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Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.




Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.
What were the experiences of North Vietnamese soldiers on the Ho Chi Minh Trail?

What were the experiences of North Vietnamese soldiers on the Ho Chi Minh Trail?

Did you know that the North Vietnamese used elephants to transport arms and materiel along the Ho Chi Minh Trail and that the main danger was not American bombings but disease and hunger? The Ho Chi Ming Trail was an essential supply line for the North Vietnamese. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus. Higher School Certificate course Peace and Conflict Conflict in Indochina Option A: Conflict in Indochina
How did SAVAK contribute to public discontent against the Shah?

How did SAVAK contribute to public discontent against the Shah?

SAVAK were the secret police of the Shah's administration. Responsible for widespread human rights abuses including kidnapping, imprisonment and torture, they also served as a means of repression of various groups including bazaaris, students, government employees, writers and Shi'ite clergy, to list but a few. Their activities were known to the Shah and supported by the Iranian military and the USA. This source-based activity is designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Higher School Certificate Course National Studies Option H: Iran 1953-1989
What was life like for Jews living in the Warsaw Ghetto?

What was life like for Jews living in the Warsaw Ghetto?

The Warsaw Ghetto was a tragedy that even now defies belief. This source-based task uses primary and secondary sources to identify food and water shortages, inadequate shelter, brutalisation by Nazi soldiers, inadequate heating and the effects that these issues had on the Jewish inhabitants. Special focus is made on the impact of the vulnerable, notably children and the aged. This task is designed for students of the History K-10 Syllabus Stage 5 Depth Study 6: The Holocaust
What were the political, economic and social developments in North Vietnam 1954-1964?

What were the political, economic and social developments in North Vietnam 1954-1964?

In the period between the departure of the French and the arrival of the Americans North Vietnam under the very stable leadership of Ho Chi Minh, greatly expanded agricultural and industrial production. They were assisted by China and the Soviet Union. However, their increased economic strength was not without significant social trauma including persecution of "landowners", people seen as sympathetic to the French and to Vietnamese Catholics.
What happened at Babi Yar in September, 1941?

What happened at Babi Yar in September, 1941?

This source-based activity presents students with a range of primary and secondary sources related to the massacre at Babi Yar in September, 1941. Students examine this evidence to find out the facts relating to Nazi preparations for the massacre, events around the killings and reactions of various groups after the event. It is designed for students of the NSW K-10 History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 5 Topic 6: The Holocaust
What do we know of Celtic society during the Urnfield Culture period?

What do we know of Celtic society during the Urnfield Culture period?

There is increasing evidence of life during the Urnfield Culture period (c.1300-750 BCE). People spoke Celtic languages, had distinctive burial and settlement practices that suggests tribal groupings and warfare. We have evidence of weaponry, housing, trade, agriculture and metallurgy. From its homeland in central Europe the cultural grouping expanded to the north and west. This source-based activity is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus. Preliminary HSC course List A: Case studies from Egypt, Greece, Rome, Celtic Europe A8. The Celts
3 Cloze Activities: The Mongol Expansion

3 Cloze Activities: The Mongol Expansion

4 Cloze activities on the topic The Mongol Expansion. The activities are: + The Battle of Ain Jalut + Genghis Khan + The invasion of Europe + The failed invasions of Japan Designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 4 Depth Study 5: The Asia-Pacific World 6a: Mongol Expansion (c. AD 1206 – c. 1368)
Who am I? The Achaemenid Persian Empire

Who am I? The Achaemenid Persian Empire

This activity involves students reading the brief biography of a personality or group within the Achaemenid Persian Empire and identifying who the person or group is from the pictures provided. Students must then place the personalities in chronological order. this activity is designed for students studying the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Higher school Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia - From Cyrus II to the death of Darius III
What was the impact of World War I on Australian veterans?

What was the impact of World War I on Australian veterans?

The impact of World War I on Australian veterans was the harbinger of similar experiences suffered by veterans in subsequent and it continues to be an important issue today. But how did Australians in the period 1918-1924 come to terms with this issue? This source-based homework task is designed for students studying the NSW History syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Stage 5 Depth Study 3: Australians at War The impact of trauma on people in the past and society's lack of understanding and lack of services to deal with the issue is an interesting discussion to have with students.
Persian military elite units: Immortals all?

Persian military elite units: Immortals all?

The Achaemenid Persian army had a number of elite military units who performed a military role similar to the special military forces in any 21st century nation. They were highly trained, received special benefits and were employed in the most difficult campaigns. The written and archaeological evidence presents a rich picture of them and their role. This source-based homework task is designed to build student understanding of the NSW Ancient History syllabus Higher School Certificate course Part III: Historical Periods Option F: The Near East: Persia from Cyrus II to Darius III
Did the Battle of the Coral Sea really save Australia from invasion?

