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TeachElite-PSHE, Whole School, Science, Religion & Fun!

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We are Science and Religious Education specialist with with a combined 30 years of experience as middle managers both academic and pastoral. We have experience teaching Science, PSHE, PE, Humanities, Philosophy , Ethics, Psychology, Sociology. Lots of our resources are aimed at whole school whether they be AFL activities to Tutor Time resources.




We are Science and Religious Education specialist with with a combined 30 years of experience as middle managers both academic and pastoral. We have experience teaching Science, PSHE, PE, Humanities, Philosophy , Ethics, Psychology, Sociology. Lots of our resources are aimed at whole school whether they be AFL activities to Tutor Time resources.
Jesus Bundle

Jesus Bundle

10 Resources
Jesus: Jesus Bundle The run up to Easter is a perfect time to be teaching about the person of Jesus. This is a selection of resources based on the person of Jesus… Jesus Lesson: A lesson based on the life of Jesus. A task on what pupils know about Jesus, what they think he may have looked like. A beat the teacher task on what the Bible says the Messiah will be like. Finally, a worksheet for pupils to fill in based on research they will do on 3 major aspects of his life-birth, teachings, death and a section to fill in on any Biblical quotes they may find interesting in relation to this task. Death of Jesus Interactive Guide Lesson: This is an interactive guide surrounding some of the key concepts used to explain the reasons for Jesus’ sacrifice. Pupils will have use of a poem, Biblical quotes and these key terms to discuss, analyse and select the most relevant information relating to the beliefs about death in Christianity. They will then be tasked with answering an exam style question: “Explain why the death of Jesus is important? (4)” Miracles of Jesus: A worksheet for pupils to write about four miracles of Jesus and to draw a picture that represents this. Person of Jesus: A worksheet based on the names of Jesus. Pupils are to match up the name with the correct meaning and colour code this. Miracles of Jesus: A worksheet for pupils to fill in based on the life of Jesus Names for Jesus Doodle Sheet: A worksheet based on names for Jesus. Pupils must then guess the name of Jesus based on their knowledge of the definition.
AFL Starter & Plenaries

AFL Starter & Plenaries

11 Resources
Never plan a starter or a plenary again with this fantastic selection of starter and plenary resources. A perfect back to school bundle!! If you review this resource we will give you another resource for FREE. We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Science Intro

Science Intro

8 Resources
This Bundle includes: Back to School- Rules of the Laboratory / Lab Rules: A presentation that takes pupils through the 10 rules for the lab. A great back to school refresher. Hazard Symbols: This lesson introduces pupils to signs and symbols, why we have them and specifically symbols that are found in the laboratory. Pupils are asked to look at every day symbols and their meanings and to discuss why we have symbols. They are then introduced to 9 hazard symbols and their meanings. This lesson comes with a blank hazard symbols mind map to complete during the lesson. They must then carryout research for homework and record it on this mind map (we print it onto A3 paper). In addition, there is a set of hazard flash cards for a recall and a doodle task. test can be printed and laminated for reuse. They are great for revision also! Bunsen Burner: This is an introductory lesson on the Bunsen burner. Pupils will have the opportunity to use a bunsen burner and if successful gain a certificate and a Bunsen Burner License. This pack contains PPT: 17 Sides Work Booklet: 8 Pages. Pupils will be taught about the history of the Bunsen burner. There is an opportunity for the teacher to model how to set up the bunsen burner. They will then have to create a flowchart on setting up a Bunsen burner. Once this is complete, pupils will take it in turns to peer assess each other on accuracy and safety. Included in this pack are A4 certificates and credit card size bunsen burner licenses. The exit task is based on our interactive 5W activity. The 5w selector will select one of the 5ws (who, what, where, when or why) and the teacher should pose questions based on this selection about the Bunsen Burner. Pupils can fill in the 5w sheet as the plenary/exit task progresses. Microscopes: A lesson specifically designed as an introduction or an refresher on Microscopes. Pupils are taken through the history of the discovery of cells using microscopes, how to use microscopes (sort task included), a literacy task and practical work using the microscopes. The Fire Triangle: A PPT based on a practical lesson on the fire triangle. Pupils will have created paper houses previously to burn during the lesson. Burning the paper houses practically demonstrated the fire triangle. Includes a bell task, discussion point, peer assessment, and a Pull The Udder One plenary, a tutorial on how to draw bar graphs with a differentiated bar graph worksheet. Word and PDF documents included.**Aspects of this lesson can customised for any topic.** Science Reward Jars: This PowerPoint Contains two reward jars for use in science lesson. The aim of this is to positively reinforce good behaviour. A great Visual behaviour management strategy!Simply press the right arrow key to add an item to the jar and the left arrow key to delete it. KS3 Science - Scientific Vocabulary A-Z: An A-Z vocabulary booklet that is left blank for pupils to write specific vocabulary that they need to know. The majority of pages are dedicated to a letter. were as come letters (Y & Z, for example) share a page. The booklet is 39 pages long, this will allow you to have it printed back to back in magazine form as either an A5 (printed on A4 paper) or A4 booklet (printed on A3 paper). Solar System Timer: This is fun countdown timer that can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. Includes 3minutes, 2 minutes, 90 seconds, 40 seconds & 20 seconds countdowns. You can easily be altered in the animation pane to make the timer shorter or longer. The slides can all be selected, copied from this presentation and pasted and inserted into your own PPT. Science Apparatus: This is an introduction lesson to demonstrate how pupils draw scientific apparatus in diagram form and the uses of these within the laboratory. This resource pack contains: A PPT (30 slides) & handouts (2) covering 10 different apparatus. Included in this resource is one of our timers complete with MUSIC. Activities include: Starter Task: Show Me Whiteboard activity Examples of how to draw each item in diagram form and tasks to support this. Plenary (Exit task) : Doodle Task We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/


