Vocabulary Ninja is dedicated to developing high-quality resources that bring to life all aspects of the curriculum! Vocabulary is our core passion, but we have also created some highly effective numeracy, spelling and grammar products.
Vocabulary Ninja is dedicated to developing high-quality resources that bring to life all aspects of the curriculum! Vocabulary is our core passion, but we have also created some highly effective numeracy, spelling and grammar products.
A crammed vocabulary pack to support the teaching of Home Sweet Home video as seen on The Literacy Shed. Lists of words linked to the main characters and environments. Plus a full page of associated verbs, nouns and adjectives. All designed to improve pupil independence when writing. Other resources include synonym sections where pupils explore up-leveled vocabulary. Perfect to support your teaching of this video unit.
A crammed vocabulary pack to support the teaching of Treasure video as seen on The Literacy Shed. Lists of words linked to the main characters and environments. Plus a full page of associated verbs, nouns and adjectives. All designed to improve pupil independence when writing. Other resources include synonym sections where pupils explore up-leveled vocabulary. Perfect to support your teaching of this video unit.
A crammed vocabulary pack to support the teaching of The Biography of Charles Dickens video as seen on The Literacy Shed. Lists of words linked to the main characters and environments. Plus a full page of associated verbs, nouns and adjectives. All designed to improve pupil independence when writing. Other resources include synonym sections where pupils explore up-leveled vocabulary. Perfect to support your teaching of this video unit.
A crammed vocabulary pack to support the teaching of A Shadow of Blue video as seen on The Literacy Shed. Lists of words linked to the main characters and environments. Plus a full page of associated verbs, nouns and adjectives. All designed to improve pupil independence when writing. Other resources include synonym sections where pupils explore up-leveled vocabulary. Perfect to support your teaching of this video unit.
A crammed vocabulary pack to support the teaching of The Day of the Dead video as seen on The Literacy Shed. Lists of words linked to the main characters and environments. Plus a full page of associated verbs, nouns and adjectives. All designed to improve pupil independence when writing. Other resources include synonym sections where pupils explore up-leveled vocabulary. Perfect to support your teaching of this video unit.
A crammed vocabulary pack to support the teaching of The Present video as seen on The Literacy Shed. Lists of words linked to the main characters and environments. Plus a full page of associated verbs, nouns and adjectives. All designed to improve pupil independence when writing. Other resources include synonym sections where pupils explore up-leveled vocabulary. Perfect to support your teaching of this video unit.
A crammed vocabulary pack to support the teaching of the So Good To Me video as seen on The Literacy Shed. Lists of words linked to the main characters and environments. Plus a full page of associated verbs, nouns and adjectives. All designed to improve pupil independence when writing. Other resources include synonym sections where pupils explore up-leveled vocabulary. Perfect to support your teaching of this video unit.
10 varied pages of SPaG inspired rehearsal! The ninja has all angles covered with 10 pages of accompanying answers! Covering the majority of punctuation and grammar aspects of the curriculum! over 500 questions, modelled on actual SATs questions! Smash SPaG this year with Vocabulary Ninja.
Welcome to the The Comprehension Dojo by Vocabulary Ninja! Much like a standard Dojo, The Comprehension Dojo is a place where reading skills can be acquired, practised, and in time…mastered! This time with a fabulous short text about Wimbledon!
We all know it is nearly impossible to fit in everything we need to in a school day, and reading often ends up becoming the poor relation in terms of time spent. The Comprehension Dojo will help schools embed reading skills into foundation subject and topic subjects, as well as increase topic subject knowledge. Win, Win!
Comprehension Dojo packs have been created to give pupils opportunities to learn and master essential reading retrieval skills that they will encounter in KS1 and KS2 SATs. Questions have been designed to closely match SATs questions.
In the packs you will find a high-quality non fiction or fiction text and 8 different reading retrieval activities, based on the 8 core comprehension skills. These can all be printed and easily turned into a handy booklet. All answers have been provided too, reducing teacher workload!
Eight Essential Comprehension skills:
Fill in the Gap
Find and Copy
Multiple Choice
True or False
SPaG Spotter 2! Another fantastic pack of over 300 pieces of punctuation and grammar for pupils to spot in SPaG’s natural habitat……the sentence! 10 pages of SPaG spotting activities, pupils need to spot or add punctuation to the sentences. Complete with 10 pages of corresponding answers! Perfect for SATs preparation.
This Key Stage 1 Word of the Day Pack has over 70 different Words of the Day, exploring word class, including written examples, synonyms, antonyms and even a challenge section! A perfect resource for up leveling pupils vocabulary, the beauty of the pack is that you can pick and choose which words you want each day! As well as prepare early, as we all know, teaching is tough!
Did you know that 26% of the 2017 SPaG SATs paper were ‘Which Sentence’ questions! Questions that give pupils 4 options, the pupil then needs to decide which of the sentences is correct, depending on what the question asks! 220 sentences to explore, 50+ questions, 11 pages and complete with answers, 1 neat pack!
Welcome to the The Comprehension Dojo by Vocabulary Ninja! Much like a standard Dojo, The Comprehension Dojo is a place where reading skills can be acquired, practised, and in time…mastered! This time with a fabulous short text about Remembrance Day!
