Print the 64 slides which have the first letter of the key word and initial of composer
Arrange into 8x8 square.
Students (individually or in teams depending on size of class) start on one side of the grid
One team moves vertically and one moves horizontally
team select letter and can only move forward when they have answered the question correctly (use the key word definitions)
Students are able to move forward and block the other team, therefore opposite team must chose alternative route.
Context explained in slide 2
Students summarize material about one composer using material from study guide
Student present findings to class and class take notes
Print context document on A3 paper - students can cut and use as flashcards
Marketplace revision explained in slide 5 with diagram of how room should be set up in slide 4.
Print the 100 slides which have the first letter of the key word and initial of composer
Arrange into 10x10 square.
Students (individually or in teams depending on size of class) start on one side of the grid
One team moves vertically and one moves horizontally
team select letter and can only move forward when they have answered the question correctly (use the key word definitions)
Students are able to move forward and block the other team, therefore opposite team must chose alternative route.
Context explained in slide 2
Students summarize material about one composer using material from study guide
Student present findings to class and class take notes
Print context document on A3 paper - students can cut and use as flashcards
Marketplace revision explained in slide 5 with diagram of how room should be set up in slide 4.
Print the 121 slides which have the first letter of the key word and initial of composer
Arrange into 11x11 square.
Students (individually or in teams depending on size of class) start on one side of the grid
One team moves vertically and one moves horizontally
team select letter and can only move forward when they have answered the question correctly (use the key word definitions)
Students are able to move forward and block the other team, therefore opposite team must chose alternative route.
Context explained in slide 2
Students summarize material about one composer using material from study guide
Student present findings to class and class take notes
Print context document on A3 paper - students can cut and use as flashcards
Marketplace revision explained in slide 5 with diagram of how room should be set up in slide 4.