Welcome to my store and thanks for stopping by! I've been teaching in out-of-school settings for over 15 years. From helping children understand wriggling pythons as a zoo education officer (dream job!), to using historical objects as keys to unlock our past, my teaching experience has been far from typical. I'm currently a schools manager for a museum and art gallery, working with hundreds of children of all ages each year.
Welcome to my store and thanks for stopping by! I've been teaching in out-of-school settings for over 15 years. From helping children understand wriggling pythons as a zoo education officer (dream job!), to using historical objects as keys to unlock our past, my teaching experience has been far from typical. I'm currently a schools manager for a museum and art gallery, working with hundreds of children of all ages each year.
Help your children remember the steps for handwashing by using this ‘How to Wash Your Hands’ foldable activity and poster. Children will sequence the stages for hand washing on their template, glue them in place, cut out the template, and fold.
There is an option to sequence the pictures with simple words (water, soap, rub, time, rinse, dry) or to use longer descriptions.
This cut-and-paste resource is a fun alternative to a standard worksheet and can be used as part of an interactive notebook. Children will love opening their foldout to reveal what’s inside!
The resource is not editable. US and UK paper sizes are included.
PDF pages: 8
Help your students recall the phases of the moon in the Southern Hemisphere in a hands-on way with this set of differentiated foldouts. The finished foldouts look great in an interactive science notebook and can be used to support learning about space, the solar system, and the Earth’s moon/lunar phases. Plus it’s a little different from a standard science worksheet!
This printable activity has 5 similar template options (including cut and paste) for you to choose from so that you can best match the needs of your pupils. All are for the Southern Hemisphere.
The templates
Template 1: Colour the Moon and the Moon’s phases, cut, glue, and fold.
Template 2: Colour the Moon and the Moon’s phases, match the labels to the pictures, glue, cut, and fold.
Template 3: Colour the Moon and the Moon’s phases, sequence the phases on the template, glue, cut, and fold.
Template 4: Colour the Moon and phases of the moon, identify the Moon’s phases, write the name of each one on the lines, cut, glue, and fold.
Template 5: Print in colour. Colour the Moon, identify the Moon’s phases, write the name of each one on the lines, cut, glue, and fold.
Templates 1, 2, 3, and 4 are all included with 2 options - one with the letter ‘b’ on the phases of the Moon to show pupils which part to colour black, and one without.
A set of colour flashcards showing each phase (2-to-a-page) is also included.
UK and US versions are included, as well as a visual guide showing how to fold.
Do you need a simple and easy end-of-school-year gift idea for your pupils? This cute ocean themed printable with an original poem can be given to your class at the end of term, to remind them of your time together.
There are 4 options within the PDF:
Full-page poem with black text
Full-page poem with coloured text
The same poem arranged 2-to-a-page with black text
As above (2 to a page) but with colored text
Print on white card, and trim if required. Colours may vary slightly from what you see on the screen due to screen/printer settings.
You could pair this printable with an ocean-themed gift for kids (e.g. pencil, candy, key ring).
The PDF is not editable. A4 and US letter size files included.
Do you need a simple and easy end-of-school-year gift idea for your class? This cute jungle animal themed printable with an original poem can be given to your pupils at the end of term to remind them of your time together.
There are 4 options within the PDF:
Full-page poem with black text
Full-page poem with coloured text
The same poem arranged 2-to-a-page with black text
As above (2 to a page) but with colored text
Print on white card, and trim if required. Colours may vary slightly from what you see on the screen due to screen/printer settings.
The PDF is not editable. US letter and A4 paper size included.
Explore the life cycle of a strawberry with this fun, foldable sequencing activity. A cross between a worksheet and a craft, children learn about the strawberry life cycle in a hands-on way, with differentiated options if required.
Use to support learning about summer plant life cycles, in an interactive science notebook, or even as part of a healthy eating lesson.
