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We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.




We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
DIY Wind Vane - Outdoor STEM Activiy

DIY Wind Vane - Outdoor STEM Activiy

This is a great STEM project to get students exploring the local weather as they design and build their very own wind vanes before recording the wind direction over a given time period. This projects is great if you’re looking at points of the compass, the weather, fractions, or as a fun STEM challenge. Teaching Structure: Talk about what a wind vane is and why they can be useful. In small groups, complete the design sheet by getting students to think of their own ideas about how to build a wind vane. If you don’t want to do this, just use the example design. Share each idea and discuss whether they’ll work or not. Share the example design. - Complete the final design sheet if their designs have changed. Build the wind vane. Place the wind vane in a suitable location and complete the record sheet over a given time period. It can be interesting to put each group in a different place and then compare their results to see any variations in wind directions. Complete the evaluation questions. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Weather Symbol Cards - Weather Forecasting

Weather Symbol Cards - Weather Forecasting

A set of 10 weather symbols perfect for your weather or changing seasons topic. These cards can be used in a variety of ways in your classroom and are a great visual way to describe the weather conditions. These symbol cards work perfectly with our ‘My Weather Diary’ resource. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
My Weather Diary and Weather Symbol Cards

My Weather Diary and Weather Symbol Cards

Get students tracking the weather throughout the week with this fun and visual differentiated weather diary. It’s a great way to get them to observe changes over time as well as learning about the weather forecasting symbols. It’s great to do this at different times of the year so that students can compare and contrast the different weather in different seasons. This resource pack contains 2 differentiated worksheets. Diff. 1 - Students to draw simple symbols each day to show the weather. **Diff. 2 - **Students to draw the correct symbol and record the temperature and wind speed each day (if you don’t have appropriate equipment you can research the temperature and wind speed). Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
The 3Rs Relay - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Outdoor Sorting Activity

The 3Rs Relay - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Outdoor Sorting Activity

This is a great team activity to get children thinking carefully about reducing, reusing, and recycling as part of your sustainability topic. They will have to sort statement cards into the correct category in a fun relay game. This can also be done as a simple group sorting activity. ** Contents:** Teacher’s Guide Title Cards 27 Statement Cards This is a perfect activity for Earth Day or Global Recycling Day. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Volcanoes Vocabulary Cards

Volcanoes Vocabulary Cards

24 visual volcano vocabulary cards that are perfect for your topic word wall complete with a title. They are a great way to help your children learn the key terms needed for this exciting topic. We have found them especially helpful for children with English as an additional language. Each card contains the key word, definition, and visual aid. Contents 24 X Key Vocabulary Cards Display Title 2 Blank Cards Vocabulary Included Active Volcano Batholith Caldera Cinder Cone Volcano Composite Volcano Crater Dormant Volcano Explosive Eruption Extinct Volcano Fissure Hot Spots Hot Spring Lava Magma Magma Chamber Nonexplosive Eruption Pyroclastic Material Rift Ring of Fire Shield Volcano Vent Volcanic Ash Volcanic Neck Volcano Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store Saving The Teachers and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Natural Disasters Vocabulary Cards

Natural Disasters Vocabulary Cards

16 visual natural disasters vocabulary cards that are perfect for your topic word wall complete with a title. They are a great way to help your children learn the key terms needed for this exciting topic. We have found them especially helpful for children with English as an additional language. Each card contains the key word, definition, and visual aid. Contents 16 X Key Vocabulary Cards Display Titlet Vocabulary Included Natural Disaster Beaufort Scale Cyclone Drought Dust Storm Earthquake Fault Line Flood Gust Hurricane Lightning Richter Scale Tornado Tsunami Typhoon Wild Fire Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store Saving The Teachers and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Weather Word Search Activity

Weather Word Search Activity

This weather visual word search is a great way to reinforce or introduce your key vocabulary and help students learn the key weather terminology. It’s great for morning work, filling activities, or just as some fun! Your class will learn the vocabulary in no time with the help of our fun visuals and word search. This activity is perfect for distance learning. Key Vocabulary: Breeze Climate Degrees Drought Fog Forecast Gale Overcast Precipitation Season Temperature Weather Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also, be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Ecosystems: Biomes Word Search - Perfect For Distance Learning!

