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Chandra's Magic Light: A Story in Nepal - Whole Class Reading Session!

Chandra's Magic Light: A Story in Nepal - Whole Class Reading Session!

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension skills through a reading of Theresa Heine and Judith Gueyfier’s 'Chandra’s Magic LIght.’ The resource pack includes the extract and all of the activities for the session, which the class are guided through via a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities. The text is hyperlinked - it is accessed via Epic (free sign-up). The session is best suited for children in upper KS1/ lower KS2. I originally used this with Year 2-3 children, although with minor adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups. The session is also suitable for home/ remote learning.
The Tiger Who Came to Tea - Two Whole Class Reading Sessions!

The Tiger Who Came to Tea - Two Whole Class Reading Sessions!

This resource pack of 2 whole class reading sessions aims to develop children’s fluency and comprehension skills through reading Judith Kerr’s ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea.’ Children read the text in two stages (hyperlinked and PDFs). Each reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities. The sessions are best suited for children in years 1-2, although with minor adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups.
Truly Effective Persuasive Devices!

Truly Effective Persuasive Devices!

This visual and highly engaging set of resources is designed to enable students to use imaginative and original persuasive devices in their own writing. Through following the interesting learning journey, students are given the opportunity to: - Define each persuasive device; - Identify these in existing persuasive texts; - Analyse their effect in a longer persuasive text; - Create their own persuasive device-filled piece, using a jointly-created success criteria based upon their analysis task; - Peer assess each other's persuasive writing attempts. All resources are provided, including: - Visual PowerPoint presentation; - Definitions cards (they just need printing and cutting out) - Analysis worksheet; - Lesson outline for teachers and learning support to follow. Note: All pictures licensed for creative use - authors and sources labelled on the final slide of the presentation.
Teaching and Learning Performance Grids

Teaching and Learning Performance Grids

This resource pack is comprised of: 1.) Observation & Learning Walk Performance Grid 2.) Marking and Feedback Performance Grid For use alongside lesson observations, learning walks, and book monitoring, these succinct performance grids enable observers to gauge, categorise, and feedback on teaching and learning sessions using OFSTED guidance for effective teaching. The documents provide descriptors of 'outstanding', 'good', 'requires improvement' and 'inadequate' practice within appropriately considered teaching and learning focus areas, for example: Questioning, Positive Feedback, Use of Additional Adults, etc. Schools who still grade individual teachers have noted that these are helpful aids in arriving at an overall judgement.
Vocabulary and Comprehension Building - Complete Approach and Tracker

Vocabulary and Comprehension Building - Complete Approach and Tracker

This is a highly-effective tool for implementing a vocabulary and comprehension element to school-wide 'literacy across the curriculum' initiatives. Not only does it encourage students and teachers to focus upon fully understanding key words in each of their subjects, but it provides the school with a clear and concise measuring device for gauging students' vocabulary and comprehension improvements. Students first sit the baseline test in each subject - a booklet that tests their complete knowledge of whichever subject-specific terms they need to learn in the next assessment period. Examples of the tasks they are asked to complete are: - Spelling the word; - Defining the word; - Giving an example of the word in a sentence; - Self-evaluating their understanding of the word; - Selecting what type of word it is; - Thinking of synonyms for the word, and more. They are given a score for their performance in the tasks. Upon completion of the teaching unit, students complete the 'End-Point' booklet, completing the same tasks. The two scores (from the baseline and the end-point) are recorded into the tracker document, (10 sheets are provided for different departments) which automatically calculates baseline and end-point percentages, and percentage increase or decrease. It also colour codes red or green dependent upon student performance. This gives the user a clear measure of the effectiveness of the literacy scheme across the school - perfect for performance management, reporting to OFSTED, and school improvement.
The Holocaust: The Historical Context

The Holocaust: The Historical Context

This lesson aims to help students understand the historical context of The Holocaust. It is designed to be the first in a series of lessons based upon Holocaust-themed texts, but also makes a fitting introduction to teaching texts such as The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, Anne Frank's Diary, or simply to be used in a PSHE/form-time lesson to build awareness. Informative and engaging, this lesson follows a clear and logical learning journey. Students learn to: - Define key terms related to the historical context of The Holocaust; - Remember and understand key information about the Holocaust that they learn from an engaging PowerPoint presentation; - Consider the SMSC questions that arise from such a horrific case of genocide; - Create a newspaper article that utilises the features of writing to inform, and shares key facts about the Holocaust; - Peer-assess each others' learning attempts. Included in this resource pack: A comprehensive, whole-lesson, visually engaging PowerPoint presentation, which guides the teacher and learners through the lesson, a writing to inform help-sheet, a tabloid newspaper template, ' a key terms activity, and teacher guidance notes. All images are cited at the end of the PowerPoint presentation, and are licensed for commercial use.
Jargon Hunt - KS2 Maths - Building Literacy through Riddles and Teamwork!

