Religious education

The Bible - Types of Writing in the Bible!
In this engaging and informative lesson, students learn about the different types of writing in the Bible, consider how these different writing forms get across key messages, and apply this knowledge in creating their own thoughtful texts. They learn through:
-Recalling and remembering how to reference different sections of the Bible;
-Acting as ‘Bible Detectives’, follwing references in order to find different styles of writing;
-Analysing how different styles of writing add to meanings/ messages;
-Considering important messages and lessons that they have been given in their own lives, and applying knowledge of different writing styles to contribute to a ‘Class Bible’;
-Evaluating their ‘Class Bible’ through thought-provoking reflection questions;
This resource pack contains a comprehensive and colourful 17-slide Powerpoint, which guides teachers and students through the learning activities. Challenge activities are provided in order to enrich learning for higher-attaining learners.
A part of the lesson includes using Bibles, so you will need enough for at least one per group in your class.
In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 - the key learning is aligned with national expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide.

Churches - The Features of Churches!
In this lesson, students learn about the key features of Anglican churches.
Some of the features covered include: the font, the altar, the pulpit, the lecturn, the nave, the crucifix and stained glass windows. Students learn about the key purpose of the features, and where they can be found in the church.
Students also begin to comprehend what the features symbolise.
This resource pack contains a comprehensive 16-slide Powerpoint, alongside an eye-catching worksheet. Two extension activities are provided in order to challenge higher ability learners.
In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 - the key learning is aligned with NC expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide.

Shabbat - Knowledge Organiser/ Revision Mat!
This detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for children, teachers and other stakeholders when covering the topic of ‘Shabbat’ in religious education. It contains comprehensive sections under the following headings:
-Shabbat Overview;
-Why Shabbat is Important to Jews;
-Shabbat Traditions;
-Forbidden Activities during Shabbat;
-Key Vocabulary.
Key words and ideas are underlined for easy reference. It was originally created for those teaching and learning in KS1/ lower KS2. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3 or A4, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to).

The Bible - Interpretations of the Bible!
In this engaging and informative lesson, students learn how Christians may interpret the Bible differently. They learn about the meaning of ‘liberal’ and ‘fundamentalist’ Christians, and understand how these two viewpoints influence interpretations of different Bible stories. They learn through:
-Recalling and remembering foundation contextual facts about the Bible;
-Defining the word ‘interpretation’ and understanding that people can interpret the same things differently;
-Learning about the differences in beliefs between fundamentalist Christians and liberal Christians;
-Watching the story of Jesus’ baptism (link included) and establishing how fundamentalist and liberal Christians may interpret different sections of the story;
-Considering how their work on different interpretations may influence the way that they see and behave towards other people with different ideas to themselves.
This resource pack contains a comprehensive and colourful 15-slide Powerpoint, which guides teachers and students through the learning activities. Challenge activities are provided in order to enrich learning for higher-attaining learners. A link to the video is also included (slide 9).
In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 - the key learning is aligned with national expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions.
The resource is also suitable for home learning
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide.

The Buddha - Suffering!
In this engaging lesson, students gain a deeper understanding of the early part of the Buddha’s life. They also consider the idea of suffering, and contemplate how Siddhartha Gautama aimed to find an end to suffering.
The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey:
-Inferring - looking at a picture of the Buddha and reading between the lines to understand what it shows us;
-Considering the concept of suffering by answering key questions;
-Reading and discussing the key events of Siddhartha Gautama’s early life;
-Writing two diary entries from the perspective of Siddhartha Gautama - before and after he witnesses suffering - using a helpful diary success criteria sheet;
-Thinking about how they can apply the idea of the suffering to their own lives;
-Considering a deeper thinking extension question;
-Completing a plenary to assess their understanding.
This resource pack contains a comprehensive Powerpoint, alongside an eye-catching worksheet.
In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 - the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use.

