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TeachElite-PSHE, Whole School, Science, Religion & Fun!

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We are Science and Religious Education specialist with with a combined 30 years of experience as middle managers both academic and pastoral. We have experience teaching Science, PSHE, PE, Humanities, Philosophy , Ethics, Psychology, Sociology. Lots of our resources are aimed at whole school whether they be AFL activities to Tutor Time resources.




We are Science and Religious Education specialist with with a combined 30 years of experience as middle managers both academic and pastoral. We have experience teaching Science, PSHE, PE, Humanities, Philosophy , Ethics, Psychology, Sociology. Lots of our resources are aimed at whole school whether they be AFL activities to Tutor Time resources.
Roald Dahl Quiz

Roald Dahl Quiz

This INTERACTIVE Roald Dahl Quiz quiz has 9 rounds consisting of a variety of activities and is perfect for Tutor Time or a fun lesson activity. a really fun activity for Roald Dahl day or the end of term! This even comes with a team selector and an interactive score board, teacher answer sheet AND a printable team answer sheet for you to keep tabs on the team’s points. Roald Dahl Quiz consists of: General Knowledge Yay or Nay Name that Book Name that Character Dahl or Shakespeare You Say We Play At the Movies Act it Out Bonus Round YOUR DOWNLOAD ☐You will download a zip folder with the resources mentioned above. SUPPORT ☐We will be on hand should you need any support and advice with you purchase. T&C ☐This is an instant download file.  ☐Once you make your purchase you will have the ability to download this product and it is ready to use. © 2021 made by TeachElite. All rights reserved. We would love it if you have time to review this product as your opinion means a lot to us. Please join our Facebook groups for teacher chat, networking and exclusive freebies. #teach #TeachRE #TeachChristianity #TeachJudaism #TeachScience #TeachPSHE & RSE You can find us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
Romeo & Juliet Themes

Romeo & Juliet Themes

This is an interactive generator on key quotes from Romeo & Juliet. This includes quotes on the themes of: Love Fate Conflict Death Honour Family Pupils can use this as an activity to determine which quotes fall into which categort or who said each of the quotes. We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br /> <br /> You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE<br /> <br /> and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/


Literacy Lessons. This pack includes… A booklet of literacy support material-we will keep adding to this as we produce more literacy resources!! Subjects & Predicates This is an hour lesson on subjects and predicates. It contains: Discussion Points Clear, step-by-step explainations YouTube Clips Worksheets Interactive plenary Types of Clauses - Literacy Task Included in this resource is explanations of: Independent Clauses, Dependent Clauses, Subordinating Conjunctions, YouTube Clips, Interactive Activities, Worksheet Activities. We hope that you enjoy this Halloween resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE. Have a spooktacular Halloween! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter and Facebook
Romeo & Juliet

Romeo & Juliet

6 Resources
A fun selection of resources for use when teaching Romeo & Juliet. We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Human Rights & Social Justice

