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Storytime Poetry for Kids Pack
What is a Poem? Fact Sheet
Different Types of Poem
Poetry Techniques
Rhyming for Beginners
Rhyming Sheet
Poetic Pairs Sheet
Pass the Poem Sheet
Finish the Poem Sheet
Write a Poem! Sheets
Storytime The Crocodile and the Monkey Pack
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, Science, Maths, PSHE, R.E., Geography, P.E., Cookery and Art
Word Wise Sheet
Animal Fact Sheet
Fruit Face Sheet
Monkey vs Crocodile
Monkey and Crocodile Masks
Storytime Egyptian Pack - Ra's Secret Name
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, History, Science, Maths, Geography and Art
Word Wise Sheet
Ra Fact Sheet
Heiroglyphic Alphabet & Code Sheet
Egyptian Maths Sheet
Masks & Colouring
Storytime Hercules and the Lion Pack
Lesson Ideas, including Literacy, History, Science, P.E. and Art
Word Wise Sheet
Good and Bad Adjectives Sheet
Hercules Fact Sheet
The Twelve Labours of Hercules
'Soft and Hard' Science Investigation Sheet
Hercules and the Lion Character Masks
Hercules Colouring Sheet
Storytime Picture Frame
Hercules Constellation Dot-to-Dot Sheet
Storytime New Zealand Pack - Maui Goes Fishing
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, Geography, PE and Art
Word Wise Sheet
Maui's Fish Colouring Sheet
Maori Factfile Sheet
Maui's Moko Sheet
Mags Goes Fishing Game
Storytime - Awesome Art Pack
10 Top Tips for Beginner Illustrators
Warm-up Doodles Activity
Wacky Creature Creator
Finish the Illustration Grids
Copy the Creature Grids
Draw a Triantiwontigongolope Step-by-Step
Doodle Sheet
Grid Sheet
Triantiwontigongolope Colouring Sheet
Drawing Sheet
Storytime - The Firebird Pack
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, Music, Geography, History and Art.
Word Watch Sheet
Story Sequencing Sheet
Simple Storyboards
Quick Comprehension Checker
Firebird Quiz
Sample Poem Sheet
Letter Template
Colouring-in and Masks
Storytime - Tom Thumb Pack
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, Maths, Geography and Art
Story Sequencing Sheet
Simple Storyboards
Word Watch Sheet
Pint-Sized Poetry
Spot Tom Thumb
Character Comprehension
Bigger or Smaller?
Small World Decorations
If I Were Tom Thumb…
Colouring-in, Masks and a Finger Puppet
Storytime - Summer Fun Hawaii Pack
10 Facts about Hawaii. Get to know the geography and culture of this amazing location.
**Explosive Volcanoes. **Explore the science behind the myth and find out what makes volcanoes erupt.
See Inside a Volcano. Ever wondered what a volcano looks like from the inside? Sneak a scientific peek here.
**Make a Volcano. **Pretend you’re a volcano god or goddess and try this fun and easy science experiment!
**Hawaiian Party Time. **Learn about the music, food and celebrations of Hawaii, try a tropical recipe and make your own floral lei.
**Ocean Maze. **Can you navigate your way through shark-infested waters, like Pele’s sister did? Find out in this tricky puzzle.
**Hawaiian Word Search. **See if you can spot the Hawaiian-themed words in our grid.
Colouring and Drawing Pages. Put your artistic skills to the test on our colouring and drawing pages.
**Postcard from Hawaii. **Write a postcard from this tropical isle and send it to a friend.
The Great Big Hawaii Quiz. How much can you remember about Hawaii? Pit your wits against our quiz!
Storytime - Sly Fox Pack
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, Maths, Science and Art
Word Watch Sheet, Foxy Words, Sly Verbs
Story Sequencing
Simple Storyboards
Story Sack Sheet
Animal Adjectives
Fox Fact sheet
Heavy or Light
Colouring In
Storytime - The Months of the Year Pack
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, Maths and Art.
Quick Comprehension Checker
Compare the Poems
Order the Months
Months Wordsearch
Months Quiz
Months and Season Match
Birthday Chart
Storytime - Ugly Duckling Pack
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, PSHE, Music, Science and Art.
Quick Comprehension Checker
Word Watch & Word Ladder
Story Sequencing
Tell the Tale
True or False?
Bird Word Search
Persuasive Letter
Baby and Mother Match
Swan Life Cycle
Colouring & Masks
Storytime - Christmas Pack
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, History, Geography, Art, Citizenship and Science.
Word Watch Sheet
Quick Comprehension Checker
Tell the Tale
Name the Reindeer
Santa Adjectives
Festive Wordsearch
Santa Letter Template
Fill in the Vowels
Christmas Acrostic Poem Sheet
Reindeer Facts
Christmas Traditions Around the World
Colouring-in and Masks
Storytime - The Great Snail Race Pack
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, Geography, Art, Science and P.E.
Word Watch Sheet
Quick Comprehension Checker
Story Sequencing Sheet
Simple Storyboards
Slow and Fast Sheet
Snail Trail Puzzle
Snail Fact Sheet
Snail Parade Sheet
Colouring-in and Masks
PLUS a bonus short story
Storytime - Dinosaur Pack
Lesson Ideas for Literacy, Science, History, Maths and Art.
Quick Comprehension Checker
Word Watch
Leo’s Letter
Dino Moves
Favourite Dinosaur Chart
Cetiosaurus Facts
Dino Diet
Dead or Alive?
Finger Puppets
Masks & Dino Footprints!