Jargon Hunt - KS2 Maths - Building Literacy through Riddles and Teamwork!

Welcome to Jargon Hunt! This engaging and exciting activity is perfect for building students' literacy skills; helping them to understand key Maths vocabulary through cryptic rhyming riddles and teamwork. Once the game is introduced and the rules are shared (on the presentation) students are given a riddle card and an answer card. The only catch is that their answer card does not match their riddle! Through reading their riddle to others, and allowing others to read their riddles to them, students learn the Maths vocabulary as prescribed for teaching at KS2 in the new National Curriculum. Provided in this pack are: - 30+ slide presentation, hosted by David Dictionary-son, who walks students through the game in a step-by-step fashion. -Class-size pack of riddle cards and answer cards. They simply need to printed on card, or printed on paper and laminated. This resource is a valuable tool for helping students to comprehend the words that they will need to understand in the New Curriculum, build valuable speaking and listening skills, and also have lots of fun! This resource can be bought alone. or as a part of a Jargon Hunt KS2 bundle (English, Maths, and Science) for just £1 more!
Four Pictures, One Word!

Four Pictures, One Word!

This is a great resource for lesson starters, building literacy across the curriculum, plenaries, or simply for fun. Based upon the popular mobile app, this visually engaging activity is highly effective at promoting engagement and getting students thinking about words - many of whom seem to love playing the game on their phones! It is particularly useful for Literacy practitioners who are looking to expand students' vocabularies and/or raise the subject of homonyms. There are a range of challenges: Green = Beginner level Amber= Intermediate level Red = Expert level The document is easily editable, so you can also add in your own pictures and challenges. Also, all of the pictures used are licensed for commercial use, and all authors are cited.
World Cup Maths Puzzles!

World Cup Maths Puzzles!

These short and snappy puzzles are perfect for engaging all of the World Cup lovers in your class with a wide range of maths problems! Using real-life statistics from FIFA World Cups past and present, students approach a number of varied maths topics, whilst also gaining valuable information about their favourite teams and players. I have used these resources with a number of KS2 and KS3 classes, and have found that they work great for morning mental maths challenges or lesson starters/ fillers. Some of the maths topics covered include: statistics, percentages, charts and graphs, data handling, averages, ratios, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, estimation and problem solving, critical thinking, and fractions. Some of the specific tasks involved include: working out the goals to games ratio of some of the best strikers, finding out which teams have the best goal difference, creating data to present performance, and comparing player statistics over different tournaments. There are 30 tasks in total, in which each the major World Cup nations are focused upon in at least one activity each. The tasks are also separated by difficulty into ‘Beginner’,‘Intermediate’, and ‘Difficult’ tasks (refer to the B, I, or D symbols in the top left of each activity). All images within this resource are licensed for commercial use, and images are cited on the final slide.
Pointless - Template to Create Your Own Games!

Pointless - Template to Create Your Own Games!

Template for you to create your own Pointless games - whatever subject or topic you are teaching! Based on the popular game show 'Pointless', this resource is perfect for use as a starter activity, plenary, or revision tool. Editable, so that you can change to any other topic or change the questions/answers. Containing almost 30 slides of sound clips, engaging visuals, and suitably challenging questions, this resource is effective at both promoting engagement and enhancing learning. There are several built-in rounds of questions to build students' understanding in your topics, including: - Identifying terms from definitions - Anagrams of key terms round - Recalling the highest level knowledge. The nature of the game ensures that this resource can challenge students of all levels. NOTE: You can buy this resource alone, or in a bundle of 8 Pointless games, for only £1 more!
Ancient Egypt Pointless Game!

Ancient Egypt Pointless Game!

Based on the popular game show ‘Pointless,’ this resource is perfect for use as a whole lesson resource, enrichment option, or revision tool. Editable, so that you can change to any other topic or change questions. (I’ve also added a blank template so that you can make your own games from scratch). Containing 24 slides of sound clips, engaging visuals, and suitably challenging questions, this resource is effective at both promoting engagement and enhancing learning. There are several full rounds of questions to build or revisit knowledge of Ancient Egypt. Round 1. The pharaohs of Ancient Egypt Round 2. Places in Ancient Egypt Round 3. Hieroglyphics Round Round 4. Objects and Ideas in Ancient Egypt Round 5. Ancient Egyptian Gods The nature of this game ensures that the resource can challenge students of all levels. A blank template has also been added, so that you can create your own games!
Ancient Greece Pointless Game!

Ancient Greece Pointless Game!

Based on the popular game show ‘Pointless,’ this resource is perfect for use as a whole lesson resource, enrichment option, or revision tool. Editable, so that you can change to any other topic or change questions. (I’ve also added a blank template so that you can make your own games from scratch). Containing 24 slides of sound clips, engaging visuals, and suitably challenging questions, this resource is effective at both promoting engagement and enhancing learning. There are several full rounds of questions to build or revisit knowledge of Ancient Greece. Round 1. Ancient Greek Gods Round 2. Places in Ancient Greece Round 3. Key Dates Round 4. Objects and Ideas in Ancient Greece Round 5. Famous Ancient Greeks The nature of this game ensures that the resource can challenge students of all levels. A blank template has also been added, so that you can create your own games!
Moses - The Parting of the Red Sea - Lesson!

