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Wise Ark Resources

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WiseArk Ltd which is a ‘micro-company specialising in supplying educational resources. We specialise in resources for use in tutor time -many of which are also suitable for use in citizenship/PSHE. We also have a range of resources to support learning in history. I was a teacher for over 20 years so know from first-hand experience how engaged students can be when given challenges and puzzles.




WiseArk Ltd which is a ‘micro-company specialising in supplying educational resources. We specialise in resources for use in tutor time -many of which are also suitable for use in citizenship/PSHE. We also have a range of resources to support learning in history. I was a teacher for over 20 years so know from first-hand experience how engaged students can be when given challenges and puzzles.
After First World War: Word search and quiz

After First World War: Word search and quiz

Word search and combined word search & quiz A more challenging version of the always popular activity - it comes in a range of versions to provide differing degrees of challenge: each wordsearch has a grid and to find the same answers so that all students are covering the same range of people, places and terms whatever the level of support/challenge. The first version is a ‘traditional’ one with the words provided. Then there are four versions with a quiz: this has the same words to find but they aren’t provided -first you need to use the clues (questions) to work out what word you are searching for. One just has the clues then there are three supported versions (each of the four has the same clues): the first has the first letter of the answer; the second has the number of numbers in the answer and the third has both the first letter and number of letters. This provides students with the opportunity to develop their knowledge of a range of people, places and terms relating to after WW1 whilst providing varying degrees of challenge/support. They are suitable for use in class -both as a main activity and as an extension task- as well as for homework / independent study or a cover lesson activity or as a resource for ‘school at home (maybe even as staff challenge!) This wordsearch (& quizzes) features a range of places and terms: Armistice clause disarm League Mandate Reparations Rhineland Treaty Versailles War Guilt
Black British Firsts (power point)

Black British Firsts (power point)

A selection of 50 people who were the first in an occupation or to achieve a specific goal, ranging from the first Black MPs to the first British Ladies footballer via No1. Pop artist and police officers. An ideal resource to support Black History Month but also useful at any time-especially as a resource for tutor or assembly time. A power point presentation with one slide per person and their achievement (also in a ‘run through’ version that plays automatically); One of a set of linked resources featuring the same people.
Stone Age to Iron Age: Timeline activity

Stone Age to Iron Age: Timeline activity

A simple sequencing activity to help develop chronological knowledge of Pre-Roman Britain (England) There is a list of 24 events with dates -but events are listed alphabetically- and a blank table to enter the information into. So students need to sequence the dates first (there is a sheet/table to help them with doing this). There is also a support version in which the table to complete has the dates in order so students just need to find the corresponding event. The events are mostly those which feature in the linked resources on developing chronological understanding including the power point-from 6,000 BCE when Britain became separated from Europe with the submerging of Doggerland to the Roman Invasion in 43 CE This resource is suitable for use in class as well as ideal for homework / independent study.