The Buddha - Buddhist Stories!
In this engaging lesson, students gain a deeper understanding of Buddhist stories that influence the ways in which Buddhists treat animals.
The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey:
-Watching video clips telling the story of Siddhartha and the Swan and The Monkey King (link provided);
-Answering comprehension questions to demonstrate understanding of the stories;
-Understanding the key messages that these stories give Buddhists to take on in their lives;
-Thinking about how they can apply these principles to their own lives;
-Creating a poster for Buddhists about treatment of animals, using their learning from across the lesson;
-Completing a plenary to assess their understanding.
In the past, I have used this lesson with children from lower Key Stage 2 - the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use.

KS1 RE - Special Places - Mosques!
In this engaging lesson, students develop their understanding of churches and what happens in them. It was originally taught as a part of an RE unit on ‘Special Places.’
The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey:
-Knowledge harvesting what children already know about mosques, and what they would like to find out;
-Learning the basics about Mosques, before reading and comprehending ‘An Important Job for Qaswa the Camel’ - an age-appropriate story about the first mosque;
-Studying a number of images of different features in mosques and discussing why each feature is important;
-Understanding what makes mosques special places to Muslims, and finding similarities and differences between mosques and churches;
-Completing a plenary activity to assess their understanding;
-Self-reflecting on the extent to which they feel they have met the learning objective.
This resource pack includes the comprehensive PowerPoint presentation (24 slides) and the story for the comprehension activity (provided in Word and PDF). There is everything that you need here to teach the lesson.
In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 1 - the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use.

Advent - Collective Worship Session!
This original and purposeful collective worship session aims to teach children about the meaning of advent.
-Understanding what advent is and when it is celebrated;
-Understanding different symbols and rituals of advent, for example advent wreaths and christingles, aided by an informative video;
-Learning that there are different types of ‘waiting’, and that some types of waiting are more difficult than others, through an interactive task;
-Understanding that Christians also view advent as a time to reflect on the ‘waiting’ of Jesus’ return;
-Reflecting on what has been learnt through the session;
-Ending with a prayer and a hymn about leadership.
This worship is tried and tested, and has always been really well received in the past. It is comprehensive (20 slides in total) and the slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people.
No further resources are required except a beanbag or small ball for the challenge activity - everything else that you need to present the worship is included.

Understanding Symbols - KS1 RE Lesson!
In this engaging and informative lesson, children learn what symbols are, and begin to interpret and reflect on the meaning of symbols. They apply this knowledge in creating their own symbols, considering what the objects/ animals, colours and shapes that they select represent.
I used this as an introductory lesson, before then going into more depth about different religious symbols in the subsequent lessons. Children enjoyed it and it gave them a solid understanding of symbols to build on in the next steps of their learning.
This resource pack contains a comprehensive and colourful 15-slide Powerpoint, which guides teachers and students through the learning activities. A template worksheet is also provided (in Word and PDF) for the students to create and describe their symbol.
In the past, I have used this lesson with children in both Years 1 and 2 - the key learning is aligned with national expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide.

RE - Introduction to Islam!
In this engaging and comprehensive lesson, students are introduced to the religion of Islam. They find out a number of key introductory facts about Islam, including:
-Who follows Islam;
-Some of the things that they believe;
-Where and how they worship;
-Their sacred places and texts.
Children learn through collating their collective prior knowledge, watching an interesting video (hyperlinked) and recording the key information, and exploring more information about the Qur’an, mosques and the Prophet Muhammad using a list of approved websites. They conclude by comparing what they have found out about Islam with what they know about Christianity.
The lesson is tried and tested, and is easy for teachers and students to follow. It contains a comprehensive 15-slide Powerpoint which offers a step-by-step guide throughout the lesson. Challenge activities are provided in order to enrich learning for higher-attaining learners.
In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 - the key learning is aligned with national expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide.

RE - Special Things in Nature Knowledge Organiser!
This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for children learning or revising knowledge of ‘special things in nature’ in RE. It contains comprehensive sections on:
-Overview - How and why is nature special?
-In Christianity - The Christian Creation Story/ Saint Francis of Assisi;
-In Islam - The Cave on Mount Hira/ Care of Animals;
-In Hinduism - Gods of Nature/ The Hindu Creation Story;
-Personal Spirituality - Key Questions;
-Key Vocabulary.
The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included). It is most appropriate for KS1 and lower KS2 children.