10 Resources
Physics Pack This Science bundle contains 12 resources. This is a great way stock your physics resource arsenal, all lessons are designed to meet ‘Outstanding’ inspection criteria. Resources include: Energy Efficiency: Energy Efficiency Lesson This is a fully differentiated lesson teaching pupils about energy efficiency It is suggested that you include a practical such as the custard powder with Bunsen burner experiment. A you tube link for this is included within the PPT should you wish to show the pupils without conducting the experiment yourself. This Science resource pack contains: A PPT (27 slides) and handouts (8 sheets) . Activities include: Starter Task: Two Thinking Skills questions- One on efficiency and one on energy transfer. An energy transfer and efficiency activity-We suggest that the ‘Differentiated Word Bank’ be printed on the back of the energy transfer and efficiency activity sheet for ease of use should the pupils require it. A YouTube clip on the custard powder experiment. An activity on devices and percentage of waste. Activity-Create a bar Graph based on the data for the devices and percentage of waste. Extension Task: Create a pie chart on the data. Plenary (Exit task) : Good Graph, Bad Graph-Pupils are shown examples of bar graphs and are asked if they are correct or incorrect. Energy Transfer: This is a lesson teaching pupils the different types of energy transfer and the conservation of energy. It is suggested that you include a practical such as the screaming jelly baby or the custard powder with Bunsen burner experiment. A you tube link for both of these is included within the PPT should you wish to show the pupils without conducting the experiment yourself. This Science resource pack contains: A PPT (14 slides) and handouts (2 sheets) . Included in this Science resource is one of our timers complete with MUSIC. Activities include: Starter Task: Thinking Skills question on energy transfer Activity on on energy transfer in the body. Thinking Skills activity on energy transfer with everyday devices. Choice of two YouTube clips on the two practicals mentioned above. You may conduct one of these experiments yourself if you so wish. Plenary (Exit task) : Starter & Plenary Prompt Selector . This alone is worth £3! In our lessons, all key words are added to our KS3 Science - Scientific Vocabulary A-Z . Renewable Energy AFL Activity: Pull the udder one! A completely customisable true or False activity. This particular one is based on renewable energy. Pupils love the interaction shouting moo (true) or quacking for false statements. This can be used as a starter, plenary or an AFL checkpoint activity throughout the lesson. Types of Energy: Energy: Types of Energy is an interactive lesson that consists of 26 slides (PowerPoint) on the topic of Energy and an 8 page Energy resource booklet covering the different types of Energy; Kinetic Energy Sound Energy Chemical Energy Thermal Energy Electrical Energy Solar Energy Light Energy Gravitational potential Energy Elastic potential Energy You can find a preview of the booklet that is included in this lesson @ http://fliphtml5.com/gonfq/sdyc The starter activity is based on our conveyer pelt activity and is designed to ascertain prior knowledge. There is a worksheet to fill in based on this and the subsequent class discussion. Pupils then peer assess each other’s work. There is an interactive selector based on the popular fidget spinners. Pupils are taken through the 8 different types of energy and they have to make notes on the ‘What is energy?’ worksheet. It is suggested that this be enlarged to A3 size. Pupils are tasked with inserting the new vocabulary learnt during the lesson into their vocabulary booklets. Following which there is an interactive quiz where pupils are asked 20 questions (provided) and the team to get the most points wins. Friction: A Grab and Go Lesson! To see a video of this lesson please visit: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/ Alternatively, you can download a copy of the sample video from: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/friction-sample-11588011 This is a complete lesson on the topic of Friction. It includes a fully editable lesson plan, PowerPoint, Differentiated activities (at the end of the PowerPoint) and a Pupil Peer Assessment sheet. The PowerPoint includes a bell task linking back to forces and a conveyor belt activity on the topic of forces too. Pupils are taught the basic principles of friction and then are given the task of creating a leaflet on the topic. There is a level ladder included in this pack based on Skill 1: Finding Information. Abstract planet Timers: This is a fun countdown timer resource that can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. You have a choice between various abstract planets. The timers are set to 1, 2, 3 or 4 minutes, but you can easily alter the timing between in the animation pane. Each abstract planet can be added to your own slides and displayed in the right hand corner if you so wish! Circuit Symbols: Pull the udder one! A completely customisable true or False activity. This particular one is based on circuit symbols. Pupils love the interaction shouting moo (true) or quacking for false statements. This can be used as a starter, plenary or an AFL checkpoint activity throughout the lesson. Circuits AFL activity: Pull the udder one! A completely customisable true or False activity. This particular one is based on Circuits. Pupils love the interaction shouting moo (true) or quacking for false statements. This can be used as a starter, plenary or an AFL checkpoint activity throughout the lesson. Forces AFL activity: Pull the udder one! A completely customisable true or False activity. This particular one is based on forces. Pupils love the interaction shouting moo (true) or quacking for false statements. This can be used as a starter, plenary or an AFL checkpoint activity throughout the lesson. Solar System - Conveyor Belt: This is based on the Generation Game activity and is centred around the planets in our solar system. Useful for Starter, Plenaries and mini AFL activities throughout the lesson-Pupils love this activity! Space Investigation: This is an independent learning investigation about our solar system. Pupils are asked to research the planets and find relevant information about them. This includes extension tasks whereby pupils research the origins of the universe and current theories (Big Bang and Red Shift). Energy: Sankey Diagrams: This is a fully differentiated lesson teaching pupils of how to represent energy efficiency as a Sankey diagram. This Sankey Diagram pack contains: A PPT (33 slides) and handouts (5 sheets) . Activities include: Starter Task:A Thinking Skills questions- on energy efficiency. A demonstration on how to draw Sankey Diagrams. Pupils will then look at three devices and their energy efficiency. Activity: Pupils have to calculate the energy efficiency of these three items and create Sankey diagrams based on the data. There are differentiated sheets within the workbook to aid pupils who are having difficulties in drawing them. A peer assessment on the individual activities is included too. Exit task/Plenary: Pupils have to name the energy in the pictures, identify the useful energies and state whether they are efficient or not. In our lessons, all key words are added to our KS3 Science - Scientific Vocabulary A-Z . If you like this resource, please give us a review and we will send you a free resource of your choice of the same value. We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload.
Timer Bundle

