We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
These differentiated worksheets are designed to get students looking at the relationship between units and tens when doing addition. They will complete the unit addition before looking at the comparative tens addition (e.g. 1 + 2 = 3 and 10 + 20 = 30).
Diff. 1: Using base ten to complete the additions.
Diff . 2: Part-whole models with numbers 1 - 100.
Diff 3: Part - whole models with numbers 1 - 200.
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A set of 5 NO PREP worksheets using the bar model to look at inverse operations. The bar model is great to help children visualise and solve problems and is becoming much more widely used across schools. This pack will guide your children through the idea while giving them loads of practise at using it to solve inverse operation problems.
5 differentiated inverse operation worksheets + answer key.
Check out our grade 1 inverse operations worksheets.
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A set of 4 NO PREP worksheets using the bar model to look at inverse operations. The bar model is great to help children visualise and solve problems and is becoming much more widely used across schools. This pack will guide your children through the idea while giving them loads of practise at using it to solve inverse operation problems (some of which include carrying / borrowing).
5 differentiated inverse operation worksheets + answer key.
Check out our inverse operations worksheets for years 4 and 5.
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This activity is a cootie catcher (or fortune teller) for multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000. It’s a great lesson starter or activity that will improve your class’ multiplication skills without them even realising that they’re learning! They will be engaged and excited with this addictive activity (as I am sure you will be too!).
This pack includes a both complete cootie catchers with all the multiplications filled in, as well as blank cootie catchers where the questions must be completed before playing the game.
8 x completed cootie catchers
8 x blank cootie catchers
Folding and playing directions are also included.
Have fun!
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This activity is a cootie catcher (or fortune teller) for mental addition. It’s a great mental maths lesson starter or activity that will improve your class’ addition without them even realise that they are learning! They will be engaged and excited with this addictive activity (as I am sure you will be too!).
This pack includes a both complete cootie catchers with all the additions filled in, as well as blank cootie catchers where the mental addition questions must be completed before playing the game.
10 x differentiated completed cootie catchers
10 x differentiated blank cootie catchers
Folding and playing directions are also included.
Have fun!
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For this activity students will complete the patterns and number tracks by working out 1 / 10 more than or 1 / 10 less than. This resource pack contains four differentiated worksheets.
**Sheet 1: **1 more / less than – numbers 1 – 30
**Sheet 2: **10 more / less than – numbers 1 – 200
Sheet 3: 10 more / less than – only multiples of 10
**Sheet 3: **10 more / less than – all numbers
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This Christmas themed resource will give your class loads of practise with number bonds to 10 using the bar model method. It’s a non-prep resource which contains three levels of differentiation.
Diff. 1: Complete the bar models by filling in the missing number.
**Diff. 2: **Complete the bar models by filling in one or two of the missing numbers + a word problem challenge.
**Diff. 3: **Complete the bar models filling in one or two of the missing numbers + two word problem challenges.
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This Easter themed resource will give your class loads of practise with number bonds to 10 using the bar model method. It’s a non-prep resource which contains three levels of differentiation.
Diff. 1: Complete the bar models by filling in the missing number.
**Diff. 2: **Complete the bar models by filling in one or two of the missing numbers + a word problem challenge.
**Diff. 3: **Complete the bar models filling in one or two of the missing numbers + two word problem challenges.
B&W copies are included with this resource.
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A set of 4 NO PREP worksheets using the bar model to look at inverse operations. The bar model is great to help children visualise and solve problems and is becoming much more widely used across schools. This pack will guide your children through the idea while giving them loads of practise at using it to solve inverse operation problems.
4 differentiated inverse operation worksheets.
Check out our grade 1 Bar Model addition worksheets here.
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Measurement is a great topic to be taught outdoors! This activity will teach your little ones to measure objects accurately using a variety of units (leaves, feet, and cm) before putting them in order of size.
Older students can begin to use decimals when measuring the items as an added challenge.
You may like our dinosaur footprint activity for another fun outdoor measuring lesson.
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This pack contains four differentiated worksheets where your class will get loads of practise at working out 10 more and less as part of their addition and subtraction unit. These sheets are designed to be very visual with the use of base-ten images. For children who need more support you can provide them with base-ten apparatus or similar to help them physically see what’s happening to the numbers as they add and take away 10.