Ecosystems: Biomes Word Search - Perfect For Distance Learning!

This biomes visual word search is a great way to reinforce or introduce your ecosystems topic key vocabulary. It’s great for morning work, filling activities, or just as some fun! Your class will learn the key terms in no time with the help of our fun visuals and word search. Key Vocabulary: Biome Climate Deciduous Desert Mediterranean Montane Polardesert Savanna Steppe Taiga Tropical Tundra Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also, be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Weather Symbol / Forecasting Cards

Weather Symbol / Forecasting Cards

This is a set of 16 visual weather symbol cards that includes all of the main symbols used in weather forecasts. They make a great display, EAL support, or visual prompts. We have used them very successfully by choosing a child each day to put up the correct symbol to show the current weather. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Humans And The Environment: Pollution Cootie Catcher Quiz

Humans And The Environment: Pollution Cootie Catcher Quiz

This activity is a cootie catcher (or fortune teller) for pollution as part of your ‘Humans And The Environment’ topic. It’s a great lesson starter, filler, or activity that will easily get your learning some scary facts about pollution without them even realising that they’re learning! They will be engaged and excited with this addictive activity (as I am sure you will be too!). This pack includes both complete cootie catchers with all the answers filled in, as well as blank cootie catchers where the students must find the answer before playing the game. Contents: Folding instructions 1 x Complete Cootie Catcher Quiz 1 x Cootie Catcher Quiz With Blank Answers Have fun! Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also, be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Trash and Recycling Vocab Cards

Trash and Recycling Vocab Cards

15 visual trash and recycling vocabulary cards that are perfect for your topic word wall complete with a title. They’re a great way to help your children learn the key terms needed for this relevant and engaging topic. We have found them especially helpful for children with English as an additional language or spelling difficulties. Each card contains the key word, definition, and visual aid. Contents 15 X Key Vocabulary Cards Display Title ** Trash and Recycling Vocabulary Included** Compost Conservation Disposable Driving a car creates pollution. Environment Hazardous Waste Natural Resource Pollution Trash Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store Saving The Teachers and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Pollution - Ocean Plastics: Clean Up Invention Project

Pollution - Ocean Plastics: Clean Up Invention Project

This STEM activity is all about the negative effects that plastic pollution in our oceans is having on humans and the environment. Students will be challenged to design and create their very own invention to help save our ocean plastic crisis. Contents: Teacher Guide Invention Example Differentiated Design Sheets Differentiated Final Idea Pan Differentiated Evaluation Questions Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store Saving The Teachers and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Ocean Plastics Fact Cards

Ocean Plastics Fact Cards

This pack contains 14 fact cards all about ocean plastics and the problems it’s having on animals and the environment. They’re great to be used as a display or research cards if you’re looking at plastic pollution or sustainability. We love using fact cards for starter or plenary activities where you give each student a fact card. They must learn and remember the fact before going off, pairing up, and teaching each other the fact they learned. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store Saving The Teachers and FOLLOW ME to see my new resources and hear about upcoming sales!
Continents Research Booklet

Continents Research Booklet

This continents student research booklet is a great project for students to carry out research on all 7 continents (Asia, Africa, Antartica, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America), creating a page for each where they’ll research the population, size, number of countries as well as some fun facts. There’s also space for a picture at the top of beach continent page. It’s perfect as a personal project or extension activity if you’re looking at continents This pack comes in both color and black and white as well as a blank template. To create the booklet, cut each A4 page in half, hole punch the top corner, and use some string or treasury tags to hold them together. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also, be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Landforms Student Booklet

Landforms Student Booklet

This types of landforms student booklet is a great project for students to carry out research on canyons, coasts, deserts, hills, islands, mountains, plains, plateaus, oceans, rivers, valleys, and volcanos, creating a page for each with space for a diagram or picture along with a front and back cover page. It’s perfect as a personal project or extension activity if you’re looking at different landforms. This pack comes in both color and black and white as well as a blank template. To create the booklet, cut each A4 page in half, hole punch the top corner, and use some string or treasury tags to hold them together. **Vocabulary included: ** canyons coasts deserts hills islands mountains plains plateaus oceans rivers valleys volcanos Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also, be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Recycling PowerPoint, Quiz, and Activities Bundle

