An English Lead who has been teaching for over 10 years, sharing high quality, time saving resources so you can focus on your pupils and achieve a healthy work-life balance.
You will find bright and engaging resources that are designed to be picked up and easily taught by anyone.
Each resource is focused on progress, inspired by the Outstanding Teachers Course.
An English Lead who has been teaching for over 10 years, sharing high quality, time saving resources so you can focus on your pupils and achieve a healthy work-life balance.
You will find bright and engaging resources that are designed to be picked up and easily taught by anyone.
Each resource is focused on progress, inspired by the Outstanding Teachers Course.
Use this resource to write Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound writing targets in year 2.
Useful for teachers when writing targets so you can narrow down the statements from the National Curriculum into small steps which the children can understand.
Broken down into targets for punctuation, handwriting, grammar and composition.
You could print out one for each child and use as an assessment tool.
Or just use when marking to save time so you can quickly choose a high quality target personalised for each child.
All reviews welcome.
You might also be interested in these high quality resources for the New Curriculum:
Whole School SMART Targets
Whole School Writing Assessment Sheets
Whole School English Writing Assessment Guidance
Whole School Guided Reading Questions
A useful list of questions for guided reading, reading discussions 1:1 and reading assessments in Year 6. 43 question templates under 10 categories which match the expectations of the National Curriculum and build confidence in reading.
Available in 3 formats to save you time and enhance your pupil’s reading:
A4 black and white questions sheet.
A4 colour coded questions sheet.
Colourful leaflet for discussing reading at home.
Can be used in guided reading, reading 1:1, writing comprehensions, at home to support parents and for assessment purposes.
Useful for teachers, TAs and parent helpers.
All reviews welcome.
Check out my other popular assessment resources:
Year 6 SMART Targets
Year 6 Writing Assessment Guidance
Year 6 Writing Assessment Sheets
Over 260 differentiated geography comments for boys and girls, covering 10 key areas for your primary KS2 reports. Create your report comments quickly this year by simply choosing a collection of comments to suit each child, one from each section. There are enough comments to create different personalised paragraphs of comments for a whole class of 30 children.
Written for the whole of KS2 focusing on learning aptitudes and the general areas covered so perfect for years 3, 4 , 5 and 6.
Save Time
Teaching is busy enough without report writing as well, save time whilst doing a good job. Easily copy and paste these original comments to create personalised and thoughtful reports.
264 comments overall, divided into high, middle and low ability groups. Each group contains 10 sections with enough comments to make 30 personalised reports. 65 low ability, 76 middle ability and 85 high ability statements altogether. There are also 30 next steps included, 10 for each ability group.
High Quality
Use these high quality geography report comments, covering:
World Biomes
Physical features
Human features
Major countries
Major cities
Technical terms
Geographical fieldwork
Easy to Use
They all come in a girl and a boy version saving you having to change any pronouns. Collect statements for each child to make a paragraph then simply add in their name a few times to polish off your work.
Just highlight the comments you have used to make sure all your 30 geography reports are quickly made and completely different.
Check out my other handy end of year resources:
General Report Comments
320+ English Report Comments
280+ Maths Report Comments
Report Comments MEGA BUNDLE
An engaging 26 slide PowerPoint for a KS2 assembly on the life and success of Charles Darwin. Includes a video link, interactive activities and reasoning questions.
Inspire your pupils by learning about this brilliant man, be amazed by his achievements and see how they are still relevant today.
Includes many higher level thinking questions and a memory challenge to keep every child focused.
Can be used on Darwin's birthday February 12th or for starting a topic on famous scientists or explorers.
Takes the children through these key questions:
What did Darwin think?
How can we be a great scientist?
Who was Charles Darwin? - Early Life, Careers, Big Break, Exploring, Thinking and Writing, Later Life
What were Darwin's theories?
What impact did his theories have?
Is evolution important today?
Differentiated writing tasks included and resourced:
Task 1 - Draw or write a flow chart of Darwin's life journey.
Task 2 - Write a radio script interviewing Darwin about his life.
Task 3 - Write a comparison of Darwin with another famous person who inspires you.
Writing templates provided. Other activity ideas also included. Lots of opportunities for discussion and higher level thinking. All concepts explained clearly.
Relevant for KS2 and KS3.
All reviews welcome.
For a good and engaging science unit on forces click here to save yourself lots of time!