There are 5 similar template options so that you can choose the one(s) that best suit your students:
Template 1: Children colour the template and 4 life cycle stages, arrange the stages in order, glue, cut and fold.
Template 2: As above but with a straight cutting edge.
Template 3: Children colour the template and 6 life cycle stages, arrange the stages in order, glue, cut and fold.
Template 4: As above but with a straight cutting edge.
Template 5: Larger version with the option to sequence life cycle stage words or descriptions.
A picture guide showing where to fold is included.
This resource is not editable.
This sweet flower vase card is a lovely way for kids to show love to their Mum (or mother figure) on Mother’s Day. Print out the template, color, cut, and fold.
There are 4 similar template options:
Template 1 - Vase of flowers with ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ written inside.
Template 2 - As above but with a straight cutting edge around the vase.
Template 3 - Vase of flowers with a blank inside.
Template 4 - As above, but with a straight cutting edge around the vase.
If printed on card, the Mother’s Day card will stand unaided.
A UK and US version is included.
These activities are a fun way to learn about composting, in the classroom. This compost resource features a foldable sequencing activity, sorting activity, and word search that will help your upper KS1/lower KS2 pupils understand how compost is made.
Use as part of an Earth Day or environment lesson, alongside creating compost at school/home, or for an eco/gardening club activity.
What’s included?**
Foldable sequencing activity. Children colour the stages of composting (the compost cycle), sequence the stages, cut out the template parts, glue, and fold. The template is included with and without a straight cutting edge so you can pick the one that best suits your learners.
Home/garden waste sort. Pupils sort 12 pictures into items that can be composted, and those that should be placed in the trash. Colour and b/w version included. This activity could be laminated to use multiple times.
Word search. 12 compost-related words to find across, up, down, and diagonally.
US and A4 (UK) paper sizes
Please note, this 8-page PDF resource is not editable.
If you are introducing food chains to your KS1 pupils, this engaging slide show will walk them through some simple examples. Full of realistic images and real photos, this resource can be used as part of a food chains lesson with your whole class. It is included as both a Google Slides presentation, and as a PowerPoint.
You can see a full video preview before purchase to ensure it is suitable for your learners.
What’s included in the presentation
27 widescreen slides introducing students to food chains. It covers basic concepts including producers and consumers, and movement of energy.
Editable text boxes to make adjustments for your pupils if needed (images and titles are not editable).
Fun animations - the arrows in the different food chains are animated to really help children grasp the direction they point in.
2 spare slides to add your own information to if needed.
Are you looking for a fun way to teach insect life cycles that’s a bit different from a standard worksheet? This foldable sequencing activity is hands-on and differentiated to help your pupils understand the life cycle of a cicada.
The resource covers the stages of the cicada life cycle from egg to adult insect. Pupils will colour their template, cut and sequence the stages, before gluing and folding. There are options for sequencing 4 or 6 stages, plus an option with descriptions of each stage.
What’s included?
Template 1: Children color the template and 4 life cycle stages, arrange the stages in order, glue, cut and fold.
Template 2: As above but with a straight cutting edge
Template 3: Children color the template and 6 life cycle stages, arrange the stages in order, glue, cut and fold.
Template 4: As above but with a straight cutting edge
Folding guide with a picture showing where to fold.
Picture of the complete life cycle
Extra page of printable cards (color and b/w) that you could use as a small group activity or center.
Versions for US and UK
This resource is not editable. The PDF file is 13 pages.
Are you looking for a fun way to engage your class this Earth Day (or Protecting Our Planet Day) or to help them become more environmentally aware? Use this free foldable activity to help them record the actions they can/will take to help protect the planet!
A mix between a craft and a worksheet, this resource can be used as part of your Earth Day activities, or at any time of year (there is no reference to Earth Day specifically within the PDF).
Children colour the heart-shaped Earth (included with and without eyes), before filling in the template with 4 actions. You can decide if you want children to write, draw, or both. They then cut everything out, glue the parts together and fold.
