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Learn the Lingo!

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I am a Teacher of MFL in an inner city school which over the last five years has achieved outstanding results in MFL. My shop includes a collection of my resources including for GCSE French and the innovative projects created for the Y7 project based curriculum such as Les Monsieurs-Madames. Please note that the money I make from my sales goes to support my son who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy a life limiting condition to get the equipment and treatment abroad that he needs.




I am a Teacher of MFL in an inner city school which over the last five years has achieved outstanding results in MFL. My shop includes a collection of my resources including for GCSE French and the innovative projects created for the Y7 project based curriculum such as Les Monsieurs-Madames. Please note that the money I make from my sales goes to support my son who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy a life limiting condition to get the equipment and treatment abroad that he needs.
School Photocard

School Photocard

A lesson which hopefully will revise many aspects of school life and help students to prepare for the photo card part of the speaking exam. The lesson materials are differentiated for foundation and higher students and can be used in a mixed ability/mixed tier class. The lesson includes revision of language to be used when describing a photo and revision of the present tense endings. There is also a differentiated worksheet for foundation and higher students which provides some support for understanding and structuring answers for the bullet points.
Introducing family members and mon/ma/mes

Introducing family members and mon/ma/mes

The resources include a powerpoint that introduces family members with a scrabble activity and a spot the difference listening exercise based on Baby Shark. There is also a work sheet to support the vocabulary taught as well as a reading activity based on securing yet extending students further.
GCSE French Y11 -extended writing DIRT lesson

GCSE French Y11 -extended writing DIRT lesson

This is a power point that I made for a Y11 class a couple of years ago and was a DIRT lesson to support the 90 word task. It is designed for a mixed ability class. The resource includes: -a vocabulary learner -a verb tense sort activity as a starter -a You say and I pay activity based on exam bullet point language -advice on using the context to introduce your answer -a word wall to give differentiated support -guidance on how to add narration
Edexcel GCSE photocard revision French- Work, Future plans and Jobs

Edexcel GCSE photocard revision French- Work, Future plans and Jobs

I made these planning sheets to try and encourage students to answer the bullet points at foundation tier with more spontaneity and to try and prevent students being reliant on full sentences (not allowed to be written on the CN2 form). My students have found these really useful as the pointers in English have helped them to answer the questions quicker, to say more and to be more accurate. I hope that you all find them useful too.
Ordering drinks - board game

Ordering drinks - board game

This board game is for KS3 and or GCSE. The game is best played by the teacher setting a time limit. Students travel round the board and have to complete various translation activities of either ordering drinks or saying the part of the waiter/waitress by landing on squares and collecting cards for a correct translation. It is a fantastic activity to help to build confidence and so that students can master key phrases and drinks vocabulary. It also contains some simple opinions too. I would advise that you print the waiter cards on one colour and the customer cards on another. At the end of the time limit students count up their cards and the student with the most is the winner. The vocabulary needed for this game includes phrases such as: Je voudrais Je vais prendre Mon ami voudrait C’est combien? C’est tout? A mon avis C’est vraiment
Adjectives and me

Adjectives and me

The resource includes a powerpoint based on the adjectives in AQA Studio Foundation and Higher books. There is also a consolidation worksheet full of lots of translations that recycle all of the key vocabulary.
Family members (an introduction)

Family members (an introduction)

An introductory lesson to family members and mon, ma and mes. An interactive lesson with - board games, a baby shark listening activity and a problem solving reading task. This lesson is part of the Little Miss and Mr Man project and these additional resources can be purchased separately.
Weekly retrieval tasks - talking about yourself

Weekly retrieval tasks - talking about yourself

These weekly retrieval tasks include a range of retrieval activities some also have a grammatical and phonic focus. Each task sheet has a vocabulary learner on the back so that students can self quiz. Topics include: name asking how you are key phonemes and diagraphs numbers and ages dates months personal information questions family members hair and eye colour descriptions Activites include: Escape the sharks -score points Connect four spot the mistake true/false wordsearch point score -grids gap fill climb the Eiffel Tower Cops and Robbers Five of a kind
An introduction to Spanish food and tapas

An introduction to Spanish food and tapas

A first lesson on Spanish food. The lesson includes a starter- find the food activity and is then further differentiated by outcome. The ppt is scaffolded and includes lots of activities to drill the new vocabulary.
Retrieval Tasks GCSE French -Where I live

Retrieval Tasks GCSE French -Where I live

Retrieval practice tasks which include: Self quiz sheets -describing a region/town Point scoring translations -activities/places in a town or region A five a day -list, correct and translate Climb the escalators at the Pompidou Centre translation -French to English Wordsearch -rooms and types of house