You can find many more reliable and useful KS2 resources at my shop: Teachallenjoy
A target sheet for a year 4 child, includes all of the objectives for this year group in child speak. Children can track their targets in the table and teachers can tick in the columns when these are evidenced and then achieved. The rocket sheet is an extra fun way for children to remember which target they are working on.
Learning Objectives for year 4 in easy to understand short phrases.
Can be stuck in the front of English books so children can refer to this in lessons or kept in a teacher’s file.
Teacher can choose how much evidence needs to be collected before the children achieve the target.
You can show recognition of the target achieved in their work with a sticker/star/symbol.
Encourages responsibility for learning and ensures the children know their targets.
All reviews welcome.
Check out my other resources for teaching and assessing primary English:
Year 3 Writing Assessment Guidance
Year 3 Reading Assessment Questions
Year 4 Writing Assessment Guidance
Year 4 Reading Assessment Questions
Whole School SMART Target Packs
An engaging primary assembly about the benefits of eating breakfast, covering many science objectives and includes follow up lesson activities.
The complete PowerPoint, with a video link, leads you through the assembly and the farm animals explain the many reasons why breakfast is good for you.
Includes a range of activities to inspire the children to want to eat breakfast, including choosing their favourite breakfast plate and discussing which meal is the best.
There are many discussion opportunities for children so they are involved in the assembly and accept responsibility for making a change, eating a better breakfast and doing well in school. Classic choices for breakfast are covered and tasty new ideas to try.
This assembly is ready-to-go, just have a glance through and print the resources if needed.
Teaching Points Covered about Breakfast:
What Farmhouse Breakfast Week is all about
Local UK farms involved
Why breakfast is so good for us
What we can eat for breakfast and why
How to make a balanced breakfast
How we can be organised in the morning
Differentiated Writing Opportunities
1. Sort the breakfast food cards under the food group headings
2. Use an eat-well plate to design a healthy balanced breakfast
3. Design a breakfast menu for the queen for a week
Use this as an assembly or a lesson, both will brighten up you and your pupil’s day whilst learning about cross curricular content.
Check out my popular Kindness Assembly
A useful list of questions for guided reading, reading discussions 1:1 and reading assessments in Year 4. 68 question templates under 14 categories which match the expectations of the National Curriculum and build confidence in reading.
Available in 3 formats to save you time and enhance your pupil’s reading:
A4 black and white questions sheet.
A4 colour coded questions sheet.
Colourful leaflet for discussing reading at home.
Can be used in guided reading, reading 1:1, writing comprehensions, at home to support parents and for assessment purposes.
Useful for teachers, TAs and parent helpers.
All reviews welcome.
Check out my other popular assessment resources:
Year 4 Writing Target Sheet
Year 4 SMART Target Bank
Year 4 Writing Assessment Sheet
A useful list of questions for guided reading, reading discussions 1:1 and reading assessments in Year 1. 38 question templates under 10 categories which match the expectations of the National Curriculum and build confidence in reading.
Available in 3 formats to save you time and enhance your pupil’s reading:
A4 black and white questions sheet.
A4 colour coded questions sheet.
Colourful leaflet for discussing reading at home.
Can be used in guided reading, reading 1:1, writing comprehensions, at home to support parents and for assessment purposes.
Useful for teachers, TAs and parent helpers.
All reviews welcome.
Check out my other popular KS1 English resources:
Year 1 Writing Assessment Sheet
Year 1 Grammar Glossary
Year 1 Reading Corner Display
Year 5 writing objectives on one handy sheet. Separated into transcription, composition and grammar.
Useful for remembering what to cover, assessing work and for planning for progress.
You could have one sheet for each child or use as a resource on its own.
All reviews welcome.
You might also be interested in these resources for teaching English with the New Curriculum:
Year 5 Writing Assessment Guidance
Year 5 SMART Writing Targets
Year 5 Reading Assessment Questions
You can find all of this and more at my shop:Teachallenjoy
All the new curriculum writing objectives on one handy sheet for every year group. Separated clearly into transcription, composition and grammar so you can quickly see a child’s strengths and areas for development.
Useful for remembering what to cover, assessing work and for planning for progress.
You could have one sheet for each child or use as a resource on its own.
All reviews welcome.
