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Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.




Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.
Who were the royal Persian women?  What powers did they possess?

Who were the royal Persian women? What powers did they possess?

Royal Persian women included the king's mother, wives, family members, concubines, courtesans and entertainers such as musicians and dancing girls. They wielded much influence on the king and on policy-making. They were also involved in intrigues including horrific acts of violence. They could own and manage land, attended battles as camp-followers and performed acts of public significance. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III It can also be used as part of Historical Societies Option D: Persia in the time of Darius I and Xerxes
How did Artaxerxes II maintain control of an empire in revolt?

How did Artaxerxes II maintain control of an empire in revolt?

Every potential leader thinks they can do better than the leaders currently in control. Those who don't may be looking for an opportunity to gain greater power, control or wealth. This was certainly the case in the Achaemenid Persian Empire under Artaxerxes II who struggled to control satraps seeking autonomy, ethnic groups fighting for independence and national groups uncomfortable with being under the control of a foreign power. This source-based homework task is designed to increase student understanding of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III
Why did the Spartans revere the Menelaion?

Why did the Spartans revere the Menelaion?

The Menelaion was originally a Mycenaean palace complex inhabited by Helen and Menelaos. Sparta was a successor state to the Mycenaean kingdom and rebuilt the palace as a hero worship shrine. They believed that Helen's twin brothers, the Dioskuri, were buried beneath the shrine. This source-based homework task is designed to support student understanding of the NSW Ancient History syllabus Higher School Certificate course Part II: Ancient Societies Option I: Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra The Menelaion tells us much about Spartan architecture, beliefs and society.
History of Genocide

History of Genocide

This is the second Powerpoint presentation in a series on The Holocaust. It is designed for Stage 5 History Australian National Curriculum Topic 6 - School Developed Topic: The Holocaust. It is largely unreferenced and contains graphic images and disturbing information that requires a flyer to be given to parents at the start of the topic. Despite this, the knowledge of genocide generally and exploring of concepts relating to how individuals are affected and how they attempt to deal with the issue is introduced. There is an emphasis on how genocide has affected the Gunnedah community in the New England Region of NSW. However, it can be adapted to other schools and communities. Embedded video clips will not work but you can insert your own clips from YouTube or another source. This presentation is aimed at Gifted and Talented learners.
Was taxation and tribute always paid in coinage?

Was taxation and tribute always paid in coinage?

In the Persian Empire taxation was paid firstly to the satrap of each province who in turn paid it to the king. It could be paid in coinage but was usually paid in kind - agricultural or industrial produce. Tribute were gifts paid by the satraps and visitors to the king and were similarly, usually paid according to the background of the satrap or visitor. Land ownership could be private, property of the king or royal family or property of a temple. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus Higher School Certificate course Historical Period: Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III
Did Xerxes invade Greece in 480 BCE because a phantom told him to do so?

Did Xerxes invade Greece in 480 BCE because a phantom told him to do so?

A lot has been written on the Greco-Persian Wars. Was Herodotus' story that a phantom appeared to Xerxes at night true? Or did Xerxes have other, more tangible motives? Why would he take on the Greeks after his predecessor was so badly defeated by them. Perhaps the internal politics in the Persian court was a stronger motive than the appearance of a ghost. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Persiods: Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III
How did Cambyses II defeat Egypt?  Did he plan to stop there?

How did Cambyses II defeat Egypt? Did he plan to stop there?

Cambyses II was the master military leader. He employed psychological terror to undermine the morale of the Egyptians before carefully employing forces to defeat them. So successful was he that he had planned to continue to Ethiopia and Libya (which he did) but also to the Carthaginians (which he did not). This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods: Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III
Horses and hunting. How did the Spartans spend their leisure time?

Horses and hunting. How did the Spartans spend their leisure time?

