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Vikings - LKS2 Big Reading Comprehension Bundle!

Vikings - LKS2 Big Reading Comprehension Bundle!

3 Resources
These whole class reading sessions aim to develop children’s comprehension skills when reading a range of texts related to the topic of vikings. The three sessions include the extracts/ texts, lesson slides, and scaffolded worksheets for the whole class reading sessions on: -Viking Longboats (original non-fiction text) -The Lives of Famous Vikings (original non-fiction text) -Two Terrible Vikings - Francesca Simon Each whole class reading session contains a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. There is also a vocabulary check immediately after each extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities. The scaffolded worksheets (provided in both Word and PDF) are designed to enable those needing additional support to access the lesson. The sessions are best suited for children in years 3-4, although with minor adaptations they could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups. These resources are suitable for home/ remote learning.
The Lives of Famous Vikings - KS2 Reading Comprehension (with additional scaffolded worksheet!)

The Lives of Famous Vikings - KS2 Reading Comprehension (with additional scaffolded worksheet!)

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension skills whilst developing their understanding of famous Vikings: The original, engaging information text includes key details about the following famous Vikings: -Erik the Red -Leif Eriksson -Ivar the Boneless. The resource pack includes the extract and all of the activities for the session, which the class are guided through via a comprehensive and engaging PowerPoint presentation. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions, fact-checking and deeper thinking activities. An additional scaffolded worksheet for children needing additional support/ structure is also provided (in both Word and PDF). The session is best suited for children in lower KS2, but with minor adaptations may be used for slightly older and younger year groups.
Two Terrible Vikings - Reading Comprehension Lesson (with additional scaffolded worksheet!)

Two Terrible Vikings - Reading Comprehension Lesson (with additional scaffolded worksheet!)

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension skills through a reading of the opening chapter of Francesca Simon’s ‘Two Terrible Vikings.’ The resource pack includes the extract and all of the activities for the session, which the class are guided through via a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities. An additional scaffolded worksheet for children needing additional support/ structure is also provided (in both Word and PDF). The session is best suited for children in years 2-4, although with minor adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups. The session is suitable for home/ remote learning.
Big Bang Theory - Knowledge Organiser/ Revision Mat!

Big Bang Theory - Knowledge Organiser/ Revision Mat!

This detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for students learning or revising knowledge of The Big Bang Theory. It contains comprehensive sections on: Overview and visual representation; Stages of the Big Bang Theory Evidence for the Big Bang Theory Timeline of the Big Bang Modern Understanding Key words and ideas are underlined for easy reference. The resource is designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Reading Volunteers Guidance - Training Slides for Supporting Primary Reading

Reading Volunteers Guidance - Training Slides for Supporting Primary Reading

A clear and concise presentation, providing key information for primary school reading volunteers. This has been tried and tested in schools when inducting new reading volunteers, and includes the following sections: -Introduction to Volunteer Reading -Safeguarding Information -Reading Fluency -Reading Comprehension -Recording The reading comprehension section contains key information about VIPERs question stems. Hope that it proves helpful!
Viking Longboats - KS2 Reading Comprehension Lesson (with additional scaffolded worksheet!)

Viking Longboats - KS2 Reading Comprehension Lesson (with additional scaffolded worksheet!)

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension skills whilst developing their understanding of Viking Longboats. The original information text includes the following sections: -What are Viking longships? -How did Viking longships move? -What were Viking longships used for? -Life on a longship -How were longships decorated? -Famous longships in history -Why are longships important today? The resource pack includes the extract and all of the activities for the session, which the class are guided through via a comprehensive and engaging PowerPoint presentation. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions, fact-checking and deeper thinking activities. An additional scaffolded worksheet for children needing additional support/ structure is also provided (in both Word and PDF). The session is best suited for children in lower KS2, but with minor adaptations may be used for slightly older and younger year groups.
TrooFriend - Upper KS2 Reading Comprehension Lesson!

TrooFriend - Upper KS2 Reading Comprehension Lesson!

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension skills through a reading of the opening 15 pages of Kirsty Applebaum’s ‘TrooFriend.’ The resource pack includes the extract and all of the activities for the session, which the class are guided through via a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions, fact-checking and deeper thinking activities. The session is best suited for children in upper KS2, but with minor adaptations may be used for slightly older and younger year groups.
High Rise Mystery - Upper KS2 Reading Comprehension Lesson!

High Rise Mystery - Upper KS2 Reading Comprehension Lesson!

