We are Science and Religious Education specialist with with a combined 30 years of experience as middle managers both academic and pastoral. We have experience teaching Science, PSHE, PE, Humanities, Philosophy , Ethics, Psychology, Sociology. Lots of our resources are aimed at whole school whether they be AFL activities to Tutor Time resources.
We are Science and Religious Education specialist with with a combined 30 years of experience as middle managers both academic and pastoral. We have experience teaching Science, PSHE, PE, Humanities, Philosophy , Ethics, Psychology, Sociology. Lots of our resources are aimed at whole school whether they be AFL activities to Tutor Time resources.
A two page flow chart to use while researching the life of Moses. We have used this while pupils watch a film based on his life. The BBC's claymation episode on his life is particularly good. Alternatively, use this as a notes page during the lesson.
This is an evaluation activity to get pupils used to answering exam style questions. A variety of answers have been provided and pupils need to decide if they are a benefit or a challenge. They must then choose four of each and write a timed answer to the posed question.
This activity is designed to assess prior learning of the above topic. There are three diagrams that can be printed out and pupils must label (Filtration, Distillation & Chromatography). These are displayed on the PPT (labeled). Pupils must then link the correct description with the digram.
This is a venn diagram for pupils to debate and decide the varying roles within Judaism and whether parents and children's roles are similar in any way. A great activity when thinking of answers for evaluation questions.
Pull the udder one!
A completely customisable true or False activity. This particular one is based on animals and their changing habitats.
Pupils love the interaction shouting moo (true) or quacking for false statements. This can be used as a starter, plenary or an AFL checkpoint activity throughout the lesson.
Love : Random Name Generator.
This is a fun way to ensure pupil participation in lessons.
The PowerPoint is completely editable. It has space to up to 34 pupil names with two 'ask the teacher' wild cards. Pupils names can be added to each slide and once in presentation mode, click anywhere on slide two and a name will be generated. N.B. the same pupil can be selected more than once on this presentation.
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This PowerPoint is designed to be delivered during a 15-20 minute session just before the pupils enter the exam room. It has a few handy hints and tips for pupils to use, that it is hoped, will be fresh in their minds during the exam.
This worksheet can be printed onto A3 and used in conjunction with our Religious Leaders Statements. These statements must be cut out and stuck onto this placemat. They are used to distinguish the varying roles of leaders within the Jewish community.
This is a worksheet for pupils to fill in based on their knowledge of the Jewish Covenant. It could be based on prior learning or used as a research task for independent study.
Four slides each displaying a different word for the week with scrabble tiles. Pupils have to complete a numeracy task based on the numerical value of the tiles.
A fun worksheet for pupils to fill in based on what they think he may or may not have looked like. followed by some facts and beliefs about this famous figure.
A pdf worksheet for pupils to cut out and stick in their book. This is a sort task-pupils must put the rites of passage in order and draw a picture to go with it.
A planning sheet on how to set out a guide for pupils to use when visiting the local Synagogue.
The plan should give pupils an idea of what information should be included on each page.
These are designed to be printed and laminated and used either as a whole class or in groups. We usually conduct this as a game show style lesson where the class is divided into two and there is a panel of pupils who make judgements on the quality of answers (when awarding the points). This is a really fun revision lesson! There is a blank set of cards for pupils to add their own questions too.