Human Rights & Social Justice

5 Resources
Human Rights : Human Rights Bundle Here is a selection of all resources you’ll need for Human Rights day on 10th December. Resources include: Assembly & Tutor Time : Human Rights: This resource pack contains + 1x Assembly and 1 x tutor time PPT that can extend over two sessions . All PowerPoints are fully resourced with YouTube links and activities to discuss the topic in question. Assembly pack contains a PPT (10 Slides) and a handout for you to make notes on each slide should you so wish. The assembly introduces pupils to human rights and the origins of the Un declaration . It includes a link to a YouTube clip educating them on this. This resource includes inspirational quote and an OPTIONAL Christian prayer. Tutor Time pack contains 1 x Fully Resourced PPT (15 slides in total) Worksheets (7 A4 sheets) The Topics to be discussed are: What are human rights? The origins of human rights, a diamond 9 activity and a discussion on the most important human rights The resource booklet to accompany this pack contains a blank learning mat for pupils to take notes on the topic discussions and clips that they will watch. Human Rights: This is a 1 hour fully resourced lesson on Human Rights.This Human Rights Lesson pack contains: A PPT (15 slides) and a peer assessment handout (12 sheets). Activities include: Starter Task: A Thinking Skills questions-on human rights. Task 1: Pupils are discuss the rights of a human being. Task 2: Pupils are taken through the concept of human rights. Task 3: Pupils will need to write as many questions using the 5W sheet as the an think of and then use the interactive 5W generator to discuss these questions. Task 4: Pupils should then watch the YouTube clip and fill in the second 5 w sheet with answers to the questions discussed and any information from the clip that they deem important. Task 5: Pupils should read the UN Declaration of Human Rights (2 versions included depending on ability) and highlight any key points. Task 6: In pairs or groups pupils should come up with their own 10 declaration for human rights. Homework: Pick a current issue that is in the news. Report on which human rights aren’t being followed and why. Also state what could be done to combat this. Exit task/Plenary: Choose a representative to speak to the UN on behalf of your group to deliver your 10 Human Rights. Human Rights Debate Generator: This is a FULLY INTERACTIVE resource that has been professionally designed to spark debate surrounding the United Nations Declaration for Human Rights. Included in this resource is a worksheet that pupils can either use to formulate questions that have been generated by the Debate Generator or to write bullet pointed answers. It is suggested that these be printed as A3 handouts. The PPT slide can be copied and pasted into any lesson or can be used a s a stand alone resource. Click on the spin button to start the selector and the stop button to stop it. You can reset the selector at any time to restart the process. The prompts in green are the easier words, the colours will vary as the prompts get harder (from green, to yellow, orange or red). The red prompts are the most difficult questions to answer/formulate. There are 16 different human rights in the selector that have been summarised from the United Nations declaration of Human Rights which contain 30. Random Name Generator: This is a fun way to ensure pupil participation in lessons. The PowerPoint is completely editable. It has space to up to 35 pupil names. Pupils names can be added to each slide and once in presentation mode, click anywhere on slide two and a name will be generated. N.B. the same pupil can be selected more than once on this presentation. Fun Hand Timer: his is a fun countdown timer that can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. You have a choice between two different hand styles and can easily alter the timing between 1-5 minutes 2 or 5 minutes. Simply delete a hand (this takes away a minute at a time. The timings can easily be altered in the animation pane to make the timer shorter or longer should you so wish. Each hand style can be added to your own slides and displayed in the right hand corner if you so wish! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE. We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/ #BACKTOSCHOOL
Black History Month

Black History Month

10 Resources
Black History Month Kit Here is a selection of our high quality Black History Month resources. We will be adding more over the next few days-so stay tuned! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE.<br /> <br /> We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br /> <br /> You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE<br /> and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/


8 Resources
Grab this bundle while it is at this amazing price; a Fun and engaging way to break the ice! 8 Super fun resources are included in this pack… Marketplace Emoji Selector About Me Fakebook Template Ice Breakers Subject Debate Generator Boardgame TeachElite Timer Fun and interactive! We hope that you enjoy this resource! Please join our Facebook groups for teacher chat, networking and exclusive freebies. #teach #TeachRE #TeachChristianity #TeachJudaism #TeachScience #TeachPSHE & RSE We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us at TeachElite and click the ‘Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter and Facebook


