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Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.




Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.
Aftermath of the Holocaust

Aftermath of the Holocaust

This Powerpoint presentation covers liberation of the camps, psychological effects of experiencing the Holocaust, impact on Europe's population, emigration, creation of the State of Israel, bring war criminals to trial, historical sites and memorials, international war crimes legislation, resurgence of anti-Semitism, finding war criminals, Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 5 Depth Study 6: The Holocaust
Mongol Expansion Jigsaw

Mongol Expansion Jigsaw

Mongol Expansion jigsaw for NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 4 Depth Study 6a: The Mongol Expansion
Annihilation. The Destruction of European Jews. Ep.2 the Trap

Annihilation. The Destruction of European Jews. Ep.2 the Trap

Worksheet to accompany the documentary Annihilation. The Destruction of European Jews. Episode 2 The Trap. The documentary covers the growing tide of Anti-Semitism in Germany 1933-1939, German take-over of Poland and the implementation of anti-Jewish policies and practices and the establishment of ghettos. It is designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus. Stage 5 Depth Study 6: The Holocaust
Food in the Mongol Empire

Food in the Mongol Empire

Let it never be said that the Mongols didn't have a broad diet. After all, they claim to have had both white food AND red food! This activity looks at their diet, provides students with an activity involving spotting the spelling mistakes and editing these words, then designing a banquet menu for a Mongol feast. Please remind students that eating people is a sign of poor hospitality and table manners. This should only happen in extreme circumstances and MUST be a non-Mongol mercenary. Apart from this proviso students must select entrée, main course, dessert and drinks (OK - so that's only koumiss - but it can be served chilled or warm!) This activity is designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 4 Depth Study 6a: The Mongol Expansion
Yurts (gers)

Yurts (gers)

They were the perfect accommodations for Mongols! Easily assembled, disassembled and transported. They were warm in the cold winters, yet cool in the sweltering summers in central Asia. This lesson focuses upon developing vocabulary to draw a mind-map on yurts (gers). This worksheet is designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 4 Depth Study 6a: The Mongol Expansion
Nazi Security Police - Carrying Out Repression

Nazi Security Police - Carrying Out Repression

This Powerpoint covers: forms of repression, fear and suppression, Gestapo, Sturmabteilung (SA), Schutzstaffel (SS), the roles of Himmler and Heydrich, the counter-intelligence service, the roles of police and the courts in enforcing repression, the management of concentration camps and the role of the Einsatzgruppen. It is designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 5 Depth Study 6: The Holocaust
The Holocaust teaching program

The Holocaust teaching program

Teaching program for the unit of work, The Holocaust. It meets the requirements for the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 5 Depth Study : The Holocaust
3 Cloze Activities: The Celts

3 Cloze Activities: The Celts

3 Cloze activities on the topic The Celts. The activities are: + Celtic Origins + Celtic Art + The Vix Burial Designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Preliminary course Investigating Ancient History – Case Studies List A: Case studies from Egypt, Greece, Rome, Celtic Europe A8. The Celts
3 Cloze Activities: Iran 1953-1989

3 Cloze Activities: Iran 1953-1989

3 Cloze activities on the topic Iran 1953-1989. The activities are: + Ruhollah Khomeini + The White Revolution + The 1953 Coup D’état Designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Higher School Certificate course National Studies Option H: Iran 1953-1989
Why did Mosaddeq nationalize the Iranian oil industry in 1951?

Why did Mosaddeq nationalize the Iranian oil industry in 1951?

Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddeq received approval from the majlis (parliament) to nationalize the Iranian oil industry after Iranian governments to that point had failed to re-negotiate an equitable revenue sharing agreement with British and U.S. oil companies. The decision meant that the considerable revenue now went to the Iranian government and could be spent on local social and economic programs rather than going to the British government and privately owned oil companies. But it was a decision that Britain and the U.S.A. would not take lying down. This source-based activity is designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Higher School Certificate course National Studies Option H: Iran 1953-1989
Alexander  the Great