Moses - The Parting of the Red Sea - Lesson!

In this engaging lesson, students are introduced to the story of Moses and the Parting of the Red Sea. They learn the key facts of the story (including a recap of the events preceding it) and then consider how it shapes/ demonstrates Jewish beliefs regarding God’s ‘chosen people.’ The learning is guided by a clear and colourful PowerPoint presentation, which guides students through the following step-by-step journey: -Knowledge recall - gauging children’s prior knowledge of Judaism - including Jewish persecution in Egypt and Moses’ early life, and the Ten Plagues; -Watching a video of Moses and the Parting of the Red Sea (hyperlinked) before answering recall questions about the key events; -Considering the deeper meanings and morals of the story - including how the story presents an image of God’s ‘chosen people’; -Considering their own attitudes towards the events of the story and its key messages, further developing their own sense of morality and spirituality; -Considering Moses’ strengths as a leader and messenger; -Thinking about great leaders in their own lives; -Completing a plenary to assess their understanding. This resource pack contains a comprehensive 18-slide Powerpoint, which contains everything that you need to teach the lesson. In the past, I have used this lesson with children from across Key Stage 2 - the key learning is aligned with curriculum expectations for RE, and also the content prescribed by most diocese regions. All images are licensed for commercial use.
Comparing the UK and Italy - Settlements, Resources and Trade!

Comparing the UK and Italy - Settlements, Resources and Trade!

This clear and purposeful lessons enables children to begin making comparisons between the UK and Italy, as a part of their KS2 geography study. In this lesson, children learn about the different types of ‘settlements’ before comparing different settlements in the UK and Italy. They consider how the reasons for the formation of settlements is often linked to resources and trade. The lesson includes a 17 slide PowerPoint presentation, guiding learners through the lesson, and a research template for the main activity (provided in both Word and PDF). The lesson is a part of a series of lessons designed to help children to learn the relevant place, human and physical geography knowledge from the KS2 Geography National Curriculum: -‘understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region of the United Kingdom and a region in a European country;’ ‘physical geography, including: climate zones, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes;’ -‘human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy.’ All images used are licensed for commercial use.
Y6 Statistics - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

Y6 Statistics - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 6 teachers, parents and children when covering ‘Statistics’ in mathematics. The content is organised into the following sections: -Overview: Learning areas covered, key definitions, why this learning is important; -Tables and Timetables; -Line Graphs; -Pie Charts; -The Mean Average; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Gobbolino the Witch's Cat - Whole Class Reading Session!

Gobbolino the Witch's Cat - Whole Class Reading Session!

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension skills through a reading of the opening section of Ursula Moray Williams’ ‘Gobbolino the Witch’s Cat.’ The resource pack includes the extract and all of the activities for the session, which the class are guided through via a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities. The session is best suited for children in upper KS1/ lower KS2. I originally used this with Year 2-3 children, although with minor adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups. The session is also suitable for home/ remote learning.
Mr Majeika - Whole Class Reading Session!

Mr Majeika - Whole Class Reading Session!

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension skills through a reading of the opening section of Humphrey Carpenter’s ‘Mr Majeika.’ The resource pack includes the extract and all of the activities for the session, which the class are guided through via a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities. The session is best suited for children in upper KS1/ lower KS2. I originally used this with Year 2-3 children, although with minor adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups. The session is also suitable for home/ remote learning.
Y6 Four Operations - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

Y6 Four Operations - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 6 teachers, parents and children when covering ‘Four Operations’ in mathematics. The content is organised into the following sections: -Overview: Learning areas covered, key definitions, why this learning is important; -Times Tables, Reasoning and Estimating, Order of Operations, Squared and Cubed Numbers; -Written Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Methods; -Common Factors, Products, Prime Numbers and Common Multiples; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Y5 Multiplication and Division - Knowledge Organiser!

Y5 Multiplication and Division - Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 5 teachers, parents and children when covering ‘Multiplication and Division’ in mathematics. The content is organised into the following sections: -Overview: Learning areas covered, key definitions, why this learning is important; -Times Tables up to 12 x 12, Multiplying/ Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000, Squared and Cubed Numbers; -Written Multiplication and Division Methods - Short and Long Multiplication and Division; -Factors, Products, Prime Numbers and Related Calculations; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Y4 Multiplication and Division - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

Y4 Multiplication and Division - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 4 teachers, parents and children when covering ‘Multiplication and Division’ in mathematics. The content is organised into the following sections: -Overview: Learning areas covered, key definitions, why this learning is important; -Times Tables up to 12 x 12; -Written Multiplication and Division Methods; -Factors, Products and Mental Calculations; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).