Child Development, Health and Social Care, Sociology.
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Child Development, Health and Social Care, Sociology.
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A PSHE/Careers/Enterprise style lesson to teach KS3/KS4 students how to open a bank account.
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3 free lessons that look at young people joining gangs. Please take the time to review this resource if you download it- for free.
L1 looks at why people may join a gang
L2 Looks at the risks associated with gang behaviour
L3 Looks at how to safely leave a gang.
Each lesson has differentiated activities and a final task that will be marked as a final piece of work.
A new unit of work using the PSHE association mapping structure for the new 2020 Relationship, Sex and Health Education area. This unit is aimed at Year 7. But suitable for any KS3 group.
Lesson 9 finishes with basic contraception. As this unit is aimed at Year 7 this lesson is very light and factual regarding what contraception is used for and to help them consider, in the future, with method is right for them. There is a strong emphasis on the use of condoms, regardless of the other methods.
A lesson aimed at low KS4 (Y9) to teach about the dangers and consequences of sexting- including snapchat
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A new unit of work using the PSHE association mapping structure for the new 2020 Relationship, Sex and Health Education area. This unit is aimed at Year 7. But suitable for any KS3 group.
Lesson 8 looks at consent using the NSPCC PANTS video and template. This is slightly updated from my previous resource. Please leave a review if you download- it is free!
A new unit of work using the PSHE association mapping structure for the new 2020 Relationship, Sex and Health Education area. This unit is aimed at Year 7. But suitable for any KS3 group.
Lesson 4 is looking at the media and body image. We look at how the ideal body type has evolved since the start of time, considering why these ideals change and why do we subscribe to them. The lesson then concentrates on the October 2018 cover of Cosmopolitan magazine in which they put Tess Holliday on the front (5foot 3 and 300lbs), there is a video from Good Morning Britain (Piers Morgan arguing with Cosmo editor) and students then complete and extended piece of writing on this topic area.
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A lesson using the NSPCC PANTS idea to teach young students about consent and how to stay safe.
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2 lessons to teach KS4 about contraception and responsibility.
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We had time at the end of term to show the full film of Juno. We used this to teach students about pregnancy, but about the varying choices if a student was to find themselves, or their partner, pregnant. Students watch the film, discuss and create a leaflet.
This was used as a wind down project towards the end of the Summer Term.
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Centres around the film Wall:E. As most children have seen this you probably won’t need to show the whole film (but is nice if you have a reward afternoon). The idea of the project is for the students to become advocates of something that will help the world and to create a campaign to stop it from happening e.g. preventing litter in school, raising awareness about water use.
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A PSHE unit of work that looks at the case study of Malala. This unit is used around Holocaust memorial, preparing students for a school trip to the Holocaust Memorial centre. Lessons look at forgiveness, bystander behaviour and if we can forgive those who contributed to the holocaust. Included is a RAG book tracker and homework activities. Suitable for Year 8 or Year 9.
Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements.
Life in Modern Britain.
The role of the UK in international organisations. Lesson looks at soft/hard power, UN, NATO, EU, Council of Europe, WTO and the Commonwealth
Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here:
Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements.
Life in Modern Britain.
14.15 Brexit. This lesson is planned for a double which in my school is 100 minutes, but with all the conversations, debates etc it actually took me three lessons (you may want to remove some of the video clips if you don’t have enough curriculum time!).
Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here:
Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements.
Life in Modern Britain.
International Disputes. Lesson heavily focusses on “The Troubles” and the Good Friday agreement
Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here:
Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements.
Life in Modern Britain.
Lesson 09. The rights, responsibilities and the role of the media. Looking at the different types of media, class discussions on the different roles of the media, video clips on live debates, BBC impartiality, political debates, considering if the Prince Andrew documentary was in the public best interest. Case Study question looking at the BBC. Can be extended to a triple lesson if you watch the Prince Andrew Documentary that can be found on BBC Iplayer
Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here:
Suitable for AQA GCSE Citizenship: Life in Modern Britain. Can be adapted for other courses and PSHE SOW, and easily taught by non-specialists. Lessons do not require any textbooks. All lessons begin with a do now task, have teacher input via text or video (which is embedded so please allow content when opening file), and have practice tasks for students to spend a length of time practicing exam style questions and statements.
Life in Modern Britain.
NGOs- Oxfam, The Red Cross/Crescent, specific work in Syria and a debate question on UK spending on foreign aid with peer assessment and teacher model
Complete Bundle for Life in Modern Britain, can be found here:
Complete Unit:
AQA GCSE Citizenship topic Life in Modern Britain.
It can be easily adapted to suit other exam boards, or used as part of a PSHE curriculum.
All lessons are planned suitable for a non-specialist delivery, do not refer to textbooks and have plenty of exam practice embedded.
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