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Snowmen Clip Art
22 High-resolution color and black and white images of snowmen doing the cutest things.
For Commercial and Private Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

Alphabet Cards Clip Art
These adorable alphabet cards each have 7 images for each letter except X and well hey that was a challenge. There are 26 images one for each letter of the alphabet. The individual images on each card are not offered in this purchase. Only the 26 alphabet cards. If you have questions email me and I will be happy to help, The preview only offers a sample of what you will get.
For Commercial Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

The Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Clip Art
This graphic set will make your products and activities more interesting when your kids learn about the life cycle of the pumpkin. I have included each stage of its life cycle and some extras you’ll love. Everything included is shown in the preview slides. These include 22 high resolution color and black and white images.
For Commercial and Private Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

The Life Cycle of A Ladybug Clip Art
This graphic set will make your products and activities more interesting when your kids learn about the life cycle of the ladybug. I have included each stage of its life cycle and some extras you’ll love. Everything included is shown in the preview slides. These include 22 high resolution color and black and white images.
For Commercial and private Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

Emergency Helpers Clip Art
30 Color and B/W images for Emergency Helpers, our unsung heroes. These have so many uses. Bulletin Boards, Sensory Bins, Activity Sheets… the list can be endless.
For Commercial and Private Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

Life Cycle of a Chicken Clip Art
This graphic set will make your products and activities more interesting when your kids learn about the life cycle of a chicken. I have included each stage of its life cycle and some extras you’ll love. Everything included is shown in the preview slides. These include 24 high resolution color and black and white images.
For Commercial and Private Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

Candy Corn ABC's Puzzles
26 High Resolution Color images. These puzzles are great to teach your students and children their ABC’s. Cut them apart and let the children work to solve. Great for centers.
These can be used for commercial and private use. My Terms of Use can be found in the zip folder.

Fall Y'All, Fall and Autumn Clip Art
Cute clip art to use from Fall into Thanksgiving. Includes black and white images as well. So many uses from door and bulletin board decorations, to handouts and sensory bins.
For Commercial and Private Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

Transportation Clip Art
38 High-Resolution color and B/W images of all things that go!! Transportation clip art of all kinds. I hope you enjoy these!!
For Commercial and Private Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

Knights Are Forever Clip Art
This package includes 42 High-Resolution Color and Black and White images of Knights, Dragons, Court Jester, Princess, everything shown in the previews
These art pieces depict a fantasy that speaks to boys and girls alike.
For Commercial Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

Christmas Express Clip Art
49 High-Resolution Color and Black and White Images depicting a lovable children’s classic.
For Commercial and Private Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

Ocean Habitat Clip Art
Clip art with 30 color and black and white images that will be helpful for teachers. These images include background images, a scuba diver, sting ray, electric eel and many other wonderful images,
For Commercial and Private Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

Rain Forest Habitat Clip Art
30 of the cutest and most original pieces of clip art to help teachers instruct their students in the geographical studies of the Rain Forest Habitat.
For Commercial and Private Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

Polar Habitat Clip Art
The Polar Habitat has 30 of the cutest animals, shelters, and even an Eskimo to help teacher instruct their students about life in the Arctic region.
For Commercial and Private Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

Wetlands Habitat Clip Art
32 Adorable clip art pieces to assist teachers in instructing their students in this fascinating habitat full of fun creatures and different plants not found in any other habitat.
For Commercial and Private Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

Grasslands Habitat Clip Art
Grasslands Habitat contains 30 of your favorite animals and grassland scenes to help teach your students about this delightful habitat. See the thumbnail previews for art that is included,
For Commercial and Private Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

Cave Habitat Clip Art
30 of the cutest and most original pieces of clip art to help teachers instruct their students in the geographical studies of the Cave Habitat.
For Commercial or Private Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

Desert Habitat Clip Art
30 High Resolution Color and Black and White images of animals, landscapes and plants indigenous to the desert.
For Commercial and Private Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

Down on the Farm Clip Art
46 color and black and white images of farm animals, barn, tractor etc. These cute animals will make you smile.
For Commercial and Private Use. Terms of Use are included in the zip file.

This file is full of fun, whimsical gingerbread men and women, along with a gingerbread house, and bunches of fun candy as well. Use these to decorate your classroom, or make fun projects for your students!
My terms of use can be found in the zip file,
These include all the color images shown, and black and white images as well. Included in this file are 49 images in all. Enjoy!!