My teaching experience includes teaching students at the Primary and the Middle school levels. I find each teaching experience so unique and a scaffold for further teaching and learning.
As learning is eclectic, I focus on creating resources that are not just practical and meaningful but also fun.
So connect with me to motivate, inspire, and empower.
Laurane @teach2tell.com
My teaching experience includes teaching students at the Primary and the Middle school levels. I find each teaching experience so unique and a scaffold for further teaching and learning.
As learning is eclectic, I focus on creating resources that are not just practical and meaningful but also fun.
So connect with me to motivate, inspire, and empower.
Laurane @teach2tell.com
Your students will have fun reading these 46 second grade sight words sporting a Winter/Christmas theme. There are 46 reading slides each featuring a Gingerbread Boy holding up a sight word. Each slide has its own unique transition and sound effect to wow students and make reading engaging and fun.
This easy to present slide show will be a good warm-up reading activity, not to mention an effective time-filler when you’ve got a couple of minutes for that bell to go. You can even have a student come up and run the slides while you get that very important note to little Johnny’s mother sent off.
The 46 second grade sight words in focus are:
*always, around, because, been, before, best, both, buy, call, cold, does, don’t, fast, first, five, found, gave, goes, green, its, made, many, off, or, pull, read, right, sing, sit, sleep, tell, their, these, those, upon, us, use, very, wash, which, why, wish, work, would, write, your
This Winter/Christmas themed second grade sight words set is sure to build reading fluency and make reading so much fun!
Your students will have fun reading these 41 first grade sight words sporting a Winter/Christmas theme. There are 41 reading slides each featuring a Gingerbread Boy holding up a sight word. Each slide has its own unique transition and sound effect to wow students and make reading engaging and fun.
This easy to present slide show will be a good warm-up reading activity, not to mention an effective time-filler when you’ve got a couple of minutes for that bell to go. You can even have a student come up and run the slides while you get that very important note to little Johnny’s mother sent off.
The 41 first grade sight words in focus are:
after, again, an, any, as, ask, by, could, every, fly, from, give, going, had, has, her, him, his, how, just, know, let, live, may, of, old, once, open, over, put, round, some, stop, take, thank, them, then, think, walk, were, when
This Winter/Christmas themed first grade sight words set is sure to build reading fluency and make reading so much fun!
This pack comprising of 10 posters and 32 task cards will help reinforce teaching and learning of Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences.
10 posters/anchor charts featuring information on the use of clauses (independent and subordinate) in simple, compound and complex sentences.
32 Task Cards featuring simple sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences
Recording Sheet x 1
Answer Key
Use the posters/anchor charts to introduce and elaborate on grammatical terminology.
Spread task cards around the classroom. I personally like to tape to walls, so they don’t get lost in all the excitement.
Provide students with a clipboard and the recording sheet.
Students work, individually, in pairs, or in small groups to record their responses.
Project the answer key on the smart board/interactive whiteboard for students to check their answers. Provide further explanation accordingly.
Use these print-n-go sheets and poster set to target differentiation and teach your students all about Complex Sentences.
10 posters/anchor charts featuring a definition and explanation of the independent clause, subordinate clause, subordinating conjunctions, simple sentence, compound sentence and the complex sentence.
Print-n-go sheets:
3 sheets on the definitions of a clause, independent clause, subordinate clause, subordinating conjunctions, simple sentence, compound sentence and the complex sentence, all with practice examples.
Grammatical terminology – filling in the blanks x 1 sheet
Identifying the independent clause and the dependent clause x 1 sheet
Writing complex sentences by joining two simple sentences using subordinating conjunctions x 2 sheets
Identifying clause types based on order in sentences x 1 sheet
Writing independent clauses to link subordinate clauses x 1 sheet
Identifying kinds of sentences: simple, compound and complex x 1 sheet
Writing complex sentences based on picture stimulus x 1 sheet
Writing sentences with the 16 subordinating conjunctions x 2 sheets
Writing sample complex sentences from a favourite book of choice.
List of subordinating conjunctions handout (3 sets on a sheet)
Answer Key
The editable PowerPoint presentation and Cornell-style note-taking sheets (also editable) will help you target differentiation and teach your students all about Complex Sentences.
The note-taking sheets require students to fill in the blanks as you present the PowerPoint slides. Content ranges from writing parts of definitions of grammatical terminology in addition to interactive practice examples.
a clause
an independent clause
a subordinate clause
a simple sentence
a compound sentence
a complex sentence
subordinating conjunctions
Run through the presentation yourself prior to presenting to students. Make any changes to content in the editable files (both presentation and notes), for instance: type in your own examples or edit content to target differentiation.
