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Teachers Resource Force

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A teacher of teens, passionate about integrating character, creativity and technology in lessons šŸ’œ Get a free gratitude journal here --> bit.ly/FreeGratitudeJournal




A teacher of teens, passionate about integrating character, creativity and technology in lessons šŸ’œ Get a free gratitude journal here --> bit.ly/FreeGratitudeJournal
Cyber Bullying Awareness: Posters, Task Cards & Activities

Cyber Bullying Awareness: Posters, Task Cards & Activities

Do you want to educate your students about the dangers of Cyber Bullying? It is a rising problem among teenagers and young people in this age of social media, so this resource will offer your students the opportunity to consider the dangers and effects of cyber bullying by encouraging them to discuss and reflect on realistic scenarios. I have used this resource on different groups of students from year 7-10 and it has proven effective for all ages. Itā€™s interesting that each age group has brought out its own conversations from this resource. I find it shocking how many young people (especially those below the required age of 13 to even have a social media account) are suffering from cyber bullying online and donā€™t yet have the skills to handle it. This resource has made a significant difference to my students and I can only hope they go on to spread the word to others! I hope that my resources save you hours and hours of time: something we always sacrifice so much of as teachers. ā¤
Christmas and New Year's Activities for tutor time!

Christmas and New Year's Activities for tutor time!

Come November and December, it can be a tough time to keep students (and yourself!) motivated in the run up to the holiday season. If you want some fun and quality Christmas and New Year activities to use with your tutor groups that they will enjoy and relate to, then this is the resource for you! It comes with attractive, enjoyable and creative activities that will last weeks running up to the Christmas holidays and even when they return in the New Year too! This resource will encourage students to look at Christmas over the world, show kindness, reflect on the end of one year and start of another. These can be used for a variety of age groups and abilities and require no preparation from you at all. Instructions are on each worksheet and students can be as thorough as they like depending on their ability. These are fun to do and they make wonderful keepsakes for students to look back on when they are older!
Classroom Decor Pennants: Growth Mindset Positive Quotes Colouring Pages

Classroom Decor Pennants: Growth Mindset Positive Quotes Colouring Pages

Classrooom Decor Pennants: Growth Mindset, Motivating and Inspiring Colouring Pages about education and learning. Iā€™m a big advocate for colouring therapy for students and adults, and I already have quite an extensive collection of different quote colouring pages available in my store! They are wonderfully relaxing and especially effective for growth mindset as all quotes are inspirational and positive! In this unique set, you will get a selection of doodle colouring pennants to help decorate your classroom with some positive quotes about education to keep your students inspired all year long! There are 10 different colouring pennants to choose from. Students can just shade in using whatever colours make them happy, but there is also some white space available for students to add their own doodles too! So take a few minutes at the start of the year to get students in the right frame of mind by colouring in positive quotes about education, then tie string through the pennants and decorate your classroom!
A Pack of Supply Cover Lesson Plans and Worksheets - no prep, ready to use, for any subject!

A Pack of Supply Cover Lesson Plans and Worksheets - no prep, ready to use, for any subject!

So, youā€™re sick? Off on a course? Out on a school trip? Or maybe you are the supply teacher and no cover work has been set, or the students finish the work far too early. Either way, there is always the hassle of setting inspiring cover work to keep the students on task and interested while still making the lesson worthwhile. Fear not, as in this quality, compelling resource there are over 50 lesson ideas that can conveniently be used for any subject; the best part is, they donā€™t need any preparation on your part! Included are extra black line worksheets (ideal for saving you money on printing) to accompany the lesson plans if you want to use them, with clear step by step directions for what students need to do on each. Product Includes over 50 different lesson activities including: ā€¢ Creative writing ā€¢ Character analysis ā€¢ Comic strip ā€¢ Website designing ā€¢ Debating ā€¢ Design own theme park ā€¢ Robot designing ā€¢ Superhero designing ā€¢ Creating jingles ā€¢ Sentence starters and endings ā€¢ A day in the life of ā€¢ Design own sport ā€¦and more! Remember, these activities have been uniquely designed in a way that they can be appropriate for any subject area without needing to adapt the resource! Each lesson plan actually contains a variety of different options as well, offering so many alternatives and extension ideas! They are so simple, easy and ready to use for any subject with no preparation needed. So next time youā€™re panicking about what to set your students, ensure you download this resource and save yourself loads of stress and time! Simply hand to the cover teacher and be on your way, no other work from you is required! Minimal preparation for maximum fun!
Exit Ticket / Plenary Cards to measure progress