Timer Bundle

10 Resources
Timer Bundle This is a great addition to any lesson. You can use these timers as standalone resources or you could add them to your own PowerPoint. The 7 resources included are: Abstract Planet Timers: This is a fun countdown timer resource that can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. You have a choice between various abstract planets. The timers are set to 1, 2, 3 or 4 minutes, but you can easily alter the timing between in the animation pane. Each abstract planet can be added to your own slides and displayed in the right hand corner if you so wish! Balloon Timer: A fun countdown timer that can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. This is a 3 minute timer. Each balloon has been set to fly away within a 20 second timeframe, but can easily be altered in the animation pane to make the timer shorter or longer. The balloons can all be selected, copied from this presentation and pasted and inserted into your own or on top of any slide you wish! Fun Hand Timer: This is a fun countdown timer that can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. You have a choice between two different hand styles and can easily alter the timing between 1-5 minutes 2 or 5 minutes. Simply delete a hand (this takes away a minute at a time. The timings can easily be altered in the animation pane to make the timer shorter or longer should you so wish. Each hand style can be added to your own slides and displayed in the right hand corner if you so wish! Pirate Times Timer: Yarr, Ahoy mateys!Join Pirate Pete as he walks the plank! Make sure you finish the task before he ends up in the sea! If you love our other timers you will certainly love this! It comes with pirate music! This is a fun countdown timer that can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. You have a choice between a 2 or 5 minute OR 15, 30, 60 or 90 second timer. The timings can easily be altered in the animation pane to make the timer shorter or longer should you so wish. The slide can be copied from this presentation and pasted and inserted into your own presentation if you so wish! Solar System Timer: This is fun countdown timer that can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. Includes 3minutes, 2 minutes, 90 seconds, 40 seconds & 20 seconds countdowns. You can easily be altered in the animation pane to make the timer shorter or longer. The slides can all be selected, copied from this presentation and pasted and inserted into your own PPT. Tale as Old as Timer: An absolutely beautiful timer… This runs for approximately three minutes. Each rose petal falls from the rose every ten seconds. Included in this is a large version as a main visual in the lesson or a small icon at the lens hand corner of the slide. Copy this and paste it into any presentation! The Ultimate Bubble Timer: This is our new Ultimate Bubble timer. If you love our other timers you will certainly love this! It comes with popping sounds and music! This is a fun countdown timer that can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. You have a choice between a 4, 3 or 2 minute, 80, 60 or 30 second timer. The bubbles can easily be altered in the animation pane to make the timer shorter or longer should you so wish. The bubbles can all be selected, copied from this presentation and pasted and inserted into your own or on top of any slide you wish alternatively, there is a section of slides on the PowerPoint where you can choose a timer and copy and paste the bubbles as a frame around your own slides too (just copy and paste them into your presentation. We hope that you enjoy this resource bundle! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/?ref=bookmarks
Christmas: December Kit

Christmas: December Kit

12 Resources
Christmas: December Tutor Time Bundle Christmas: Christmas and Advent Pack - Advent and Christmas (120 minutes worth of content!) A Grab and Go Lesson! Zero prep. This resource was originally planned to span a 2 hour double lesson, but can easily be split into a series of lessons. This pack includes: PowerPoint: 32 slides!!! Resource Booklet: 8 Sheets. This lesson contains a really fun starter activity Who live in a house like this? The Nativity that can be purchased as a standalone resource for £2. The lesson takes pupils through the importance of advent and the advent wreath. They have to complete a posted on the advent wreath and Christingle based on internet research they carry out. If you do not have access to the internet during lessons it is advisable that the lesson prior to this you give them a research homework on these items. There is a match up activity on the various symbols of Christmas and their significance. Pupils are taken through a Christmas Mass within the Roman Catholic Church and have to complete an order task based on this. Following which, pupils can complete a summary sheet. Plenary is one of our interactive activities-the 5Ws. This is used to summarise the lesson. Christmas: Reverse Advent Challenge - A tutor time Advent activity based on donation and charity. Can be amended to incorporate the whole class or pupils can be spilt into six groups and each group can complete their own Reverse Advent Challenge. Christmas - Snowflake Timers: This is a really fun Christmas snowflake timer selection - If you love our other timers you will certainly love this! It comes complete with music! This fun countdown timer can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. You have a choice between a 1, 2 or 5 minute, 10, minute timer. You can alter the timings in the animation pane to make the timer shorter or longer should you so wish. The Snowflake timers can be copied from this presentation and pasted and inserted into your own or on top of any slide you wish. Christmas Bingo: A bingo activity for the Christmas season. Christmas : Advent / Christmas Calendar - An interactive Advent Calendar for pupils to use during form time. behind each door is a thought for the day. Makes for a good discussion. Christmas: Elfish Behaviour-o-meter & Advent Reward Chart - Great for the weeks leading up to the Christmas holidays! This includes a number of great resources. A visual PowerPoint display that you can use with your classes for behaviour management. There are also naughty, improvement and nice certificates that can be printed out and given to the child to take home. These can be edited on the PowerPoint if yo wish to add a reason for certification, for example. A PDF version is available for ease of printout also. Keep a check on your class’ behaviour this Christmas with these individual Elfish Behaviour charts. Print out the three reward stamps and issue one to each child every day in accordance with their behaviour. A fun way to instil work ethic and sound behaviour in the run up to Christmas! Christmas: Interactive Crack the Code Wheel: This resource consists of a PowerPoint (4 slides) and a Resource Booklet (3 pages) It is designed to be used interactively as a class to generate a code for pupils to create their own secret messages in the code. Alternatively, pupils can make their own Crack the Code wheels and create their very own personal secret code and their peers can try to crack them! If you are creating them yourself for mass pupil use, we always suggest that you laminate them prior to assemble for longevity of use. You can copy and paste the Crack the Code Generator slide into any presentation you wish or use the slide as a standalone resource. Click on the spin button to start the generator and the stop button to stop it. Christmas: Snowman Challenge - Have fun this Christmas season and challenge your classes to build a snowman! This is a really fun activity to use during the festive season consisting of 4 different options. Pupils should be divided into teams or can complete the challenge as a whole class. You can either select one, two, three or four teams.There is a blank worksheet within this pack that can be printed out as many times as you like and laminated. We suggest at least 20 times. We then give a minimum of 5 laminated sheets to each team who then can devise 5 questions (and answers) on the topic you give them. The completed sheets are handed back to you (the Quizmaster) to ask the other teams. Alternatively, if the class are playing the game as a whole then you can devise the questions for them to answer. The winning team are the ones who build the snowman first! Also included in this resource is our Christmas - Snowflake Timers which are priced at £2.60. The times consist of 1, 2 or 5 minute, 10, minute timers. That can be used during the challenge for pupils to answer questions or complete tasks that you give each team. PPT: 13 Slides Worksheet: 1 A4 sheet. If you like this resource why not download our Christmas Plenary Generator Christmas : Quiz Christmas: Interactive resource complete with INTERACTIVE scoreboard!! SEVEN rounds. Consisting of Religious, popular culture (Secular) , Music, True or False, A Teamwork round and Symbols of Christmas. Complete with you tube links for the music round. We hope that you enjoy this resource, Merry Christmas! If you like this resource, please give us a review and we will send you a free resource of your choice of the same value. We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Supply Teacher kit

