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Thehistoryteacher31's Shop

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(based on 9 reviews)

I am an experienced History teacher who has created SOW for different schools. I love making different and creative resources and hope you enjoy them too! I will try and update any old resources and you are welcome to recommend any SOW for me to create!




I am an experienced History teacher who has created SOW for different schools. I love making different and creative resources and hope you enjoy them too! I will try and update any old resources and you are welcome to recommend any SOW for me to create!
Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot

Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot

A lesson on Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot. The lesson had a variety of activities with videos, reading comprehension, chronology and narrative tasks and creating a storyboard. This was a lesson given to students on Bonfire Night and students enjoyed it! The tasks in the lesson can be removed for an assembly (and the videos should remain).


A lesson/assembly on Anti-Bullying exploring why bullying occurs, facts and statistics, experiences of others and what we can do to support victims.
Lenin's Russia

Lenin's Russia

10 Lessons that compliment the new OCR specification for Russia 1894–1941. The lessons are on Lenin’s decrees to his legacy.
The Great Plague 1665-6

The Great Plague 1665-6

These lessons are focused on the Great Plague in 1665-6 which addresses the causes, events, treatments and preventive methods used at the time. These lessons have a variety of activities including: active plenaries, videos, creative writing, descriptive writing and exam practice. The lessons were mostly made using the EDEXCEL Medicine Through Time spec and using a mixture of the Hodder and Pearsons book. The lessons are great for GCSE students especially.
Black History Month: Britain

Black History Month: Britain

A lesson explaining Black History Month in Britain and it’s importance. The lesson looks at key figures, and uses both videos, activities and news articles to help students understand the importance of Black History Month. This lesson can be used for an assembly.
KS3/4 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

KS3/4 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

A series of lessons to support students with their spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentences. The lessons have a variety of tasks including: analytical writing, descriptive writing, fictional writing, independent and pair tasks. The 7 lessons were created for my 1h30 minutes lessons but can easily be split into more lessons. The lessons were designed for KS3 students but have been effective in supporting low-ability KS4 students.
Macbeth: Full SOW

Macbeth: Full SOW

A complete SOW with detailed lessons to teach Macbeth! These lessons are extremely engaging and support a variety of students with differentiation throughout. The lessons have a variety of activities including: analytical writing, evaluating texts, annotating texts and model paragraphs, group work, storyboards, ordering activities, exam practice, creating profile maps, comprehension, videos and so much more!! The lessons can be used to first teach the topic or for revision lessons. The lessons were designed to be longer than a normal 1 hour lesson so can also be used for double English lessons. The lessons cover the following: Macbeth Act 1 Macbeth Act 2 Macbeth Act 3 Macbeth Act 4 Macbeth Act 5 Content Revision Major Themes Context Structure/Language Analysis Exam Practice Exam
Full SOW A Christmas Carol

Full SOW A Christmas Carol

A full detailed SOW of Charles Dicken’s ‘A Christmas Carol’. This SOW compromises of 20 detailed lessons for KS3/4 students. The lessons are fully differentiated and resourced, with a variety of creative, analytical and evaluative activities. The lessons develop students understanding of the novel, support their ability to analyse the text/language, develop vocabulary, support students with SPAG and help them foster an interest in the story! The lessons focus on: An Introduction - Source analysis, context, creative writing Setting Character Analysis Comparing Characters Gothic Features - Ghosts The First Spirit The Second Spirit and Context The Present The Present p2 The Present p3 The Last Spirit The Last Spirit p2 The Last Spirit p3 Moral Lesson Ending Ending Part 2 Revising Key Characters Themes and Characters Language Analysis Exam Practice
SPAG: Parts of the Speech

SPAG: Parts of the Speech

A single lesson part of my wider 'KS3/4 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar; SOW. This lesson is focused on parts of speech with practical activities and differentiation embedded in the lesson to support students.
Finance/Money: Prioritising Needs and Wants

Finance/Money: Prioritising Needs and Wants

A good resource for KS3/4/5 students to help them understand the importance of income and expenditure and the value of money. The lesson focuses on identifying items that are needs and wants and the factors which influence spending. It also has an activity to get students started on budget planning.
CPD: Effective Pedagogy

CPD: Effective Pedagogy

CPD focused on effective pedagogy for both PGCE, NQT and experienced teachers. The lesson covers: pedagogical approaches, reflective teaching, analysing essays on effective pedagogy and implementing techniques in each department’s teaching/curriculum.
Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918 – 1939: Key Topic 2

Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918 – 1939: Key Topic 2

These outstanding lessons are focused on Key Topic 2 of EDEXCEL GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918 – 1939. The lessons use both the Hodder and Pearsons book and is full of different activities and exam practice. The lessons can be used and adapted for any year group and exam board including AQA, OCR or IGCSE. It has a range of resources and is great for students! The lessons cover: ● Hitler’s early career: joining the German Workers’ Party and setting up the Nazi Party, 1919–20. ● The early growth and features of the Party. The Twenty-Five Point Programme and the role of the SA. ● The Munich Putsch: Events ● Putsch Significance ● The Lean Years ● Reasons for limited support for the Nazi Party, 1924–28. Party reorganisation and Mein Kampf. The Bamberg Conference of 1926. ● Depression: The growth of unemployment – its causes and impact. The failure of successive Weimar governments to deal with unemployment from 1929 to January 1933. ● Reasons for the growth in support for the Nazi Party, including the appeal of Hitler and the Nazis, the effects of propaganda and the work of the SA. ● How Hitler became Chancellor, 1932–33: Political developments in 1932. The roles of Hindenburg, Brüning, von Papen and von Schleicher. ● Assessment ●Assessment feedback and mark scheme
CPD Safeguarding: Signs of Abuse

CPD Safeguarding: Signs of Abuse

This CPD is essential for every school to cover. The CPD is especially relevant as students may deal with these issues on a daily basis and much of it was undetected/unknown whilst in lockdown. CPD covering: understanding safeguarding and recognising signs of abuse, implementing government legislation, assessing case studies and practical advice.
Opposition to the Nazi Party

Opposition to the Nazi Party

Two lessons focused on the Opposition the the Nazi Party. Part 1 is full of activities focused on the main groups which opposed the Nazi Party and Part 2 is focused on exam practice/paragraph writing. This is part of my larger SOW on Key Topic 3 Weimar and Nazi Germany.
Macbeth: Introduction

Macbeth: Introduction

An outstanding introductory lesson on Macbeth which covers: GCSE Exam requirements/objectives, chronological ordering task, detailed quote analysis (both as a class and independent student work), recapping context, key vocabulary for language analysis, analytical writing and homework. This is part of my wider ‘Macbeth: Full SOW’ resource/bundle.


These outstanding lessons are focused on Key Topic 4 of EDEXCEL GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918 – 1939. The lessons use both the Hodder and Pearsons book and is full of different activities and exam practice. The lessons can be used and adapted for any year group and exam board including AQA, OCR or IGCSE. It has a range of resources and is great for students! The lessons cover: Key topic 4: Life in Nazi Germany, 1933–39 1 Nazi policies towards women ● Nazi views on women and the family. ● Nazi policies towards women, including marriage and family, employment and appearance. 2 Nazi policies towards the young ● Nazi aims and policies towards the young. The Hitler Youth and the League of German Maidens. ● Nazi control of the young through education, including the curriculum and teachers. 3 Employment and living standards ● Nazi policies to reduce unemployment, including labour service, autobahns, rearmament and invisible unemployment. ● Changes in the standard of living, especially of German workers. The Labour Front, Strength Through Joy, Beauty of Labour. 4 The persecution of minorities ● Nazi racial beliefs and policies and the treatment of minorities: Slavs, ‘gypsies’, homosexuals and those with disabilities. ● The persecution of the Jews, including the boycott of Jewish shops and businesses (1933), the Nuremberg Laws and Kristallnacht
EDEXCEL Medicine Through Time - Renaissance Medicine

EDEXCEL Medicine Through Time - Renaissance Medicine

This SOW was created for the EDEXCEL Medicine Through Time/Renaissanxe in Britain course but can be used for the OCR/AQA topics too. It has a variety of activities and resources, exam skills and revision and students perform extremely well! The lessons cover: Ideas about the cause of disease and illness ● Continuity and change in explanations of the cause of disease and illness. A scientific approach, including the work of Thomas Sydenham in improving diagnosis. The influence of the printing press and the work of the Royal Society on the transmission of ideas. Approaches to prevention and treatment ● Continuity in approaches to prevention, treatment and care in the community and in hospitals. ● Change in care and treatment; improvements in medical training and the influence in England of the work of Vesalius. Case studies ● Key individual: William Harvey and the discovery of the circulation of the blood. ● Dealing with the Great Plague in London (1665): approaches to treatment and attempts to prevent its spread.
Climate Change

Climate Change

A series of KS3 lessons focusing on climate change with different activities, independent/group work and a presentation assessment!