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension skills through a reading of the opening 2 chapters of Sharna Jackson’s ‘High Rise Mystery.’ Throughout the lesson, the learning is guided via a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions, fact-checking and deeper thinking activities. Please note that the extract is not included in these resources - you will need access to the first two chapters of the text. The session is best suited for children in upper KS2, but with minor adaptations may be used for slightly older and younger year groups.
21% Monster - KS2 Reading Comprehension Lesson!

21% Monster - KS2 Reading Comprehension Lesson!

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension skills through a reading of the opening chapter of P.J. Canning’s ‘21% Monster.’ The resource pack includes the extract and all of the activities for the session, which the class are guided through via a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions, fact-checking and deeper thinking activities. The session is best suited for children in upper KS2, but with minor adaptations may be used for slightly older and younger year groups.
"Life in All Its Fullness" (John 10:10) - Collective Worship Session!

"Life in All Its Fullness" (John 10:10) - Collective Worship Session!

This purposeful and original collective worship session aims to breakdown the meanings of the Bible quote: “I have come that they may have life in all its fullness” (John 10:10). The session helps to decipher what Jesus is thought to have meant when he said this, and provide children with strategies and tools to live their own lives to the fullest. The collective worship session includes the following steps: -Exploring the quote in full and considering what it means (with help from a useful video, which is hyperlinked into the slideshow); -Identifying and discussing four key ideas which can help children to live life to the fullest (be thankful, care, explore and grow). Each discussion is enhanced by engaging facts, Bible quotes, and/or videos to ensure that key ideas are secured; -Looking at their own lives and their school lives and considering opportunities for growth and improvement; -Ending with reflection, a prayer and a well-linked hymn. This worship session is tried and tested, and has always been really well received in the past. It is comprehensive, (27 slides in total) and there is enough material for a 30-40 minute session, two 20-minute sessions, or for you to pick and choose the material that you would like to use for your own session. The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. No further resources are required - everything that you need to present the worship is included. Hope that you find this useful!
Spirituality - Collective Worship Session!

Spirituality - Collective Worship Session!

This purposeful and original collective worship session aims to introduce children to the concept of spirituality, through: -Defining what spirituality is and what it means to each of us; -Understanding what our spirituality is made up of and what inspires our sense of spirituality; -Demonstrating what spirituality may look and feel like for different people; -Considering how different stimulus affects each of us spiritually; -Looking at their own lives and their school lives and considering opportunities for spiritual growth; -Ending with reflection, a prayer and a well-linked hymn. The worship draws on ideas from leaders in the field of developing primary spirituality, including David Holmes and Dr Rebecca Nye. This worship session is tried and tested, and has always been really well received in the past. Due to the nature of spirituality, there are some aspects of the discussion that are individual to the speaker/ school but if these do not fit your setting they can be easily edited as you see fit - the structure itself is clear. It is a comprehensive (28 slides in total) there is enough material for a 30-40 minute session, two 20-minute sessions, or for you to pick and choose the material that you would like to use for your own session. The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. No further resources are required - everything that you need to present the worship is included. Hope that you find this useful!
The Five Oceans - Knowledge Organisers Bundle!

The Five Oceans - Knowledge Organisers Bundle!

5 Resources
These clear, detailed and visually-appealing resources offer a complete reference point for students revising knowledge relating to the five oceans of the world, as a part of their study of physical and human geography. Organisers are included for: The Pacific Ocean The Antarctic Ocean The Indian Ocean The Southern Ocean The Arctic Ocean Each knowledge organiser contains comprehensive sections on: -Overviews and maps; -Regions of the Ocean; -Ocean Islands; -Human Geography Features; -Physical Geography Features; -Key Images and Captions. The resources are designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). The language used is accessible and clear, and a wide range of pictures and maps help to clarify key ideas.
The Southern Ocean - Knowledge Organiser!

The Southern Ocean - Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for students revising knowledge relating to the Southern Ocean, as a part of their study of physical and human geography. It contains comprehensive sections on: Overview and map; Regions of the Southern Ocean; Southern Ocean Islands; Human Geography Features; Physical Geography Features; Key Images and Captions. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). The language used is accessible and clear, and a wide range of pictures and maps help to clarify key ideas.
The Arctic Ocean - Knowledge Organiser!

The Arctic Ocean - Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for students revising knowledge relating to the Arctic Ocean, as a part of their study of physical and human geography. It contains comprehensive sections on: Overview and map; Regions of the Arctic Ocean; Arctic Ocean Islands; Human Geography Features; Physical Geography Features; Key Images and Captions. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). The language used is accessible and clear, and a wide range of pictures and maps help to clarify key ideas.
Lower KS2 Big Christmas Quiz!

Lower KS2 Big Christmas Quiz!