Exit Ticket / Plenary Cards to measure progress

These exit tickets are a great way for students to summarise what they have learned during your lesson in a fun and relatable way! They also provide you with great feedback to assess student progression in your lesson. There are 6 types of tickets which come 2 on a page. Each ticket comes with clear instructions on what students need to do all based on the lesson objective. You can use these to just collect in as a snap shot to check understanding and progress, but they will also look fantastic in studentsā€™ workbooks and as keepsakes to demonstrate their learning over time! I hope you enjoy using them!
101 Inspirational Quotes Posters

101 Inspirational Quotes Posters

This fun resource contains a whopping 101 inspirational and motivational quotes to encourage, inspire and motivate: perfect for instantly brightening any classroom, corridor, office or even home! There are a vast variety of quotes in this pack enabling you to conveniently change up your wall displays regularly or cover a large footprint of your school. These quotes can also easily be used on a daily basis as a "quote of the day" up on the interactive whiteboard for students to reflect on, discuss their significance and how they can apply them to their every day lives. This 101 pack contains quality quotes from well known inspirational people as well as popular celebrities that young people will be able to relate to and gain inspiration from! This resource is a powerful tool to use in your classrooms, for any age range, and can spark many interesting and inspiring topics and conversations with students and staff alike. ************************************************************************************************************************ ā€¢ If you choose to download this resource, please take the time to leave a rating - I do really value your feedback and I always look forward to reading what you think about my resources! If you have any questions about this resource or anything else, you can email me at TeachersResourceForce@yahoo.com. ā€¢ Be the first to know when I upload new resources, discounts and freebies by following my page!
Study From Home Guide / Journal For Students

Study From Home Guide / Journal For Students

Help your students learn how to study from home with this self lead guide / journal that comes in both printable and digital options for your students. With students needing to study from home, whether that be by choice or due to school closures, many find the challenge of home studying a difficult one to master. There are distractions everywhere and being cooped up indoors all day has its own battles. You can send your students this guide / journal to help them in their home study routine. It guides them through how to plan their schedule and routine, by reverse engineering their day using their assignment deadlines or personal academic goals. This guide also teaches your students how to look after their own well-being while they are stuck at home. It addresses body aches due to excessive desk / computer hunching, too much screen time and how to keep fit and healthy. This resource is ready to use. It comes with a 17 page printable journal for them to fill in, and there is a digital version available too for them to type directly into the document, should they prefer. You can post the journal or send it to your students remotely. I hope this helps your students as they learn the discipline it takes to study from home!
Social Media Exit Tickets 2

Social Media Exit Tickets 2

Check your studentsā€™ understanding with social media exit tickets and engage your students with media they are already so familiar with! These have a realistic mobile phone style and come with 8 different social media platforms! Product Includes: Each exit ticket is half a page and comes with 2 on a page to save on printing costs for your class. (Also, both UK and US versions are included). These exit tickets are great for the following: ā€¢ Summarizing their learning whilst adding the hashtag of key words #HowCool! ā€¢ Encouraging students to summarize the lesson whilst identifying areas they specifically ā€˜likedā€™ using the thumbs up! ā€¢ Visualizing their understanding by drawing an image to summarize their learning. ā€¢ Texting on their smartphone about anything they learned this lesson! ā€¢ Telling a ā€œstoryā€ of their learning in the lesson. They get to use both visual and written feedback. ā€¢ Allowing creativity in feedback as students can write quotes, draw images and use text to summarize their learning. ā€¢ Offering peer feedback. Students can write their partner a question to test learning and their peer can respond. ā€¢ Creating freeze frames of something which reflects their learning! These are simple and easy to use in your lessons allowing you to quickly see what students have learned in a fun and convenient way - plus, these work with ANY subject! Your students will definitely think you are the most awesome teacher ever when you pull these out in your lesson, believe me! Give them a shot now and let me know the response you get!
C.V. Writing: Job Skills - employable skills, PowerPoint and activities

