I hope my resources simplify your planning, give you the much needed extra hours for an improved work-life balance and take your teaching to the heights you want it to go.
I hope my resources simplify your planning, give you the much needed extra hours for an improved work-life balance and take your teaching to the heights you want it to go.
Suitable for KS3 and KS4.
This resource is suitable as a criteria sheet that students can use to achieve their persuasive writing targets. They can keep re-visiting the sheet for HW tasks too throughout the year (if it’s glued into their exercise books).
The key strategy governing the activity is that students are taking charge of their own progress and learning to be independent learners as the criteria sheet is an important tool in their learning toolbox.
The activity also deploys FAR marking techniques.
This useful Writing to Inform & Explain A Self Assessment Checklist will help your students be independent writers and encourage them to develop their self editing skills.
Suitable for KS3 and KS4.
This is suitable for all KS3 and KS4 reading assessments for Language and Literature programmes or study. It is designed to enable students to work independently when they’re marking a peer’s work without the teacher’s assistance. It includes a SPaG grid of common SPaG errors.
This is a SPaG grid that’s a simple tick sheet that students can glue into their exercise books each term (or half term) to show their progress across the literacy skills. It is designed to be a student self-assessment resource.
This evaluation is designed to be used during the creation process or after the task is completed.
It can be used with any writing to inform task and can be adapted.
Suitable for KS3 or KS4.
This worksheet includes 2 HW tasks.
One is a reseacrh task and one in an editing SPaG task that requires students to also add more informative detail.
Good for either KS3 and KS4.
Make it impersonal! This worksheet is a writing to Inform task where students have to adapt the style of writing from personal to impersonal.
Suitable for KS3 and KS4
Please be aware that this SOW contains all of the ideas needed to teach the unit, but does not include the resources bank. Howevever, the unit contains references to suitable resources that can be used; these are resources that can be accessed online.
The plan also includes all of the starter and plenary ideas - many don’t need a resources bank.
I hope it helps.
This is a simple, visual method of exploring the differences between the different grade boundaries of the new assessment schedule in English.
Benefits KS3 and KS4 progression.
This sheet is useful for making the teaching of persuasive language more realistic for students.
Suitable for KS3 but it is also useful for bottom set KS4 groups
A quick and easy way to give VERY SPECIFIC feedback without copious amounts of writing. Simply glue the sheet in under the student’s work. Tick the relevant criteria, set targets quickly and ensure the student has read your marking by getting them respond to in the student response section.
This assessment sheet is ideal for marking drafts and final copies of exam preparation essays. It can be used with KS3 and KS4.
It corresponds with the FAR marking policy = Feedback - Action -Response.
Stage 1: The teacher gives FEEDBACK using very specific criteria which should be shared with students before the assessment takes place.
Stage 2: The teacher uses the criteria to specify which ACTIONS the student needs to take to get to the next grade.
Stage 3: The student writes a written RESPONSE to the teacher’s comments about the ACTIONS required to reach the next stage.
It’s very useful for showing progress, communicating attainment on HW forms part of exam preparation revision.
This is a powerpoint is a one off lesson that revisits some key poetic devices and demonstrates how to use a venn diagram to compare two poems before writing about them.
Suitable for KS3 and KS4.
It includes a starter and plenary, guided reading/analysis questions and basic ’ introduction’ skills.
This essay compares ‘Quickdraw’ and ‘In Paris With You’. At the bottom there are 5 teacher comments and space for students to decide with their teacher what the overall grade should be. There is also a box for the ‘quality of written communication’ to be assessed.
A quick and easy way to give VERY SPECIFIC feedback without copious amounts of writing. Simply glue the sheet in under the student’s work. Tick the relevant criteria, set targets quickly and ensure the student has read your marking by getting them respond to in the student response section.
This assessment sheet is ideal for marking drafts and final copies of exam preparation essays. It can be used with KS3 and KS4.
It corresponds with the FAR marking policy = Feedback - Action -Response.
Stage 1: The teacher gives FEEDBACK using very specific criteria which should be shared with students before the assessment takes place.
Stage 2: The teacher uses the criteria to specify which ACTIONS the student needs to take to get to the next grade.
Stage 3: The student writes a written RESPONSE to the teacher’s comments about the ACTIONS required to reach the next stage.
It’s very useful for showing progress, communicating attainment on HW or timed (in class) essays that form part of exam preparation revision.
A quick and easy way to give VERY SPECIFIC feedback without copious amounts of writing. Simply glue the sheet in under the student’s work. Tick the relevant criteria, set targets quickly and ensure the student has read your marking by getting them respond to in the student response section.
This assessment sheet is ideal for marking drafts and final copies of exam preparation essays. It can be used with KS3 and KS4.
It corresponds with the FAR marking policy = Feedback - Action -Response.
Stage 1: The teacher gives FEEDBACK using very specific criteria which should be shared with students before the assessment takes place.
Stage 2: The teacher uses the criteria to specify which ACTIONS the student needs to take to get to the next grade.
Stage 3: The student writes a written RESPONSE to the teacher’s comments about the ACTIONS required to reach the next stage.
It’s very useful for showing progress, communicating attainment on HW or timed (in class) essays that form part of exam preparation revision.
This year long Programme of Study is based on a study of the new linear GCSE English Course. This long term plan reflects the new GCSE Linear Exam Assessment Objectives.
Students will be assessed on:
Responding to GCSE fiction and non-fiction text extracts exploring creative writing based upon GCSE literary non-fiction text extracts
Exploring Shakespearean tragedy: the study ofeither Macbeth or Merchant of Venice
Exploring contemporary poetry: contemporary poetry (AQA Anthology)
The study of the 19th century novel - the teacher’s choice
Exploring and developing a viewpoint
A mock GCSE summer exams
It also includes:
activity suggestions
lesson content suggestions
exam structures
a map of the assessment objectives for the whole year
links to AQA’s GCSE exam frame and criteria
It is ideal for new HoD, departments without a HoD, or HoDs who are seeking a fresh perspective or Programme of Study.