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Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.




Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.
History of Australia in a Nutshell

History of Australia in a Nutshell

Worksheet to accompany the 10-minute YouTube video, History of Australia in a Nutshell. Concise and simplistic overview of Australian history from the Pleistocene to 2008. Covers Aboriginal beliefs, European exploration of Terra Australis, British invasion and occupation, economic and political developments in the 1800s and the gradual move to independence and key events in this process. Part of a unit of work on The Australian Coloniesfor Stage 3 History NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. The worksheet uses stills from the video as visual stimuli.
Ezine article - Alexander the not so Great: History through Persian eyes

Ezine article - Alexander the not so Great: History through Persian eyes

Article written by Professor Ali Ansari and published at BBC News, Alexander the not so Great: History through Persian eyes. The brief article provides evidence that the Greeks did not really hate the Persians and wished to destroy their empire, but that they admired the Persians. This article is part of two units of work - Personalities in their Times - Option G. Greece - Alexander the Great and Historical Periods - Option D. Persian society at the time of Darius and Xerxes. Stage 6 Higher School Certificate course. NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum.
What happened at the Gymnopaediae Festival?

What happened at the Gymnopaediae Festival?

Held in honour of the Battle of Thyrea, this annual festival was held in July and included singing, dancing and the snatching of cheese from the altar in the Temple of Artemis Orthia. The purpose of the festival was to emphasise tradition and maintain the Spartan way of life. This source-based homework task supports student understanding of the NSW Ancient History syllabus Higher School Certificate course Part II: Ancient Societies Option I: Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra When cheese has a higher purpose than just being food...
Did Australian soldiers really fight in tunnels at Cu Chi?

Did Australian soldiers really fight in tunnels at Cu Chi?

During the Vietnam War Australian soldiers discovered a major Viet Cong army base below ground at Cu Chi. Their efforts to remove the Viet Cong from this enormous tunnel system was an absolute credit to their bravery and skill. Today, the tunnels are a tourist attraction. This is a homework task to support student understanding of the NSW History syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Stage 5 Depth Study 6: School-Developed Topic. Australia in the Vietnam War Era It is an activity requiring students to analyse a variety of primary and secondary, visual and written source materials to gain an understanding of the conditions in which Australian soldiers fought in the Vietnam War.
What is the truth about the Brisbane Line?

What is the truth about the Brisbane Line?

Is the conspiracy theory true: Was there really a Brisbane Line? If it is true, what parts of the conspiracy theory are true and what are false? This homework source-based activity is designed to create understanding and interest in the NSW History syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Stage 5 Depth Study 3: Australians at War World War II Students analyse a range of primary and secondary, visual and written source materials to determine the truth behind the conspiracy theory. The truth, of course, was that there was a plan to pull back Australian military resources to a line between Adelaide and Brisbane in the event of Japanese invasion but that the plan was rejected by the Commonwealth Government who adopted the policy of all out war rather than concession. The plan paid off with Australian and American forces slowly rolling back Japanese forces from New Guinea.
What do we know of the early history of Sparta?

What do we know of the early history of Sparta?

What happened in Lakonia before the Spartans arrived? Well, lots really - Neolithic settlement, Mycenaean civilisation, occupation by pre-Dorian tribes. This source-based homework task is designed to support student understanding of the NSW Ancient History syllabus Higher School Certificate course Part II - Ancient societies Option I - Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra Students analyse a variety of primary and secondary, visual and written source materials to gain knowledge of the early history of Sparta.
Why did the Spartans allow old men to rule the state?

Why did the Spartans allow old men to rule the state?

The power of Spartan kings was balanced by the gerousia - 28 elected older Spartan men who were no longer eligible for military service. This really explains why Spartan society tended to be conservative and reinforced military exploits. This source-based homework task is designed to support student understanding of the NSW Ancient History syllabus Higher School Certificate course Part II - Ancient Societies Option I - Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra Students analyse a range of primary and secondary, visual and written sources to understand why the Spartans allowed elderly former soldiers to rule the state with the king.
Could Alexander have conquered the Persian Empire without the Companion Cavalry?

Could Alexander have conquered the Persian Empire without the Companion Cavalry?

The Companion Cavalry were highly trained Macedonian troops first formed by Alexander the Great's father, Philip II. Despite his military genius, he could not have been successful without them. This source-based homework task supports student understanding of the NSW Ancient History syllabus Higher School certificate course Part III - Personalities in Their Times Option H - Alexander the Great Students analyse a range of primary and secondary, visual and written sources to come to an understanding of the importance of the Companion Cavalry to Alexander's military success. Most successful armies have a core of professional elite soldiers (e.g. the SAS in the Australian army). Students can research how and why these special forces are necessary and the training they undertake.
Why was the krypteia so bloodthirsty?

Why was the krypteia so bloodthirsty?