Present the slides one at a time, students will follow instructions on each slide like filling in the blanks on their note-taking sheets and attempting practice examples. The slides are animated to present information in manageable chunks.
Follow-up with task cards, practice sheets or notebook templates.
Use these scaffolded interactive notebook templates and poster set to target differentiation and teach your students all about Complex Sentences.
10 posters/anchor charts elaborating on grammatical terminology pertaining to the independent clause, subordinate clause, subordinating conjunctions and the complex sentence with sentence examples.
Notebook Templates:
Notebook Templates 1 and 2 (cover and response sheet) – Students identify the main clause and the subordinate clause in the sample Complex Sentences.
Notebook Template 3 and 4 (cover and response) – Students combine two simple sentences to write a complex sentence.
Notebook Template 5 (cover sheet) – Students identify the dependent clause and the independent clause in the sample sentences. They write an independent clause to link the dependent clause.
Notebook Template 6 (cover sheet) – Students write an independent clause to link the dependent clause.
Notebook Template 7 (cover sheet) – Students identify the kinds of sentences (simple, compound, complex).
Notebook Template 8 and 9 (cover and response sheet) – Students write complex sentences using subordinating conjunctions on the given visuals.
Notebook Template 10 (cover sheet) – Students write complex sentences using the 18 subordinating conjunctions.
Activity Sheet – one print-n-go sheet where students record examples of complex sentences from a book of choice.
Have your students practice research writing skills by collating and recording information in this editable flipbook on Diwali. The titles, pictures and writing prompts for each section of the flipbook scaffold writing and research.
Editable Flipbook
Self-editing checklist
Peer-editing checklist
Teacher Marking Rubric: 3 options
Writing sheets x 2
Display Banner reading, ‘Happy Diwali’ (3 options)
Cover Page (11 options)
Diwali: history and origin
Festive Food: foods specifically associated with Diwali
Custom and Tradition: ways of celebrating and interesting facts
All text in templates 1-4 of the flipbook is EDITABLE. Simply, type inside text
boxes to edit content and save as a PDF file. The flipbook scaffolds the research
process with guiding prompts. This could also serve as the first draft where students
use the self-editing and peer-editing checklists to edit. Finally have students publish
on given writing sheets or type out content from draft observing corrections
Suggested use:
Have students refer to books, websites, and videos to record information on
You can choose either of the two options.
Print out the templates in blackline. Cut around each template and assemble from smallest template to largest template. Have students colour in cover page. Staple at top tab for flipbook or glue descending order in notebook.
Print out the templates on cardstock (different colours). Cut around each template and assemble. Attach at top.
Print out colour templates and assemble.
→ For grades 2-3, bundle up to 6 sheets together after sorting, align them perfectly and cut.
→ For grades 4-6, students are old enough to cut and compile flipbooks on their own. I have my students compile all sections of the flipbook prior to research and writing.
After completion, display students’ flipbooks under the Diwali Banner.
These flipbooks are sure to make an interesting bulletin board display.
The mega Sentence Bundle comprises of interactive notebook templates, print-n-go sheets, task cards, QR code cards, editable power point presentations, and guided note-taking sheets to teach sentence structure (simple, compound, complex) and the types of sentences (declarative, imperative, interrogative, exclamatory).
There are 16 individual packs in this mega bundle. Buy in at the current price to get super savings.
✓ To assess students’ ability to identify and differentiate between the simple sentence, compound sentence, and complex sentence.
✓ Place in Literacy Centres.
✓ Use as an extension activity for early finishers.
✓ Teach and review prior to assessments.
Teach your students all about simple sentences and compound sentences with this comprehensive resource bundle comprising of an editable Power Point presentation, editable note-taking (Cornell style) sheets, Interactive Notebook Templates, Print-n-go sheets, posters and 32 Task Cards.
Teach your students the parts of a simple sentence with this pack that targets differentiation.
The posters, editable power point presentation, Cornell-style note-taking sheets, interactive notebook foldables, print-n-go sheets, task cards and QR Code Cards focus on teaching the simple sentence and its parts: simple subject, simple predicate, complete subject and complete predicate.
This pack comprising of 5 posters and 44 task cards will help reinforce teaching and learning of Simple Sentences.
Five anchor charts/posters defining and illustrating what a sentence is and its components: simple sentence, complete subject, complete predicate, simple subject, simple predicate
Task cards (20) with QR answer codes on them featuring simple sentences on the Loggerhead turtle.
