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Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.




Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.
Vietnam: A Television History Episode 12: The End of the Tunnel

Vietnam: A Television History Episode 12: The End of the Tunnel

This is a student worksheet and answer sheet to accompany the documentary Vietnam: A Television History Episode 12: The End of the Tunnel. The film provides takes viewers from 1973 when US Prewsident Nixon announced a cease fire until the withdrawal of US troops and evacuation of the US embassy in Saigon in 1975. I use this worksheet as part of the NSW Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Peace and Conflict Option C: Conflict in Indochina 1945-1975 You can access the film on Youtube. The answers are also provided.
Vietnam: A Television History Episode 3: America's Mandarin 1954-1963

Vietnam: A Television History Episode 3: America's Mandarin 1954-1963

This is a student worksheet and answer sheet to accompany the documentary Vietnam: A Television History Episode 3 America's Mandarin 1954-1963. It covers the increasing US involvement in South Vietnam from the creation of the state in 1954 until the assassination of South Vietnamese President Diem in 1963. I use this worksheet as part of the NSW Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Peace and Conflict Option C: Conflict in Indochina 1945-1975 You can access the film on YouTube. The answers are also provided.
The Spartans 2003 documentary series worksheets

The Spartans 2003 documentary series worksheets

This set of worksheets accompany the 2003 Timeline documentary series The Spartans presented by Bettany Hughes and originally produced by Channel 4 UK and shown on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Answers included. The video is available on YouTube. This resource is part of a unit of work for Stage 6 Higher School Certificate students. NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Historical societies: Option G: Greece - Spartan society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BCE.
Vietnam A Television History Episode 1: The Roots of War

Vietnam A Television History Episode 1: The Roots of War

This is a student worksheet and answer sheet to accompany the documentary Vietnam: A Television History Episode 1 The Roots of War. The film provides an overview of the significance of the war to the US and then looks at why France and the US became involved in a war in Vietnam. I use this worksheet as part of the NSW Modern History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Peace and Conflict Option C: Conflict in Indochina 1945-1975 You can access the film on Youtube.
Timeline of key events in the Achaemenid Persian Empire

Timeline of key events in the Achaemenid Persian Empire

This timeline provides students with an overview of the Achaemenid Persian kings and key events in their administrations. It is designed for the topic Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III from the NSW Ancient History syllabus for the Australian Curriculum.
Assessment task - Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III

Assessment task - Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III

This is an assessment task for the topic Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III and is in line with the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum and with BOSTES assessment requirements. The task includes 3 secondary sources on the building program at Persepolis commenced by Darius I and continued by succeeding Achaemenid kings.
Program - Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III

Program - Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III

This is a program for the unit of work Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III and meets the requirements of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. It includes objective, outcomes, content, learning across the curriculum, differentiation for Special Education learners, Gifted and Talented learners and English as Another Language or Dialect (EAL/D) learners.
Did Xerxes invade Greece in 480 BCE because a phantom told him to do so?

Did Xerxes invade Greece in 480 BCE because a phantom told him to do so?

A lot has been written on the Greco-Persian Wars. Was Herodotus' story that a phantom appeared to Xerxes at night true? Or did Xerxes have other, more tangible motives? Why would he take on the Greeks after his predecessor was so badly defeated by them. Perhaps the internal politics in the Persian court was a stronger motive than the appearance of a ghost. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Persiods: Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III
How did Cambyses II defeat Egypt?  Did he plan to stop there?

How did Cambyses II defeat Egypt? Did he plan to stop there?

Cambyses II was the master military leader. He employed psychological terror to undermine the morale of the Egyptians before carefully employing forces to defeat them. So successful was he that he had planned to continue to Ethiopia and Libya (which he did) but also to the Carthaginians (which he did not). This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods: Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III
How were Jewish people treated under the Persian Empire?

How were Jewish people treated under the Persian Empire?

Minority ethnic and religious peoples were generally treated well by the Persian administrations, provided they submitted to the Persian rule. As a case in point, the Jewish people were permitted to return to their homeland (following exile imposed by the Assyrians) and even supported in their rebuilding of towns and cities. This source-based homework task is designed to support students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus of the Australian Curriculum Higher School certificate course Historical Periods: Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III
Was taxation and tribute always paid in coinage?

Was taxation and tribute always paid in coinage?

In the Persian Empire taxation was paid firstly to the satrap of each province who in turn paid it to the king. It could be paid in coinage but was usually paid in kind - agricultural or industrial produce. Tribute were gifts paid by the satraps and visitors to the king and were similarly, usually paid according to the background of the satrap or visitor. Land ownership could be private, property of the king or royal family or property of a temple. This source-based homework task is designed for students of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus Higher School Certificate course Historical Period: Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III
What do we know about Persian agriculture and land ownership?

What do we know about Persian agriculture and land ownership?

Our knowledge of agriculture and land ownership within the Achaemenid Persian Empire is extensive and is due to written evidence (predominately by contemporary Greek writers) and reliefs at Persepolis showing agricultural produce being given as gifts and tribute to the king. This source-based homework task is designed for the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the death of Darius III
Crossword & Word Search - Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III

Crossword & Word Search - Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III

This resource includes: + Crossword + Crossword solution + Word Search + Word Search solution for the topic 'Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III' and is designed for the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Period: Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III
What was the composition of the Persian army?

What was the composition of the Persian army?

The Persian army was the ancient world's equivalent of a multi-national peace force: it maintained the (Persian) world order by employing a core of Persian and Median infantry and cavalry as well as mercenaries from the corners of the empire - Arab camel-riders and bowmen, Cypriot and Egyptian naval ships, Central Asian and African tribesmen using scimitars, short swords & slings, Greek bowmen from the satraps of Asia Minor and Indians equipped with chariots, bows and short swords. This source-based homework task is designed to increase student understanding of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods: Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III
How did Artaxerxes II maintain control of an empire in revolt?

How did Artaxerxes II maintain control of an empire in revolt?

Every potential leader thinks they can do better than the leaders currently in control. Those who don't may be looking for an opportunity to gain greater power, control or wealth. This was certainly the case in the Achaemenid Persian Empire under Artaxerxes II who struggled to control satraps seeking autonomy, ethnic groups fighting for independence and national groups uncomfortable with being under the control of a foreign power. This source-based homework task is designed to increase student understanding of the NSW Ancient History Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum Higher School Certificate course Historical Periods Option D: Persia - Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III
How & why was Federation achieved in 1901?

How & why was Federation achieved in 1901?

This source-based homework task requires students to analyse a variety of primary and secondary sources related to the topic of the Australian Federation and to write an extended response on the key events in the Federation of Australia in the period 1890-1900. The extended response is scaffolded.
The Australian Labor Movement 1900-1914

The Australian Labor Movement 1900-1914

The largest pressure group in Australian politics in the period 1900-1914, the Australian Labor Movement lobbied for improved worker rights and conditions. This activity involves a passage that can be read as a class and then discussion as to whether the statements are true or False. It is part of the topic Making a Nation. Australia 1900-1914.
The Australian Colonies 1788-1900

The Australian Colonies 1788-1900

This activity is an analysis of a map showing changes to the Australian colonies 1788-1900 and is a background to the events leading to the Federation of the Australian colonies into one nation on January 1, 1901.