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I am an assistant head who has over 10 years teaching experience. I have created resources to support you with your own wellbeing and to help you manage a healthy work-life balance so that you can focus on your class. You will find a variety of lessons and templates to support your year group as well as the whole school. I hope you enjoy these well designed sessions.

I am an assistant head who has over 10 years teaching experience. I have created resources to support you with your own wellbeing and to help you manage a healthy work-life balance so that you can focus on your class. You will find a variety of lessons and templates to support your year group as well as the whole school. I hope you enjoy these well designed sessions.
Year 6 Writing 6 Week Unit - The Savage David Almond Narrative and Non Fiction

Year 6 Writing 6 Week Unit - The Savage David Almond Narrative and Non Fiction

A whole terms English unit including: learning journey, resources, models of excellence, powerpoints and scaffolds, based on the story of The Savage by David Almond. In particular, boys have really enjoyed this writing unit and have thrived with their writing. This unit of writing includes a character description, suspense writing, diary entry and a newspaper report. During an apprentice write there is also a unit including the Literacy Shed video ‘Little Freak’ so that they can compare these characters. An extremely emotive video and used effectively. Each week is structured with 1. features of writing 2. generating vocabulary 3. SPAG skills needed 4. apprentice writes 5. chance to independently embed these skills. The Savage is also available on PDF format online, so you don’t even need the book to start this writing unit off! I hope you have as much fun with this unit as I did! You might also find my week guided reading useful: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/david-almond-guided-reading-vipers-lessons-13013761 Let me know what you liked about the lessons. Take a look at other writing units, such as war at my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/world-war-english-unit-uks2-6-weeks-13010721
Short Story - Figurative Language and Speech

Short Story - Figurative Language and Speech

A week of detailed lessons on writing a short story from the point of a character for KS2. Based on the Literacy Shed Video: Before Sunrise. This sequence of lesson includes a learning journey, powerpoint, resources and models of excellence. Take the chance to expand your pupils vocabulary and enhance their writing techniques in this engaging unit of writing. The planning allows opportunities for individual, paired and group work with a short burst write and a short story at the end of the week. Learning objectives include: I can empathise with a character. I can use dialogue to advance action and develop characters. I can use figurative language to describe a setting. I can use ambitious vocabulary and show-not-tell to describe emotions. I can use descriptive features. All reviews welcome.
Learning Journey Road Map of the JIGSAW PSHE Curriculum

Learning Journey Road Map of the JIGSAW PSHE Curriculum

For PSHE and PD specialists that follow the Jigsaw scheme of work. Here is an editable and visual curriculum road map/pathway for each year group and each jigsaw piece: Being Me in My World Celebrating Differences Dreams and Goals Healthy Me Relationships and Changing Me OFSTED love it as a visual resource for staff, children and visitors to quickly see the path of the curriculum and how it fits together and builds from one year groups to another. It is ready to go or you can edit it to add in any extra Personal Development strands that link to each piece. Don’t forget to leave a postive review if you have found this useful and supportive! You may also find my skills progression documents useful for other curriculum areas: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/foundation-curriculum-end-points-and-skills-progression-13012590 Or what about a subject leader resource pack, which includes pupil voice questionnaires as well as observations proformas: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/subject-leadership-monitoring-forms-evaluation-schedule-and-supporting-questions-13012343
David Almond Guided Reading VIPERS Lessons

David Almond Guided Reading VIPERS Lessons

A week of guided imaginative and thought provoking guided reading lessons on The Savage. Includes teaching Powerpoint, paired and group activities, oracy scaffolds, sequenced learning, challenges and cross curricular links with PSHE. 5 lessons, which cover each VIPERS skill while also providing children with a range of techniques to effectively active read and infer. An enjoyable teaching resource, accessible for all. Excite your puils with strange creatures while they expand their vocabulary. You can find lots more useful resources at my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise You might also be interested in my Year 6 whole term writing unit of the Savage: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-6-writing-6-week-unit-the-savage-david-almond-narrative-and-non-fiction-13010685
Personal Development Plan including British Values and SMSC

Personal Development Plan including British Values and SMSC

Schools, alongside parents, have a vital role in preparing children and young people to negotiate the challenges and opportunities of an increasingly complex world. Personal Development deals with real-life issues affecting our children, families and communities. It relates to the social, health and economic realities of their lives, experiences and attitudes including relationships. It supports students to be healthy (mentally and physically), safe (on and off line) and equip them to thrive in their relationships and careers. Therefore, it essential that you map out the Personal Development curriculum so that it can provide all children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse community. Children should be encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. The Personal Development Curriculum is integral to the development of children’s values in order for them to become positive citizens in an ever-changing community. This Personal Development Plan is broken down into categories across each term, including British Values, Curriculum and Resources and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC), so that you can assess the quality of the provision your setting provides. This resource is useful for teachers and senior leaders. This may also be a good tool to use with a link governor or the wider governing body. This plan covers all aspects of personal development as outlined in the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF). This fully editable word document enables you to represent your setting most effectively. For other great resources such as PSHE Road Maps follow this link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/learning-journey-road-map-of-the-jigsaw-pshe-curriculum-13012606 Or if you’re interested in other subject spelist areas head here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/subject-leadership-monitoring-forms-evaluation-schedule-and-supporting-questions-13012343
David Almond Writing and Guided Reading Lessons

David Almond Writing and Guided Reading Lessons

2 Resources
A whole terms English writing unit including: learning journey, resources, models of excellence, powerpoints and scaffolds, based on the story of The Savage by David Almond. In particular, boys have really enjoyed this writing unit and have thrived with their writing. This unit of writing includes a character description, suspense writing, diary entry and a newspaper report. In this bundle you will also find 5 guided reading lessons which focus on a range of VIPERS skills. It includes all the tools needed in order to success at active reading and inference. I hope you have as much fun with this unit as I did! Let me know what you liked about the lessons. Take a look at my shop to see more of my exciting resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise?p=2