Task cards (20) without QR answer codes featuring simple sentences on the Loggerhead turtle.
QR Answer Codes (20) featuring just QR answer codes. You may glue these behind the task cards or spread them around the classroom for students to find and scan.
Task cards (24-more challenging) featuring simple sentences on the butterfly.
Recording Sheets
Answer Key
Note: All task cards require students to identify the simple subject and the simple predicate.
Use the posters/anchor charts to introduce and elaborate on grammatical terminology.
Spread task cards around the classroom. I personally like to tape to walls, so they don’t get lost in all the excitement.
Provide students with a clipboard and the recording sheet.
Students work, individually, in pairs, or in small groups to record their responses.
Project the answer key on the smart board/interactive whiteboard for students to check their answers. Provide further explanation accordingly.
Use these print-n-go sheets and poster set to target differentiation and teach your students all about Simple Sentences.
Five anchor charts/posters defining and illustrating what a sentence is and its components: simple sentence, complete subject, complete predicate, simple subject, simple predicate
Print-n-go sheets:
3 sheets on the definitions of a simple sentence, complete subject, complete predicate, simple subject, simple predicate, fragment, all with practice examples.
Identifying subjects and predicates in simple sentences x 2 sheets
Using QR Codes to write sentences with subjects and predicates x 1 sheet
Writing simple sentences from a book of choice and identifying the subjects and predicates x 1 sheet
Identifying simple subjects and simple predicates in simple sentences x 3 sheets
Filling in the simple sentence blanks with simple subjects and simple predicates x 2 sheets
Using QR codes to write sentences with simple subjects and simple predicates x 2 sheets
Spinning a wheel and using the word spun as a simple subject in a sentence x 1 sheet
Writing a short paragraph on a visual and identifying the simple predicates x 1 sheet
Assessment x 4 sheets
Answer Key
The editable PowerPoint presentation and Cornell-style note-taking sheets (also editable) will help you target differentiation and teach your students all about Simple Sentences.
The note-taking sheets require students to fill in the blanks as you present the PowerPoint slides. Content ranges from writing parts of definitions of grammatical terminology in addition to interactive practice examples.
simple sentence
complete subject
complete predicate
simple subject
simple predicate
practice sentences
Run through the presentation yourself prior to presenting to students. Make any changes to content in the editable files (both presentation and notes), for instance: type in your own examples or edit content to target differentiation.
Present the slides one at a time, students will follow instructions on each slide like filling in the blanks on their note-taking sheets and attempting practice examples. The slides are animated to present information in manageable chunks.
Follow-up with task cards, practice sheets or notebook templates.
Use these scaffolded interactive notebook templates and poster set to target differentiation and teach your students all about Simple Sentences.
Five anchor charts/posters defining and illustrating what a sentence is and its components: simple sentence, complete subject, complete predicate, simple subject, simple predicate
Notebook Templates:
Notebook Templates 1 (cover and response sheet): Grammatical terminology is given on the cover sheets. Students write the definitions on the response sheet.
Notebook Template 2 (cover and response): Sample sentences are given on the cover sheet, students colour code the complete subject and the complete predicate. They write their own sentences on the response sheet and colour code the complete subjects and the complete predicates.
Notebook Template 3 (cover and response sheet): Visuals are given on the cover sheet, students write simple sentences on the response sheet. They colour code the complete subjects and the complete predicates.
Notebook Template 4 (cover and response sheet): Sample sentences are given on the cover sheet, students colour code the simple subject and the simple predicate. They write sample sentences on the response sheet and colour code the simple subjects and the simple predicates.
Activity Sheets x 2: Students write a descriptive paragraph on the picture stimulus. They colour code the simple subject and the simple predicate.
Activity Sheets x 3: Students write down 7-8 simple sentences from a book of choice. They colour code the simple subjects and the simple predicates.
This pack comprising of 12 posters and 32 task cards will help reinforce teaching and learning of Simple and Compound Sentences.
12 posters/anchor charts featuring a definition and explanation of the Simple Sentence, Compound sentence and the seven coordinating conjunctions.
32 Task Cards featuring simple sentences and compound sentences
Recording Sheet x 1
Answer Key
Use the posters/anchor charts to introduce and elaborate on grammatical terminology.
Spread task cards around the classroom. I personally like to tape to walls, so they don’t get lost in all the excitement.
Provide students with a clipboard and the recording sheet.
Students work, individually, in pairs, or in small groups to record their responses.