Teachings of Jesus - The Two Greatest Commandments!
In this engaging lesson, students develop their understanding of the ten commandments. They particularly consider what Jesus communicated as ‘the two greatest commandments’ (‘Love God’ and ‘Love thy Neighbour’).
The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey:
-Recalling each of the ten commandments and translating them into modern English;
-Knowledge recall - remembering key facts about Jesus’ life and teaching;
-Ranking the commandments in order of those that they feel are most important;
-Reading and discussing Jesus’ lesson on the most important commandments;
-Considering the messages that they can take for their own lives from this message;
-Creating 10 commandments for the modern world;
-Self-reflecting on the extent to which they feel they have met the learning objective.
The resource pack includes everything you need to teach the lesson, including the comprehensive PowerPoint presentation and the Bloom’s Taxonomy worksheet (provided in both Word and as a PDF). Just download and teach!
In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 with minor adaptations for age - the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use.

Teachings of Jesus - The Parable of the Good Samaritan!
In this engaging lesson, students read and interpret ‘The Parable of the Good Samaritan.’
The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey:
-Knowledge recall - remembering key facts about Jesus’ life and teaching;
-Defining the meaning of the word ‘Samaritan’ and gaining a basic understanding of the historical relationship between Jews and Samaritans;
-Reading and interpreting the parable through comprehension questions, and deciphering its key meanings;
-Considering the messages that they can take for their own lives from this parable;
-Researching how some charities have continued in the spirit of this parable today;
-Self-reflecting on the extent to which they feel they have met the learning objective.
The resource pack includes everything you need to teach the lesson, including the comprehensive PowerPoint presentation and the parable worksheet (provided in both Word and as a PDF). Just download and teach!
In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 with minor adaptations for age - the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use.

Adam and Eve - Assembly/ Collective Worship!
This engaging and original assembly/ collective worship session aims to provide children with an understanding of the parable of the story of Adam and Eve and ‘The Fall’, with a key focus on its moral meanings and how they can be applied in modern life.
The colourful and comprehensive presentation guides children through:
-Remembering what the Bible teaches about creation in Genesis 1;
-Watching a video about the creation of humans and understanding that Christians believe that Man was made in God’s image;
-Reading the story of ‘The Fall’ (using the script provided - this works best when children read/ play the different roles);
-Demonstrating an understanding of the story by answering questions about the plot events;
-Reflecting on the deeper meanings of the story - how people are imperfect and have free will, but have a responsibility to look after the world around them;
-Considering how these teachings apply in the modern world;
-Considering how they can apply the key message to their own lives;
-Participating in related song and prayer.
This worship session is tried and tested, and has always been really well received in the past. The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. If everything is kept in, it takes around 30 minutes to deliver, but you may choose to edit or amend some elements of the session.
All links to videos/ hymns are included in the PowerPoint as hyperlinks. No further resources are required - everything that you need to present the session is included!

The Good Samaritan Assembly/ Collective Worship!
This engaging and original assembly/ collective worship session aims to provide children with an understanding of the parable of The Good Samaritan, with a key focus on its moral meanings and how they can be applied in modern life.
The colourful and comprehensive presentation guides children through:
-Considering the meaning of the terms ‘parable’ and ‘Samaritan’;
-Understanding the context of Samaritans and Jews in biblical times;
-Reading the story (using the script provided - this works best when children read/ play the different roles);
-Demonstrating an understanding of the parable by answering questions about the plot events;
-Reflecting on the deeper meanings of the parable;
-Noting how ‘people walking by’ still exists in the modern day (perfectly shown using a video - hyperlinked);
-Considering how they can apply the key message to their own lives;
-Participating in song and prayer.
This worship session is tried and tested, and has always been really well received in the past. The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. If everything is kept in, it takes around 30 minutes to deliver, but you may choose to edit or amend some elements of the session.
All links to videos/ hymns are included in the PowerPoint as hyperlinks. No further resources are required - everything that you need to present the session is included!

