Secondary school English teacher with 13 years' teaching experience sharing a variety of ready-to-print posters, revision resources and activities for KS3 & KS4 in order to help you save some time!
Secondary school English teacher with 13 years' teaching experience sharing a variety of ready-to-print posters, revision resources and activities for KS3 & KS4 in order to help you save some time!
Get ready for the end of the school year with this cute summer themed printable homework pass PDF file.
File includes 8 passes per page with one colour page and one black & white page for all printer options.
These end of term rewards just need printing and trimming, ready for you to write on them.
Like this resource? Have a look at my other items:
Summer themed student homework pass reward - end of year incentive
Add a sprinkle of festive joy to your displays with these eye-catching key quotations from A Christmas Carol.
Take the time out of creating a display that encourages quotation recall with this ready-to-print resource!
This purchase includes ten quotations from A Christmas Carol, each on a square Christmassy red and holly background. The file is a PDF and easy to print.
Please note: One quote is repeated twice, but in different lengths.
Perfect for A Christmas Carol KS3 schemes of work, or for GCSE English Literature revision.
Like this resource, but it doesn’t fit your colour scheme? Check out the original icy blue winter themed posters here: A Christmas Carol Revision Display Posters
Create a visually appealing display while encouraging recall and quotation retention for the character of Macbeth!
This set of 15 eye-catching key quote posters is great for inspiring quotation retrieval whilst revising for the AQA English Literature GCSE. It’s also great for KS3 English classes reading the Scottish Play!
Each poster features a quote from the play cross referenced with the act and scene number and the character that says the line, all with a corresponding background image.
This PDF file is easy-to-print, taking the time out of creating engaging English Literature displays.
Macbeth key quotes not quite what you’re looking for? Why not check out these Macbeth Key Quotation Display Posters for Lady Macbeth
Quotes included:
“So foul and fair a day I have not seen” Act 1, Scene 3
“This supernatural soliciting Cannot be ill, cannot be good.” Act 1, Scene 3
“Come what come may, Time and the hour runs through the roughest day.” Act 1, Scene 3
“False face must hide what the false heart doth know.” Act 1, Scene 7
“If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well It were done quickly.” Act 1, Scene 7
“To prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself and falls on th’other” Act 1, Scene 7
“Is this a dagger which I see before me,The handle toward my hand?” Act 1, Scene 7
“Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand?” Act 2, Scene 2
“I’ll go no more: I am afraid to think what I have done;” Act 2, Scene 2
“Methought I heard a voice cry, ‘Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep’” Act 2 Scene 2
“Blood will have blood” Act 3, Scene 4
"Out, out, brief candle” Act 5, Scene 5
“Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage” Act 5, Scene 5
“Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day” Act 5, Scene 5
“I bear a charmed life” Act 5, Scene 8
Macbeth Posters for Display - Macbeth Key Quote Revision
Add a touch of the macabre to your classroom whilst encouraging recall of Lady Macbeth’s key quotations in ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare.
This set of 15 eye-catching posters is great for inspiring quotation retrieval whilst revising for the AQA English Literature GCSE. It’s also great KS3 English classes reading the Scottish Play!
Each square poster features a quote from the play cross referenced with the act and scene number and the character that speaks the line, all with a creepy background image. This PDF file is easy-to-print, taking the time out of creating engaging English Literature displays.
Lady Macbeth not quite what you’re looking for? Why not check out these Macbeth Key Quotation Display Posters for The Witches
Quotes included:
“Come you spirits, That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here.” Act 1, Scene 5
“I may pour my spirits in thine ear And chastise with the valor of my tongue” Act 1, Scene 5
“And take my milk for gall, you murd’ring ministers” Act 1, Scene 5
“Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o’ the milk of human kindness.” Act 1 Scene 5
“Look like th’innocent flower, But be the serpent under’t” Act 1, Scene 5
“Screw your courage to the sticking-place, And we’ll not fail.” Act 1, Scene 5
“What beast was’t then, That made you break this enterprise to me?” Act 1, Scene 7
“That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold” Act 2, Scene 2
“Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done’t.” Act 2, Scene 2
“Tis the eye of childhood, That fears a painted devil.” Act 2, Scene 2
“Yet who would have the thought the old man to have so much blood in him?” Act 5, Scene 1
Lady Macbeth Posters for Display - Lady Macbeth Key Quote Revision
Create visually appealing displays while encouraging recall and quotation retention!
This mini bundle of Macbeth key quotation posters is great for inspiring quotation retrieval whilst revising for the AQA English Literature GCSE. It’s also great for any KS3 English classes reading William Shakespeare’s famous Scottish Play!
This bundle includes:
Macbeth Key Quotation Display Posters - The Witches
Macbeth’s Character Key Quotation Display Posters
Lady Macbeth Key Quote Display Posters
Each poster set features quotes from the play cross-referenced with the act and scene number and the character that says the line, all with a corresponding background image.