Supply Teacher kit

11 Resources
Supply Teacher / relief teacher / substitute teacher / cover supervisor Resource Pack Calling all supply / relief / substitute teachers / cover supervisors! Arrive prepared with this fun resource pack. Never ponder what to do with a class again with this Supply Teacher's Resource Pack. Included are 10 great resources to use in any subject! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE. We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite's Shop click the'Follow this Author button' . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Lesson Planning Essentials

Lesson Planning Essentials

5 Resources
Teacher’s Essentials Toolkit This is a great INTERACTIVE resource bundle to kick start the new academic year. This bundle includes: Our two BEST selling resources the ‘Starter and Plenary Generators’ and more for the barging price of £5 (Bundle price £19-SAVE £14) Back to School- Starter Generator-Fully Interactive: This is a fully INTERACTIVE presentation with animation and MUSIC. The PPT consists of 37 Slides and a 7 page booklet. Use the Starter Generator Wheel on slide 3 to select one of the 10 starters within this presentation. Press the ’Start’ Button to spin the wheel and the ‘Stop’ button to select a number. You can then click on the coloured segment selected to take you to that particular starter. If you wish to be taken back to the Starter Generator wheel, there is a signpost on the dividing page at the end of each starter task. Once the starter has been completed press the ‘Start the Lesson’ sign to take you to the generic title page. Each starter should last around 5-10 minutes. Please note…Some of these starters require printouts-Supplied alongside this PowerPoint. It is suggested that copies are printed in bulk in preparation for use. 1. Doodles 2. Think, Pair, Share 3. Give me 5 4. Pupil Questionnaire 5. The Rainbow Game 6. Beat the Teacher 7. 5Ws 8. Question Matrix 9. Verbal Tennis 10. Act it Out Back to School - Plenary Generator: WOW!! WORTH £50/ $100. THIS IS A MUST HAVE FOR ANY TEACHER - ANY SUBJECT, ANY AGE! This is priced @ £3 as an introductory offer - for a limited time only. RRP £50. This is a fully INTERACTIVE presentation with animation and MUSIC. The PPT consists of 70 Slides Use the Plenary Generator Wheel to select one of the 10 plenaries within this presentation. Press the ’Start’ Button to spin the wheel and the 'Stop’ button to select a number. Each plenary should last 10 minutes. Please note…Some of these plenaries require printouts-Supplied with this resource. It is suggested that copies are printed in bulk in preparation for use. List of plenary Activities: 1. Tree Climb Activity 2. Pass the Bomb PLEASE NOTE: there are two versions of this resource so as to include ‘Beat the Clock’ alternative to ‘Pass the Bomb’ as we realise that this could be a sensitive activity for some pupils. 3. Letter Investigator 4. Beat the Clock – Balloon Timer 5. Opinion Line 6. Chatterbox /Cootie Catcher 7. Memory Game 8. We Say, You Play 9. Reverse Cognition 10. Emoji Graph Final Task: Exit Pass Back to School - Behaviour-O-Meter:A great visual way of letting your class know how well they are behaving!! A visual PowerPoint display that you can use with your classes for behaviour management. We have included an editable and an uneducable version purely due to the fonts we have used. There are also Poor, improvement and Excellent behaviour certificates that can be printed out and given to the child to take home. These can be edited on the PowerPoint if you wish to add a reason for certification, for example. A PDF version is available for ease of printout also. Back to school! Diplomatic rules for learning: An activity designed to get pupils thinking about classroom etiquette. Pupils are questioned on the importance of rules and what rules they feel are important in the classroom. The activity starts with individual thoughts on an important classroom rule and filters down to group ideas then a whole class consensus on the topic. by the end of the lesson the class will have decided on five rules for learning. Included are two worksheets- Group rules for learning (based on 4, 5 or 6 pupils in the group) & Class rule for learning-the final 5 rules decided by the class. ***Timings can be altered on each slide based on form time or lesson time limits.*** Back to School - Noise-O-Meter: This is a great visual way of letting your class know just how loud they are!! This visual PowerPoint can be used with your classes for noise management. There are instructions in the PPT on how to use this INTERACTIVE resource. Please note, This doesn’t automatically measure the noise levels within the classroom. It is for the teacher to determine whether the noise levels are acceptable and to click the appropriate segment for the relevant message to be displayed. We hope that you enjoy this resource bundle! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/?ref=bookmarks
Biology Variety Pack.

