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Hello! We're creating resources for busy primary school teachers. All our writers are themselves experienced KS1 and KS2 professionals and we design our resources to be as appealing and accessible as possible.




Hello! We're creating resources for busy primary school teachers. All our writers are themselves experienced KS1 and KS2 professionals and we design our resources to be as appealing and accessible as possible.
Years 3 and 4 Words Ending In -sure Or -ture Worksheet: Spelling Workouts

Years 3 and 4 Words Ending In -sure Or -ture Worksheet: Spelling Workouts

These review worksheets for Years 3 and 4, covering words ending in -sure or -ture’, are an excellent way to revise and practise these spellings. The worksheets include 5 different activities in which children look at spelling patterns, identify misspelt words and apply their spellings in context. The worksheets are suitable for Year 3 and Year 4 pupils and older SEN or EAL pupils. They can be used within lessons, as an assessment or as a homework task.
Y1 Display Pack: Rules for Writing Sentences

Y1 Display Pack: Rules for Writing Sentences

This display pack is perfect for supporting Year 1 children as they learn to write simple sentences. Two sets of materials are included: Set 1 reminds pupils to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop, and to read their final sentence to check that it makes sense. Set 2 builds upon this and includes the information above plus reminders to form letters correctly and use ‘and’ to extend sentences. Each set could be used at different stages as sentence writing progresses throughout year 1. It also enables you to easily differentiate by giving pupils resources appropriate for their stage of development in writing.
The Mary Celeste - KS2 Reading Comprehension Worksheets - Unexplained Mysteries

The Mary Celeste - KS2 Reading Comprehension Worksheets - Unexplained Mysteries

Use these KS2 comprehension worksheets to learn about the history of the Mary Celeste. This non-fiction text tells the story of the ship from its first voyage under the name of the ‘Amazon’ through to its ill fated end. A set of comprehension questions are included, which tackle key reading skills such as inference and retrieval. This pack is also a great prompt for writing scary stories.
KS2 Similes Worksheets: Writing Features

KS2 Similes Worksheets: Writing Features

This writing review worksheet is an excellent way to revise and practise using similes in KS2 English. It contains examples of similes and 5 different simile challenges, which can be used during one lesson or spread over a number of teaching sessions. Questions encourage creative responses as well as revision, and include interesting images to stimulate ideas.
A or An – Y3 SPaG Challenge Mat

A or An – Y3 SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using ‘a’ or ‘an’. The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
Classic Text Reading Comprehension Mat Pack: Alice in Wonderland, Dracula, Hound of the Baskervilles

Classic Text Reading Comprehension Mat Pack: Alice in Wonderland, Dracula, Hound of the Baskervilles

These reading challenge mats provide a quick burst of comprehension practice, ideal for morning work, a short reading session or even sparking an interest in a classic text. Each mat contains a brief extract from a classic text with a range of reading challenge questions focusing on the key reading skills of inference, information retrieval and the use of language. The classic texts in this pack are: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll Dracula by Bram Stoker The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle
KS2 Classic Text Reading Comprehension Pack: Kidnapped, Oliver Twist, and the Time Machine

KS2 Classic Text Reading Comprehension Pack: Kidnapped, Oliver Twist, and the Time Machine

These reading challenge mats provide a quick burst of comprehension practice, ideal for morning work, a short reading session or even sparking an interest in a classic text. Each mat contains a brief extract from a classic text with a range of reading challenge questions focusing on the key reading skills of inference, information retrieval and the use of language. The stories included are: Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens The Time Machine by HG Wells
"Interactive SPaG Displays: Key Stage 2 – Expanded Noun phrases, Modal Verbs, Passive Voice and More

"Interactive SPaG Displays: Key Stage 2 – Expanded Noun phrases, Modal Verbs, Passive Voice and More

Not just classroom wallpaper! This pack contains six interactive posters illustrating key grammar, punctuation and spelling concepts. Each poster uses an amusing or interesting image accompanied by word balloons to explain a GPS concept. These word balloons are optional. Blank balloon templates and display resources enable you to use the children’s own ideas or to add to the existing examples. The SPaG posters included in this pack are: expanded noun phrases modal verbs passive voice perfect verb form relative clauses subjunctive form
KS2 Classic Text Reading Comprehension Pack The Invisible Man, A Christmas Carol, and Tom Sawyer

KS2 Classic Text Reading Comprehension Pack The Invisible Man, A Christmas Carol, and Tom Sawyer

These reading challenge mats provide a quick burst of comprehension practice, ideal for morning work, a short reading session or even sparking an interest in a classic text. Each mat contains a brief extract from a classic text with a range of reading challenge questions focusing on the key reading skills of inference, information retrieval and the use of language. The stories included are: The Invisible Man by HG Wells A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
KS2 Persuasive Writing Topic – Eating Insects