Did the Battle of the Coral Sea really save Australia from invasion?

This is a source-based homework task to support student understanding of the NSW syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Stage 5 Depth Study 3: Australians at War The significance of wars to Australia. Students analyse a variety of primary and secondary, visual and written evidence to decide whether the 1942 Battle of the Coral Sea really saved Australia from Japanese invasion, as is so often reported in the media. The results may surprise.
What do we know of the pointed-hat Saka (Scythians)?

What do we know of the pointed-hat Saka (Scythians)?

The Saka (Scythians) were a large confederacy of nomadic people who inhabited Eurasia from Eastern Europe to Afghanistan. They were the forebears of many peoples in this part of Eurasia. One group of Saka wore a distinctive pointed hat. They were part of the Achaemenid Persian Empire, ruled as a satrap and paid tribute to the king. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III It can also be used as part of Historical Societies Option D: Persian society at the time of Darius and Xerxes
Who were eunuchs?  What role did they play in Persian society?

Who were eunuchs? What role did they play in Persian society?

The sad truth is that human rights in the ancient world depended on socio-economic status, ethnicity, gender and sheer good luck. Take the example of eunuchs in Achaemenid Persian society. Young men were forcibly castrated as part of the slave trade and spent their lives serving their owners. A rare few were owned by the royal family and rose to positions of prominence at the royal court. These were involved in court intrigues throughout the Achaemenid period. During the later Achaemenid times some plotted the rise and fall of their masters, including the kings. This source-based homework task is designed for NSW Higher School Certificate Ancient History students: Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III Historical Societies Option D: Persian society in the time of Darius and Xerxes Historical Personalities Option D: The Near East - Xerxes
How did Spartan society change after defeat at the Battle of Leuctra in 371BCE?

How did Spartan society change after defeat at the Battle of Leuctra in 371BCE?

Spartan defeat at the Battle of Leuctra in 371BCE heralded a new age for the city state. Theban invasion and constraints put upon it's alliances, territories and freedom for the helots made the former powerhouse of Greek politics a second-rate power. But the battle also coincided with significant demographic and social change within the Spartan state. This homework task is designed to increase student understanding of the NSW Ancient History syllabus Higher School Certificate course Part II: Ancient Societies Option I: Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra It can also be used as part of Part IV: Historical Periods Option J: Fourth Century Greece to the death of Philip II of Macedon
What was Brasidas' role in the Peloponnesian War?

What was Brasidas' role in the Peloponnesian War?

Brasidas was not a typical Spartan: a naval commander, powerful personality, persuasive public leader, popular general. He played a crucial role in Spartan successes in a number of campaigns during the war. This source-based homework task is designed to increase student understanding of the NSW Ancient History syllabus Higher School Certificate course Part II: Ancient Societies Option I: Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra. It can also be used to support student understandings of: Part III: Historical Periods Option G: The Greek World 446-339 BCE
What were the achievements of Artaxerxes I?

What were the achievements of Artaxerxes I?

Artaxerxes I overcame revolts within his empire, notably in Egypt but also in Bactria, established and maintained good relations with the Greek states and with the Greeks in Asia Minor and contributed significantly to the building works at Persepolis. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum: Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia from Cyrus II to the death of Darius III
What was the purpose of Darius I's Scythian Expedition?

What was the purpose of Darius I's Scythian Expedition?

Darius I's motives in invading the lands of the European Scythians (modern Romania and Ukraine) are varied: expanding the Persian Empire, seeking vengeance on the Scythians for raiding the northern parts of the empire, gaining kudos as a strong leader. Whether the Expedition was successful is another question. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum: Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III It can also be used as part of: Historical Societies Option D: Persia in the time of Darius I and Xerxes
Why did Persia invent the first highways and courier service?

Why did Persia invent the first highways and courier service?

Persia invented the world's first highways (although previous civilisations prepared the infrastructure) and the first courier system that allowed messages from the king to the satraps to pass back and forth quickly. The roads facilitated military conquest and control of the empire and facilitated trade across the empire. This source-based homework task is designed to facilitate student understanding of the NSW Ancient History syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III
What do we know about Persian agriculture and land ownership?

What do we know about Persian agriculture and land ownership?

Our knowledge of agriculture and land ownership within the Achaemenid Persian Empire is extensive and is due to written evidence (predominately by contemporary Greek writers) and reliefs at Persepolis showing agricultural produce being given as gifts and tribute to the king. This source-based homework task is designed for the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III
How did Darius I administer such a large empire?

How did Darius I administer such a large empire?

Darius I administered his huge, multicultural empire through good governance, the selection of loyal satraps, the use of taxation to pay for bureaucracy and the military, the standardisation of laws and weights and the use of the army to maintain control and order. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia from Cyrus II to Darius III It can also be used as part of Historical Societies Option D: Persia in the time of Darius I and Xerxes