A4 and letter-size versions are included. Suitable for upper KS1 or lower KS2.
The PDF is not editable.
Are you looking for a fun way to teach life cycles? This foldout is an engaging and hands-on activity alternative to a worksheet to introduce or review the life cycle of an earthworm. The resource covers four stages - cocoon, hatchling, juvenile and adult worm.
Use as a science craft (linked to bugs, soil, or life cycles), for an interactive science notebook, or alongside making your own wormery.
There are different template and label options to allow for differentiation if required:
Template 1: Children colour the template and life cycle stages, arrange the stages in order, glue, cut and fold.
Template 2: As above but with a straight cutting edge
Template 3: Children colour the template and life cycle stages, write the names (or descriptions) of the stages in the boxes, cut and fold.
Template 4: As above but with a straight cutting edge
Also included:
Full-page earthworm life cycle diagram
Label the earthworm worksheet and answer page
Earthworms ‘can, have, are’ worksheet
UK and US paper sizes included.
Are you planning a science lesson on the life cycle of a flowering plant? Use this slide show to introduce the plant life cycle to your class, and guide them through the key stages of change and growth.
It is included in both PowerPoint and Google Slides formats.
This engaging presentation takes students on a journey through the stages of a flowering plant’s life cycle, from seed to adult plant. With beautiful visuals and clear explanations, this slide show is sure to captivate your pupils.
Throughout the presentation, pupils will learn about the different stages of the plant life cycle, including germination, growth, and flowering. They’ll also learn in simple terms about the role of pollinators and fertilisation.
You could use this resource alongside growing your own plants (especially beans) in the classroom, as part of a spring science lesson, or to support learning about plants and their life cycles.
Is this resource editable?
You can edit the body text on most of the slides to best suit the needs of your learners. Titles and images are fixed in position and are not editable.
There is a video preview that shows the full presentation so please do take a look at this before purchasing. Please note that the font used for the Google Slides version is Century Gothic (due to Google only allowing their own fonts on their platform).
This fun foldable activity will take pupils through the 6 stages of the human life cycle - baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult, and elderly person. This sequencing resource is designed to help children understand the different stages of human growth and how we all change over time.
It’s a great hands-on alternative to a worksheet and can be used to support lessons on mammal life cycles, growing up, or ourselves.
The activity
Pupils colour the life cycle stages and arrange them in order on their template. They glue them in place before cutting and folding.
There are 3 similar template designs to choose from (one with an easy-cut straight edge), and life cycle stages for a male and a female.
Human life cycle posters
This resource also includes 7 full-page printable posters with details about each human life cycle stage. These could be used to help introduce the activity, or for a classroom display. If you don’t want to print them, their landscape format means they can easily be displayed on a screen.
Also included:
Matching worksheet for students to match the stage to the age.
Some ideas for questions to discuss together during, or after making the foldouts.
A4 and US letter size versions are included.
Please note that this resource is not editable.
Explore the stages of a tulip’s life cycle with this fun, foldable activity. Ideal for an interactive science notebook, or to support learning about plants, life cycles, spring flowers, or seasonal changes.
Print the black and white templates for pupils to colour and cut out. There are 4 similar PDF cut-and-paste templates to choose from so you can pick one that best matches your children’s needs.
Simple instructions with pictures are provided to help with folding. Once complete, the 2 halves of the tulip are brought together, then gently pulled apart to reveal the life cycle stages from bulb to flower inside.
US and UK versions are included. Please note this 15-page resource is not editable.
Benefits of this activity
-Low prep
-Children learn about the tulip life cycle in a fun and hands-on way, that’s a bit different from a standard science worksheet.
-Can be used to introduce the life cycle, or as a review/assessment to check understanding.
-Encourages fine motor/scissor skills, hand-eye coordination (folding), and sequencing.
-Differentiated options allow for multiple age ranges or abilities to do the same activity.