White Rose Maths aligned.
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The space map is a great cross-curricular activity to get children to think about the size of the planets in relation to each other as well as the distances between them. Get children to create a line of planets using the planet sizes table by drawing them on chalk on the playground. If space is limited it is good to do the sun as a whole class due to the massive size! As an extension you can get the children to write in between each planet the distance it is away from the sun as well as any fun facts they can think of or find out.
This pack contains two planet sizes sheet; one with decimals and one without.
Equipment needed:
Resource pack
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These fun math worksheets will teach students about the importance of sleep for growth and development as part of your health and lifestyle topic.
They will answer some simple questions about their own sleep habits before completing math questions where they look and compare sleep habits of a selection of different animals.
**This resource contains 4 differentiated worksheets as well as an animals sleep poster.
Diff. 1 - Simple addition and subtraction
Diff. 2 - Simple addition, subtraction and multiplication
Diff. 3 - Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and one question involving halves.
Diff. 3 - Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and fractions
Check out our other resource on the importance of sleep.
[The Importance of Sleep - Cut and Stick Worksheet](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12729367
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These are some animal themed fun algebra problems for early algebra learners. This pack contains 3 differentiated sheets aimed at grades 1 – 2 where they must figure out what each animal is worth by using simple addition to make the columns and rows equal the correct answer.
3 x differentiated algebra problem sheets
This pack also contains black and white copies.
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A set of NO PREP differentiated practise questions and word problems using the bar model focussing on addition and subtraction for years 5 - 6. The bar model is great to help children visualise and solve problems and is becoming much more widely used across schools. This pack will guide your children through the idea while giving them loads of practise at using it with and without word problems.
- 2 Sets of differentiated practise questions with challenge word problems
- 3 Sets of differentiated word problems
Check out our Bar Model resources for other ages
Years 1 - 2
Years 3 - 4
Years 5 - 6
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A set of NO PREP differentiated practise questions and word problems using the bar model focussing on addition and subtraction for years 4 - 5. The bar model is great to help children visualise and solve problems and is becoming much more widely used across schools. This pack will guide your children through the idea while giving them loads of practise at using it with and without word problems.
- 2 Sets of differentiated practise questions with challenge word problems
- 3 Sets of differentiated word problems
Check out our Bar Model resources for other ages
Years 1 - 2
Years 3 - 4
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A set of NO PREP differentiated practise questions and word problems using the bar model focussing on addition and subtraction for years 3 - 4. The bar model is great to help children visualise and solve problems and is becoming much more widely used across schools. This pack will guide your children through the idea while giving them loads of practise at using it with and without word problems.
- 2 Sets of differentiated practise questions with challenge word problems
- 3 Sets of differentiated word problems
Check out our Bar Model resources for other ages
Years 1 - 2
Years 4 - 5
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A division activity where the children will use concrete methods in order to help them solve differentiated simple divisions. They will go and collect the required amount of objects before sorting them into equal groups to see how many are in each group. It’s a fun and practical way to help children understand the concept of division.
5 x Differentiated Division Activity Sheets
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A set of Halloween themed NO PREP differentiated word problems using the bar model strategy, focussing on addition and subtraction for years 4 - 5. The bar model is great to help children visualise and solve problems and is becoming much more widely used across schools. This pack will guide your children through the idea, giving them loads of practise at applying it to word problems.
This pack contains 3 sets of word problem sheets each with 3 levels of differentiation.
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Two sets of pair cards to help children learn how to read one and four quadrant coordinates grids. They can be used in a variety of ways as a whole class, in pairs, or individually. We find them very effective a exit cards or even a fun extension activity for those early finishers.
Here are two ways that we have used them successfully:
Game 1: Give each of the children 1 card, get them to walk around and find the other person with the matching card. How quickly can they do it?
Game 2: In pairs, put all of the cards face down on the table. Take it in turns turning over two cards to try and find a matching pair. The person with the most pairs at the end is the winner.
- 1 Quadrant Pair Cards (30 cards)
- 4 Quadrant Pair Cards (30 cards)
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