C.V. Writing: Job Skills - employable skills, PowerPoint and activities

Do you want to prepare your teenage students on the skills section of their C.V. in a fun and self-reflective way? Then this PowerPoint and matching worksheet resource is for you, and will leave your students saying ā€œthose skills thoughā€¦!ā€. (To explain the title, I like to keep my resources current to the world students are growing up in, making the title of this resource very fitting with current teen lingo!) Product includes: ā€¢ 7 slide PowerPoint presentation with guided activities, both individual and peer included. ā€¢ 5 attractive and self-reflective worksheets relating to the PowerPoint. This resource is great for C.V. preparation and guides students through the process of: ā€¢ identifying the skills employers are looking for ā€¢ which skills they currently have ā€¢ evidence of where they are demonstrating the skills ā€¢ what they will need to improve upon in the future for their chosen career. The worksheets work hand in hand with the PowerPoint and everything is straightforward to follow requiring no preparation from you! Give your students the best chance amongst all the competition out there for jobs in the big wide world. This will be so valuable in helping to build their CV and identifying which skills they need to develop while they are still in school ā€“ the earlier the better after all! Your students will definitely think you are the most awesome teacher ever when you pull out this resource in your lesson! Watch their reaction when you hand this out to them! ā€œThat TEACHER thoughā€¦!ā€
Performance Management: Teachers' Standards Evidence Binder

Performance Management: Teachers' Standards Evidence Binder

Performance Management: Teachersā€™ Standards Evidence Binder With Performance Related Pay now in full swing for teachers, it is more important than ever to document the evidence to prove that you are meeting the standard requirements which enable you to earn a pay rise, or at least remain at the top of the scale. Oftentimes during the appraisal meeting season in September, we are reflecting on our achievements from the previous academic year but it can be difficult to remember everything we have done if we rely only on our memory! It is also often confusing to know where we can find evidence to prove we have met the standards; this is why I created this resource. Tired of being less than inspired by dull blankets of text and confusing layouts of these standards, I decided to design something a little more aesthetically pleasing and easier to navigate and organise evidence with. With this 20 page binder, you can clearly see each of the standards and you have a simple and efficient system of both making quick notes and recording hard evidence of how you are meeting the standards. So get organised with your performance management and ensure you get the pay you deserve as a teacher!
End of the Year Emoji Certificates

End of the Year Emoji Certificates

Need some fresh, new end of year awards certificates to celebrate the individuality and success of your young and teenage students? Get hold of these End Of Year Certificate Awards for Teens: Emoji Style! These certificates are funky and edgy with some cool teen clip art images with a fun emoji theme that your students will really relate to and think you're the coolest ever! (Even though we know you already are!) These come in both colour and black line with 30 different certificates to choose from! They can be used over again for almost any year group and any subject, and have a wide range of awards so every student can be celebrated for their uniqueness! I hope your students enjoy these fun and edgy certificates to wrap up the end of the year using the oh-so-popular EMOJI theme! Be sure to check out the End Of Year Activities For Teens too, to give your students something fun to do in the final few weeks of school.
Growth Mindset Colouring Pages: Inspirational Quotes by Martin Luther King Jr

Growth Mindset Colouring Pages: Inspirational Quotes by Martin Luther King Jr

Explore more of growth mindset mentality with these motivational, inspirational and relaxing zen doodle colouring pages with quotes by Martin Luther King Jr - great for MLK / Black History Month. There are 5 different colouring pages to choose from in this set, and all these inspiring quotes are by Martin Luther King Jr himself: great for teaching Growth Mindset on MLK day or during Black History Month! Most teachers have used these to create a calming and inspirational atmosphere in their rooms by displaying the finished sheets on the wall during the tests, which students love. So take some time out of a hectic day to give your students the opportunity to just focus, motivate and enjoy themselves today ā€“ they deserve it (and so do you!)
Remembrance Day Doodle Quote Colouring Pages

