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Ecosystems (Rainforest) 10 lessons- SEN, ASD

Ecosystems (Rainforest) 10 lessons- SEN, ASD

This is a collection of 10 lessons I made for Science- Biology- Ecosystems (focusing on the rainforest). Including an assessment at the end. Brief overview: 1-Introduction to the rainforest- climate of the rainforest 2- Climate of the rainforest- the equator 3-Introduction to ecosystems- why animals and plants need each other 4- Food chains and food webs 5- Predators and prey of the rainforest 6-Animal adaptations 7-Plants of the rainforest 8-Plant adaptations 9-Animal research 10- End of topic assessment A brief SOW, including description of the lesson activities is included, all powerpoints for every lesson, objectives, and worksheets to go along with them. I’ve used symbol communication in all of the powerpoints and most worksheets to aid understanding for SEN & ASD students or students with low level literacy skills. This was originally made for a year 7 & 8 class, with Year 1, year 2 and year 3 levels in literacy, so the resources aren’t too wordy and what they need to do is made really clear.
Autism Awareness Week- presentation & activities

Autism Awareness Week- presentation & activities

This was for a small PSHCE lesson for Year 7 students. It’s brief, and doesn’t go into too much detail but has a drawing task, and you can make a sensory task (I just used a box and cut a hole in it), to keep them engaged. It has links to the NAS website, which is for 2018 but can be updated, and to a youtube clip about the creator of Pokemon, which some students might like.
Hair hygiene SEN ASD

Hair hygiene SEN ASD

Originally made for an SEN KS3 class, uses widget symbols to aid understanding. The powerpoint can be used to give information to students and encourage discussion about how often you should wash your hair, how puberty effects this etc. Then the class can sequence the images and make a leaflet or document informing people how to wash their hair properly.
Story setting mind map- 5 senses

Story setting mind map- 5 senses

I made this for an SEN Y7 & 8 class to create mind maps of different story settings using the 5 senses. Can be useful to laminate and reuse for lesson starters etc
Design your own animal- desert and rainforest

Design your own animal- desert and rainforest

Two worksheets to use for animal adaption topics, one for the desert, one for the rainforest. Includes 3 key features of animals in each habitat and then students draw an animal using these features. Originally made for a SEN Y7 & 8 class
Rocks and fossils assessment- SEN ASD

Rocks and fossils assessment- SEN ASD

A basic rock assessment for the topic of rocks and fossils. Originally made for a low level SEN Y7 class and includes widget symbols to support with understanding. Answers on the last page
Chronology. Sorting artefacts by time period

Chronology. Sorting artefacts by time period

Originally made a year 7 SEN class. Quick starter discussing the image Explains chronology and why historians do it. The main activity is to sort the artefacts into 3 time periods. Discuss images of toys from 3 periods EXT: compare time periods to today
Creative writing worksheet

Creative writing worksheet

I used ideas from a creative writing powerpoint on here and made it into an A3 worksheet to extend it to a lesson activity. Originally uysed with KS3 Y8 and 9 SEN pupils
Sensory starters/activities

Sensory starters/activities

These are some sensory activities to use as starters or during tutor time. They have been selected and designed for students with learning and behavioural needs. I've also uploaded a script for one of the activities, just to provide an example but when you're doing the activity the story theme could change so you need to be flexible. From experience they can help students be more creative in their lessons, it builds social skills between groups of students and can help them regulate their emotions. Can be used and adapted for all ages but was originally designed for secondary and post 16 students.
Ancient Egypt- Introduction lesson

Ancient Egypt- Introduction lesson

A quiz worksheet and power point with all the answers on to go through after. Used as a quick intro lesson to the Ancient Egypt topic. Originally for a KS3/KS4 SEN class.
Citizenship lesson- The legal system in the UK

Citizenship lesson- The legal system in the UK

A power point presentation with worksheets to go alongside. All about the legal system in the UK, has links to videos to go alongside this and a quiz about how old you have to be for certain activities. Originally made for a KS3 SEN class, easily adaptable.
Sociology (A Level or Level 3 equivalent) Crime, Health and Research Methods

Sociology (A Level or Level 3 equivalent) Crime, Health and Research Methods

3 Resources
Ideal for NQTs and busy teachers! A bundle of power points, worksheets, activities for lessons in the topics of Crime and Deviance- includes power points of different perspectives on crime and deviance (feminist, Marxist, Functionalist) Sociology of Health- An introductory lesson and inequalities in health Social Research Methods- An introduction, questionnaires and interviews lesson