Biology Variety Pack.

12 Resources
New purchasers get 90% off this resource. Enter code: 90November @ checkout! Return buyers get 50% off with code: 50THANKS @ checkout! Biology Variety Pack! Amazing Deal! WOW Worth £35!!! GET IT NOW FREE with CODE. Here is a massive selection of our biology resources! This is too good to miss! There are 14 resources contained in this pack.
World Space Week

World Space Week

11 Resources
World Space Week Bundle. Here are 10 of our resources that will be perfect to use when teaching space! Included in this is: Space AFL Activity: Pull the udder one! A completely customisable true or False activity. This particular one is based on space. Pupils love the interaction shouting moo (true) or quacking for false statements. This can be used as a starter, plenary or an AFL checkpoint activity throughout the lesson. Space Investigation: This is an independent learning investigation about our solar system. Pupils are asked to research the planets and find relevant information about them. This includes extension tasks whereby pupils research the origins of the universe and current theories (Big Bang and Red Shift). Abstract Planet Timers: For a free sample of this resource please click here This is a fun countdown timer resource that can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. You have a choice between various abstract planets. The timers are set to 1, 2, 3 or 4 minutes, but you can easily alter the timing between in the animation pane. Each abstract planet can be added to your own slides and displayed in the right hand corner if you so wish! Picture Reveal - Solar System: A lovely PowerPoint that consists of clouds clearing to reveal the Solar Systems. A great little classroom tool- the pupils will love this addition to your lessons! As you press the right arrow key a cloud is removed. The aim of the activity is to clear the codes to reveal the Scene of the Solar System. There are 16 clouds in total-perfect for an activity involving Q&A. Solar System - Conveyor Belt: This is based on the Generation Game activity and is centred around the planets in our solar system. Useful for Starter, Plenaries and mini AFL activities throughout the lesson-Pupils love this activity! Solar System Timer: This is fun countdown timer that can be used as a time management tool in any lesson. Includes 3minutes, 2 minutes, 90 seconds, 40 seconds & 20 seconds countdowns. You can easily be altered in the animation pane to make the timer shorter or longer. The slides can all be selected, copied from this presentation and pasted and inserted into your own PPT. Space Week Quiz: Don’t miss out on this fun Space Quiz. This PowerPoint is fully interactive with 20 questions based on the topic of space. Each question slide is linked to an interactive score slide where you can keep a tally of each groups scores. This is a great resource for space week!
Rites of Passage- Marriage.

Rites of Passage- Marriage.

12 Resources
Rites of Passage- Marriage 12 resource bundle! This is a fully resourced bundle complete with one of our popular timers and interactive starter and plenary resources. The pack contains: Lesson 1: Journeys of Life: This is an introduction lesson to the unit of Journeys. It comprises of: Starter: Think, Pair, Share- Pupils have to think of special events in their life and that of a religious believer. Video clip: Life is a journey individual Task: The journey of my life road map. Rites of Passage within religions: There is a selection of worksheets in order for you to select three to six religions to discuss and a worksheet (differentiated) is provided for pupils to fill in. Lesson 2: Christian Marriage & Wedding Ceremony… This is a fully resourced Grab & Go lesson based on Christian Marriage. PowerPoint: 20 Slides & Work Booklet: 7 pages It consists of: Diamond 9 activity-Reasons for Marriage. Thinking Skills- Purpose of Marriage Acrostic Poem. Exam Style Question on the purpose of marriage. Peer assessment activity on this question. A link to a video clip of an Anglican wedding ceremony and a low chart to fill in based on this video. An interactive 5w plenary activity. Homework Activity: pupils have to ask 10 peers the question ‘Should people marry?’ and record their responses. Then create a pie chart on the results. Lesson 3: Christian Marriage Service & BINGO game: Following on from our Christian Marriage lesson. This is the second lesson based on Christian wedding ceremony. This is a fully resourced Grab & Go lesson based on Christian Marriage-Activities differentiated for all abilities. PowerPoint: 22 Slides & Work Booklet: 11 pages. It consists of: Starter: 5W follow-on activity. Learning Map:Christian marriage ceremony &symbols Significance of the church building and items Diamond 9 activity-Reasons for Marriage. Revision mats and flashcards on significant aspects of Marriage-Important info that could be asked in an exam- that KS3/4 pupils should know. Homework Activity: Revision for short exam style test next lesson and create your own clothing for bride and groom. BONUS ITEM: Christian Marriage BINGO. This is useful as a starter, plenary or an AFL task throughout the lesson. Based on Key words for Christian Marriage. Included with this resource is a pdf version of the bingo template. Perfect for cutting out and sticking in pupil’s books or laminating and using with dry wipe markers. There is an editable version of this on my page together with a generic Bingo PowerPoint-take a look! Lesson 4: Christian Wedding Mystery Lesson: This is a mystery activity lesson on the benefits and challenges of Christian Marriage. This resource pack contains: A PPT (14 slides) and handouts (3 sheets -15 clue cards) . Included in this resource is our 5 minute 'Loading Timer complete with MUSIC. Pupils are tasked with sorting the clues and coming up with their own verdict as to why Laura ran away from her wedding. Lesson 5: Hinduism-Arranged Marriages: This is an introductory lesson to marriages within the Hindu tradition. By the end of this lesson pupils will be able to discuss the benefits and challenges of arranged marriages. This resource pack contains: A PPT (24 slides) and handouts (4 sheets) . Activities include: Bell Task: Thinking Skills question. Starter Task: Design a profile age for your ideal partner. Tasks: Think Pair Share on arranged Marriage. Pupils are introduced to the concept of arranged marriage within Hinduism. A task on divorce rates in various countries around the world and what significance these stats have in relation to arranged marriage. A sort task based on the possible advantages and disadvantages of arranged marriages. A link to a youtube clip on arranged marriage. Pupils will then be split into pairs and one partner will have to write a persuasive speech on the benefits and the other the negatives of arranged marriage.Plenary (Exit task) : Pupils can be selected to deliver their speech. Lesson 6: Hindu Wedding Ceremony: Included in this pack is a 2 minute timer with music! This is a fully resourced Grab & Go lesson based on Hindu Marriage.PowerPoint: 18 Slides & Work Booklet: 11 pages. Starter: Give me 5 activity. Discussion on marriage within Hinduism. Information on the Hindu marriage ceremony. A fun activity that allows the pupils to ‘dress up’ the figures with the attire worn by the bride and groom at a wedding. Learning Map: Hindu marriage ceremony & symbols. The order of a Hindu marriage ceremony. Diamond Ranking activity on the promises made by the husband and wife. A literacy task on writing a letter about a wedding ceremony. INCLUDED in this pack is our Writing a Formal Letter resource that is worth £3. Lesson 7: Jewish Wedding Ceremony: This is a lesson on an Orthodox Jewish Marriage ceremony. This resource pack contains: A PPT (29 slides) and handouts (5 sheets) . Included in this resource is our multimedia 5W activity. Activities include: Bell Task: Thinking Skills question. Starter Task: 5Ws-Posing Questions. An activity that is to be completed in pairs to reinforce understanding of the key terms studied this lesson. Link to YouTube video on an Orthodox ceremony. Information sheet on the jewish wedding ceremony. Learning mat on the Jewish ceremony. Plenary (Exit task) : 5Ws-Answering Questions Homework: Choose two questions that haven’t been answered during today’s lesson and research them. Additional Resources… Tale as old as Timer: An absolutely beautiful timer… This runs for approximately three minutes. Each rose petal falls from the rose every ten seconds. Included in this is a large version as a main visual in the lesson or a small icon at the lens hand corner of the slide. Copy this and paste it into any presentation! Quick Notes: This resource has been invaluable in our teaching. The pack includes three performance related quick notes that you should have printed and cut out in preparation for handing to the children at the end of the school day or lesson. It is suitable for any year group and any subject. There are three Quick Notes in total: Praise Improvement Disappointed Theses should be filled in with the relevant information about the child and handed to them at the end of the lesson/ school day. They are designed to be given to the pupil’s parents as an indication of their performance. Teacher Feedback Sheet: For use when marking books as a summative feedback for pupils and parents. Religious Studies Vocabulary Booklet: An A-Z vocabulary booklet that is left blank for pupils to write specific vocabulary that they need to know. The majority of pages are dedicated to a letter. were as come letters (Y & Z, for example) share a page. The booklet is 40 pages long, this will allow you to have it printed back to back in magazine form as either an A5 (printed on A4 paper) or A4 booklet (printed on A3 paper).
Religious Studies, introduction

