Cross-curricular topics

Visual Timetable - Log Style
A set of log effect visual timetable cards on pdf. They have been made to look like real log slices with colour images. Also included a blank copy on PowerPoint to add own images/text with your own school font and pictures.
I’ve included all the main subject areas for KS1/2. More can be added or changed by request - ukprimarylearning@gmail.com

KS1 Drawing Skills Unit - 4 PowerPoint Lessons and MTP
A 4 lesson unit with a medium term plan. All the lessons are in one large PowerPoint (editable) and the MTP is on word document so is editable also.
Learning Intents:
LI: to create different types of lines.
LI: To explore line and mark-making.
LI: To experiment with different forms of media.
LI: to draw using observation.
The unit covers objectives from the National Curriculum Art and design.
To ensure that all pupils:
-> produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
-> become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques.
-> evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
-> know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.

Morning Greetings Door Cut Outs
A set of seven door greetings to display on your classroom door to welcome your children inside.
Available as pdf, includes:
thumbs up
fist bump
something new (child choice!)
To use as a strategy to build up positive and trusting relationships with children in your class.
Can edit or change items upon request - ukprimarylearning@gmail.com

Classroom Displays Bunting
a set of classroom bunting for different display boards in the classroom. 1 letter per A4 page. Could be printed smaller if desired.
Maths, English, Phonics, Science, Music, History, Geogrphy, Computing, Art, Design &Technology.
Can edit and more via request - email ukprimarylearning@gmail.com.

KS1 D&T Project - Making an African Mask
Resources to support a small Design & Technology project. Creating an African mask from Papier-mâché.
Lesson 1 - LI: I can explore and evaluate existing materials
A Powerpoint that introduces the project/ masks by looking at materials that could be used.
Lesson 2 - LI: I can design my own mask
A PowerPoint to expose children to 3 types of mask from Africa (Pende, Goma and Yohure) Children to asked to make their own design on paper.
Lesson 3 -
Children then introduced to Papier-mâché through a CBBC Art Ninja Clip that makes a giant hand.
Teacher to then model making a mask. potential list of resources to use provided.
Lesson 4 - A sheet provided for children to evaluate their mask.
Most likely suitable for Year 1 or Year 2 but could be adapted.