We all know it is nearly impossible to fit in everything we need to in a school day, and reading often ends up becoming the poor relation in terms of time spent. The Comprehension Dojo will help schools embed reading skills into foundation subject and topic subjects, as well as increase topic subject knowledge. Win, Win!
Comprehension Dojo packs have been created to give pupils opportunities to learn and master essential reading retrieval skills that they will encounter in KS1 and KS2 SATs. Questions have been designed to closely match SATs questions.
In the packs you will find a high-quality non fiction or fiction text and 8 different reading retrieval activities, based on the 8 core comprehension skills. These can all be printed and easily turned into a handy booklet. All answers have been provided too, reducing teacher workload!
Eight Essential Comprehension skills:
Fill in the Gap
Find and Copy
Multiple Choice
True or False
Noun Vs. Verb is a great new resource! Noun Vs. Verb has 9 pages of questions which explore a pupils understanding of whether a word is performing the role of a noun or a verb. Noun Vs.Verb has 3 distinct question styles. A simple labeling activity, where pupils must decide if the target word is acting as a noun or verb. In the second question style, learners must write a sentence using the target word as a noun, and then as a verb. The third activity is more in line with a classic KS2 SAT question, where pupils must fill in the blank, and identify the missing word that can be placed into both sentences.
The resource pack has 9 pages and just over 100 questions for pupils to answer. Plus corresponding answers. The pages where pupils have to write a sentence, answers are not supplied. This is because there are potentially a huge amount of answers that pupils could provide.
Perfect for a years worth of grammar lessons or some SATs preparation!!
Who will win, in the battle of the year…Noun Vs. Verb!
The Summer term’s Words of the Day have been brought together in one handy pack! 128 Words! 64 Grasshopper level and 64 Shinobi level! Great for embedding daily vocabulary, energetic lesson starters and much more!
All of September, October, November and December’s Words of the Day (2017) in one versatile pack! 148 words gathered for ease of use! Words have been separated into Grasshopper and Shinobi level words the engage and excite learners!
Welcome to the The Comprehension Dojo by Vocabulary Ninja! Much like a standard Dojo, The Comprehension Dojo is a place where reading skills can be acquired, practised, and in time…mastered! This time with a fabulous short text about RAF: 100 Years of Protecting British Skies!
We all know it is nearly impossible to fit in everything we need to in a school day, and reading often ends up becoming the poor relation in terms of time spent. The Comprehension Dojo will help schools embed reading skills into foundation subject and topic subjects, as well as increase topic subject knowledge. Win, Win!
Comprehension Dojo packs have been created to give pupils opportunities to learn and master essential reading retrieval skills that they will encounter in KS1 and KS2 SATs. Questions have been designed to closely match SATs questions.
In the packs you will find a high-quality non fiction or fiction text and 8 different reading retrieval activities, based on the 8 core comprehension skills. These can all be printed and easily turned into a handy booklet. All answers have been provided too, reducing teacher workload!
Eight Essential Comprehension skills:
Fill in the Gap
Find and Copy
Multiple Choice
True or False
Welcome to the The Comprehension Dojo by Vocabulary Ninja! Much like a standard Dojo, The Comprehension Dojo is a place where reading skills can be acquired, practised, and in time…mastered! This time with a fabulous short text about Anne Frank.
We all know it is nearly impossible to fit in everything we need to in a school day, and reading often ends up becoming the poor relation in terms of time spent. The Comprehension Dojo will help schools embed reading skills into foundation subject and topic subjects, as well as increase topic subject knowledge. Win, Win!
Comprehension Dojo packs have been created to give pupils opportunities to learn and master essential reading retrieval skills that they will encounter in KS1 and KS2 SATs. Questions have been designed to closely match SATs questions.
In the packs you will find a high-quality non fiction or fiction text and 8 different reading retrieval activities, based on the 8 core comprehension skills. These can all be printed and easily turned into a handy booklet. All answers have been provided too, reducing teacher workload!
Eight Essential Comprehension skills:
Fill in the Gap
Find and Copy
Multiple Choice
True or False
Welcome to the The Comprehension Dojo by Vocabulary Ninja! Much like a standard Dojo, The Comprehension Dojo is a place where reading skills can be acquired, practised, and in time…mastered! This time with a fabulous short text about 2018.
We all know it is nearly impossible to fit in everything we need to in a school day, and reading often ends up becoming the poor relation in terms of time spent. The Comprehension Dojo will help schools embed reading skills into foundation subject and topic subjects, as well as increase topic subject knowledge. Win, Win!
Comprehension Dojo packs have been created to give pupils opportunities to learn and master essential reading retrieval skills that they will encounter in KS1 and KS2 SATs. Questions have been designed to closely match SATs questions.
In the packs you will find a high-quality non fiction or fiction text and 8 different reading retrieval activities, based on the 8 core comprehension skills. These can all be printed and easily turned into a handy booklet. All answers have been provided too, reducing teacher workload!
Eight Essential Comprehension skills:
Fill in the Gap
Find and Copy
Multiple Choice
True or False
All of January, February and March’s Words of the Day (2018) in one versatile pack! 118 words gathered for ease of use! Words have been separated into Grasshopper and Shinobi level words the engage and excite learners! Each word comes with appropriate synonyms and antonyms, a specific word class and a practical example in a sentence!