and is editable to suit the needs of each individual class.
Keep an eye out on our IG @sonrieinspanish to get this resource as a free sample.
A graphic organiser detailing the sections and grading for each exam in the new GCSE Edexcel examination for Spanish, French, and German. It includes information for all papers:
A black-and-white version is also included to minimise printing costs.
An updated worksheet about the Euros 2024 to learn/review the near future in Spanish whilst working on the topic of town. It includes an activity to practise the vocabulary to name places in the cities where the Euros is taking place as well as reading and translation tasks. Pupils will also practise how to describe photos in Spanish. There are extensions for more able students or early finishers. Answers are provided which makes this material perfect for independent learning and self-correction both in school and at home.
Una ficha actualizada sobre la Eurocopa 2024 para aprender/reforzar el uso del futuro próximo en español a la vez que trabajan el tema de la ciudad. Incluye una actividad para practicar el vocabulario de los lugares de interés en las ciudades en los que se celebra la Eurocopa así como actividades de lectura y traducción. Los estudiantes también practicarán como describir fotos en español. Hay actividades extras para los que terminen antes. Las soluciones están incluidas, lo que hace este material perfecto para el autoaprendizaje o para que los estudiantes verifiquen sus respuestas tanto en clase como en casa.
An updated worksheet about the Euros 2024 to learn/review the present tense of both regular and irregular verbs in Spanish. Pupils will develop their reading skills with a focus on time phrases normally used with the present tense. There are extensions for more able students or early finishers. Answers are provided which makes this material perfect for independent learning and self-correction both in school and at home.
Una ficha actualizada sobre la Eurocopa 2024 para aprender/reforzar el uso del presente en español de verbos regulares e irregulares. Los estudiantes también desarrollarán su comprensión lectora centrándose en expresiones temporales que seuelen aparecer con este tiempo verbal . Hay actividades extras para los que terminen antes. Las soluciones están incluidas, lo que hace este material perfecto para el autoaprendizaje o para que los estudiantes verifiquen sus respuestas tanto en clase como en casa.
An updated worksheet about the Euros 2024 to learn/review the future simple in Spanish whilst working on the topic of football. It includes an activity to review key infinitives as well as reading, translation and writing tasks. There are extensions for more able students or early finishers. Answers are provided which makes this material perfect for independent learning and self-correction both in school and at home.
Una ficha actualizada sobre la Eurocopa 2024para aprender/reforzar el uso del futuro simple en español a la vez que trabajan el tema del fútbol. Incluye una actividad para repasar infinitivos así como actividades de lectura, traducción y escritura. Hay actividades extras para los que terminen antes. Las soluciones están incluidas, lo que hace este material perfecto para el autoaprendizaje o para que los estudiantes verifiquen sus respuestas tanto en clase como en casa.
An updated worksheet about the Euros 2024 to learn/review the preterite tense in Spanish whilst working on the topic of football. It includes an activity to review key football vocabulary as well as reading and translation tasks. There are extensions for more able students or early finishers. Answers are provided which makes this material perfect for independent learning and self-correction both in school and at home.
Una ficha actualizada sobre la Eurocopa 2024 para aprender/reforzar el uso del pretérito en español a la vez que trabajan el tema del fútbol. Incluye una actividad para repasar vocabulario clave sobre el fútbol así como actividades de lectura y traducción. Hay actividades extras para los que terminen antes. Las soluciones están incluidas, lo que hace este material perfecto para el autoaprendizaje o para que los estudiantes verifiquen sus respuestas tanto en clase como en casa.
An updated booklet designed to keep learning Spanish with the Euros 2024.
It includes a range of activities which cover different skills (reading and understanding, translation, etc.).
Vocabulary banks and opportunities for differentiation are included, making it suitable for both KS3 and KS4 students.
The activities in this booklet include:
Reading comprehension and colouring activity about the partakers’ flags.
Multiple choice reading comprehension with key information about the competition.
Reading tasks about the hosting cities. Students will review places in town, opinions, past, present and future tenses.
Reading comprehension on some of the best known players’ personal information.
Scaffolded vocabulary task to develop literacy skills (focus on types of words).
Parallel Spanish/English translations (past and present).
Writing task with a writing frame to talk about football/sport preferences.
Times and dates of matches, numbers tasks.
Model paragraph on the Spanish kit + writing task where students have to design their own football kit.
It includes answers for self correction too! Let us know how it goes :)
A game to create a range of physical descriptions (face, hair and eyes) and write about them. It includes a set of 32 different hair styles (including hiyabs), a range of eyes, moustaches, beards and glasses.
Available in Spanish, French, German and English.
If you are using the Spanish version, check this learning mat for vocabulary:
You can see the resource in more detail on this video:
A while ago we had the opportunity to participate in a Webinar about the need to decolonize the curriculum and we met Maud Waret (you can find her on Twitter as @profprofmfl). Listening to her was extremely inspiring, and from that moment on have been trying to make our lessons and resources as inclusive as we can. Please, let us know if we have missed anything!
Describe la foto - PALMS Spanish GCSE Picture based task / Photo card
An activity designed to drill the description of the photocard using PALMS (People, Action, Location, Mood and Season). It includes a bank of photos covering the different themes students have to study for the GCSE Spanish course.
A worksheet to drill GCSE exam skills whilst learning about famous carnivals such as the ones in Cádiz, Tenerife or Bielsa. It includes reading, listening (dictation), writing and translations and are adapted to the new GCSE. Answers are included too.
Una ficha para para trabajar las destrezas del examen GCSE a la vez que nuestros estudiantes aprenden un poquito más sobre carnavales tan famosos como el de Cádiz, el de Tenerife o el de Bielsa. Incluye actividades de reading, listening, writing y traducción y está adaptado al nuevo GCSE para que nos sirva durante mucho tiempo. Soluciones incluidas.