
Storytime Myths and Legends Pack
What is a myth fact sheet
What is a legend fact sheet
Top Tens: mythical heroes, mythical gods, mythical monsters, legendary heroes, legendary beasts
Create a myth or legend
Hero’s Quest Story Mountain
Three Picture Frames Heroes and Gods, Mythical Monsters and Legendary Creatures
Storytime Biography Sheet and Checklist
Storytime Diary Sheet
Top of the God Survey
Roll a Monster!
Fold a Monster!
Myth or Legend Sheet
Myth and Match Game

Storytime The Lady in the Lake Pack
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, History, Geography and Art
Word Watch Sheet
Hero Quest Story Mountain Sheet
Legend Comparison Sheet
Story Sequencing
King Arthur Fact Sheet
Legend or History?
Character Masks
Colouring Sheets

Storytime The Emperor's New Clothes Pack
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, History, Music, PSHE and Design & Technology.
Word Wise Sheet
Emperor Adjectives Sheet
Story Sequencing
Tell A Tale
Simple Storyboards
Fun with Fabrics
Word Search
Dress Up the Emperor
Colouring Sheets

Storytime Daffodils Pack
Inspired by the classic William Wordsworth poem
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, Geography, History, Maths, Science, Art, Drama Music, PSHE and Design & Technology.
Word Watch Sheet
Spring Acrostic Poem
Spring Words
Picture Frame

Storytime Pegasus Pack
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, Geography, Science and Art.
Word Watch Sheet
Story Mountain
Monster Survey
Real of Mythical?
Character Masks
Hero Journey Sheet
Colouring-In Sheets

Storytime The Crow and the Pitcher Pack
The Crow and the Pitcher Story
Literacy, Science, Maths, Geography & Art Lesson Ideas
The Crow and the Pitcher Word Wise Sheet
The Crow and the Pitcher Sock Puppet Kit
Clever Crow Fact Sheet
The Crow and the Pitcher Experiment Sheet
The Crow and the Pitcher Colouring Sheet
Crow Mask Activity
The Crow and the Pitcher Pebble Maze

Storytime The Golden Goose Pack
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, Maths, PE, Geography, Science and Art.
Word Watch Sheet
Curious Adjectives
Good and Bad Sheet
Story Sequencing
Simple Storyboards
Who's In The Queue?
Animal Plurals
Wish Sheet
Fact Sheet
Colouring-in & Masks

Storytime Bees Pack
Teach kids about the importance of protecting our bees
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, Maths, Design, PE, Science and Art.
Save the Bees Action Sheet
Brilliant Bees Fact Sheet
Word Watch Sheet
'B Bee' plus Word Whizz
Buzz Words
Finger Puppets
Buzzy Bee Maths
Honey Flapjack Recipe
Bee A Designer
Colouring-in & Masks

Storytime Poetry for Kids Pack
What is a Poem? Fact Sheet
Different Types of Poem
Poetry Techniques
Rhyming for Beginners
Rhyming Sheet
Poetic Pairs Sheet
Pass the Poem Sheet
Finish the Poem Sheet
Write a Poem! Sheets

Storytime Fable Pack
Aesop Fact Sheet with Lesson Ideas
What Is a Fable? with Lesson Ideas
Create a Fable! with Lesson Ideas
Animal Adjectives Sheet
Storytime Problem and Solution Sheet
Storytime Story Planner
Storytime Storyboards
Storytime Picture Frame

Storytime Fairy Tale Deco Pack
Fairy Tale Decoration Teaching Resource Pack – for classroom stimulus:
Fairy tale bunting. Decorate your class with our Once Upon a Time Fairy Tale Bunting
Fairy tales settings posters. Pin them up to inspire great stories! Includes palace, gingerbread house, woods and a cottage
Fairy tale character posters. Use our posters as stimulus for story writing in the classroom – includes a prince, princess, witch, gingerbread man, fairy godmother, giant, big bad wolf, frog
Fairy tale phrases posters. Use our posters to prompt brilliant beginnings and endings when writing your own fairy tales
Fairy tale bookmarks. Inspire your class by giving them their own Storytime fairy tale bookmarks!

Storytime Tom Thumb Pack
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, Maths, Geography and Art.
Story Sequencing Sheet
Simple Storyboards
Word Watch Sheet
Pint-Sized Poetry
Spot Tom Thumb
Character Comprehension
Bigger or Smaller?
Small World Decorations
If I Were Tom Thumb...
Colouring-in, Masks and a Finger Puppet

Storytime The Enormous Turnip Pack
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, Maths, Science, Art, P.E. and Design & Technology.
Word Wise Sheet
Story Sequencing
Words and Pictures Cards
Simple Storyboards
Super Similes
Counting Sheet
Size Sorting
Root Vegetable Fact Sheet
Plant Growth Chart
Recipe Sheets
Colouring Sheets
Paper Dolls

Storytime Fairy Tale Pack
Brothers Grimm, Hans C Andersen and Charles Perrault Fact Sheets with lesson ideas
What Is a Fairy Tale? with lesson ideas
Create a Fairy Tale Sheet
Favourite Fairy Tale Survey Sheet
Fairy Tale Creator Cards – 4 sheets of 24 cards
Fairy Tale Detective Sheet
Fairy Tale Story Sheet
Hero and Heroine Adjectives Sheet
Fairy Tale Baddy Adjectives Sheet
Fairy Tale Match Game

Storytime Jack and the Beanstalk Pack
Jack and the Beanstalk Lesson Ideas for Literacy, Maths, Science, Music, PE and Art
Word Wise Sheet
Jack and the Beanstalk Match Game
Jack and the Beanstalk: Name the Characters
Jack and Giant Masks
Magic Beans Maths 1 and 2
Big or Small Sheet
Beanstalk Growth Chart
Storytime Giant’s Castle Plant Marker
Jack and the Beanstalk Colouring Sheet