You might also be interested in these resources for the New Curriculum:
Whole School SMART Targets
Whole School English Writing Assessment Guidance
Whole School Guided Reading Questions
Increase awareness of mental health in your school with a week of 5 engaging and beneficial circle time sessions.
Designed for a Mental Health Awareness Week in a primary school or to be used at any time you need to develop your pupil’s emotional wellbeing.
Written for years 3-4 they cover these key issues:
Feelings of doubt and building self esteem
Identifying bullying and solutions
Overcoming and sharing strong feelings
Dealing with negative reactions and asking for help
Finding trusted adults
This week of circle time will develop your pupil’s awareness of these issues whilst improving their understanding of their feelings and how to cope with them. The children will be supplied with strategies to:
Identify feelings
Communicate feelings
Notice warning signs
Use coping strategies
Ask for help
Every session includes a starter, paired and group discussion, activities and a calm reflective plenary. These effective sessions will develop your pupil’s wellbeing in 30 minute slots (they could easily be extended or shortened as necessary with no extra planning).
Why not use my Emotion Cards to further develop your pupils EQ.
Or download a Year 5 and 6 CircleTime Activity Week.
You can find more high quality KS2 resources at my shop.
10 complex word searches focusing on mental health. Covering emotion words and synonyms to enhance children’s vocbaulary. Deepen understanding and familiarity with key emotions. Includes colourful images and all answers.
Use these high quality emotion word searches for any lesson to encourage them to think deeper about their emotions.
Useful for Mental Health Awareness Weeks in primary schools and PSHE lessons throughout the year.
Enhance your pupil’s understanding of their emotions and how to deal with them. Engage your pupil’s in this important and relevant dialogue. Enable your students to have a positive mental health.
10 word searches each focusing on one emotion and the linked synonyms. Images and colours reinforce the feeling of each emotion. Words are carefully hidden. All answers included.
Why not check out my circle time activities for years 3 and 4?
Or download a complete lesson on Dreams and Aspirations here.
You can find more high quality KS2 resources at my shop.
A colourful and engaging display explaining modal verbs for KS2. Includes titles, posters, word banks, modelled sentences and much more. Editable and ready to print, this pack is ready to pop up on your display and save you time.
This extensive pack includes all that you need to teach modal verbs through your display. Bright and colourful posters, questions and key words are all ready to print and put up on your wall to inspire children, enhance learning and ensure progress in English.
Display includes:
Visual representations of the meanings of modal verbs
Sentence starters using modal verbs for different purposes
Groups of hot and cold modal verbs
Key words sorted by intensity and colour coded
Modal verbs in the negative form
Groups of modal verbs which work in the future and past tense and those that don’t
These display cards could also be used in writer’s toolkits to support children using modal verbs during writing lessons.
Created on PowerPoint so easily editable to your needs.
For a whole lesson on modal verbs, including resources, click here
Check out my other popular grammar resources:
KS2 SPAG Word Banks
KS2 SPAG Word Searches
Whole School Grammar Glossaries
Relative Clause Lesson
Three essential resources for improving your own and your school’s behaviour management:
1. Noise Meter - Keep the level of classroom chat at the most appropriate for outstanding learning. Use this bright and clear tool with the children to save your voice.
2. Behaviour Management CPD Pack - An inspiring CPD pack for refreshing and updating your behaviour management.
A 29 slide PowerPoint takes you through key techniques and strategies to update your teaching. Within this there are moments to discuss, reflect and evaluate your practice.
Alongside this a 10 page document explain in more detail these key aspects:
How to lay the foundations for outstanding behaviour
How to explain your expectations and consequences
The 4 behaviour management essentials
The 10 strategies you need in your toolkit
How to teach for engagement and excellent behaviour management
Walking around school and behaviour
Table Plans
Playground behaviour management
Practical subjects, rewards and tidying up a classroom
How to evaluate and change your practice
Also included is an optional anonymous survey you can give your class to find out what they think about your strengths and weaknesses - a daring but effective way to move your skills forward.
This would be helpful for any NQTs and other teachers looking to refresh and update their pedagogy.
You could use it for your own personal CPD or provide it as a whole school CPD.
3. Seating Plan Pack: A bright and clear seating plan useful for teachers and your students.
Five seating plans that work for different classrooms, lessons, children and times of year.