Religious Studies, introduction

6 Resources
Welcome to GCSE Religious Studies! THIS IS THE FIRST IN OUR LINE OF RESOURCES FOR THE NEW GCSE SPECI-MORE TO FOLLOW!!! This bundle includes the initial lessons needed to introduce pupils to the new WJEC RS specification. This can be used for Short Course or Full Course. Included in this bundle is: Lesson 1: Welcome to GCSE Religious Studies-This is the first of many new resources that we will be uploading over the next few months in preparation for the NEW WJEC GCSE Specification that is due to commence in September. An introduction lesson for WJEC GCSE pupils informing them of what the Short Course will entail. This lesson is an overview of Unit 1. We have added a second religion of Judaism. However, we have left the resource partially editable so that you can add your own religion of choice should you wish to do so. NB This lesson can be used with year 9 pupils as we are aware that more and more schools are opting for a 3 year GCSE course. The activities included are: What is religion? , Overview of the Course placemat, Christianity beliefs and practices Key Concepts sort task and worksheet. Lesson 2: Introduction to Christianity-This lesson is designed to be a summary of some of the key concepts of Christianity. It is the second in the series of resources we are creating for the new RS GCSE. The starter activity is based on our Conveyor Belt activity and is designed to ascertain pupil prior knowledge. Pupils have to complete a peer assessment task based on this also. This PowerPoint has interactive features in the form of a 'Fidget Spinner Selector' whereby different religious concepts can be randomly selected. There is a Christianity placemat that is designed to be enlarged to A3 size for pupils to make notes as they progress through the lesson. Pupils have opportunity to use the Religious Studies Vocabulary Booklet to add any additional Key Words they learn during the lesson. Additionally, There is an order activity on the Apostles Creed that can be printed out and laminated for pupils to complete should you wish. The plenary activity is our Rainbow Game interactive activity. There are 20 questions provided for pupils to take part in a class quiz prior to exiting the lesson. You can view a sample of the booklet here http://fliphtml5.com/gonfq/yuzr Lesson 3: The History of Christianity-This is a Grab & Go Lesson! Zero prep. This lesson is designed to be a summary of some of the key events in Christian history. It is the 3rd in the series of resources we are creating for the new RS GCSE. The starter activity is based on our the fidget spinner activity from last lesson and is designed to ascertain pupil understanding of last lesson's topic. There is a Fidget Spinner Placemat that is designed to be enlarged to A3 size for pupils to make notes as they progress through the starter activity. There is also a fidget spinner sheet (without space for notes) that you can print in colour and laminate for classroom use. Pupils have opportunity to use the Religious Studies Vocabulary Booklet to add any additional Key Words they learn during the lesson. Additionally, There is an order activity on key events in the Bible and Christianity to date. There are lots of events included to give you the option to use them all or select the events that you would like to include in your own lessons. The plenary activity is our Emoji Graph. Pupils are asked to choose some of the key events in Christian history and create an emoji graph based on this. The number of events for them to choose has been left to your discretion depending on the ability of the class. This PPT also includes a video link to Christianity in our society today. Lesson 4: Christian Denominations- This is a Grab & Go Lesson! Zero prep. It is the 4th in the series of resources we are creating for the new RS GCSE. This pack includes: PowerPoint: 34 slides Resource Booklet: 15 Sheets. This lesson is designed to be an overview of the main Christian denominations. The starter activity is based on our Stop the Clock activity on prior learning of Christian key words. This is a really fun activity, pupils love it! Thinking Skills Task: There are 8 slides on the PPT that take pupils through the basics of 8 Christian denominations. It is recommended that these be printed out and either laminated or given to pupils for this Task. Pupils must cut out the statements provided and categorise them on the Christian Denominations placemat (Print this out as A3 to ensure that there is enough room for all of the statements) Religious Vocabulary: Pupils have opportunity to use the Religious Studies Vocabulary Booklet to add any additional Key Words they learn during the lesson. Homework Activity: Working in groups of three, pupils must create a teaching aid on the Christian Denominations. Plenary activity: Trump this! There are 12 cards based on the denominations studied during the lesson. GCSE Religious Studies Vocabulary Booklet. (Unit 1)-An A-Z vocabulary booklet based on the new WJEC Specification Unit 1. This contains specific vocabulary that pupils need to know for the exam, with other relevant key words together with space for pupils to add their own specific content. The majority of pages are dedicated to a letter. were as come letters (Y & Z, for example) share a page. The booklet is 39 pages long, this will allow you to have it printed back to back in magazine form as either an A5 (printed on A4 paper) or A4 booklet (printed on A3 paper). To see the next set of resources for this course click here.
Back to school Kit

