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NCFE Employbaility

NCFE Employbaility

Originally made for a KS4 SEN class for the NCFE Level 1 Employability unit: Understanding Mindset. Includes around 6 lessons (but this can easily be edited) and includes work on the mindset qualities, Honesty Commitment Accountability Flexibility
Choosing a holiday

Choosing a holiday

I made this for a level 1 BTEC Travel and Tourism lesson where students had to read the profiles and decide on a suitable holiday for that person, we also did a role play after here the students would pretend to be the characters and the travel agent had to recommend 3 different holidays written by the students and decide which they would go on.
Being a customer

Being a customer

These are resources for the BTEC Skills for Independence unit, Being a customer. Could be used for PSHE or independence skills as well.