An engaging, challenging, age-appropriate quiz, which features 50 questions in total, in addition to a tie-breaker question (if needed). The quiz includes 5 rounds of 10 questions each: Round 1: Santa Round 2: The Nativity Story Round 3: Christmas Traditions Round 4: Christmas Food Round 5: A Bit of Everything! Each question is multiple choice, with 4 possible answers. Answers are revealed after each question. Tried and tested, and always popular, this quiz helps to provide structure in an engaging way in the lead-up to the Christmas break. Enjoy!
The Indian Ocean - Knowledge Organiser/ Revision Mat!

The Indian Ocean - Knowledge Organiser/ Revision Mat!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for students revising knowledge relating to the Indian Ocean, as a part of their study of physical and human geography. It contains comprehensive sections on: Overview and map; Regions of the Indian Ocean; Indian Ocean Islands; Human Geography Features; Physical Geography Features; Key Images and Captions. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). The language used is accessible and clear, and a wide range of pictures and maps help to clarify key ideas.
A Christmas Carol - Revision Cards!

A Christmas Carol - Revision Cards!

These colourful, comprehensive, and well-structured revision cards have been creatively designed for students securing their understanding of Charles Dickens’ novella ‘A Christmas Carol.’ Each card is visually-appealing and highly-detailed, covering aspects of each feature including a full summary, cited quotations from the text, definitions/ examples, and a consideration of audience reactions. They are tried and tested, with teachers incorporating them in revision games, using them as essay writing aids, or utilising them as home revision aids. They are provided as both PDFs (to prevent formatting issues between computers) and as Word documents (for easy editing). The revision cards included in this pack are: Characters - Ebenezer Scrooge, Bob Cratchit, Tiny Tim, The Ghost of Christmas Past, The Ghost of Christmas Present, The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, Fred and Jacob Marley; Context - Charles Dickens, Victorian Britain, Inequality and Poverty; Events - Jacob Marley’s Visit, The Three Ghosts Visit Scrooge, Scrooge’s Redemption. Themes - Compassion and Charity, Redemption, The Spirit of Christmas. For any questions or comments, please contact TandLGuru@yahoo.co.uk - Many thanks!
The Atlantic Ocean - Knowledge Organiser/ Revision Mat!

The Atlantic Ocean - Knowledge Organiser/ Revision Mat!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for students revising knowledge relating to the Atlantic Ocean, as a part of their study of physical and human geography. It contains comprehensive sections on: Overview and map; Regions of the Atlantic Ocean; Atlantic Islands; Human Geography Features; Physical Geography Features; Key Images and Captions. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). The language used is accessible and clear, and a wide range of pictures and maps help to clarify key ideas.
Thirteen - Caleb Femi - Bundle!

Thirteen - Caleb Femi - Bundle!

4 Resources
These resources are designed to help students gain understanding, assessment skills, and key interpretations of Caleb Femi’s poem: ‘Thirteen.’ Students will complete this learning having gathered vital skills in: interpreting the significant meanings of the poem, understanding the poet’s ideas within the poem, analysing the features of form and structure, considering settings and themes, and understanding Femi’s language devices. The bundle contains: The comprehensive and engaging lesson, The visually-appealing and informative knowledge organiser/ revision mat, The 16 page comprehension booklet; A range of resources to prepare your students for critically comparing poems. The lessons included are interactive, employ a variety of different teaching and learning methods and styles, and are visually-engaging. Resources, worksheets, and lesson plans are all provided.
Thirteen - Caleb Femi - Lesson!

Thirteen - Caleb Femi - Lesson!

This engaging, comprehensive lesson aims to improve students’ understanding of Caleb Femi’s poem ‘Thirteen’ with particular focus upon the language, structure, and subject matter used within the poem. By the end of the lesson, students demonstrate their knowledge of the text analytically, through assured, appropriate, and sustained interpretations. The lesson follows a step-by-step learning journey, in which children learn through: -Securing contextual understanding of systemic racism, stop-and-searches, and other social factors that are addressed in the poem; -Reading and interpreting the poem, using a provided line-by-line analysis, and interactive group activities; -Developing their understanding through inferring and analysing key language and structural choices; -Analysing how Femi’s main themes and ideas are conveyed throughout the poem; Self/ Peer assessing each other’s learning attempts. Included is: -Whole lesson PowerPoint - eye-catching and substantial (19 slides); -Copy of poem (freely available online); -Deeper thinking worksheet (utilising Bloom’s structured activities); -Analysis template with structure strip for creating well-organised responses; All resources are provided as both PDF ( (to ensure consistency of formatting between computers) and word documents (for easy editing - in the zip file). There are also opportunities for group learning, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. This was originally taught to middle-ability year 10 and 11 groups, but can easily be differentiated for groups of different ages and abilities.