Back to School Reward Watches
Give you class something to brag about!
These reward watches can be printed and used in your classroom for back to school. They are great to give out to the children in the first few days of school to create a fun classroom environment.
There are 4 different designs of each watch, 2 round faces and 2 square, smart-watch designs. You can either have the children color in, their own watch or print them colored.
I usually secure the watches with tape but you can also use paperclips
This download includes 15 different reward watches:
I helped the new kid
I had all my supplies ready
I settled into my class
I had a great summer
It’s going to be a great idea
I started out the right way
I was ready to learn
Happy first day of school
I met my new teacher
I made new friends
Welcome back to school
I learnt all the rules
I worked hard on my first day
I told my teacher my news
I started with a good attitude
Please ask if you have any questions!
Give you class something to brag about!
These reward watches can be printed and used in your classroom to reward learning multiplication skils. They are great to give out to the children to create a fun classroom environment.
There are 4 different designs of each watch, 2 round faces and 2 square, smart-watch designs. You can either have the children color in, their own watch or print them colored.
I usually secure the watches with tape but you can also use paperclips
This download includes 15 different reward watches:
I learnt all my times tables
I passed my test
I learnt to multiply
I know my 12 times table
I know my 11 times table
I know my 10 times table
I know my 9 times table
I know my 8 times table
I know my 7 times table
I know my 6 times table
I know my 5 times table
I know my 4 times table
I know my 3 times table
I know my 2 times table
I worked hard on my multiplication
Please ask if you have any questions!
These reward watches can be printed and used in your classroom to reward reading achievements. They are great to give out to the children to create a fun classroom environment.
There are 4 different designs of each watch, 2 round faces and 2 square, smart-watch designs. You can either have the children color in, their own watch or print them colored.
I usually secure the watches with tape but you can also use paperclips
This download includes 15 different reward watches:
I read every night
I read for 1 hour
I read for 2 hours
I have read 5 books
I have read 10 books
I did all my reading
I did all my homework
I read my first chapter book
I read my first non-fiction book
I moved up a reading level
I am a reading champion
I read to my parents
I read to my class
I read to my teacher
My reading has really improved
Please ask if you have any questions!
Character Traits Reward Watches
Give you class something to brag about!
These reward watches can be printed and used in your classroom to encourage good character traits. They are great to give out to the children to create a fun classroom environment.
There are 4 different designs of each watch, 2 round faces and 2 square, smart-watch designs. You can either have the children color in, their own watch or print them colored.
I usually secure the watches with tape but you can also use paperclips
This download includes 15 different reward watches:
I am brave
I am kind
I am friendly
I am nice
I am hard working
I am happy
I am loyal
I am tidy
I am honest
I am giving
I always think of others
I am pleasant
I am interesting
I am careful
I am dedicated
Please ask if you have any questions!
End of year classroom award certificates! Included in this product are 23 unique award certificates to recognise achievements at the end of the year. There is a voting card included so you can have students vote on the winners or choose them yourself. Each award has different titles and wording so that everyone gets their own special congratulations.
There is also a banner with these awards in case you would like to display them before the children take them home.
If you would like a type of certificate that is not included, please message me, and I would be happy to add it for you!
Thanks for looking
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
Some of my other products:
Anchor Chart Bundle Pack
Behaviour Club Booklet
Punctuation for Effect - Complete Lesson Related to Mr Stink
Back to School Bee Themed Classroom Jobs Display
Cute bee themed classroom jobs display, for use in the classroom to display children’s jobs and class responsibilities.
File includes:
• 21 classroom job cards
• Editable, bee, name labels; to add children to desired job
• Classroom jobs banner to head the display
• Full instructions
Thanks for looking, please leave feedback :)
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here.
Some of my other products:
Using Paragraphs Mr Stink Complete Lesson
Pinterest for TES Sellers - Module One
Back to School Bee Themed Classroom Birthday Display
Cute 'bee' themed birthday display for use in the classroom to display children’s birthdays by month.
File includes:
12 months labelled bee hives
Editable, bee, name labels; to add children to desired month
Birthday banner to head the display
Full instructions
Thanks for looking
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
Some of my other products:
Complete Bee Themed Classroom Kit
Complete Summer To Do List
Back to School Notebook Activity Pack
Behaviour Club Booklet
This booklet is part of a behaviour system I use in my classroom. If a child has to be kept in at play they take out their behaviour booklet and they reflect on what happened and why.
I have found these very useful
If you have any questions please ask
Thanks for looking.
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
My other PSHE products:
Making Good Choices Complete Lesson
Kindness Worksheets Pack
Earth Day PowerPoint and Worksheets
Staff need motivating too!
Brag Tags are such fun ways to reward the children in your class! Now these reward tags can be printed and used for your colleagues.
Interactive, digital AR reward tags are also available in my store
This includes 15 reward tags
My coffee didn’t go cold today
My tea didn’t go cold
I didn’t drink wine last night
I drank all the wine last night
I didn’t roll my eyes all lesson
I stayed awake during the meeting
I graded all the papers
I marked all the books
I left school during day light
I didn’t touch anything wet today
I washed up my mugs
I avoided all parents today
I didn’t answer any work emails at the weekend
I spent time with my family
I survived playground duty
Please ask if you have any questions!