KS2 Persuasive Writing Topic – Eating Insects

A fun and exciting way to teach writing for a purpose in KS2 English lessons – asking pupils to convince a school member to eat insects! The resources in this pack provide an engaging way to gather writing evidence. Included in this pack are: 5 lesson plans on persuasive writing. PowerPoint – an introduction to entomophagy (the eating of insects) including a quiz. 6 question cards to prompt discussion about entomophagy. 6 question prompt cards with answers. 1 research prompt card to support children in researching the eating of insects. 1 research card with answers. Entomophagy vocabulary – 11 technical words and their definitions for children to use in their writing. Edible insects fact sheet. Persuasive writing planning worksheet. Persuasive writing editing cards.
KS2 Comprehension Worksheets – Space: The Moon Landing

KS2 Comprehension Worksheets – Space: The Moon Landing

This non-fiction information text covers Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 moon landing. Ideal for KS2, it can be used as part of a guided reading session or as homework. A worksheet with 12 comprehension questions is included, which covers the different reading skills of data retrieval, inference and the use of vocabulary.
Tricky Grammar Worksheets – Y6 – Passive Voice

Tricky Grammar Worksheets – Y6 – Passive Voice

The Broken Window. This KS2 grammar teaching sequence for passive voice has been designed to help children revisit and remember a key grammatical concept from the National Curriculum programme of study. The session provides a motivating and memorable image to stimulate discussion, before introducing the grammar element. Children have time to practise using this feature, before undertaking a short writing task to apply what they have learnt in the context of creative writing. The resource includes teacher notes and a pupil worksheet.
Tricky Grammar Worksheets – Y6 – Ellipsis

Tricky Grammar Worksheets – Y6 – Ellipsis

A New Pet. This KS2 grammar teaching sequence for ellipsis has been designed to help children revisit and remember a key grammatical concept from the National Curriculum programme of study. The session provides a motivating and memorable image to stimulate discussion, before introducing the grammar element. Children have time to practise using this feature, before undertaking a short writing task to apply what they have learnt in the context of creative writing. The resource includes teacher notes and a pupil worksheet.
Norse Tales Model Text Pack 2: Myths and Legends

Norse Tales Model Text Pack 2: Myths and Legends

This pack contains three Norse legends. These model texts can be used to familiarise the children with characters from Norse mythology, supporting their own writing and study on the subject. The stories included in this pack are: Thor’s Journey to the Land of the Giants Jotunheim Treasures of the Gods.
KS2 Norse Tales Model Text Pack 1: Myths and Legends

KS2 Norse Tales Model Text Pack 1: Myths and Legends

This KS2 model text pack contains three Norse legends. These can be used to familiarise the children with characters from Norse mythology. The stories included in this pack are: The Building of Asgard’s wall How Thor regained Mjölnir The Mead of Poetry
The Mystery of Flannan Isle Lesson Plan: Writing Scary Stories

The Mystery of Flannan Isle Lesson Plan: Writing Scary Stories

The resources in this KS2 suspense writing pack use The Mystery of Flannan Isle as a prompt for writing scary stories. The pack includes: The Ballad of Flannan Isle – the children will learn about the tale through a comprehension poem Discussion cards – the children will have an opportunity to respond to this tale with their classmates, formulating ideas about what had happened Lesson plan – a plan for teaching the creation of the children’s own Flannan Isle mysteries Image bank – the children can see images of Flannan isle and lighthouses so that they can imagine and describe their setting in detail.
KS1 Rainforest Animals Facts Posters - Writing Inspiration

KS1 Rainforest Animals Facts Posters - Writing Inspiration

Inspire discussion and writing in your primary class with these six KS1 interactive display posters on rainforest animals. Each poster contains statistics and interesting facts about the animals. Additional bubbles are provided so that the children can add their own facts and expand the posters. There are blank posters too so you can customise and create your own display. The sheets include these animals: Silverback mountain gorilla Sloth Jaguar Orangutan Red eyed tree frog Toucan
Year 6 Spelling Revision Worksheet

Year 6 Spelling Revision Worksheet

Use these primary school worksheets to practise and review Year 6 spelling patterns for words from the National Curriculum spelling list. Year 6 spelling words are covered across five challenge sheets, each containing three different types of spelling challenge. The spelling patterns covered are: Add suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words ending in -fer Use prefixes involving the use of a hyphen Distinguish between homophones and other words which are often confused
Year 1 Spelling Pattern Posters For Revision And Classroom Display

Year 1 Spelling Pattern Posters For Revision And Classroom Display

This pack contains 8 interactive posters illustrating Year 2 spelling concepts. Each poster shows a spelling pattern surrounded by eight images. Each image illustrates a word that includes the same spelling pattern. There are two versions of each poster. Posters with text – the images on these posters are labelled with the word they are illustrating. Posters without text – the images on these posters are not labelled so that children can look at the pictures and try and identify the words they represent and the spelling pattern or patterns common to them all. There are also graphics for you to make your own posters, which can be cut out and arranged in different patterns on the classroom wall. The spelling rules illustrated in these posters are: ‘ff’, ‘ll’, ‘ss’, ‘zz’ and ‘c’ words -nk words Syllables -tch words Words that end in the ‘v’ sound Adding ‘s’ and ‘es’ to words Adding -ed, -ing and -er Adding -er and -est