These PDF files are easy-to-print, taking the time out of creating engaging English Literature displays.
Rainforest-themed positive mindset posters, perfect for adding a bit of greenery wherever they’re displayed.
This ready-to-print PDF of 10 posters can be displayed to boost confidence, self-esteem and kindness in your classroom in the time it takes for you to press ‘print’.
Each one of these motivational classroom posters includes a famous quote, making them great for growth mindset inspiration.
Like what you see? Why not visit my TES storefront for more resources like this and lots of helpful freebies!
Starry, galaxy-themed positive mindset posters.
This ready-to-print PDF of 10 posters can be displayed to boost confidence, self-esteem and kindness in your classroom in the time it takes for you to press ‘print’.
Each one of these motivational classroom posters includes a famous quote, making them great for growth mindset inspiration.
Like what you see? Why not visit my TES storefront for more resources like this and lots of helpful freebies!
Fun end of term activity for GCSE and/or KS3 classes studying Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.
This ready-to-print PDF resource includes a colour version, a black & white printer-friendly version, as well as a teacher answer key.
This word search activity reinforces students’ understanding of the novella by including a mix of characters’ names, snippets of quotes and key ideas.
An engaging resource that would be perfect before the Christmas holidays, or as a starter activity before the GCSE English Literature exam!
Looking for more things A Christmas Carol? Have a look at these A Christmas Carol key quotation retrieval posters
A Christmas Carol revision worksheet, perfect for a starter activity or A Christmas Carol end-of-unit revision activity. Can be used for GCSE English Literature students, or KS3 English students who’ve studied the Dickensian novella.
This PPT contains two slides: one slide is the printable A Christmas Carol revision game, where students follow the questions to move through the choices. The second slide is the answers.
How to use:
Students start at the start point and work their way through the questions.
Each question is multiple choice, and their choice takes them to the next question.
Only one route is ‘correct’ and this is shared in the second slide.
Have fun!
If you like the look of this GCSE English Literature resource, check out my TES storefrontfor more resources like this.
Fun word search activity for GCSE and/or KS3 classes studying Macbeth by William Shakespeare.
This ready-to-print PDF resource includes a colour version, a black & white printer-friendly version, as well as a teacher answer key.
This word search activity reinforces students’ understanding of the Scottish Play by including a mix of characters’ names and key ideas and devices.
An engaging resource that would be perfect as a starter activity before the GCSE English Literature exam, or just a fun activity at the end of studying the play.
Looking for more things Macbeth? Have a look at this Macbeth key quotation poster bundle
Throw kindness around like confetti and create a calm and positive learning environment with these ready-to-print botanical kindness posters.
These 6 printable classroom posters feature a calming leafy background, each with a kindness saying written in a contemporary brush font.
Green and botanical displays not your thing? Check out this pastel confetti version.
They’re perfect for quick inspirational classroom decor that motivates students to be kind to others.
What’s included:
One 8" X 10" PDF
Like this item? Check out my TES storefront for more items like this!
This Scrooge Quote Analysis Chain Activity is the perfect activity to have your students retrieve Charles Dickens’ most famous miser’s miserable deeds! Students recall Scrooge’s attitude before Marley’s Ghost’s visit and create their own “ponderous chain” to decorate the classroom or create an engaging English Literature revision prompt.
What’s Included?
1 Zip file
Instructions for delivering activity
Three versions of chain templates: plain, guided or with quotes.
2 x quotation poster: one plain, one with a snowy background
2 x Scrooge’s Chain poster: one plain, one with a snowy background
This product can be used as a Literature revision task, or just a simple and fun winter craft activity for before the winter break!
All files in the Zip folder are PDF files, so it’s nice and simple and ready-to-print!
Like this resource? Check out my TES storefront for more A Christmas Carol GCSE Literature resources!
Scrooge Quote Analysis Chain, Winter Craft, A Christmas Carol Revision Activity
Throw kindness around like confetti and create a calm and positive learning environment with these ready-to-print kindness posters.
These 6 printable classroom posters feature a pastel confetti background, each with a kindness saying written in a contemporary brush font.
Pastel confetti classroom displays not quite your thing? Check out the calming botanical version!
They’re perfect for quick inspirational classroom decor that motivates students to be kind to others.
What’s included:
One 8" X 10" PDF
Like this item? Check out my TES storefront for more items like this!
Consolidate your class’ study of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth with this mega crossword worksheet!
This crossword printable features 40 clues and encourages recall of the key events, key quotes and context of The Scottish Play.
This crossword should take some time to complete as students are encouraged to research the answers using their study notes and copy of the text.
Answer key included so you can quickly check your students’ answers!
Ready to print-and-go, this resource is great for:
An end-of-unit activity
English Literature cover lesson task
A fun revision activity
Looking for more Macbeth and/or English Literature activities? Check out my TES storefront for lots more resources and display ideas!