Back to school Kit

6 Resources
Planning revision lessons over the next few weeks? look no further! The ULTIMATE Lesson afl kit for your class-perfect for selecting activities to test knowledge. Great activities for giving feedback to pupils too. If you review this resource we will give you another resource for FREE.<br /> <br /> We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br /> <br /> You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE<br /> and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Judaism Bundle

Judaism Bundle

8 Resources
New purchasers get 90% off this resource. Enter code: 90November @ checkout! Return buyers get 50% off with code: 50THANKS @ checkout! A great selection of our Judaism resources. Check it out-great value!


12 Resources
Chemistry Bundle Here’s a cracking selection of our Chemistry resources.
Christmas: Christmas Pack

Christmas: Christmas Pack

11 Resources
Christmas: Christmas Activity Pack Everything you will need for the end of term. Packed with festive fun!!


12 Resources
Nativity, Advent & Christmas Bundle This Bundle contains 4 lessons on the Nativity, Advent & Christmas (two 120 minute PowerPoints) These are… Includes: Lots of Fun activities, Exam Style Questions, a revision placemat & an Interactive Quiz (WITH MUSIC). For more fun activities based on the Christmas Season please click here. This resource was originally planned to span a 2 hour double lesson, but can easily be split into a series of lessons. This pack includes: PowerPoint: 70 slides!!! Resource Booklet: 14 Sheets. This lesson is designed to take pupils through the Nativity story and the myths that surround it. Starter activity: Completion of last lesson’s Give me 5 activity. Summary of Tasks: Letter Generator: Pupils have to come up with as many words using the letters of the alphabet as they can using the stimulus given. Beat The Teacher: There is a task on Biblical references based on the prophecies of the Messiah- for a bit of beat the teacher fun!! Cartoon Strip: Pupils will then have the opportunity to retell the story of the Nativity as their remember it using the Cartoon Strip resources. 2 Video clips: PLEASE NOTE THAT IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU USE THE NATIVITY STORY’ (2009) FILM FOR THIS LESSON. If this is not available, then feel free to use any clips you see fit. Biblical Accounts: Pupils are given the Biblical accounts as found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. They are tasked with completing a Venn Diagram on these passages. YouTube Clip: Pupils will then watch as short video based on the myths surrounding the Nativity and fill in a worksheet accordingly. Finally…There is a Revision Placemat based on the information needed for the exam. Pupils can be given this or we use it initially as an A3 laminated work mat. Pupils can use this to answer the new style exam questions a)-d). Homework: Pupils must fill in the Unwrapping the Nativity worksheet with as much information as possible. Plenary: The Nativity Quiz-18 questions and answers based on the birth narratives-pupils absolutely love this!! This section is interactive and includes music. Advent & Christmas (120 minutes worth of content!): Advent & Christmas (120 minutes worth of content!) A Grab and Go Lesson! Zero prep. For more fun activities based on the Christmas Season please click here. This resource was originally planned to span a 2 hour double lesson, but can easily be split into a series of lessons. This pack includes: PowerPoint: 32 slides!!! Resource Booklet: 8 Sheets. This lesson contains a really fun starter activity Who live in a house like this? The Nativity that can be purchased as a standalone resource for £2. The lesson takes pupils through the importance of advent and the advent wreath. They have to complete a posted on the advent wreath and Christingle based on internet research they carry out. If you do not have access to the internet during lessons it is advisable that the lesson prior to this you give them a research homework on these items. There is a match up activity on the various symbols of Christmas and their significance. Pupils are taken through a Christmas Mass within the Roman Catholic Church and have to complete an order task based on this. Following which, pupils can complete a summary sheet. Plenary is one of our interactive activities-the 5Ws. This is used to summarise the lesson. Assessment: Jesus-Man or God? This is a fully resources Grab and Go lesson based on the statement ‘Jesus was just a man’. Pupils will have to answer a 12 mark evaluation question based on the evidence they gather from lesson 1 and formulate a response as to whether they think Jesus was Man or God. Lesson 1: Starter: This is our Starter and Plenary Prompt Selector, which alone is worth £3 Pupils will have the opportunity to look back at their previous assessment level and determine what they will need to be doing in next lesson’s assessment to gain the same or a higher level. This will aid their planning of the assessment task and prepare them for the assessment. Pupils will have to read a handout on the person of Jesus and 4 main aspects of his life and deduce what parts of his life point towards him being God or man. They will also be given a Biblical quotes placemat that they will use to decide what the Bible says about the person of Jesus. Using a Youtube clip (link provided with the PPT) pupils will have to determine which quotes point to Jesus being human and which point towards him being man. There is a choice of two worksheets following this whereby pupils can fill in a Venn diagram or a table using the information they have gathered to distinguish what the teachings say about Jesus’ personhood. Pupils are then introduced to how to complete an evaluation question. Using a worksheet provided in the pack, pupils will follow the framework to answer the evaluation question. Homework: Pupils must take the worksheets home in order that they can revise for he assessment. Lesson 2: Pupils will have this lesson revise for 10 minutes and 30 minutes to complete the assessment. Plenary: pupils must fill in the Exit Pass Included in this pack is two of our Loading Timers. The full editable version can be purchased by following the link. Various other mini activities for the month of December. Namely, Nativity Diamond Ranking: A worksheet that is differentiated (High, Middle and Lower abilities) based on the Nativity story. Christmas Bingo, Christmas Behaviour Managemnt Reward Jars & Christmas Secular or Religious Conveyor Belt activity. Religious Vocabulary: Pupils have opportunity to use the Religious Studies Vocabulary Booklet to add any additional Key Words they learn during the lesson. Homework Activity: To research facts about Jesus in preparation for their next lesson. We really do value your feedback! If you review this resource, you can choose another of the same value for FREE. Head over to our Facebook Page: @TeachElite and message us with your selection.