-Finished foldouts can be inserted into an interactive notebook where they can be referenced by children.
Also included:
-A set of sequencing cards with descriptions to use as an additional center.
-Some ideas for discussion
Introduce your KS1 children to the life cycle of a dinosaur with this fun, foldable activity. In this no-prep science resource, there are 4 similar dinosaur life cycle templates to choose from. Children have options to colour and fold, as well as a sequencing option.
Use to support a lesson or topic about dinosaurs, or as a life cycle activity linked to reptiles or prehistoric life.
In addition to being a fun and engaging alternative to a worksheet, this resource also encourages fine motor and scissor skills.
The four stages on each template are:
egg hatching
young dinosaur
The templates
Templates 1 and 2: Colour, cut, and fold. Template 2 has an easy-cut straight edge.
Template 3: Colour, sequence the life cycle stages, glue, cut, and fold.
Template 4: Colour, match the pictures to the words, glue, cut, and fold.
A printable of the full life cycle in colour and in black and white is included for children to reference if required.
There is also a folding guide and options for both US and A4 paper sizes.
Please note, this 10 page PDF is not editable.
Teach the stages of fossilisation at KS2 with this folding ammonite craft and sequecing cards. Ammonites were pre-historic sea creatures with tentacles and a spiral shell. Their fossils can be found all over the world in many different types of sedimentary rock!
These activities are designed to complement the KS2 science curriculum and is a fun alternative to a standard fossils worksheet.
How a fossil is formed foldable activity
There are 4 similar templates to choose from for this foldable activity:
Colour the images, cut out and fold
Colour the images, cut out the words and sequence them, glue the words in place, cut and fold.
Colour the images, cut out the words and pictures, sequence, glue, cut and fold.
Larger version of template 3 (over 2 pages).
When closed, you’ll just see the large fossil ammonite but when opened, the fossilisation process will be revealed! You can see a finished example on my Facebook page here.
Instructions for pupils are provided (including a picture showing how to fold) as well as some questions for a whole class discussion. Some suggested answers are provided for this.
US and UK versions are included. Please note this resource is not editable.
How a fossil is formed cards to sequence (with and without descriptions).
Order the stages of fossilisation with this printable sequencing activity. This science resource uses the example of an ammonite (a marine creature with a spiral-shaped shell) to explore 8 steps in the fossilisation process. Laminate to use as a science center again and again.
This resource includes:
Teacher notes
8 fossil sequencing cards (2 to a page) in color without text.
8 fossil sequencing cards (2 to a page) in color with a short description on each card.
8 fossil sequencing cards (2 to a page) in black and white without text.
8 fossil sequencing cards (2 to a page) in color with a short description on each card.
Labels to print and use with the card sets that don’t have text.
8 fossil sequencing cards (4 to a page) in black and white without text.
The PDF is not editable. Uk and US paper sizes included.
Explore the stages of the salmon life cycle with this fun foldable activity. A fun alternative to a worksheet that can be used to support learning around habitats, life cycles or fish.
There are 3 similar cut-and-paste templates to choose from so you can pick one that best matches your pupils’ needs:
Template 1: Colour the template and life cycle stages, match the labels to the pictures, glue, cut, and fold. As an alternative, pupils could write the life cycle stages directly onto the template.
Template 2: Colour the template and life cycle stages, arrange the stages in order on the template, glue, cut and fold.
Template 3: Larger template. This option has the life cycle stages as simple words, and also with descriptions.
In addition, this resource also contains cards for a life cycle of a salmon word wall. There are 12 words included (3 to a page) with and without a description. The words are:
eyed eggs
mature eggs
yolk sac
adult salmon
For early finishers, there is a salmon life cycle word search with 10 words to find.
US and UK versions are included. Please note this 20 page resource is not editable.
Benefits of this activity
Low prep
Children learn about the salmon life cycle in a fun and hands-on way, that’s a bit different from a standard science worksheet.
