Amphibian Life Cycles - Complete Science Lesson
This download is a complete lesson on amphibian life cycles.
* Full lesson plan
* Lesson PowerPoint
* Differentiated Worksheets
* Example fact sheet
* Fact sheet template
* Answer sheet
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Some of my other products:
Big Science Bundle Pack
Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
<strong> Animal Life Cycles Complete Unit Lesson Plans</strong>
This download includes complete lesson plans for 10 lessons on animal life cycles. The lessons focus on different types of life cycles and consolidating knowledge before comparing and discussing the life cycles. Included are 10 lesson plans for the whole unit of work.
<strong>Please note: This purchase is just for the unit lesson plans! It does not include the resources for each lesson. Each individual lesson with complete resources is available in my store along with the whole unit as a bundle.</strong>
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<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>.
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>.
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>.
<strong> Animal Life Cycles Complete Unit Lesson Bundle</strong>
This download includes complete lesson plans and resources for 10 lessons on animal life cycles. The lessons focus on different types of life cycles and consolidating knowledge before comparing and discussing the life cycles. Included are 10 lesson plans for the whole unit of work, PowerPoints for each lesson, class activities and handouts. Brought all together and save 30%
For a full preview of this bundle please see my Youtube Channel
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<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>.
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>.
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>.
<strong> Animal Life Cycles Round up - Complete Lesson </strong>
<strong> Complete Lesson on the Life Cycles of Animals</strong>
This download includes a complete lesson on animal life cycles. The lesson focuses on rounding up knowledge about different animal life cycles, such as mammals, insects, amphibians and birds. There are two detailed PowerPoints to ensure children understand the lesson. The children will then create an information board using fun foldables and information sheets. Everything needed for the lesson is included in this download.
This download includes:
Full and detailed lesson plan
Complete lesson PowerPoint
Starter PowerPoint
Fact sheet
Information board foldable (with and without instructions)
Discussion picture
Example information board
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me <strong> here</strong>
<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong> Big Science Bundle Pack</strong>
<strong> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook</strong>
<strong> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit</strong>
**Sharks - PowerPoint and Worksheets **
Kids love sharks!
This download teaches students about sharks. All you need for your lesson plans are in this download. There is a fun, detailed 58 slide PowerPoint on the where sharks live, details and facts about the how they spend their time, information about how they hunt and eat, a look at the different types of sharks and a brief look at the parts of a shark. There are also differentiated, 8 page, sharks worksheets to allow children to demonstrate their understanding and assist their learning. Great for a shark project!
This download includes:
Complete 58 slide PowerPoint
8 page worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheets
Answer sheets
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
** Some of my other products: **
** Big Science Bundle Pack**
** Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook **
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
Frog Life Cycles - Complete Science Lesson
This download is a complete lesson on frog life cycles.
* Full lesson plan
* Lesson PowerPoint
* Differentiated Worksheets
* Example instructions
* Instruction template
* Answer sheet
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
Some of my other products:
Big Science Bundle Pack
Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
This download teaches children about bats in one complete lesson. There is a detailed 56 slide PowerPoint on the where bats live, cute bat facts, details about how they spend their year, information about how they eat, a look at the different types of bats and a brief look at the parts of a bat. There are also differentiated, 8 page, bats worksheets to allow students to demonstrate their understanding. This pack is great for teaching kids all about bats.
This download includes:
Complete 56 slide PowerPoint
8 page worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheets
Answer sheets
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>.
<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>.
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>.
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>
Blood and the Circulatory System - PowerPoint and Worksheets
Human Body Processes and Systems – Blood and the Circulatory System
This download includes a detailed 47 slide PowerPoint explaining the blood in the human body. It covers the important roles blood plays in the human body; the elements of blood; the journey blood takes around the body and also what happens when the skin is broken and people bleed.
This download includes:
- Complete 47 slide PowerPoint
- Three versions of a the 5 page differentiated worksheets
- Answer sheet
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here.