Recycling PowerPoint, Quiz, and Activities Bundle

2 Resources
This recycling bundle is perfect for your sustainability topic. It gets students looking at the recycling process, helping them to become more aware of the issues facing our world. This pack contains a PowerPoint, Quiz, along with lots of fun cross-curricular activities that’ll keep them engaging for hours. PowerPoint & Quiz: A 36 slide PowerPoint and quiz which looks at both the positives and negatives of recycling. How long does the trash last?: A cut and stick activity where students match objects with the time it takes for them to decompose. Funky flowers: Students will make flowers of given heights and specifications using old newspapers, magazines, etc. Poster Template: A template for students to make a poster about the importance of recycling, explaining why and how. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Recycling PowerPoint and Quiz

Recycling PowerPoint and Quiz

An interactive PowerPoint and Quiz on recycling which is perfect for your sustainability / eco-friendly topic. It encourages the children to think about what happens to trash when it’s not recycled, the problems with recycling, and what we can do that’s even better for the environment than recycling. Contents Slides 1 – 5: Introduction to Recycling Slides 6 – 8: Incineration and Landfill Slides 9 – 19: Game - How long does it take to decompose? Slides 20 – 24: What’s better than recycling? Slides 25 - 29: Scary Facts Slides 30 - 35: Quiz Slide 36: Activity Ideas Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Renewable Energy Activity Bundle: PPT - Booklet - Worksheets - Word Search

Renewable Energy Activity Bundle: PPT - Booklet - Worksheets - Word Search

3 Resources
A great bundle to use for your sustainability topic when looking at renewable energy. This pack contains a PowerPoint / quiz, research booklet, worksheets, and word search which all look at the different types of renewable energy, getting students to focus on the positives and negatives of each. PowerPoint: Slides 1 - 4: What is renewable energy? Slide 5 - 7: Solar energy Slides 8 - 10: Wind energy Slides 11 - 13: Hydro energy Slide 14 - 16: Geothermal energy Slides 17 – 19: Biomass Energy Slides 22 – 21: Which is best Slides 23 – 34: Quiz Slide 35: Challenges Research Booklet: Students will research the different types of renewable energy, creating a booklet outlining what they are as well as the positives and negatives of each. Activity Sheets: Worksheet 1: Students must cut out the images and decided whether it’s a renewable energy source or a fossil fuel, sticking them into the correct column. Worksheet 2: Students must decide whether the pictures are a renewable energy source or not and think about the positives and negatives for each. Word Search: A fun word search with the key topic vocabulary. This is great as a filler activity or for morning work. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Renewable Energy: Renewable or Not? Differentiated Activity / Worksheet

Renewable Energy: Renewable or Not? Differentiated Activity / Worksheet

This differentiated activity is perfect for your sustainability topic as it gets students to think about which energy sources are renewable or not as well as the positives and negatives of each. Worksheet 1: Students must cut out the images and decided whether it’s a renewable energy source or a fossil fuel, sticking them into the correct column. Worksheet 2: Students must decide whether the pictures are a renewable energy source or not and think about the positives and negatives for each. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think. Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!
Humans and The Environment: Pollution - HUGE BUNDLE

Humans and The Environment: Pollution - HUGE BUNDLE

5 Resources
This huge pollution bundle is perfect for your ‘Humans and The Environment’ topic packed full of loads of goodies from quizzes, to investigations to engage your students. This pack teaches your students about the different types of pollution, getting them to consider the environmental impact each has on the environment along with how we can both negatively and positively affect the environment in the way that we live. Contents: PowerPoint and quiz Cause and effect activity: Students must match the cause of pollution to the effect with these differentiated worksheets. Good and Bad Habits: Students look at what we do in our own lives that can have negative or positive effects on the environment. Research Booklet: A booklet students can use to research and record fact about the different types of pollution. Vocabulary Cards: A set of visual cards to teach your students the key topic vocabulary. Pollution Detective Investigation – An investigation to look into the causes of pollution around your school grounds. Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think? Also be sure to visit my store and FOLLOW ME to see my new products and hear about upcoming sales!