13 Resources
This bundle contains 14 of our spooktacular Halloween Resources: Halloween - Playing Cards Snap or Go Fish: This pack contains 52 playing cards that can be printed out onto card and used as a fun Halloween resource. We recommend that you print out TWO sets and use them and pupils can use them to play snap with the deck.Alternatively, ‘go fish’ whereby all cards are put face down on the table and pupils have to try to match pairs. In both cases the person with the most sets wins. It is entirely up to you how you prepare these cards, But we recommend that you print them out, in colour onto paper or card cut around the top and bottom card (on the top and bottom left). We then fold the middle section and glue the pieces together and laminate the card to ensure it’s durability. Alternatively, you can just use the front of the card for ease of use. Halloween - Spooky Reward Jars: This PowerPoint Contains four spooky reward jars to use with your pupils to positively reinforce good behaviour. A great Visual behaviour management strategy! Simply press the right arrow key to add an item to the jar and the left arrow key to delete it. Halloween - Witches Brew - Random Name Generator - Random Name Generator: This is a fun way to ensure pupil participation in lessons this Halloween season. The PowerPoint is completely editable. It has space to up to 36 pupil names. We have suggested three of the 36 slides be used as ‘teacher to answer’ but this can easily be edited depending on the number of pupils in each class. Pupils names can be added to each slide and once in presentation mode, click anywhere on slide two and a name will be generated. N.B. the same pupil can be selected more than once on this presentation. Halloween : Design your own Halloween Costume This is a fun Halloween activity that can be used as a fun Tutor Time activity or a whole school competition. You have a choice of giving the pupils a sheet with male and female figures to design their own costume or they can choose between a male or female figure on which to design their own wacky Halloween outfits. We print these out on A3 paper and display the best submissions on the wall. Pupils have to label each aspect of their costume and on the back of this sheet write a paragraph about their design together with some Halloween facts and information about the symbolism of each item they have used. Halloween Conveyor Belt: This is based on the Generation Game activity. Surrounding some of the symbols oh Halloween. Useful for Starter, Plenaries and mini AFL activities throughout the lesson-Pupils love this activity! Halloween Countdown Timers : This is a really spooktacular Halloween timer selection - If you love our other timers you will certainly love this! It comes complete with music! This is a fun countdown timer selection that can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. You have a choice between a 1, 2 or 5 minute, 10 or 15 minute timers and two different styles The Halloween bubble or the Jack-o-Lantern. You can alter the timings in the animation pane to make the timer shorter or longer should you so wish. These Halloween timers can be copied from this presentation and pasted and inserted into your own or on top of any slide you wish. Halloween Bingo Super fun-Halloween Bingo: The PPT: 3 slides Booklet: 35 This PowerPoint contains 40 different Halloween items and 33 pre-set placemats. We have included a blank placemat for you to create your own if you so wish. We usually laminate the cards so that they can be reused by each class. Slide 3 contains 40 cards (facedown) click on a card to reveal the picture. Pupils must mark off this picture on their bingo card. The first person to mark off all of their icons is the winner. Halloween: Full Moon Timers : This resource contains 6 PowerPoints complete with spooktacular Halloween full moon timers - If you love our other timers you will certainly love this! It comes complete with music! This is a fun countdown timer selection that can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. You have a choice between a 1, 2 or 5 minute, 10, 15 or 20 minute timers that can be used in full slide mode or can be used as a small timer in the corner of your own presentation. These Halloween timers can be copied from this presentation and pasted and inserted into your own or on top of any slide you wish. Please note-Due to file size, upon purchase you will be able to download a file that will give you a direct link to these resources. The Spooktacular Halloween Quiz : This Spooktacular Halloween Quiz is FULLY INTERACTIVE and contains spook Halloween themed music. This can be used within lesson , during Tutor Time or during an assembly for an ‘inter form’ end of term activity/ quiz. This PowerPoint contains 114 slides.It even comes with a team selector and an interactive score board for you to keep tabs on the team’s points. There are 10 rounds that are randomly selected using the Spooktacular Selector. These are: Skullteasers-This round contains 5 brain teasers riddles that pupils must try to solve. Witches’ Brew-This round contains 8 word scrambles. The first team to get the answer right is awarded the point. Zombified-This round contains 10 Movie trivia questions. Trick ‘R Treat-This round contains 12 slides. Each containing two doors. The team must pick a door behind it will either be a trick or a treat. Your teacher will decide what the trick or treat will be. You could choose to take a point off their overall score or some sweets/chocolate! It is totally up to you what treat or forfeit they will encounter. Scaredy Cat- This round contains 6 hair-raising celebrities in disguise. You can take away individual bits of the disguise by clicking the answer button. Mind’s Eye- This round contains 7 Halloween items. Pupils must choose two members of their team to play this game. They sit back to back (one facing the board, the other facing away). They will have one minute to describe to their partner how to draw the item NOT THE OBJECT ITSELF! e.g. ‘place the pencil at the bottom of the paper in the centre and draw a diagonal line up to the middle of the page’ etc. This is a tricky game. So, pupils must concentrate. You can award the point to the team that performed the best. Boo or False- This round contains 8 Halloween statements. Pupils must use the ‘show me boards’ or pieces of paper to write down if you think the statement is boo or false. Each team will be awarded a point for the amount you get correct. When discussing the answers they can ‘Boo’ for a true statement and groan like a zombie for a false statement. Possessions-This round contains 8 questions based on the symbols of Halloween. Once again, it is useful to have ‘show me boards’ to write down the answer. Jack-O-Jukebox-This round contains 12 SONG SUGGESTIONS relating to Halloween. The suggested songs are in the notes section of the PowerPoint. The songs can easily be found on YouTube should you not own copies. PLEASE NOTE that we have not included the songs due to copyright restrictions, but we have included the suggested songs for your reference. Ghostly Game- 8 items here pupils have to describe the item to the player without using the word. & Much more
Judaism Revision