This An Inspector Calls Retrieval and Revision Maze Activity is perfect for a starter activity at the end of studying the play. Can be used for GCSE English Literature students, or KS3 English students who’ve studied JB Priestley’s play.
This PPT contains three slides: The first slide can be used whilst students carry out the activity. The second slide is the printable An Inspector Calls revision maze, where students follow the questions to move through the choices. The final slide is the answer key with the route animated to show one arrow at a time, making it great for class feedback.
How to use:
Students read each box and work their way through the questions.
Each question is multiple choice, and their choice takes them to the next question.
Only one route is ‘correct’ and this is shared in the second slide.
Have fun!
If you like the look of this GCSE English Literature resource, check out my TES storefront for more resources like this.
This Inspector Calls Chain of Events Quote Analysis Activity is the perfect activity to have your students retrieve key quotations from JB Priestley’s play to decorate the classroom or use as an engaging English Literature revision prompt.
Students should consider how each of the characters in An Inspector Calls is linked to Eva Smith/Daisy Renton’s tragic death, creating their own chain of events.
What’s Included?
1 Zip file
Instructions for delivering activity
Three versions of chain templates: plain, guided or with quotes.
Two printable titles for display, including the quotation “Because what happened to her then may have determined what happened to her afterwards, and what happened to her afterwards may have driven her to suicide. A chain of events.”
This product can be used as a Literature revision task, or just a simple and fun winter craft activity after studying the play!
All files in the Zip folder are PDF files, so it’s nice and simple and ready-to-print!
Like this resource? Check out my TES storefront for more GCSE English Literature resources!
An Inspector Calls Chain of Events Quote Analysis Activity
Consolidate your class’ study of A Christmas Carol with this mega crossword worksheet!
This crossword printable features almost 50 clues and encourages recall of the key events, key quotes and context. This crossword should take some time to complete and students are encouraged to research the answers using their study notes and the text.
Answer key included so you can quickly check your students’ answers!
Ready to print-and-go, this resource is great for:
An end-of-term winter activity
English Literature cover lesson task
A fun revision activity
Looking for more A Christmas Carol activities? Check out my TES storefront for lots more resources and display ideas!
Encourage students to recall figurative language devices whilst engaging them with this maze activity worksheet PPT.
What’s included?
Slide 1: Perfect as a starter activity, the first slides asks students to reflect on previous learning to choose the correct maze path as they choose which device matches the definition or example.
Slide 2: Looking for a longer activity? The second slide includes an additional task for students to extend their knowledge and understanding. A great part of an extended activity or cover lesson plan!
Slide 3: This slide is the answer key that reveals the correct route of the maze!
Devices featured:
This file is an easy-to-download A4 size PPT file, where the first slides are the worksheets.
Perfect for consolidation and/or revision tasks for English classes!
Like this resource? Check out my TES storefront for more worksheets like this!
A Christmas Carol Activities and Display BUNDLE
This is a great bundle for consolidating your learners’ study of A Christmas Carol, including worksheets and display activities to encourage recall and quotation retrieval with low to no prep.
What’s included?
A Christmas Carol word search puzzle
A Christmas Carol key quote display posters
Scrooge’s Chain activity and display
A Christmas Carol mega crossword puzzle
A Christmas Carol maze worksheet
PRODUCT ONE: A Christmas Carol word search puzzle
Printable PDF file of word search x 2 (color and black and white)
Teacher answer key
PRODUCT TWO: A Christmas Carol key quote display posters
20 key quotes from the novella
Corresponding character and stave
Gorgeous displays in the time it takes to press ‘print’
Blue winter theme
PRODUCT THREE: Scrooge’s Chain activity and display
Differentiated paper chain activity
Teacher instructions
Encourage quotation analysis
Display printables: Scrooge’s Chain title and a quote from Stave 1 on plain and wintery backgrounds.
PRODUCT FOUR: A Christmas Carol mega crossword puzzle
Almost 50 clues
Words from key quotes, context and motifs
Answer key included.
PRODUCT FIVE: A Christmas Carol maze worksheet
Printable maze worksheet
Questions about A Christmas Carol, key quotes and context
Answer key included.
Take a look at each product or the product preview for a closer look at this resource. These products are ready-to-download and print.
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Instagram: @MrsMsEnglishRoom
Encourage students to link images with meaning in this standalone lesson on imagery in the poem ‘Sympathy’ by Paul Laurence Dunbar.
This lesson was used for a job interview lesson with a mixed ability Year 7 English class, but could be used as an introduction to poetry.
What’s included?
Lesson PPT
Double-sided worksheet
A5 copy of the poem ‘Sympathy’
Skills included:
Identifying images and connotations
Analytical writing using scaffolding and WAGOLL
Peer assessment and DIRT support reflection.