English language arts

All About Me Poster
Great Introductory Activity for the start of the year. Suitable for KS1/KS2 (7-11)

First Day Back Welcome Back Powerpoint
A little simple PowerPoint explaining the key routines and rules around school. Easily adaptable to what you need and a perfect way to start the new school year.

All About Me Newsletter
All About Me Newsletter Activity. Great introductory activity and for display.

Spelling Games and Strategies
This is useful for homework or activity in class. I have used this as part of a guided reading carousel of activities for the week and also for homework when the children have been given a list of spellings.

Who Were The Anglo Saxons? Reading Comprehension KS2
A Powerpoint lesson presentation and worksheet activity on Who Were The Anglo Saxons. An excellent reading comprehension activity to begin the Anglo-Saxons topic. The lesson presentation breaks down each paragraph into questions to ensure the children are following the text closely.
The activity covers the VIPERS skills to develop children’s comprehension. Suitable for KS2 and up.

Cohesion and Conjunctions for Addition/Making Further Points.
Focusing on using conjunctions for addition (furthermore, moreover and in addition). Teaching presentation explaining these terms and how to use them. Suitable for KS2 7-11.
Useful for any units on persuasion or argument making generally.
Smart Notebook file

Relative Clause Worksheet
Activity using who, where, whose and which as relative pronouns in relative clauses. Children have to add a relative clause to the sentences provided. Specific and targeted for this objective. Great introduction to the concept. Could be used in KS1 and KS2 or even SEN for KS3.

Conjunctions for Cohesion Teaching Presentations
Focusing on using conjunctions for addition (furthermore, moreover and in addition) and contrast (even though, although and despite). Teaching presentation explaining these terms and how to use them. Suitable for KS2 7-11.
Useful for any units on persuasion or argument making generally.
Smart Notebook file

Cohesion and Conjunctions for Contrast
Teacher presentation focusing on using conjunctions for contrast: (although, even though and despite). Explanation of these terms and practice using them. Ideal as an introduction or revision of these terms as a grammatical concept Suitable for KS2 7-11.
Smart Notebook file

Cohesion Conjunctions for Giving Examples
Focusing on using conjunctions for giving examples (specifically, especially, particulary). Teaching presentation explaining these terms and how to use them. Suitable for KS2 7-11.
Useful for any units on persuasion or argument making generally.
Smart Notebook file

Adding Extra Information In Sentences (Compound, Complex Sentences)
Good introduction to compound and complex sentences with children shown and then creating their own.

LKS2 Ambitious Vocabulary
A useful vocabulary sheet to stick in children’s writing books or could be used as a handout in lessons that children can refer to.

Anglo Saxons Crime and Punishment Reading Comprehension Lesson KS2
A lesson presentation and activity covering Crime and Punishment in the Anglo-Saxon period. To be used as a reading comprehension activity focusing on developing understanding of the Anglo-Saxons. Ideal for topic learning. Suitable for KS2+
The PP and activity focuses on the development of the VIPERS skills.

Year 4 Solar System Eclipses Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension PowerPoint Activity on theme of the Solar System and why we get eclipses.
Ideal for reading around the Year 4 Science topic Earth and Space but can be used in other ways too to support a literacy unit or interventions or similarly related topics.
Edited and adapted, ideal to use with mini whiteboards in class.

Year 4 Solar System High Flyers Reading Comprehension
A PowerPoint and reading comprehension activity on the theme of High Flyers linked to the topic of the Solar System.
Ideal for the Science topic of Earth and Space in Year 4 and reading around the topic but could be used for reading around a literacy unit or intervention or another topic.
Adapted and edited to make the lesson cohesive. Children can work with mini-whiteboards during the PowerPoint.

Year 4 How We Learned About The Solar System Reading Comprehension
A reading comprehension activity relating to how we learned about the Solar System. Ideal for the Year 4 Science topic on Earth and Space.
Can also be used to support a literacy unit or as part of an intervention developing reading skills. The activity uses the VIPERS skills based approach to reading.
Adapted and edited to make more cohesive.