7 Resources
Energy : Energy Bundle This is a bundle of 8 of our fully resourced ‘Grab and Go’ lessons plus an AFL activity. The Bundled resources are: Energy Efficiency Lesson: This is a fully differentiated lesson teaching pupils about energy efficiency It is suggested that you include a practical such as the custard powder with Bunsen burner experiment. A you tube link for this is included within the PPT should you wish to show the pupils without conducting the experiment yourself. This Science resource pack contains: A PPT (27 slides) and handouts (8 sheets) . Activities include: Starter Task: Two Thinking Skills questions- One on efficiency and one on energy transfer. An energy transfer and efficiency activity-We suggest that the ‘Differentiated Word Bank’ be printed on the back of the energy transfer and efficiency activity sheet for ease of use should the pupils require it. A YouTube clip on the custard powder experiment. An activity on devices and percentage of waste. Activity-Create a bar Graph based on the data for the devices and percentage of waste. Extension Task: Create a pie chart on the data. Plenary (Exit task) : Good Graph, Bad Graph-Pupils are shown examples of bar graphs and are asked if they are correct or incorrect. Energy Transfer: This is a lesson teaching pupils the different types of energy transfer and the conservation of energy. It is suggested that you include a practical such as the screaming jelly baby or the custard powder with Bunsen burner experiment. A you tube link for both of these is included within the PPT should you wish to show the pupils without conducting the experiment yourself. This Science resource pack contains: A PPT (14 slides) and handouts (2 sheets) . Included in this Science resource is one of our timers complete with MUSIC. Activities include: Starter Task: Thinking Skills question on energy transfer Activity on on energy transfer in the body. Thinking Skills activity on energy transfer with everyday devices. Choice of two YouTube clips on the two practicals mentioned above. You may conduct one of these experiments yourself if you so wish. Plenary (Exit task) : Starter & Plenary Prompt Selector . This alone is worth £3! Sankey Diagrams Lesson: This is a fully differentiated lesson teaching pupils of how to represent energy efficiency as a Sankey diagram. This Sankey Diagram pack contains: A PPT (33 slides) and handouts (5 sheets) . Activities include: Starter Task:A Thinking Skills questions- on energy efficiency. A demonstration on how to draw Sankey Diagrams. Pupils will then look at three devices and their energy efficiency. Activity: Pupils have to calculate the energy efficiency of these three items and create Sankey diagrams based on the data. There are differentiated sheets within the workbook to aid pupils who are having difficulties in drawing them. A peer assessment on the individual activities is included too. Exit task/Plenary: Pupils have to name the energy in the pictures, identify the useful energies and state whether they are efficient or not. In our lessons, all key words are added to our KS3 Science - Scientific Vocabulary A-Z . If you like this resource, please give us a review and we will send you a free resource of your choice up to the value of £4. Renewable Energy AFL: Pull the udder one! A completely customisable true or False activity. This particular one is based on renewable energy. Pupils love the interaction shouting moo (true) or quacking for false statements. This can be used as a starter, plenary or an AFL checkpoint activity throughout the lesson. Types of Energy: This is an interactive lesson that consists of 26 slides (PowerPoint) on the topic of Energy and an 8 page Energy resource booklet covering the different types of Energy; Kinetic Energy Sound Energy Chemical Energy Thermal Energy Electrical Energy Solar Energy Light Energy Gravitational potential Energy Elastic potential Energy You can find a preview of the booklet that is included in this lesson @ http://fliphtml5.com/gonfq/sdyc The starter activity is based on our conveyer pelt activity and is designed to ascertain prior knowledge. There is a worksheet to fill in based on this and the subsequent class discussion. Pupils then peer assess each other’s work. There is an interactive selector based on the popular fidget spinners. Pupils are taken through the 8 different types of energy and they have to make notes on the ‘What is energy?’ worksheet. It is suggested that this be enlarged to A3 size. Pupils are tasked with inserting the new vocabulary learnt during the lesson into their vocabulary booklets. Following which there is an interactive quiz where pupils are asked 20 questions (provided) and the team to get the most points wins. In our lessons, all key words are added to our KS3 Science - Scientific Vocabulary A-Z . We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/


14 Resources
Christianity & God unit of Study A selection of resources based on the topic of God, Jesus & the Trinity.