Remembrance Day Doodle Quote Colouring Pages

Encourage your students to reflect peacefully on Remembrance Day with these quote colouring pages for big kids. There are 5 different quotes to choose from. Students can just colour in using whatever shades make them happy, but there is also some white space available for them to add their own doodles too! So teach your students about the significance of Remembrance Day (see teaching resource) and also give them the opportunity to sit in silence and reflect on those who lost their lives so that we could live.
Growth Mindset Colouring Pages & Posters: Inspirational Quotes by Shakespeare

Growth Mindset Colouring Pages & Posters: Inspirational Quotes by Shakespeare

Explore more of growth mindset mentality with these motivational, inspirational and relaxing zen doodle colouring pages with quotes by Shakespeare! There are 6 (1 free bonus page included!) different colouring pages to choose from in this set, and all these inspiring quotes are by Shakespeare himself: great for teaching Shakespeare units or for celebrating his birthday on April 23rd! Most teachers have used these to create a calming and inspirational atmosphere in their rooms by displaying the finished sheets on the wall during the tests, which students love. So take some time out of a hectic day to give your students the opportunity to just focus, motivate and enjoy themselves today ā€“ they deserve it (and so do you!)
End of the Year Awards - #Hashtagstyle for Teens

End of the Year Awards - #Hashtagstyle for Teens

Need some end of year awards certificates to celebrate the individuality and success of your young and teenage students? They will love these End Of Year Certificate Awards in a cool #HashtagStyle! These certificates are funky and edgy with some cool teen clip art images and #hashtag themed titles that your students will really relate to and think you're the coolest ever! (Even though we know you already are!) These come in black line to save on printing costs, but feel free to print them on coloured card for even more impact! ************************************************************************************************************************ ā€¢ If you choose to download this resource, please take the time to leave a rating - I do really value your feedback and I always look forward to reading what you think about my resources! If you have any questions about this resource or anything else, you can email me at TeachersResourceForce@yahoo.com. ā€¢ Be the first to know when I upload new resources, discounts and freebies by following my page!
Digital Emoji Exit Slip Tickets for Google

Digital Emoji Exit Slip Tickets for Google

A fun set of digital, differentiated emoji exit slip tickets that enable students to reflect on their learning in a fun and modern way using Google Slides! We are living in an ā€˜emoji generationā€™ where emoticons have actually become a language used worldwide, especially by young people! What better than to bring emoticons into your classroom and allow students to communicate through these adorable expression filled pictures (hand drawn by me)! These ā€˜Emoji Exit Ticketsā€™ are a great way for students to summarize what they have learned during your lesson in a fun and relatable way in your digital classroom! They also provide you with great feedback to assess student progression and understanding. You will also find self-reflection activities on skills, group work and effort within lessons as well! There are 9 different exit tickets in total all reflecting on something different. You can assign students an exit ticket of your choice and they can simple type in their responses and 'share' it with you via Google Drive or 'submit' it via Google Classroom! I believe your students will definitely think you are the most awesome teacher ever when you pull these out in your lesson! ā˜ŗ
Digital Interactive Exit Activities

Digital Interactive Exit Activities

What do you get your students to do when they finish all the work but itā€™s too late in the lesson for them to start a new task? How about having a digital, interactive, fun and easy to use way of checking your studentsā€™ learning at the end of a lesson to keep in your arsenal? These exit activities are digital, interactive and can work for both online for sharing on Apps such as Google Classroom or if you prefer, they work offline too: absolutely ideal for a variety of ages and abilities! This in a modern, engaging resource where students interactively click on a button which will take them to a fun activity to test their learning. It is so convenient to use: simply pick n click! You could just do one activity or a few in each lesson, it can be individual or whole group, used as exit tickets or for early finishers - the choice is yours! Best of all, each of these powerful activities will work for ANY TOPIC and can produce a variety of outcomes so they can be depended on to be used again and again on the same group of students! So enjoy using this simple, fun and interactive resource, proven to check students' learning effectively and easily, without needing a bank of resources!
Honesty Lesson: Character Education Values (PowerPoint, Task Cards & Printables)