Some of my other products:
Big Science Bundle Pack .
Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook .
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit .
<strong>Bird Life Cycles - Complete Science Lesson </strong>
This download is a complete lesson on Bird life cycles.
Full lesson plan
Lesson PowerPoint
Differentiated Worksheets
Example fact file
Fact file template
Answer sheet
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>
<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>
Butterflies - PowerPoint and Worksheets
This download teaches children about Butterflies. There is a detailed 23 slide PowerPoint on the life cycle of butterflies, details about the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly, information about how they eat, a look at some of the different types of butterflies and a brief look at the parts of a butterfly. There are also differentiated, 4 page, Butterflies worksheets to allow children to demonstrate their understanding.
This download includes:
- Complete 23 slide PowerPoint
- 4 page worksheets (x3 differentiated)
- Answer sheets
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here.
Some of my other products:
Big Science Bundle Pack
Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
Life Cycles - Knowledge Harvest Lesson
This download is a complete lesson on life cycles. It is the perfect lesson to start a topic on Life Cycles.
* Full lesson plan
* Example knowledge harvest
* Big Question
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
Some of my other products:
Big Science Bundle Pack
Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
<strong>Insect Life Cycles - Complete Science Lesson </strong>
This download is a complete lesson on insect life cycles.
Full lesson plan
Lesson PowerPoint
Differentiated Worksheets
Example text
Writing frame
Answer sheet
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<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>
**Butterflies Life Cycles - Complete Science Lesson **
Teach kids about the life cycle of a butterfly. This resource is a complete classroom lesson on butterflies teaching children about the life cycle, how their food changes as they grow, the different types of butterflies and the parts of a butterfly. There is a PowerPoint and printable student activities included to assist learning and encourage ideas in children and teachers.
Full lesson plan
Lesson PowerPoint
Differentiated Worksheets
Example flow chart
Flow chat template
Answer sheet
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
**Some of my other products:
Big Science Bundle Pack
Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit**
<strong>Scientists and Inventors - Benjamin Franklin PowerPoint and Worksheets </strong>
From my Scientists and Inventors resources collection – Let’s learn about Benjamin Franklin
This download teaches children about Benjamin Franklin. There is a detailed 39 slide PowerPoint on his life, achievements and facts about him. There are also differentiated, 7 page, worksheets to allow children to demonstrate their understanding.
This download includes:
Complete 39 slide PowerPoint
7 page worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheet for answers
Answer sheets
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me <strong>here</strong>
<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>
**Scientists and Inventors - Steve Jobs PowerPoint and Worksheets **
From my Scientists and Inventors resources collection – Let’s learn about Steve Jobs
This download teaches children about Steve Jobs. There is a detailed 40 slide PowerPoint on his life, achievements and facts about him. There are also differentiated, 7 page, worksheets to allow children to demonstrate their understanding.
This download includes:
Complete 40 slide PowerPoint
7 page worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheet for answers
Answer sheets
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>
<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>
This fun 10 page workbook teaches children about different aspects of science using Christmas examples. There are exercises for kids to complete which look at forces, healthy eating, classifying, light sources, senses, materials and particles.
Thanks for looking
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>.
<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>.
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>.
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>
This download is a complete lesson on introducing solar system with a knowledge harvest. It is the perfect lesson to start a topic on space and our solar system.
Full lesson plan
Example knowledge harvest
Big Question
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>
<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>
Teach children about the solar system. The lesson focuses on rounding up knowledge about different aspects of the solar system, such as the size of the solar system, the planets, the sun, life on Earth, the planet Mars and exploring outer space. There are two detailed PowerPoints to ensure children understand the lesson. The children will then create an information board using fun foldables and information sheets. Everything needed for the lesson is included in this download.
This download includes:
Full and detailed lesson plan
Complete lesson PowerPoint
Starter PowerPoint
Fact sheet
Information board foldable (with and without instructions)
Discussion picture
Example information board