Judaism Revision

4 Resources
Judaism : Judaism Revision This Bundle is designed to help you and your pupils with that last minute cramming needed for the GCSE Judaism exam! The resources included are: Pre-Exam Last Minute Tips!! GCSE Judaism Last Minute Revision session: This PowerPoint is designed to be delivered during a 15-20 minute session just before the pupils enter the exam room. It has a few handy hints and tips for pupils to use, that it is hoped, will be fresh in their minds during the exam. GCSE Judaism Flashcards: A set of flash cards based on the WJEC Specification A Judaism paper. Past paper questions with specific content. Included in this resource is a topic overview sheet for teacher and pupil. This is basically a breakdown each topic we teach for this course. Death & Afterlife according to Judaism-Key Concepts: An activity sheet based on the key words used to revise about death and the Afterlife according to Judaism. Judaism Rites of Passage Revision Booklet: A Grab and Go Resource! Zero Prep Required. This is booklet with is really useful to sum up rites of passage. Pupils can be given a a few lessons to research, use their existing work and complete the worksheets within the booklet. They are then tasked with creating their very own revision aid on the topic. We usually collect these in and photocopy them and distribute to the class as a handy home revision summary. The Booklet includes information and worksheets on the four main rites of passage: Brit Milah, Bar Mitzvah, Marriage, Death. Also Included: The role of the parents in these and a page in which there are arguments for which rite of passage is superior (to answer a specific exam style question). To view the contents of this booklet, please check out our sample available at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/judaism-rites-of-passage-revision-booklet-sample-11586091
Jesus Bundle

Jesus Bundle

10 Resources
Jesus: Jesus Bundle The run up to Easter is a perfect time to be teaching about the person of Jesus. This is a selection of resources based on the person of Jesus… Jesus Lesson: A lesson based on the life of Jesus. A task on what pupils know about Jesus, what they think he may have looked like. A beat the teacher task on what the Bible says the Messiah will be like. Finally, a worksheet for pupils to fill in based on research they will do on 3 major aspects of his life-birth, teachings, death and a section to fill in on any Biblical quotes they may find interesting in relation to this task. Death of Jesus Interactive Guide Lesson: This is an interactive guide surrounding some of the key concepts used to explain the reasons for Jesus’ sacrifice. Pupils will have use of a poem, Biblical quotes and these key terms to discuss, analyse and select the most relevant information relating to the beliefs about death in Christianity. They will then be tasked with answering an exam style question: “Explain why the death of Jesus is important? (4)” Miracles of Jesus: A worksheet for pupils to write about four miracles of Jesus and to draw a picture that represents this. Person of Jesus: A worksheet based on the names of Jesus. Pupils are to match up the name with the correct meaning and colour code this. Miracles of Jesus: A worksheet for pupils to fill in based on the life of Jesus Names for Jesus Doodle Sheet: A worksheet based on names for Jesus. Pupils must then guess the name of Jesus based on their knowledge of the definition.
Supply Teacher kit