The krypteia are believed to be the secret police of the Spartan state. They kept the helots (always the majority of the population) in check through random acts of terror including murder. This source-based homework task is designed to enhance student understanding of the NSW Ancient History syllabus Higher School Certificate course Part II: Ancient Societies Option I: Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra Many societies have secret police in various forms, including security intelligence services. Some are overt and some covert. The more extreme (e.g. Spartan society in the 6th and 5th centuries BCE and Stalinist Russia etc.) used terror as a means of controlling the population. When does their work cross the line of acceptable behaviour? Is there a line? When should good people speak out? What are the consequences of this?
Why did Spartiates eat at a syssitia?

Why did Spartiates eat at a syssitia?

This is a source-based homework task to support student understanding of the NSW Stage 6 Ancient History Syllabus Higher School Certificate course Part II Ancient Societies Option I - Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra. Students examine archaeological and written evidence relating to the fifth century BCE Spartan practice of Spartiates eating at a syssitia (mess hall).
Was the agoge a school or a military bootcamp?

Was the agoge a school or a military bootcamp?

All Greek city states had agoges. But the Spartans were renowned for their military prowess rather than their pursuit of the intellect. Does this mean that their agoges focused were more bootcamps than schools? This source-based homework task assists student understanding of the NSW Ancient History syllabus Higher School Certificate course Part II: Ancient Societies Option I: Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra The Spartans were really no different to other Greeks of the 6th and 5th centuries BCE - they valued a rounded education but they also understood the political necessity of a strong military.
How much freedom was given to Spartan girls?

How much freedom was given to Spartan girls?

This is a source-based homework task to support student understanding of the NSW Stage 6 Ancient History Syllabus Higher School Certificate course Part II Ancient Societies Option I - Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra. Students analyse a variety of visual, archaeological and written primary and secondary source materials to determine how much freedom Spartan girls were permitted in fifth century BCE Spartan society. The task is suitable for regular mixed-ability classes.
What happened at Mieza?

What happened at Mieza?

This is a source-based homework task to support student understanding of the NSW Stage 6 Ancient History Syllabus Higher School Certificate course Part III - Personalities and their Times Option H - Alexander the Great Students examine archaeological and written evidence relating to Aristotle's school in Mieza where Alexander the Great was a student. It also looks at what was taught and why an education was important in laying a foundation for Alexander's rule of the Greek and Asian worlds.
Was Cleomenes I a great Spartan leader?

Was Cleomenes I a great Spartan leader?

This is a source-based homework task to support student understanding of the NSW Ancient History syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Higher School Certificate course Ancient Societies Option G: Spartan society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BC
What happened on the Sandakan Death Marches?

What happened on the Sandakan Death Marches?

The Sandakan Death Marches were war crimes perpetrated against surrendered Australian and British soldiers on the island of Borneo in World War II. This source-based homework task is designed to support the NSW History syllabus of the Australian National Curriculum Stage 5 Depth Study 3: Australians at War. Students analyse a variety of visual and written resources to determine what happened on the Sandakan Death Marches and to decide whether the treatment of the POWs constituted a legitimate act of war or a war crime.
Why was Cleitus murdered?

Why was Cleitus murdered?

This is a source-based homework task to support student understanding of the NSW Stage 6 Ancient History syllabus Higher School Certificate course Part III - Personalities & Their Times Option H - Alexander the Great Students analyse a variety of primary and secondary written sources to come to an understanding as to why Cleitus, a military leader who had saved Alexander's life at the Battle of the Granicus, was then murdered by him a few years later.
Will the real Leonidas please stand up?

Will the real Leonidas please stand up?

This Powerpoint presentation supports the teaching of the NSW Stage 6 Ancient History syllabus Higher School Certificate course Part II - Ancient Societies Option I - Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BCE Part IV - Historical Period Option H - The Greek World 500-440 BCE Students examine the life of Spartan King Leonidas and complete activities involving a dossier on the real Leonidas and issues related to the reconstructed Leonidas of modern film, statuary, paintings and books. This leads to students considering how they think Leonidas would feel about the 21st century re-takes on who he was.
Did the 2000 Sydney Olympics really benefit Australia?

Did the 2000 Sydney Olympics really benefit Australia?

This is a source-based homework task to support student understanding of the NSW History Syllabus Australian Curriculum Stage 5 The Modern World & Australia Depth Study 5: The Globalising World - Popular Culture. Students examine a variety of written and visual, primary and secondary sources to decide whether the 2000 Sydney Olympics actually benefitted Australia.
Why did the Spartans win the First Battle of Mantinea in 418 BCE?

Why did the Spartans win the First Battle of Mantinea in 418 BCE?

This is a source-based homework task to support student understanding of the NSW Stage 6 Ancient History Higher School Certificate course Part II - Ancient Societies Option I - Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra Students analyse a variety of primary and secondary, visual and written sources to identify factors that resulted in success for the Spartan army at Mantinea in 418 BCE. It was an example of how an army of professional soldiers could defeat "weekend warriors" from the more northern Greek city states. Interestingly, the Spartans used ex-helots as soldiers. Let it never be claimed that the Spartans were ever resistant to change!