Two sets of colour coding:
1. Colour coded for ability
2. Colour coded for groups
Labelled for subjects. Lots of spare tables and chairs so can edit each plan. Start the term with a focused, organised and refreshed classroom.
All reviews welcome.
You can find many more free and inexpensive resources at my shop Teachallenjoy
A useful list of questions for guided reading, reading discussions 1:1 and reading assessments in Year 3. Over 80 question templates under 14 categories which match the expectations of the National Curriculum and build confidence in reading.
Available in 3 formats to save you time and enhance your pupil’s reading:
A4 black and white questions sheet.
A4 colour coded questions sheet.
Colourful leaflet for discussing reading at home.
Can be used in guided reading, reading 1:1, writing comprehensions, at home to support parents and for assessment purposes.
Useful for teachers, TAs and parent helpers.
All reviews welcome.
Check out my other popular AFL resources:
Year 3 Writing Targets
Year 3 SMART Target Bank
Year 3 Reading Corner Display
Year 6 writing objectives on one handy sheet. Separated into transcription, composition and grammar.
Useful for remembering what to cover, assessing work and for planning for progress.
You could have one sheet for each child or use as a resource on its own.
All reviews welcome.
You might also be interested in these resources for teaching English with the New Curriculum:
Year 6 Writing Assessment Guidance
Year 6 SMART Writing Targets
Year 6 Reading Assessment Questions
You can find all of this and more at my shop:Teachallenjoy
An engaging PPT and a set of 4 different worksheets useful for a transition day in primary to prepare children for their next year. Differentiated for different ability and contains completed examples of each sheet to give the children ideas. Designed with displays in mind so you can easily get organised for September.
Me In a Nutshell
Looking forward to next year
Who am I?
Each format includes sections for children to reflect on their year, share details of themselves and to set goals and plans for the coming year.
Include lines or blank so you can choose how to present it. Spaces are just the right size so children aren’t overwhelmed but have enough room to right what they would like to say.
You could complete all the sheets if you have time, all cover different aspects of this change. Each resource comes with a completed example so you can peer assess this work before you begin, give them some ideas and discuss how it could be even better.
Use to help children adjust to their new year group and teacher.
All reviews welcome.
Check out my other popular resources for this time:
Reading Corner Display
Report Comment Mega Bundle
Place Value Display
This is a complete set of medium term plan templates for every subject for each primary year group. All ready-to-go complete with questions, vocabulary and objectives, designed for any teacher to build on.
Each section contains the important headings and some content that you will need, including a large set of key questions, key vocabulary and the relevant learning objectives for each year group and subject.
Download these to save yourself time setting up medium term plans.
All reviews welcome.
You can find many more reliable and useful KS2 resources at my shop: Teachallenjoy
For ready-to-go finished medium term plans follow the links below:
- KS2 Science Forces Unit
- KS2 Scandinavia Geography Unit
- KS2 Scandinavia Art Unit
Just what you need to start your report writing - tips, tricks and shortcuts, a tracking sheet and a positive adjective bank to save you time.
Use the pack of strategies to help with the mammoth task of writing reports for your class. Suitable for any school and age group.
Use these tips and techniques to help ease the pain of report writing. Browse through a variety of ideas, which can be inspiring for new or experienced teachers. Reports don’t have to fill you with dread. Try something new and be surprised at how much more enjoyable it can be.
This pack also includes a free report writing tracker - list the children in your class and be motivated by all the ticked or highlighted boxes you complete. Also a bank of positive adjectives to help vary each comment.
All reviews welcome.
To save time further check out my bundle of report comments:
Report Comment Mega Bundle
A lesson plan with 33 sections for all that you will ever need for planning an observation of an outstanding lesson. Complete with useful tips, ideas and examples, plan with confidence, efficiency and success.
Helpful tips and higher level thinking questions are included to help structure the lesson and ensure that everyone makes progress.
Use the extra notes pages as a starting point and to ensure coverage, differentiation and progression for every child.
Suitable for any year group in primary and adaptable for secondary.
All reviews welcome.
You can find many more reliable and useful KS2 resources at my shop: Teachallenjoy
You might also be interested in enhancing your Behaviour Management Strategies Follow that link to find new and refreshing ideas.
To further engage your class why not try these fun and educational word searches, handy in English as a starter or plenary. Or they can be used in any other lesson to boost the children's understanding of KS2 grammar terminology: Word Search Bundle