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Wayne Woods' Shop

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Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.




Engaging and relevant. This is the essence of my teaching and learning resources. You'll find a wealth of History, Agricultural Technology, Retail Services, Aboriginal Studies and more.
Persepolis - Character Profile Marjane

Persepolis - Character Profile Marjane

This character profile on Marjane requires students to find quotes from the captions to support a view of the character of Marjane and provides selected frames for students to draw conclusions about Marjane's beliefs, education, relationships, friendships, emotions, aspirations, love of learning, interest in travel, individualism, follower of popular culture and interest in current affairs.
Persepolis - Character profile: Grandmother

Persepolis - Character profile: Grandmother

Marjane's grandmother is the wise matriarch of the Satrapi clan. She steers the family through the Iranian Revolution and teaches Marjane important life lessons. This set of activities includes collecting quotes from the captions and examining frames to look at her representation, notably in comforting and reassuring the family, being politically aware, being outwardly unemotional and being wise and clever.
Persepolis - Character profile: Mehri

Persepolis - Character profile: Mehri

Mehri is the live-in maid. She is a child herself and is very close to Marjane. This set of activities requires students to collect quotes relating to her from the graphic novel and to analyse frames to identify aspects of her personality and life.
Australia in World War I Word Search

Australia in World War I Word Search

Word Search for the topic Australia in World War I. Designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 5 Depth Study 3: Australians at War - World War I
Playing Beatie Bow - Male Character Profiles

Playing Beatie Bow - Male Character Profiles

This resource includes the male character profiles of Gibbie, Samuel and Judah. It includes page references and activities related to each character including research into the Battle of Balaclava and the possible causes of Samuel's head injury and Judah's conflicted love for Abigail that can never be because of the gap in time and his betrothal to Dovey.
Deconstructing a Visual Image: Shearing the Rams

Deconstructing a Visual Image: Shearing the Rams

Tom Roberts' 1890 painting 'Shearing the Rams' provides key insights into the working and living conditions of pastoral workers in the regional and outback Australia in the period 1900-1914. This set of activities deconstructs the elements in the painting, looks at their historical significance and gives students the opportunity to mind-map what they have learned. it is designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 5 Depth Study 2: Australia and Asia Making a Nation: Australia 1900-1914.
Crack the Code: Making a Nation Australia 1900-1914

Crack the Code: Making a Nation Australia 1900-1914

Revision activity for the topic Making a Nation: Australia 1900-1914. Students use the decoding key to decode the 6 questions. They then answer the questions from their class notes to answer the questions. The activity is designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 4 Depth Study 2: Australia and Asia Making a Nation: Australia 1900-1914
Explanation - Australian Involvement in World War I

Explanation - Australian Involvement in World War I

This activity assists students to write an explanation on the topic: Why did Australians enlist to fight in World War I? In your answer refer to: • Patriotism – loyalty to Australia and the British Empire; • Opportunity for adventure; • Opportunity for employment and a higher wage; • Social reasons – approval of peers and family; • Political reasons – hatred of German aggression etc. Students are provided with an overview of the explanation text type, language features of an historical explanation and teh marking guide for the task.
Beersheba - The Last Charge

Beersheba - The Last Charge

The Last Charge was a special feature on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation programme, Landline, in October, 2017. It was made to commemorate 100 years since the Australian cavalry charge at Beersheba (Be'er Sheva) in Ottoman Palestine in 1917. Forget your dry documentaries about past events presented by even drier historians. This documentary takes an agricultural approach, looking at a Hunter Valley Waler-breeding enterprise whose owners enlisted in the Australian Cavalry in 1917, taking horses from their property to Egypt and Palestine during World War I. The men participated in the cavalry charge on Beersheba in October, 1917 and recorded their experiences in 800 photographs that had not been publicly shared until recently. A great short video! This resource is a set of questions based on the video and answers.
Guns, Germs and Steel

Guns, Germs and Steel

This worksheet and answers accompanies the National Geographic documentary, Guns, Germs and Steel, presented by Jared Diamond. It covers the reasons why only 168 conquistadors were able to defeat an Incan army of 7000 and thereby gain control of the empire. His thesis is that cultures with productive farming and grazing practices have larger and more specialised populations. He compares the farming practices, learned knowledge and weaponry of the Spaniards and Incans. He then looks at why the Spaniards had a level of resistance to smallpox while 95% of the Incan population perished.
Crash Course World History - The Mongols

Crash Course World History - The Mongols

This video covers the characteristics of nomadic peoples, Temujin's early life, the empires and khanates created by the Mongols, reasons for their military success, positives about the Mongol Empire and negatives about the Mongol Empire. This task is designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus. Stage 4 Depth Study 6: The Mongol Expansion.
The Holocaust key words and concepts

The Holocaust key words and concepts

This is a set of activities using key words and concepts in the topic The Holocaust. It includes an activity where students cut out the key words and concepts and match them with the meanings, finding alternative words and terms for selected technical language and using key terms in their own sentence. The outcome being taught is: HT5-9 applies a range of relevant historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of the past. This task is designed for students of the NSW History K-10 Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Stage 5 Depth Study 6: The Holocaust