Honesty Lesson: Character Education Values (PowerPoint, Task Cards & Printables)

This values unit on Honesty is a crucial element for strengthening the core curriculum and ensuring our students are able to be honest with others to develop strong relationships and a positive reputation. This would be especially useful to use as a one-off lesson or top up reminder if you are finding your class are starting to show increasing signs of dishonesty, perhaps towards one another or even to staff. Product includes: ā€¢ 17 slides of Honesty PowerPoint - fully structured so no prior experience is required to deliver it. The text is also editable for you to modify as needed! ā€¢ 8 pages of Honesty Printables - graphic organizers go perfectly with the PowerPoint if you want your students to record their thoughts as you discuss. There is also a fun bonus homework included! They are in a PowerPoint format so they can easily be converted to Google Slides for paperless activities if preferred. ā€¢ 24 unique discussion cards to develop speaking and listening skills. Your students will learn: ā€¢ how to define honesty ā€¢ how to analyse their own and others' level of honesty ā€¢ where they might need to demonstrate honesty ā€¢ signs of being honest ā€¢ signs of being dishonest ā€¢ what can affect honesty ā€¢ self-awareness of their own honesty ā€¢ actionable steps to build honesty In order to ensure these important skills can be integrated into our busy timetables, this resource has been designed to make it as easy to deliver as possible! It includes a structured PowerPoint that guides the class through discussions about honesty and effective skills on how to demonstrate honesty and build trust and the impact this has on their relationships and reputation. No prior knowledge or experience from you is required! On top of this, the PowerPoint text is editable so you can modify the content to suit your studentsā€™ needs, should you wish. Also included are bonus graphic organizers which are supplementary to the PowerPoint: they work as a helpful tool for students to record their thoughts in an aesthetically pleasing way that can then be used for bulletin board displays etc. You will also find a set of discussion task cards to spark conversation and thoughts on honesty: these can be printed off for each group of students, or they can be used in whole class discussion ā€“ it is up to you! So help build your students' honesty and encourage them to be all that you know they can be! Great for Character Education, Social Skills, Tutor Time Activities, Life skills and PSHE (Physical, Social, Health, Education) lessons.
Inspirational Watercolour Quote Posters for your classroom, office or home

Inspirational Watercolour Quote Posters for your classroom, office or home

Inspirational Personal Watercolor Quote Posters for your classroom, office or home. If you love being inspired and you love watercolors, you'll enjoy these watercolor quote posters that have been a huge hit on my Instagram over the past year @teachersresourceforce! These posters contain 20 inspirational and motivational quotes that will look beautiful displayed in your classroom, office, staff room, hallways, bulletin boards or even in your own home! You can print them onto any size your printer can manage - they look great as full size wall posters, small little postcards, greeting cards, book or binder covers etc. the list is endless! I hope these inspirational watercolour quote posters bring you inspiration, motivation and joy, however you decide to use them!
Growth Mindset Colouring Pages / Posters / Sheets: Don't Stress The Test 5!

Growth Mindset Colouring Pages / Posters / Sheets: Don't Stress The Test 5!

Growth Mindset Inspirational zen doodle Colouring Pages and Posters - great for positive thinking and when taking tests! Most teachers are very concerned about their students during the testing period, and have found immediate positive results on student well-being with my motivational colouring pages. Most teachers have discovered that by giving students some time before a test to mentally relax with these colouring pages, it has had an immediately positive effect on student focus and motivation - try them for yourself now! There are 5 different colouring pages to choose from in this set, and the fact that these contain motivational quotes too, well that gives most students an immediate and welcomed confidence boost before the test! Most teachers have used these to create a calming and inspirational atmosphere in their rooms by displaying the finished sheets on the wall during the tests, which students love. Now take a few minutes away from the testing period and give your students the opportunity to just focus, motivate and enjoy themselves today ā€“ they deserve it!