Supply Teacher kit

11 Resources
Supply Teacher / relief teacher / substitute teacher / cover supervisor Resource Pack Calling all supply / relief / substitute teachers / cover supervisors! Arrive prepared with this fun resource pack. Never ponder what to do with a class again with this Supply Teacher's Resource Pack. Included are 10 great resources to use in any subject! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE. We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite's Shop click the'Follow this Author button' . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Revision Kit

Revision Kit

14 Resources
Revision: Revision Kit We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource for FREE. We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite's Shop click the'Follow this Author button' . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/


10 Resources
Newly Qualified Teacher ( NQT & RQT ) ANY SUBJECT, ANY AGE, ANY OCCASION! NQT's never be stuck for resources for your lessons! There is something for every subject and every occasion in this pack. We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource for FREE. We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite's Shop click the'Follow this Author button' . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Christianity Revision

Christianity Revision

10 Resources
Christianity : Christianity Revision A bundle of last minute Christianity revision resources. We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE. We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Human Rights Unit

Human Rights Unit

9 Resources
9 hours of content! Including: Fairness & Social Justice Human Rights Lesson Human Rights Debate Generator Pacifism Martin Luther King International Women’s Day Lesson Women’s Day Quiz Abortion #BACKTOSCHOOL We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br /> <br /> You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE<br /> and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/