Project the answer key on the smart board/interactive whiteboard for students to check their answers. Provide further explanation accordingly.
Use these print-n-go sheets and poster set to target differentiation and teach your students all about Simple and Compound Sentences.
12 posters/anchor charts featuring a definition and explanation of the Simple Sentence, Compound sentence and the seven coordinating conjunctions.
Print-n-go sheets:
4 sheets on the definitions of a simple sentence, complete subject, complete predicate, simple subject, simple predicate, compound subject, compound predicate, compound sentence all with practice examples.
Identifying subjects and predicates in simple sentences x 1 sheet
Writing sentences with a compound subject or a compound verb x 1 sheet
Identifying Compound Sentences x 1 sheet
Writing Compound Sentences by joining two simple sentences with coordinating conjunctions x 1 sheet
Identifying simple sentences and compound sentences x 2 sheets ( 2 options)
Writing compound sentences using a picture stimulus x 1 sheet
Writing sentences with the 7 coordinating conjunctions x 1 sheet
Writing sample compound sentences from a favourite book of choice.
Scanning QR Codes and writing sentences with compound subjects and compound predicates x 1 sheet
Answer Key
The editable PowerPoint presentation and Cornell-style note-taking sheets (also editable) will help you target differentiation and teach your students all about Simple and Compound Sentences.
The note-taking sheets require students to fill in the blanks as you present the PowerPoint slides. Content ranges from writing parts of definitions of grammatical terminology in addition to interactive practice examples.
simple sentence
complete subject
complete predicate
simple subject
simple predicate
compound subject
compound predicate
compound sentence
coordinating conjunctions
Run through the presentation yourself prior to presenting to students. Make any changes to content in the editable files (both presentation and notes), for instance: type in your own examples or edit content to target differentiation.
Present the slides one at a time, students will follow instructions on each slide like filling in the blanks on their note-taking sheets and attempting practice examples. The slides are animated to present information in manageable chunks.
Follow-up with task cards, practice sheets or notebook templates.
Use these scaffolded interactive notebook templates and poster set to target differentiation and teach your students all about Simple and Compound Sentences.
12 posters/anchor charts featuring a definition and explanation of the Simple Sentence, Compound sentence and the seven coordinating conjunctions.
Notebook Templates:
Notebook Templates 1 (cover and response sheet) – students identify the subject and predicate (complete and simple) in the sample Simple Sentences.
Notebook Template 2 (cover and response) – students combine two simple sentences to write a compound sentence with compound subjects/compound predicates.
Notebook Template 3 (cover and response sheet) – students identify compound sentences by highlighting the coordinating conjunction used and writing the two simple sentences that make up each compound sentence under the flaps.
Notebook Template 4 – students write compound sentences by joining the two simple sentences with the coordinating conjunctions.
Notebook Template 5 (cover sheet) – students identify simple sentences and compound sentences.
Notebook Template 6 (cover and response sheet) – students write compound sentences on the visuals.
Notebook Template 7 – three-flap set featuring the 7 coordinating conjunctions. Students write their own compound sentence with each of the conjunctions.
Activity Sheet – one print-n-go sheet where students record examples of compound sentences from a book of choice.
Looking to teach your students all about the four types of sentences? This comprehensive bundle will help you do just that! You will get access to: a PowerPoint presentation, note-taking (Cornell style) sheets, Interactive Notebook Templates, Print-n-go worksheets, posters and 32 Task Cards.
The four types of sentences in focus are: declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and imperative.
Both US spellings and British English Spellings and terminology included.
Access the links for each of the individual products in this bundle to read more about items included.
Are you looking for task cards to teach and reinforce the four types of sentences? This collection of 32 types of sentences task cards and anchor charts/posters will help reinforce the understanding of the four kinds of sentences: Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative, and Exclamatory.
Items Included
32 Task Cards featuring the four types of sentences
Recording Sheet x 1
Answer Key
8 Posters Style 1 (color and blackline) featuring definitions and examples of the four types of sentences.
8 Posters Style 2 (color) featuring definitions and examples of the four types of sentences.
Posters come in two sizes: 8.5x11 inches and A4
Both US and British English files included (difference in punctuating sentences, terminology)
Use the posters/anchor charts to introduce and elaborate on the four types of sentences.
Spread task cards around the classroom. I personally like to tape to walls, so they don’t get lost in all the excitement.
Provide students with a clipboard and the recording sheet.
Students work, individually, in pairs, or in small groups to record their responses.
Post Activity
Project the answer key on the smart board/interactive whiteboard for students to check their answers. Provide further explanation accordingly.