Teachings of Jesus - The Lord's Prayer!
In this engaging lesson, students develop their understanding of Christian prayer. The lesson places a particular emphasis upon the Lord’s Prayer.
The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey:
-Considering who we confide in when we need to talk to someone, and understanding that Christians can confide in God;
-Knowledge recall - remembering key facts about Jesus’ life and teaching;
-Watching an engaging, age-appropriate video about how Christians pray and demonstrating understanding through answering questions;
-Using the worksheet provided to read and comprehend the Lord’s prayer, answering the key questions provided;
-Self-reflecting on how the teachings may influence their own lives;
-Considering the extent to which they feel they have met the learning objective.
The resource pack includes everything you need to teach the lesson, including the comprehensive PowerPoint presentation and the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ worksheet (provided in both Word and as a PDF). Just download and teach!
In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 with minor adaptations for age - the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use.

Teachings of Jesus - The Parable of the Lost Sheep!
In this engaging lesson, students read and interpret ‘The Parable of the Lost Sheep.’
The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey:
-Knowledge recall - remembering key facts about Jesus’ life and teaching;
-Discussing why Jesus’ parables continue to give important messages;
-Watching an engaging, age-appropriate video of the parable;
-Interpreting the parable through comprehension questions, and deciphering its key meanings;
-Using the storyboard template provided to demonstrate their understanding of the parable and its morals;
-Considering the messages that they can take for their own lives from this parable;
-Self-reflecting on the extent to which they feel they have met the learning objective.
The resource pack includes everything you need to teach the lesson, including the comprehensive PowerPoint presentation and the storyboard template (provided in both Word and as a PDF). Just download and teach!
In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 with minor adaptations for age - the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use.

KS1 RE - Special Places - Churches!
In this engaging lesson, students develop their understanding of churches and what happens in them. It was originally taught as a part of an RE unit on ‘Special Places.’
The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey:
-Knowledge harvesting what children already know about churches, and what they would like to find out;
-Studying a number of images of different features in churches (provided) and using a template to record their findings;
-Discussing and identifying what events take place in churches, and how these are commemorated;
-Understanding that churches are special places to Christians, and that we should behave respectfully when we are in/ around them;
-Completing a plenary activity to assess their understanding;
-Self-reflecting on the extent to which they feel they have met the learning objective.
This resource pack includes the comprehensive PowerPoint presentation (23 slides) and the template & pictures for the main activity (provided in Word and PDF). There is everything that you need here to teach the lesson.
In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 1 - the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use.

KS1 RE - Jewish Special Places!
In this engaging lesson, students develop their understanding of special places in Judaism. It was originally taught as a part of an RE unit on ‘Special Places.’
The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey:
-Knowledge recall - gauging what children already know about special places in other religions;
-Being introduced to Herod’s Temple and the Western Wall, learning basic facts about where they are/ what they mean to Jews;
-Watching an age-appropriate, engaging video about Hannukah, and how it is related to events from the past at Herod’s Temple;
-Using these ideas to understand why the Western Wall is so sacred for Jews;
-Learning about Sukkah, including their main features and why they are built;
-Creating their own special places;
-Completing a plenary activity to assess their understanding;
-Self-reflecting on the extent to which they feel they have met the learning objective.
This resource pack includes the comprehensive PowerPoint presentation (23 slides) and the hyperlink for the video. There is everything that you need here to teach the lesson.
In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 1 - the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use.

Teachings of Jesus - The Parable of the Sower!
In this engaging lesson, students read and interpret ‘The Parable of the Sower.’
The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey:
-Knowledge recall - remembering key facts about Jesus’ life and teaching;
-Discussing where and how Jesus shared his parables;
-Watching an engaging, age-appropriate video of the parable;
-Interpreting the parable through comprehension questions, and deciphering its key meanings;
-Using the template provided to demonstrate their understanding of the story and its morals;
-Considering the messages that they can take for their own lives from this story;
-Self-reflecting on the extent to which they feel they have met the learning objective.
The resource pack includes everything you need to teach the lesson, including the comprehensive PowerPoint presentation and the worksheet (provided in both Word and as a PDF). Just download and teach!
In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 with minor adaptations for age - the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use.