This set of lessons is designed for AQA A2 Sociology and for use with the blue AQA Sociology Book by Napier Press. Each lesson comes complete with lesson PowerPoint and accompanying resources e.g. essay plans, worksheets, handouts.
Lesson 1-2 - Traditional Marxist Theory on Crime and Deviance
Lesson 3 - Neo-Marxist Theory on Crime and Deviance
Lesson 4 - Crimes of the Powerful
This booklet covers all topics for Families and Households and follows a PEEAL structure for essay writing (Point, Evidence, Explain, Analysis, Link). Each topic includes an exam question, item, model paragraph and space for students to write their own additional two practice model papragraphs.
A set of 7 differentiated lessons including assessment. A Scheme of Work, Unit rationale, display extension materials and student progress sheet are also included.
A series of lessons designed for Year 9 exploring the theme 'why is there evil?' Worksheets e.g. source analysis can be found in the PPT's for printing.
Please note - The evil project (project-based learning approach) could take place before the final written assessment and the group work can take place over 2-4 lessons. Please e-mail me if you would like to use the resources I used for the Evil Project Source Packs. These included additional information for students on Buddhist, Sikh and Hindu explanations of evil.
Lesson 1 - What is Evil?
Lesson 2 - Christianity and Evil
Lesson 3 - Christianity and Dealing with Evil
Lesson 4 - Islam and Evil
Lesson 5 - Assessment
Lesson 6-8 - Evil Project
Lesson 1 - Who was Jesus?
Lesson 2 - The Parables of Jesus
Lesson 3 - The Miracles of Jesus
Lesson 4 - The Garden of Gethsamane
Lesson 5 - The Death of Jesus
Lesson 6 - Jewish Messiah
Lesson 7 - Muslim beliefs about Jesus
Lesson 8 - Assessment - Who was Jesus?
Every lessons comes complete with PowerPoint and differentiated resources.
Lesson 1 - Introduction to Key Figures
Lesson 2 - Mother Theresa
Lesson 3 - Nicky Cruz
Lesson 4 - Martin Luther King
Lesson 5 - Oscar Romero
This resource covers every topic in the Crime and Deviance Sociology AQA A Level unit. Each topic has model paragraphs which students can use to write model essays and revise the key content. The paragraphs follow a PEEA structure - Point, Evidence, Explain, Analyse (evaluate). This is probably the most useful resource I’ve ever created for my A Level students!
These PowerPoints and handouts have been designed for the OCR A Level Religious Studies course for the Ethics Euthanasia unit. They have been designed to be used alongside the OCR Oxford A Level Religious Studies (Christianity, Philosophy snf Ethics) Textbook. Pack includes PowerPoints and handouts. Topics covered: Introduction to euthanasia, religious views towards euthanasia, ethical approaches towards euthanasia and autonomy vs sanctity of life. Some of the PPT’s are designed to cover a double lesson/two lessons.
These lessons are designed for AQA GCSE Sociology Unit 1 Studying Society and ideally for use with the Sociology GCSE for AQA textbook by Collins. These lessons are complete with PowerPoints and accompanying resources.
Topics included:
Ethical Issues
Secondary Data
Longitudinal Studies
A set of lessons and resources covering the following sociological theory. This set of lessons is designed for AQA Sociology and for use with the blue AQA Sociology Book by Napier Press.
> Functionalism
> Marxism
> Feminism
> Action Theories
> Postmodernism
A set of lessons and resources for the Year 12 Sociology Families and Households topic. This set of lessons is designed for AQA Sociology and for use with the orange AQA Sociology Book by Napier Press.
These revision lessons are designed for Year 13 in order to re-cap and revise the Families and Households topic. These lessons are designed for AQA A Level Sociology and for use with the orange AQA Sociology Book by Napier Press. These lessons are complete with PowerPoint and accompanying resources. Topics covered are:
L1 Functionalism
L2 Marxism
L3 Feminism
L4 State Policy
L5 Marriage, Cohabitation and Divorce
L6 Conjugal Roles
L7 Family Diversity
L8 Childhood
L9 Demography
L10 Personal Life and Postmodernism
A set of lessons and resources for the Year 13 Sociology Crime and Deviance topic. This set of lessons is designed for AQA Sociology and for use with the blue AQA Sociology Book by Napier Press.