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
** Some of my other products: **
** Big Science Bundle Pack**
** Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook **
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
End of School Year Memory Keepsake Book
This download is for an end of year memory book. It has 20 black and white pages for children to complete and colour.
The activities are fun and light-hearted. This memory book is made in order so when printed it can be easily folded in half and stapled with all the sheets in the correct order.
Thanks for looking.
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here.
My other English products:
Complete Instruction Writing Unit .
Complete Persuasive Writing Unit .
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit .
Bee Themed Classroom Calendar
Cute bee themed calendar for use in the classroom to remind children of the date.
File includes:
12 month headers for calendar
31 numbers cards for calendar
5 days of the week calendar headers
Thanks for looking
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
Some of my other products:
Bee Themed Birthday Display
Bee Themed Visual Timetable
Bee Themed Classroom Jobs Display
Pinterest for TES Sellers – Section Seven: Getting Into a Pinning Routine
The Seventh Section of Pinterest for TES Sellers: Getting Into a Pinning Routine
This is the seventh section of the Pinterest for TES sellers marketing course! This section will work on the importance of keeping up with Pinterest on a regular basis.
You can get the complete Pinterest course at a discount price here
Thanks for looking
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here.
Pinterest for TES Sellers – Section One: Working Out and Using Your Time Budget
The First Section of Pinterest for TES Sellers: Working Out and Using Your Time Budget
This is the first section of the Pinterest for TES sellers marketing course! This is a Pinterest course but this section is useful for anyone who struggles to fit in their online business with their other daily responsibilities. This section will guide you through creating a time budget and sticking to it!
You can get the complete Pinterest course at a discount price here
Thanks for looking
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here.
Give you class something to brag about!
These reward tags can be printed and used in your classroom for special holidays.
This download includes 15 reward tags:
Happy New Year
Happy Valentine’s day
Happy St Patrick’s Day
Happy Easter
Happy Summer
Happy First Day of School
Happy Last Day of School
Happy Halloween
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Christmas
Happy Birthday
Happy World Book Day
Happy Pancake Day
Happy Earth Day
Happy Chinese New Year
Please ask if you have any questions!
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
Back to School Reward Tags
Give you class something to brag about!
These reward tags can be printed and used in your classroom for back to school.
This download includes 15 reward tags:
I helped the new kid
I had all my supplies ready
I settled into my class
I had a great summer
It’s going to be a great idea
I started out the right way
I was ready to learn
Happy first day of school
I met my new teacher
I made new friends
Welcome back to school
I learnt all the rules
I worked hard on my first day
I told my teacher my news
I started with a good attitude
Please ask if you have any questions!
Give you class something to brag about!
These reward tags can be printed and used in your classroom to reward your student when they learn to tell the time. Children love to collect them all so they are a perfect behavior management system
This download includes 15 reward tags:
I can tell time
I can tell time to the hour
I can tell time to the half hour
I can tell time to the quarter of an hour
I can tell time to the minute
I can tell time on a digital clock
I can tell time on an analogue clock
I know how many minutes in an hour
I know how many hours in a day
I know how many days in a month
I know how many months in a year
I know how many weeks in a year
I know how many days in a week
I know the difference between AM and PM
I can use my watch
Please ask if you have any questions!
Give you class something to brag about!
These reward tags can be printed and used in your classroom for behaviour management. Children love to collect them all so they are a perfect behavior management system
This download includes 15 reward tags:
Problem Solver
Sports person
Please ask if you have any questions!
Give you class something to brag about!
These reward tags can be printed and used in your classroom for behaviour management. Children love to collect them all so they are a perfect behavior management system
This download includes 15 reward tags:
High Five
You’re the best
Great Job
Reach High
Hard Worker
Super classmate
Great Ideas
You Rock
Good Listener
A+ Effort
You’re fabulous
Quality Worker
Super Reader
You’re fantastic
Please ask if you have any questions!
Literacy Learning Reward Tags
Give you class something to brag about!
These reward tags can be printed and used in your classroom for behavior management. Children love to collect them all so they are a perfect behavior management system
This download includes 15 reward tags:
I worked on my handwriting
I worked on my spelling
I worked on my vocabulary
I worked on my reading
I worked on my comprehension
I worked on my phonics
I worked in my group
I worked on my language lesson
I worked on my literacy
I worked on my English
I worked on my writing
I worked on my story
I worked on my speaking and listening
I worked on my debating skills
I worked hard in class
Please ask if you have any questions!
Give you class something to brag about!
These reward tags can be printed and used in your classroom for behaviour management. Children love to collect them all so they are a perfect behavior management system
This download includes 15 reward tags:
I learnt all my times tables
I passed my test
I learnt to multiply
I know my 12 times table
I know my 11 times table
I know my 10 times table
I know my 9 times table
I know my 8 times table
I know my 7 times table
I know my 6 times table
I know my 5 times table
I know my 4 times table
I know my 3 times table
I know my 2 times table
I worked hard on my multiplication
Please ask if you have any questions!