9 Resources
This Bundle Includes 4 of our tutor time /assembly / collective worship resources. Tutor Time / Assembly Pack - October: Tutor Time Pack - October is another of our INTERACTIVE tutor time resources. It contains a range of different tasks that can be completed during Tutor Time. If this is used throughout the school, it is designed to be cascaded through lessons throughout the week. The PPT contains 38 slides. Included in these slides are: Key dates for the month of October, Word of the Week (x 4) Literacy Task for the Week (2 separate tasks) Numeracy Task For the week (2 separate Tasks) Debate topic (4 debate questions, each based on the word for the week). This is useful for instilling literacy and numeracy maintaining continuity throughout the school. You can either print off the word of the week placemat and laminate it and then, each week, stick a different word on it. This also comes with our 30 second countdown timer, our 60 second bubble timer for use with literacy and numeracy activities and our 5 minute Loading Timer. Black History Month : Assemblies / Tutor Time / Collective Worship THIS IS A WHOLE MONTH’S WORTH OF TUTOR TIME for BHM + 1 ASSEMBLY. 1 Assembly and 4 x Tutor Time sessions This pack contains 1 Assembly resource and 4 separate Tutor Time resources for Black History Month. All PowerPoints are fully resourced with YouTube links and activities to discuss the topic in question. Assembly pack contains a PPT (9 Slides) and a handout for you to make notes on each slide should you so wish. The assembly introduces pupils to the background of Black History Month. It includes a link to a YouTube clip educating them on BHM in the UK and people’s thoughts on this. Pupils are also made aware of the influential figures Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King. This resource includes inspirational quote and an OPTIONAL Christian prayer. The pupils exit this assembly listening to the ‘I have a dream Speech’. Tutor Time pack contains 4 x Fully Resourced PPT (20 slides in total) Worksheets (3 A4 sheets) The Topics to be discussed are: 1. History of Slavery 2.Martin Luther King Jr. 3. Malcolm X 4. Should Black History Month be Celebrated? The resource booklet to accompany this pack contains an Emoji Graph, 5W s sheet and Venn Diagram worksheets. This resource also contains two of our plenary activities- The Interactive 5W activity and the Opinion line activity. COMPLETE WITH MUSIC. Diwali: Diwali: 2 x Tutor Time / Collective Worship / Autumn activities This pack contains 2 separate Tutor Time resources for Diwali. All PowerPoints are fully resourced with YouTube links and activities to discuss the topic in question. The PPT consists of 14 slides and work booklet consists of 2 sheets. Tutor Time 1: This introduces pupils to the significance of Diwali and directs you to a youtube clip on Rama and Sita. Pupils have to make a cartoon strip based on this session. Tutor Time 2: This develops pupil’s knowledge of Diwali and introduces them to one of the decorations used during this festival, the Toran. Pupils have to design and decorate their own Toran. Halloween and Day of the Dead Assembly /Tutor Time / Collective Worship Pack This resource pack contains + 1x Assembly and 2 x tutor time sessions. It also includes our Halloween / Day of the Dead Pin Skeleton worth £2.50. BONUS RESOURCE: A 2 Minute Full Moon Timer We have also included our FREEBIE Design your own Halloween Costume to run as a competition alongside the assembly and tutor time activities. All PowerPoints are fully resourced with YouTube links and activities to discuss the topic in question. Assembly pack contains a PPT (20 Slides) and a handout for you to make notes on each slide should you so wish. The assembly introduces pupils to the history of Halloween. It includes a link to a YouTube clip educating them on Halloween and its history. This resource includes inspirational quote and an OPTIONAL Christian prayer. There is a True or False activity entitled ‘Boo or False’ with 6 facts about Halloween. The pupils can ‘Boo’ for a true statement and groan like a zombie for a false statement. Tutor Time pack contains 2 x Fully Resourced PPT (16 slides in total) Worksheets (9 A4 sheets) The Topics to be discussed are: 1. History of Halloween-Fully resourced with you tube clips and activity sheet. 2.Day of the Dead COMPLETE WITH MUSIC. Fully resourced with a pin skeleton activity. The resource booklet to accompany this pack contains a fact file for tutor time 1 and all the resources you need to create a Day of the dead pin skeleton. Whole School Resource: Emoji Selector: This is a really fun AFL Activity! Teacher Instructions: You can copy and paste the Emoji selector slide into any presentation you wish or use the slide as a standalone resource. Click on the spin button to start the selector and the stop button to stop it. You can reset the selector at any time to restart the process. Class Instructions: The Emoji Selector will generate three emotions. You must press ‘spin’ to start the selector and ‘stop’ to stop it spinning. The pupils will have to give reasons as to how each of the selected emotions relate to the lesson. I.e. if the selector lands on ‘Happy, Frustrated & Shocked’ the pupils have to give one thing that made them happy, one thing that frustrated them and one thing that shocked them during the lesson. If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE. We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/


18 Resources
Back to School Tutor Time Quiz - £1 a Quiz!! Great for a bit of end of term excitement! INCLUDES- THE CHRISTMAS 2018 Quiz Take a look at our ULTIMATE Quiz selection. Included in this bundle is 10 of our FULLY INTERACTIVE quizzes. Super for a bit of end of year quiz fun! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE.<br /> <br /> We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br /> <br /> You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE<br /> and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Supply Teacher's Toolkit

Supply Teacher's Toolkit

19 Resources
Supply Teacher’s / Relief Teacher Toolkit 20 resources suitable to use in any subject! Arrive at school every day with an arsenal of activities to use with whatever class you are covering. The lack of work set will never be a problem again as you will always have an educational activity to use with your classes. If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE. We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Back to School

Back to School

15 Resources
This Back To School recovery curriculum bundle is the perfect way to start the year. Packed full of recovery resources, to suit any subject or tutor group. Use it alongside the normal curriculum as a supplementary resource to aid in the transition of back to school following COVID. Perfect for all subjects Use as Tutor Time resource Includes: Desktop Organiser Time Capsule All About Me Reward resources Brain Breaks Debate Generators Wellbeing & Much more!