Written for the AQA Sociology A Level specification 7191/7192 taught from September 2017.
Lesson on audience models for the Media topic in paper 2. Covering Passive Models (Hypodermic syringe model) and Active Models (Two step flow model, cultural effects model - reception analysis & selective filter model, the uses and gratifications model and postmodern model) Include a video, tasks and exam questions.
This includes:
1 PowerPoint presentation (37 slides)
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Written for the AQA Psychology A Level specification 7181/7182 taught from September 2017.
A lesson on the Humanistic Approach for the Approaches topic.
This includes:
1 PowerPoint presentation (55 slides)
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Written for the AQA Psychology A Level specification 7181/7182 taught from September 2017.
A lesson on Hemispheric Lateralisation, including Sperry’s split brain studies, for the Biopsychology topic. Activities, tasks and exam questions integrated throughout.
This includes:
1 PowerPoint presentation (26 slides)
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Written for the AQA Psychology A Level specification 7181/7182 taught from September 2017.
A lesson on the Biological Approach for the Approaches topic.
This includes:
1 PowerPoint presentation (22 slides)
1 Worksheet
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Written for the AQA Psychology A Level specification 7181/7182 taught from September 2017.
A lesson on the Psychodynamic Approach for the Approaches topic.
This includes:
1 PowerPoint presentation (40 slides)
1 Activity
1 Worksheet
1 Resource Sheet
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Written for the AQA Psychology A Level specification 7181/7182 taught from September 2017.
A lesson on the Learning Theories: Social Learning Theory for the Approaches topic.
This includes:
1 PowerPoint presentation (33 slides)
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Written for the AQA Psychology A Level specification 7181/7182 taught from September 2017.
A lesson on Plasticity and Functional Recovery for the Biopsychology topic. Activities, tasks and exam questions integrated throughout.
This includes:
1 PowerPoint presentation (25 slides)
1 Article
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Written for the AQA Psychology A Level specification 7181/7182 taught from September 2017.
A lesson on the Cognitive Approach for the Approaches topic, including the Emergence of Cognitive Neuroscience.
This includes:
1 PowerPoint presentation (32 slides)
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Written for the AQA Sociology A Level specification 7191/7192 taught from September 2017.
Lessons on different perspectives for the Education topic in paper 1. Including role and functions of the education system, including its relationship to the economy and to class structure. Includes lots of videos, tasks and practice exam questions.
This includes:
1 PowerPoint presentation (43 slides)
1 Summary Table
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Written for the AQA Psychology A Level specification 7181/7182 taught from September 2017.
A lesson on the Learning Theories: Behavioural Approach for the Approaches topic.
This includes:
1 PowerPoint presentation (45 slides)
2 Worksheets
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Written for the AQA Psychology A Level specification 7181/7182 taught from September 2017.
A lesson on Plasticity and Functional Recovery for the Biopsychology topic. Activities, tasks and exam questions integrated throughout.
This includes:
1 PowerPoint presentation (18 slides)
2 Worksheets
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This lesson on** Rosa Parks**, ‘Meeting Rosa Parks’, includes a colourful PowerPoint presentation and a worksheet booklet for students to complete in one or many lessons. A nice introduction to Rosa Parks with some great activities for students to complete, especially during Black History Month.
The PowerPoint presentation is compatible with Google Slides™ if you wish to upload and convert it.
This download includes:
PowerPoint covering:
Explanation of Jim Crow Laws
Rosa Parks’ early life and childhood
The Bus Incident
The Montgomery Bus Boycott
What happened after and Rosa Parks’ later life
Medal of Freedom
Why is she so important?
Rosa Parks quotes
Interesting facts about Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks’ legacy
Worksheet booklet to complete:
Meeting Rosa Parks cover page (can be coloured in)
KWL worksheet
Who was Rosa Parks? Fact sheet
Write 4 interesting facts worksheet
Cut and stick timeline activity
Writing task
Character traits worksheet
Colour by number
Define the vocab
Fill in the gaps
True or false coloring activity
Rosa Parks word search
Rosa Parks acrostic poem
That is a pdf worksheet booklet containing 14 sheets!
This lesson on Martin Luther King, ‘Meeting Martin Luther King’, includes a colourful PowerPoint presentation and a** worksheet booklet** for students to complete in one or many lessons. A nice introduction to Martin Luther King with some great activities for students to complete, especially during Black History Month.
The PowerPoint presentation is compatible with Google Slides™ if you wish to upload and convert it.
This download includes:
PowerPoint covering:
Explanation of Jim Crow Laws
Martin Luther King’s early life and childhood
The Montgomery Bus Boycott
What happened after and Martin Luther King’s later life
Nobel Peace Prize
Why is he so important?
