Looking at complex characters with appearances that are a contrast to their personality.
As a part of a book study, children are to look at the BFG. How does the author introduce the BFG for the first time? How is his appearance a contrast to his personality?
Whole group session - How does Disney create characters that are similar to the BFG? Watch the Youtube videos to create vocab to help describe their appearance vs personality.
Complete resources to introduce perimeter into your Y3 class in a fun and engaging way.
Powerpoint presentation,
Challenge cards for around the classroom ( Three different levels),
Childrens challenge form to complete,
Challenge slips for GD pupils,
Perimeter challenge form for early finishers.
EYFS/ Y1 Science- Identify, name and label part of the Human Body
Lesson plan for two lessons.
Activity sheets- LA,MA and HA.
Vocabulary sheet
Vocabulary labels.