Alexander the Great

Unit of work on Alexander the Great. Designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Higher School Certificate course Personalities in Their Times Option G: Greece - Alexander the Great This bund includes: + Metalanguage mix and match Examine the evidence: Why was Cleitus murdered? Examine the evidence: Why did Alexander invade the Persian Empire? + Examine the evidence: Why did Alexander found the city of Alexandria? Examine the evidence: Why did the Macedonians win the Battle of Chaeronea? Ezine article: Alexander the not so Great Newspaper article: Tomb of Philip II is Found in Northern Greece Ezine article: Alexander’s Nearest and Dearest Video: Ultimate Battles. Gaugamela Worksheet for video: Ultimate Battles. Gaugamela Video: Epic History. The 9 Lives of Alexander the Great Worksheet for video: The 9 Lives of Alexander the Great Video: Epic History. Alexander the Great Part 1 Worksheet for video: Epic History. Alexander the Great Part 1 Video: Epic History. Alexander the Great Part 2 Worksheet for video: Epic History. Alexander the Great Part 2 Video: Epic History. Alexander the Great Part 3 Worksheet for video: Epic History. Alexander the Great Part 3 Video: Epic History. Alexander the Great Part 4 Worksheet for video: Epic History. Alexander the Great Part 4 Word search 4 Cloze activities Persuasive writing assessment task Sequence the events True or false? The Macedonian Empire Mapping Activity
4 Cloze Activities: Vikings

4 Cloze Activities: Vikings

4 Cloze activities on the topic The Vikings. The activities are: + Who were the Vikings? + Viking Religion + Shipbuilding and Navigation + Food and banquets Designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 4 Depth Study 4: the Western & Islamic Worlds The Vikings
What was the impact of World War II on Iran?

What was the impact of World War II on Iran?

For a self-declared neutral nation Iran certainly had an interesting history during World War II: occupation by Britain and the Soviet Union, the Shah forced to abdicate and sent into exile, interventions in political and economic affairs by Germany and the USA, forced to sign a Treaty of Alliance with the Allies and a range of social and economic problems that needed to be dealt with by the new monarch, Mohammed Shah. This task is designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Preliminary course National Studies Option H: Iran 1953-1989
Why did Iraq invade Iran on September 22, 1980?

Why did Iraq invade Iran on September 22, 1980?

The causes of the Iran-Iraq Way, 1980-88 included: religious and ethnic differences, Iraqi desire to acquire the oilfields of Khuzestan, an ongoing dispute over control of the Shatt al-Arab waterway, other border disputes, Saddam Hussein's leadership of Iraq and his desire to expand Iraq and show strong leadership and Iraqi fears that the 1979 Revolution on Iraq may spark political unrest amongst the Shia in Iraq. This source-based activity is designed for students of the NSW Modern history Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Higher School Certificate course National Studies Option H: Iran 1953-1989
Vikings key words and concepts

Vikings key words and concepts

Set of activities using key terms and concepts from the topic The Vikings. Activity 1 - cut out the key terms and match them with the definition. Activity 2 - Use a dictionary to identify the meaning of concepts. Activity 3 - Use the key terms and concepts in a sentence. The outcome being taught is: HT4-9 uses a range of historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of the past.
3 Primary sources: Spartan society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BCE

3 Primary sources: Spartan society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BCE

This resource includes 3 separate primary sources from eyewitnesses to events in the topic Spartan society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BCE and activities based on the source including who wrote the source, what we know about the writer, how their presence at the historical incidents impacts their writing, whether the information is reliable and the purpose of the writing. The 3 sources are: + Xenophon outlines the powers of the Spartan kings, c.370 BCE + Xenophon describes how Spartans educate girls, c.370 BCE + Pausanias visits the Acropolis of Sparta, c.170 CE Each source and analysis questions are on a single page. This task is designed for NSW students of the Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Stage 6 Higher School Certificate course Ancient Societies Option G: Spartan society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BCE The outcome being developed is: AH11-6 analyses and interprets different types of sources for evidence to support an historical account or argument
Why did students occupy the U.S. embassy on November 4, 1979?

Why did students occupy the U.S. embassy on November 4, 1979?

The reason most often given for the student occupation of the embassy was that the United States was allowing the Shah to enter the USA, rather than returning him to "face justice" in Iran. But there were other reasons: poor management of the issues by President Jimmy Carter, a history of Iranian resentment against American interference in Iran, (truthful) claims that the embassy was being used for espionage, Ayatollah Khomeini approving the occupation for his own political purposes and the students being radicalised by religious leaders. This source-based task is designed for students of the NSW Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Higher school Certificate course National Studies Option H: Iran 1953-1989
The Vikings Word Search

The Vikings Word Search

Word search on topic The Vikings using key words and concepts. Designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus. Stage 4 Depth Study 4: The Western and Islamic World The Vikings
4 Cloze Activities: The Holocaust

4 Cloze Activities: The Holocaust

Cloze activities on the topic The Holocaust. The activities are: + Wannsee Conference + Theresienstadt Ghetto + Kristallnacht + Rescue of Danish Jews Designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 5 Depth Study 6: The Holocaust