We get the impression that Spartans in the 6th and 5th centuries BCE were concerned exclusively with military training. The evidence shows that this is far from the truth. The Spartan passion for horse racing would shame the Irish, their passion for hunting would embarrass the French and their enjoyment of music, dance and banqueting would put them in good stead in any modern television music and dance competition. This source-based homework task is designed to build student understanding of the NSW Ancient History syllabus Higher School Certificate course Part II: Ancient Societies Option I: Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra
Mapping History: The Conquistadors in Central America

Mapping History: The Conquistadors in Central America

This activity provides students with a map of Central America and asks them to identify modern countries, names of conquistadors who explored particular areas, when areas were explored, metric distances between cities and drawing lines to indicate where particular conquistadors explored.
Ezine article - Anzac Day: How it came to occupy a sacred place in Australians' hearts

Ezine article - Anzac Day: How it came to occupy a sacred place in Australians' hearts

Analysis of the excellent ezine article by Carolyn Holbrook, Anzac Day: How it came to occupy a sacred place in Australian’s hearts, published on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation website, April 25, 2017. The article examines changes in the Anzac Legend, views of why Anzac Day is celebrated and attempts at commercialisation of the day. The resource is part of a unit of work on Australia in World War I, Stage 5 History K-10 Syllabus.
Ezine article - Indigenous Anzacs: Letters home from Aboriginal WWI diggers reveal humour, sadness

Ezine article - Indigenous Anzacs: Letters home from Aboriginal WWI diggers reveal humour, sadness

Analysis of ezine article, written by Daniel Browning entitled, Indigenous Anzacs: Letters home from Aboriginal WWI diggers reveal humour, sadness, posted at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation News site. The article examines letters from Aboriginal servicemen in Europe to their families to assess their experiences and achievements. This resource is part of a unit of work on Australia in World War I, Stage 5 NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum.
The Constitution of the Spartans

The Constitution of the Spartans

Worksheet to accompany the outstanding info-documentary, Constitution of the Spartans. This documentary gives an thorough account of the make-up and role of the kings, ephors and Gerousia and their impact on the conservatism prevalent in the Spartan state. This resource is designed for Stage 6 Higher School Certificate students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Historical societies: Option G. Greece - Spartan society to the Battle of Leuctra, 371 BCE.
A place in the sand: Life inside the world's largest refugee camp

A place in the sand: Life inside the world's largest refugee camp

Worksheet for the Special Broadcasting Service Australia/Journeyman TV documentary, A place in the sand: Life inside the world’s largest refugee camp. The video is available on Youtube and examines life in a refugee camp on the Kenya-Somalia border, including why people have moved there, services (or lack of them) in the camp and factors that keep the refugees in the camp.
Deconstructing a visual image: The Proclamation of South Australia

Deconstructing a visual image: The Proclamation of South Australia

Analysis of Charles Hill’s painting, The Proclamation of South Australia. Students identify features and issues raised by the painting before using the painting to draw conclusion about Australian society in the colonial period. This resource is part of a unit of work on The Australian Colonies, designed for Stage 3 students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum.
Great Britons: Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Great Britons: Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Worksheet to accompany the BBC video, Great Britons: Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Brunel was the engineer responsible for so many features we associate with Britain during the Industrial Revolution: railways, London’s underground, docks, massive ships, viaducts, tunnels, hospitals etc. This video is highly engaging for Year 9 students. The resource is part of a unit of work, The Industrial Revolution. Stage 5 NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum.
Internet article: Australia and the Industrial Revolution - The Impact of the first railways

Internet article: Australia and the Industrial Revolution - The Impact of the first railways

Internet article, Australia and the Industrial Revolution - Impact of the first railways by Margaret Simpson for the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences. The article examines the first railways constructed in the Australian colonies, their purpose and their impact on society and economy. This resource is part of a unit of work on The Industrial Revolution. Stage 5 NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum.
Why did Alexander invade the Persian Empire?

Why did Alexander invade the Persian Empire?

Far from being an act of revenge for the Persians invasions of Greece, there were extensive personal, financial, geographical and political reasons for Alexander the Great leading the Macedonian army in the invasion of the Persian Empire in 334 BCE. This Examining the evidence activity presents a range of documentary and visual evidence regarding Alexander’s motivations. This activity is designed for Stage 6 Higher School Certificate students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Personalities in their Times. Option G. Greece - Alexander the Great.
Alexander the Great - 4 Cloze Activities

Alexander the Great - 4 Cloze Activities

4 Cloze activities on the topic, Alexander the Great: The Companion Cavalry Bucephalus Battle of the Persian Gate Deification (Apotheosis) This activity is designed for Stage 6 Higher School Certificate students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Personalities in Their Times: Option G. Greece - Alexander the Great