Physical development

A resource for your children to copy the different mazes. Includes blank maze grids to create your own.

Parachute guide
Use this guide to inspire lots of parachute fun! You can find 21 games to play with your class to connect play and learning together.

Continent Playdough Mats
Use these 7 continent playdough mats for children to explore land boundaries whilst naming continents of the world.

Christmas light pom poms
Practise fine motor skills by placing coloured pom poms onto the corresponding Christmas lights.

Christmas: Place the pom poms
Develop those fine motor skills with our Christmas themed pom pom placing activity. Includes 12 different designs.

Hearts: Colour by number
Colour in the corresponding number to the Valentines Day themed picture. Includes 4 different designs.

Heart hole punch/ threading
Practise those all-important fine motor skills with our heart-shaped hole punching or threading resource.

Place the button/ pom pom
Practise those all-important fine motor skills with our heart-shaped pom pom placing resource.