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AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Biodiversity (within a community) Full Lesson

AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Biodiversity (within a community) Full Lesson

A full 60 minute lesson on Biodiversity (within a community), covering the following LOs… Explain what is meant by the terms biodiversity, species richness and index of diversity. Calculate the index of diversity when supplied with relevant information. Interpret information and draw conclusions from the index of diversity for different habitats. Explain how farming techniques impact on biodiversity and the reason why these techniques are used. Evaluate conservation techniques and why these must be balanced with farming. Lesson includes starter task, recall questions (and answers), and also practice exam questions (and mark scheme).
AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Protein Synthesis - Translation Full Lesson

AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Protein Synthesis - Translation Full Lesson

A full lesson on Translation (Protein Synthesis), covering the following LOs… Explain the process of translation. Explain the specific roles of ribosomes, ATP and tRNA in translation. Describe the structure of tRNA and how it is related to its function. Relate the base sequence of nucleic acids to the amino acid sequence of polypeptides, when provided with suitable data about the genetic code. Lesson includes starter task, summary questions (and answers), and practice exam questions (and mark scheme).
AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Advances in Classification Technologies Full Lesson

AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Advances in Classification Technologies Full Lesson

A full lesson on Advances in Classification Technologies, covering the following LOs… Explain how the results of genetic sequencing and immunological analysis can help us to update our understanding of evolutionary relationships. Interpret results from genetic and immunological analysis, to draw valid conclusions as to evolutionary relationships between organisms. Lesson includes starter task, and practice exam questions (and mark scheme).
AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Meiosis and Genetic Variation Full Lesson

AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Meiosis and Genetic Variation Full Lesson

A full 60 minute lesson on Meiosis, covering the following LOs… Describe why meiosis is necessary. Describe the process of meiosis. Explain how meiosis creates genetic variation. Lesson includes starter task, comprehension task, meiosis diagram sheet, summary questions (and answers), plenary, and also a homelearning task with practice exam questions (and mark scheme).
AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Genetic Diversity and Adaptation Full Lesson

AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Genetic Diversity and Adaptation Full Lesson

A full 60 minute lesson on Genetic Diversity and Adaptation, covering the following LOs… Explain why organisms are different from one another. Describe what factors influence genetic diversity. Explain how reproductive success affects allele frequency within a gene pool. Explain how genetic diversity enables natural selection. Lesson includes starter task, summary questions (and answers), plenary, and also a homelearning task with practice exam questions (and mark scheme).
AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Species (Courtship Displays/Behaviour) Full Lesson

AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Species (Courtship Displays/Behaviour) Full Lesson

A full 60 minute lesson on Species (Courtship Displays/Behaviour), covering the following LOs… Explain what a species is. Appreciate the difficulties in defining the term species. Explain the role of courtship and why it is necessary. Interpret information and data relating to courtship displays. Lesson includes starter task, class discussion, and practice exam questions (and mark scheme).
GCSE AQA Trilogy Combined Science Biology Paper 2 Revision Lesson

GCSE AQA Trilogy Combined Science Biology Paper 2 Revision Lesson

GCSE AQA Trilogy Combined Science Biology Paper 2 Revision Lesson 1-2 hour revision lesson covering key concepts in GCSE AQA Combined Science Biology, with a focus on Paper 2 topics (B5, B6 and B7). Includes 72 marks of practice exam questions (with answers) on… B5 - Homeostasis & Response B6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution B7 - Ecology Aimed at Foundation students, but could also be used with Higher.
GCSE AQA Trilogy Combined Science Biology Paper 1 Revision Lesson

GCSE AQA Trilogy Combined Science Biology Paper 1 Revision Lesson

**GCSE AQA Trilogy Combined Science Biology Paper 1 Revision Lesson ** 1 hour revision lesson on Common Mistakes and Misconceptions in GCSE AQA Combined Science Biology, with a focus on Paper 1 topics (B1, B2, B3 and B4). Includes… Common mistakes and misconceptions in topic B3 (Infection and Response), with exam tips, practice questions and answers. Common mistakes and misconceptions in topic B4 (Bioenergetics), with exam tips, practice questions and answers. Retrieval quiz (with answers) on topics B1 (Cell Biology) and B2 (Organisation). 6 mark exam question practice (with mark schemes) for foundation tier and higher tier students.
AS/A2 Level (OCR) Year 12/13 Immune System Immunity Revision/Self-Learning Pack (Home Learning Resource)

AS/A2 Level (OCR) Year 12/13 Immune System Immunity Revision/Self-Learning Pack (Home Learning Resource)

2 Resources
AS/A2 Level Year 12/13 Immune System Immunity Revision/Self-Learning Pack (Home learning resource) Bundle contains… AS/A2 Level Year 12/13 Immune System Immunity PowerPoint Presentation AS/A2 Level Year 12/13 Immune System Immunity Revision Booklet Students can use the PowerPoint Presentation to work their way through the Revision booklet activities and practice questions (up to the Section on “Cell signaling and the immune response”). After this, you should encourage your students to use a variety of resources to research the answers to the last few sections of the booklet themselves. Perfect for self/home-learning and/or revision of a particularly tricky topic. Made for OCR, but can be adapted to suit different exam boards. PRICE HAS BEEN REDUCED SINCE REVIEW :) Save 25% by buying the bundle!!
AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Active Passive Natural Artificial Herd Immunity Vaccination Full Lesson

AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Active Passive Natural Artificial Herd Immunity Vaccination Full Lesson

A full lesson on Active and Passive Immunity (Vaccination), covering the following LOs… Describe how antigens can be used to produce a vaccine. Discuss ethical issues associated with the use of vaccines. Explain what is meant by herd immunity, and why it is able to protect unvaccinated people. Compare and contrast active and passive, natural and artificial immunity. Lesson includes starter task, recall questions (and answers), practice exam questions (with mark scheme), and plenary.
AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Classification (Phylogeny, Taxonomy) Full Lesson

AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Classification (Phylogeny, Taxonomy) Full Lesson

A full 60 minute lesson on Classification, covering the following LOs… Explain the hierarchical taxonomic ranks used in the classification of species. Interpret phylogenetic trees. Apply knowledge to identify different taxonomic ranks from information provided. Appreciate the difficulties in constructing valid phylogenetic classifications. Lesson includes starter task, links to GCSE biology, summary questions (and answers), recap questions (and answers), and also practice exam questions (and mark scheme).
AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Investigating Diversity Full Lesson

AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Investigating Diversity Full Lesson

A full lesson on Investigating Diversity, covering the following LOs… Explain how the results of DNA hybridisation and biochemical analysis can be used to suggest relationships between different organisms within/between species. Interpret data obtained from DNA hybridisation or biochemical analysis. Explain how gene technology has changed the way in which relationships between organisms are worked out. Evaluate direct DNA/protein sequencing against methods of measuring the frequency of characteristics. Lesson includes starter task, and practice exam questions (and mark scheme).
AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Antigens and Immunity Full Lesson

AS/A2-Level AQA Biology Antigens and Immunity Full Lesson

A full lesson on Antigens and Immunity, covering the following LOs… Define the term antigen. Explain why antigen recognition is important for the immune system. Explain why the surface molecules of some cells act as antigens. Lesson includes starter task (prior knowledge check questions and answers), and practice exam questions (and mark scheme).