Can be used to introduce the life cycle, or as a review/assessment to check understanding.
Encourages fine motor/scissor skills, hand-eye coordination (folding), and sequencing.
Differentiated options allow for multiple age ranges or abilities to do the same activity.
Finished foldouts can be inserted into a science notebook where they can be referenced by children.
Explore the stages of a rose’s life cycle with this fun, foldable activity. Ideal as a Valentine’s Day or summer science activity, for an interactive notebook, or to support learning about plants, life cycles, or roses.
Print the black and white templates for pupils to colour, cut, and sequence. There are 4 similar cut-and-paste templates to choose from so you can pick one that best matches your class’s needs.
-Template 1: Colour the rose and its life cycle stages, sequence the stages, glue onto the template, cut, and fold.
-Template 2: As above but with a straight cutting edge around the rose.
-Template 3: Colour the rose and its life cycle stages, sequence the stages, glue onto the template, cut, and fold. Larger finished size than templates 1 and 2.
-Template 4: As above but with a straight cutting edge around the rose.
Simple instructions with pictures are provided to help with folding. Once complete, the 2 halves of the rose are brought together, then gently pulled apart to reveal the life cycle stages inside.
The 6 life cycle stages for this activity are seed sprouting, seedling, young plant, flower in bud, flower in bloom, and rosehip (fruit).
US and UK versions are included. Please note this resource is not editable.
Benefits of this activity
-Low prep
-Children learn about the rose life cycle in a fun and hands-on way, that’s a bit different from a standard science worksheet.
-Can be used to introduce the life cycle, or as a review/assessment to check understanding.
-Encourages fine motor/scissor skills, hand-eye coordination (folding), and sequencing.
-Finished foldouts can be inserted into science books where they can be referenced by children.
Do you need a quick and simple Valentine’s Day card making activity? These animal-themed Valentines to colour and fold are cute and easy to make! Children can give them to parents, grandparents, relatives, or friends.
There are 5 animal designs to choose from, and each is included 1-to-a-page and 2-to-a-page so that you have size options.
The designs are:
Llama - You are llamazing!
Frog - Hoppy Valentine’s Day
Bear- I love you bear-y much
Lion - You are roar-some
Rabbit - Some bunny loves you!
Children colour their design, write inside, cut, and fold.
A4 and US letter size options are included.
Use this foldable sequencing printable to introduce or review the life cycle of a European stag beetle. This differentiated science activity can be used as part of a lesson or unit about life cycles, insects, beetles, or woodland animals.
Benefits of this life cycle activity
Low prep
Children learn about the stag beetle life cycle in a fun and hands-on way, that’s a bit different from a standard science worksheet.
Can be used to introduce the life cycle, or as a review/assessment to check understanding.
Encourages fine motor/scissor skills, hand-eye coordination (folding), and sequencing.
Differentiated options allow for multiple age ranges or abilities to do the same activity.
Finished foldouts can be inserted into a science notebook where they can be referenced by children.
The templates
There are 3 templates and multiple label options to choose from:
Template 1: Colour the stag beetle and its 4 life cycle stages, cut out the life cycle labels, match them to the pictures, glue, and fold. As an alternative, children could write their own labels directly onto the template.
Template 2: Colour the stag beetle and its 4 life cycle stages, cut out the stages and sequence them on the template, glue, and fold. There are 2 label options for this - one with the names of the stages, and the other with descriptions.
Template 3: This template has 6 stages (the larval stage is broken down into 3 parts). Children colour the stag beetle and its life cycle stages (2 choices of labels), sequence the stages, cut, glue, and fold.
What you need:
You’ll need coloured pencils, scissors, and glue. You may find it useful to have a pre-made example for children who might require more of a visual cue for folding.
Save printing costs by showing the folding instructions on a screen.
This resource is a 13-page PDF. It is not editable. The zipped file contains both US and UK versions. There’s also a bonus ‘label the stag beetle’ worksheet included.