Martin Luther King quotes
Interesting facts about Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King’s legacy
Worksheet booklet to complete:
Meeting Martin Luther King cover page (can be coloured in)
KWL worksheet
Who was Martin Luther King? Fact sheet
Write 4 interesting facts worksheet
Cut and stick timeline activity
Writing task
Character traits worksheet
Colour by number
Define the vocab
Fill in the gaps
True or false colouring activity
Martin Luther King word search
Martin Luther King acrostic poem
That is a pdf worksheet booklet containing 14 sheets!
Please note that the slides on segregation and the Jim Crow Laws are the same as the slides in my Rosa Parks lesson.*
Seasonal changes Year 1
*Covering the National Curriculum:
Pupils should be taught to:
observe changes across the 4 seasons
observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies
A full lesson covering the seasonal changes with instructions for use and it includes:
PowerPoint presentation covering weather symbols, why do we have seasons?, time zones, daytime and night-time, the differences between the seasons and what happens to deciduous trees in each season. (40 slides)
Tab book to complete describing the four seasons
Weather diary to complete over a week
Match the months to the season worksheet
Identify if the picture belongs to daytime or night-time worksheet
Draw the weather worksheet
Worksheet for each season to complete on clothes, weather, activities and events
Cut and stick the months in the correct order
Colour the seasonal monkey (x4)
Decorate the deciduous tree for each season
Postcards for writing task
That is 19 different worksheets/activities to complete!
You might also like my other Science lessons:
Animals including Humans Bundle
Written for the AQA Sociology A Level specification 7191/7192 taught from September 2017.
Multiple lessons on ownership and control for the Media topic in paper 2. Includes activities and handouts.
This includes:
1 PowerPoint presentation (67 slides)
2 Handouts
2 Activities
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Written for the AQA Sociology A Level specification 7191/7192 taught from September 2017.
Lessons on the Demography section of the Family and Households topic covering birth and death rates, ageing population and migration. Includes integrated tasks and an assessment at the end.
This includes:
1 PowerPoint presentation (75 slides)
1 Worksheet
2 Resource Sheets
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This lesson covers the Plants section for the Year 1 National Curriculum including:
identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees
identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees
This download includes:
Lesson plan
PowerPoint covering garden and wild plants, plant parts, plant life cycles, deciduous and evergreen trees, parts of trees, needs of plants, vegetables and bushes (43 slides)
Sunflower life cycle cut and paste worksheet
Label the plant worksheet
Identify the flower worksheet using real photos
Draw examples of garden and wild flowers worksheet
Flower observation sheet - to collect flowers from the local environment
Sunflower Petal template
Label the tree worksheet
Apple life cycle wheel template
Comparison of apple tree and sunflower worksheet
Draw a leaf from a deciduous and evergreen tree
Leaf observation sheet - to collect leaves from the local environment
Match the fruit and vegetables to their names
Needs of a plant writing worksheet
My plant observation journal - for you to conduct a science practical for students to record changes in growth for a seed
Functions of parts of a plant worksheet
Functions of parts of a tree worksheet
That is a booklet of 18 worksheet pages!
You might also like my other Science lessons for Year 1 including:
Seasonal Changes
Animals Including Humans Bundle
If you enjoy this resource please leave us a positive review to help other customers!
Written for the AQA Sociology A Level specification 7191/7192 taught from September 2017.
Multiple lessons on Media, Globalisation and Popular Culture for the Media topic in paper 2. Includes activities and handouts.
This includes:
1 PowerPoint presentation (68 slides)
1 Article
1 Activity Sheet
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Written for the AQA Sociology A Level specification 7191/7192 taught from September 2017.
Multiple lessons on old and new media section of the specification for the topic Media. Includes activities and exam questions.
This includes:
1 PowerPoint presentation (91 slides)
4 Handouts
1 Activity
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**Animals including Humans Classifying Animals Year 1 **
A great value bundle comprising of our Classifying Animals lesson and our Classifying Animals Activity: Task Cards. This is a brilliant bundle for any teacher wanting lots of activities for their classifying animals lesson.
Covering the following parts of the National Curriculum:
identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals)
The PowerPoint is a lovely introduction for students to classifying mammals, insects, reptiles, birds and amphibians! It also introduces them to the terms vertebrate, invertebrate, carnivore, omnivore and herbivore and other key terms too!
This bundle includes:
PowerPoint presentation (22 slides)
PDF of worksheets including suggestions for use (15 sheets). There is a sorting task, labelling task and infographics for students to complete on each classification.
1 set of classification cards
A set of 28 task cards
Answer sheets for task cards
Teachers answers for task cards
There are 7 sets of task cards each using different skills to test student understanding. Each one has a different picture so that you can quickly differentiate which tasks go together and they are also numbered.
Save 29% by buying a bundle!
You might also like my other Science lessons for Year 1 including:
Seasonal Changes
Animals Including Humans Bundle
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